Sun. Jan 12th, 2025

God Who? Hindu, Muslim, Christianity, Buddhism? Hindus and Buddhists believe in Reincarnation, and both religions together have almost as many followers/believers as the religion of Islam.

My Studio of Religions

Studying these religions, there are two fundamental differences between Muslim/ Christian believers and Hindu / Buddhism believers/followers. Humans who call themselves Christians. Believe you go to heaven when you are good and hell when you are a terrible person.

Humans who believe in the religion of Islam (labeled themselves as Muslims) also believe in going to paradise heaven.  

Will the real prophet rise now?

Indeed the Christians and the Muslims deny any form of Reincarnation. It would contradict their beliefs about going to heaven. This is funny as the Christians believe in the resurrection of Jesus after he was declared dead (Reincarnation or zombie?). Is there a solution for Muslims, Jews, and Christians to live in harmony?

Now that could be titled Reincarnation. Surely Jesus will return once more according to the scriptures. This will happen near time—the end of the earth and the human race’s extinction. I would guess just around the Zombie Apocalypse (such a positive guy).

Some interpret the Bible in a certain way. It looks like a reincarnation message would translate this as a misinterpretation. If people reincarnate, it would only be for a specific time as they eventually go to heaven or hell.


A Muslim will tell you Mohammed does not need to return to earth. He did his job. It would not make any sense as well as Jesus was the prophet. He said he would return as the last prophet and warned of false prophets.

Now it’s getting tricky as, according to the Bible, no more prophets would come until Jesus would do around the end of days. So why did Mohammed come around 500 years later?  

Being a writer can be dangerous. 

Salman Rushdie wrote the book The Satanic Verses not from Christian or Jewish sources but from early Muslim writings. Accounts of the Satanic Verses are in several earlier sources. Satanic verses sources include (1) Ibn Ishaq, (2) Waikiki, (3) Ibn Sa’d, (4) al-Tabari, (5) Ibn Abi Hatim, (6) Ibn al-Mundhir, (7) Ibn Mardauyah, (8) Musa ibn ‘Uqba, and (9) Abu Ma’shar.[6]

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the Supreme Leader of Iran, on 14 February 1989, spoke out a Fatwa (death sentence) on Salam Rhusdi. Salman pissed off the Muslim community which his writings. ‘Jesus predicted coming of Prophet Mohammed’ in Bible found in Turkey

Nice to be an old writer.

Nice to be an old writer. I bet the monk who wrote that book would not think he was getting attention from the pope. Later an appraisal of 22 million dollars for his work. Many script ‘experts” fighting over the old text. Some delusional monk if Jesus was the Messiah or Mohammed sounds very “grown-up” to me.  

Kevin Williams: “Reincarnation was also a widely held belief throughout Israel. In those days, there is strong evidence in the New Testament that Jesus also believed in and taught Reincarnation.

So the answer to Jesus’s question of, “Who do people say I am?” can only refer to people believing Jesus to be the Reincarnation of an Old Testament prophet.”  

What is the best religion?

Does that make Hinduism or Buddhism a better “religion”? Buddhism is a way of life coming from an existing human being. Buddha’s real name is Siddhartha Gautama, and he was born in Nepal around 2,500 years ago.

Buddha never claimed to be a god or a prophet. Buddha was a human being who became Enlightened, understanding life in the most profound way possible. The portrayal of Buddha is mostly a chubby smiling guy with a bald head sitting in the lotus position.

I would say Buddha is winning the popularity contest. Regarding “worshiping,” or, better sound, following his teachings.

Buddha wins over Hindus. Buddha wins from Christianity as Christ is pictured as a bloody mess. The Muslim faith following the prophet Mohamed is tricky as nobody is allowed to reveal how he looks, and Buddha wins again.

Hindu gods are too many. Some gods have 12 arms, others an elephant snout. I would say the laughing Buddha wins again.

Humans feel the need to belong to a group.

His message was positive, and he was kind. A pleasant existing human being who denied he was a prophet and sent by God. You are a human. Many humans need to belong to a group; this would not be the wrong path.

Muslims follow the teachings of Islam, Christians follow Jesus Christ, and Buddhists follow Buddha’s path. The bottom line is that people want to be with a group with identical beliefs and habits.

I live in Thailand, and some teachings to children can create pretty strange beliefs. Good Karma for the children who work in the prostitution business. As long they send money to their parents, prostitution is illegal in Thailand.

It makes it ok for the working; most parents think they are working in a massage salon. Some minds work mysteriously! Most people in Thailand believe in ghosts and incredibly evil spirits. Buddhism turned into a religion.

Jesus Christ had an ego problem.

Remember this, Jewish leaders convict Jesus Christ of blasphemy. They crucified Jesus (nails through his hand and feet and thorns on his head). Blood is everywhere, and the teachings speak about burning in hell for eternity.

