God Who? Hindu, Muslim, Christianity, Buddhism?
God Who? Hindu, Muslim, Christianity, Buddhism? Hindus and Buddhists believe in Reincarnation, and both religions...
Vaccinations, BS 1 Covid-19 MU Delta Banana Variant.
Vaccinations, BS 1 Covid 19 MU Delta Banana Variant. This is the latest discovery of...
Propaganda, CNN Lies, Isis Jihad John Fake Beheading.
Propaganda, CNN Lies, Isis Jihad John Fake Beheading. This blog describes the propaganda and fearmongering...
LGBTQ, Irritant, Smelly Fat People, Creepy Crawlers.
LGBTQ, Irritant, Smelly Fat People, and Creepy Crawlers This blog is about the irritant creepy...
A western suicide bomber Acts During the Haji in Mecca.
A western suicide bomber Acts During the Haji in Mecca. It is interesting to see...
The Empathy Virus. No More Wars. No more poverty.
The Empathy Virus. No More Wars. No more poverty. I’ve recently had some positive comments...
Obama & Osama Bin Laden, Islamic Terrorist Circus.
Obama & Osama Bin Laden, Islamic Terrorist Circus. Isis is rising under Obama, and Islamic...
Oprah, Obama, Dalai Lama, Nazi’s and Books for Sale.
Oprah, Obama, Dalai Lama, Nazi and Books for Sale. They want you to buy their...
The Bible Contradictions and Jesus’ bad decisions
Here is why the Bible Contradictions Jesus’ bad decisions: Is this a sign of God? I...