The holy books are full of people who are alcoholics, rats, jealousy issues, criminals, devils, and massive ego problems.

Mohammed’s ego is even more significant.

Jesus also wants people to remember him as the Messiah. He said at his last supper to always remember him when drinking wine (his Blood) and eating bread (his body). When Jesus resurrected from the dead, it was to convince his disciples he was the real Messiah.

Jesus had an ego problem. So, I would say a less optimistic message. You cannot compare the prophet Mohammed to Jesus Christ or Buddha. Mohammed ultimately permitted warfare and married a 6-year-old which whom he had sex when she was 9.

If Reincarnation is a fact, fanatic Muslims and Christians who devoted half of their life to praying and preaching have no great future to look ahead. No heaven, no paradise but back to planet earth with bad Karma; if they are lucky, they reincarnate in Gaza.  

So, what about Hinduism?

Well, Hindus are not bad as well. For example, Hindus don’t worship cows (many think they do). They give them respect; they honor and adore the cow. They celebrate all creatures by keeping this gentle animal, which offers more than she takes.

Hindus go a little far in that “honor thing,” On a particular day, they put jewels on the cow, and Hindu children are taught to decorate the cow with garlands, paint, and ornaments. But the Hindus blew it by for me by honoring the rat.

This is because of a story “myth” about the Reincarnation- of Durga, the goddess of power and victory. The child of the goddess dies and then reincarnates into a rat. When that happens, all

tribe’s people will reincarnate into rats until they can reincarnate back into the tribe. This is where I lose it. I do not follow it from this point.

The Black Plague rat killed over 200 million humans.

The Rats destroy half of the Indian grain harvest, contaminating vast parts of the other half of the crop. The rats also spread nasty diseases causing humans to die. If we know a little about history, the rats were the cause of the “Black Plague.” Resulting in “only” about 200 million deaths.

There is Kali, the Hindu goddess who associates with empowerment (worship territory of different gods). Kali comes from Kāla, which means black, death, time, lord of death.

I am sure that the “guidelines” of Hinduism please the rat and the cow and make them very happy.

All human logic and common sense in this religion are, for me none existence.

God is Ego.

Now desire is something different than the truth. Like a story about a child from a God being reincarnated into a rat. Which is causing severe health problems in India.

I wrote in my other blog a story. How do the people in Vietnam believe that a Rhino horn will cure them of cancer? This results in the Rhino extinction, and $65.000 per kilo of Rhino horn will do that.

The bottom line is that people do not think for themselves. When it comes to stories being told or preached by people of a particular faith with a specific message and agenda. Religious people do not realize that the “God” they worship and believe in is their ego.

Worship is Ego.

This is why “God” knows them so well, and the feeling is there that God is always with them (delusional). When the majority of a human tribe or population or whole country stands behind the so-called “truth.” Any critical thinker will be demonized and expelled from the group.

Why would people believe the story about the Rhino Horn healing you from cancer? Or the child from a God which reincarnated into a rat? It’s called wishful thinking, and that is why the religious community is so big. Many people believe in prophets flying away on a horse. Moses splitting opens the red sea. Jesus is taking a walk on water and reviving dead people.   

Fearful people need to be controlled, and they need promises and magic that all will be good. For managing people, the easiest way would be to use fear (burn in hell).   

Therefore it is not difficult to reach the masses as most humans move in groups. They are living a hypnotized slave life. Thinking they are free. Supernatural beings promised them (and their messengers on earth) that something better would occur after their difficult slave life.  

Does it matter that God exists?

All these religious people should ask themselves if it matters if God exists or not. If he does live, what would change for them? If he does not exist, what would change for them?

The answer is simple. You do not have to judge others, and you do not have to give money to religious organizations. You do not have to waste time on prayers as your “God” knows everything. If God does have a plan, he will execute it; you do not need to pray for it.

Neither does your behavior here on earth influences God’s way of doing things. If he is almighty and does exist and creates universes. He does not need help from humans to write his rule book.

He does not need our worshipping to be almighty. Only humans need power and attention because of this thing called ego. Taming our egos is a worthy pursuit.  

The modern new “God”.!

God’s community always claims they are with so many wells. So do other religions or the non-religious community. We are resulting in a lot of people being wrong. My intuition says we are all wrong. We should work with our fellow human beings. We are making the planet a better place to live in peace with each other.

If God does exist, he is making quite a mess of things. Many humans are constantly at war with each other and are hungry and live in misery. Then the planets we know in our galaxy are dead, too hot, too cold, or giant gas planets. I advise God to show the religious followers some tangible proof of heaven and his existence. 

Maybe God can send some photos of this new planet? Or these clouds we can walk on and live our afterlife. A documentary is another good idea; maybe that’s not too much to ask “God”?

Some proof of the Almighty would be appreciated.

If you had humans write all those holy books, the Bible, the Old Testament, and the Quran (2000 and 1500 years ago), why not take a modern approach and make God’s documentary? I promise you, God, you’d get a lot more followers. You will feel way more superior than ever before.

You would instantly get all Muslims, Hindus, and Christians to follow you.

I can set up for you to have a Facebook and Twitter account, and you would have ten billion likes. People love tastes. They take preferences seriously. Humans look for likes on their smartphones. You, God, would bombard them with divine messages every 5 seconds with that many followers.

Humans also buy likes for status and ego. I can honestly suggest you do not spend any money in your case. Just perform a few miracles, and the few doubters will become likers. To speed things up for you, I would suggest making a deal with Zuckerberg, the owner of Facebook,

All finger-pointing between Muslims, Christians, Hindus, and Jews would be instantly solved. Mark Zuckerberg has a shit load of information on people. So let him advertise on your page in exchange for news (don’t pay like the CIA or NASA, you are in a superior, divine position).  

Maria is wearing a red dress for the red carpet.  

God propaganda documentary, Cannes film festival!

We could start the documentary with all the atheists and non-believers and non-worshipers burning in hell. Awesome animated footage. Flames everywhere, rotten burning flesh, the smell of death, millions screaming, hanging on hooks in the ever-burning fire.

Damn, that would make an intro. Imagine the viewership on this documentary; you would reach everybody on this planet, and humans would be scared shit-less. I will introduce you to God at the Cannes film festival. Instead of walking over the red carpet, you could take a little flyby as a special guest.

We need some Christianity propaganda.

God, you should bring Jesus again. He and the humans waited long enough. People still know what he looks like. I recommend you tell your son to keep his beard growing and put it in an old garbage bag. This would have a good impact. Christianity would be number one for sure.

Cannes Film festival with God on the red carpet

We would change the Oscar nomination to the God nomination, and everybody would bow and worship you. No better way to bring your message to the world than by film,

TV documentaries attached with some divine prices. Suppose I could be the producer. I’d make sure you get 50% of the royalties of the TV and movie sales; sounds fair?

Don’t forget to ask Jesus to bring Maria Magdalena; she can wear a skirt; Hollywood likes “holy” legs.

Creation? Apes, Aliens, Holograms.

Who is responsible for creating the earth and the universe? Who cares? Does it matter? Or does the question become a defense mechanism? To defend your beliefs and the group of people you want to belong to? What does a creationist have to do with that behavior of fulfilling and feeding a human ego?   

Suppose God did create everything, well, thanks. If he did, no hard feelings; I will continue my life as I did before. The religious community would bombard the non-believers with the question: so, according to you, we come from apes.

Human Ego.

Human ego “God” flees into sarcasm. For me, it does not matter ( my suggestions to other humans sometimes try not to care as much ). Maybe we live in a simulation; perhaps we were made by aliens, perhaps we did come from apes or fish.

Evolution is fascinating. But it does not matter to me. Maybe Darwin was right, maybe not; it would not change my life for a second. The quote: What you do not want to be done to yourself. Do not do to others is a great quote. Yet it does not always work, as 15% of the world’s minds are bad. My feeling says nobody would wish a ted Bundy scenario upon anybody.   

We should all come together as humanity, whether you name yourself a Jew, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, or Atheist.

It’s nice to be a critical freethinker free of the burden of religion. 

For me, life is: keep walking on white-sand beaches. Keep visiting islands, training in my gym, doing yoga, eating organic food, drinking juices, and living with my beautiful woman. If people asked me what I believe, I could live with the only correct answer MYSELF! I believe in myself.  

Some reincarnation seems to be inevitable:

Hitler would return as a Rabbi. Kim Kardashian would return as that ape with that substantial red nightmare humongous ass.

The Pope will come back like a snake.

Obama can be found in India in a temple as a rat.

Jesus comes back like Elvis.

Mother Theresa as Darth Vader

The Queen of England comes back as a shark.

Netanyahu as a skunk.
Oprah would come back as an anorexic poor crack whore.

Atheists would come back as Muslim or Christian.

Mohammed will come back as an animal. I’ll leave it up to your imagination. Which animal comes to mind?


As you can read, I have a vast Ego, but at least I am honest about it.

If I could reincarnate and I would have a say in it. I want to be myself with one difference from when I was born. I would like to have all the knowledge and experiences I have now at age 55. That would be so cool!

I love how you made me so sexy. Full of energy. He gave me an Adonis body and made me so bright. You did a “hell” of a job with me.

I do not hate any religion. I do not judge people who think it’s necessary to pray to go to church or a mosque. But we should always be able to question everything. For that matter, ridicule anything and have some with words. Do not take it personally (one of the rules from the book is the four agreements).

Just let everybody live their lives without harassing or judging others, peace! No more anger and wars between people who name themself Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, and Christians.

“He who learns but does not think is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger.” – Confucius.

Is God Causing Climate Change? Weather Manipulation.

(C) Bas Boon

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