Sun. Feb 9th, 2025

LGBTQ, Irritant, Smelly Fat People, and Creepy Crawlers This blog is about the irritant creepy people community, the most selfish annoying scumbags on earth. LGBTQ

Traveling the world for many years does bring much experience when it comes to situations where other people and creepy animals can be pretty irritating. Some people are professionals with irritating antics. So, for some fun, I will share some of the crazy bizarre, annoying experiences I’ve had:

Before you call me a gay basher, take note that I do not care about the sexual preferences of others, male or female. I am trying to adapt to the rest of humanity by wearing clothes. I do not care about LGBTQ, Religious cults, left, right, fat or skinny people.

Penis Tubes

Even the most remote tribe in the Amazon rainforest wear penis cokers. That is what we call them in Holland. In English, it would be a penis tube, I guess. You get the picture. They wear a cover for their genitals. Now I understand that our culture has suppressed LGBTQ people. Indeed that’s not cool, and unfortunately, this still is the case in many countries.

Homos at 4 pm. Hey kids, how are you doing?

Irritant antics

In Amsterdam, Holland, the yearly Pride festival occurs on the canals. Gay and Lesbian people half-naked dancing to loud house music. Some gay guys with leather pence and pierced nipples show their ding-a-ling—lesbians waving their tits around.

Two Transgender nonbinary people with extremely high heels wear a thong poking people with their assess while smoking a joint. I overhear a conversation between a 9-year-old boy and his mother. The boy asks his mom a question. Why are all these people waving their genitalia in public on boat mama? Why is everybody half-naked?

The mother said that these were gay people from the LGBTQ community. They are thrilled and celebrate being gay. The young boy said so why is my father not waving his cock around?

The mother answered the boy saying your father is not gay. He is heterosexual, and they do not celebrate heterosexuality by showing off their genitals in public. The kid answered that’s kind of lame, mom. Can I be a homo later? I want to join the LGBTQ community.

The boy asks, mama can I be a homo later and join LGBTQ?

In Holland, some politicians participate in the gay pride parade hoping to gain gay followers. Politicians stand between naked and half-naked, irritant gay people. LGBTQ men with mustaches and pierced nipples waving their cocks around.

Yippee, I am gay, look, look, I am gay embracing the politician with two arms to take photos for the Dutch LGBTQ magazine and national newspapers.

That gay pride parade crap has expanded worldwide, from Germany to Vancouver, Canada. What “extravaganza’ gays do not understand. They portray themselves as creepy “idiots” with a sexual excuse to behave badly and obscenely in public.

Intersex in Amsterdam is the new “normal.”

They not only give the perfect excuse for homophobic people to hate them. This way of celebrating being gay is working against them.

The LGBTQ people can’t be criticized or informed about their behavior that is racist and bigot. If you want to wave cocks around, do it in the privacy of your own home.

People choose to live in homes with windows. Most humans cover these windows with curtains for humans who like their privacy.

Gay TV propaganda personalities, LGBTQ promotion

Picture by: S-Buckley

I am such a happy gay. Do you not think I am so glad?

It does not stop their Hollywood. TV stations around the world promote the crap out of gay people. My girlfriend sometimes watches E-News, and there is this guy Ross Matthews. He has his irritant show on E called Hello Ross. If you are a heterosexual and you have nothing against gays.

Do not watch that show. I repeat, do not watch that show. At night I dreamt about that irritant after seeing a bit of his show “clown” on TV.

Later I got into an argument with my girlfriend. What’s wrong with that person? Why does he behave creepily like that? She said well, he is gay. He promotes the LGBTQ agenda.

I said no kidding. But why does Ross behave like a child? And why does he have spasm attacks with his hands and legs? He is the ultimate LGBTQ irritant.

He seems to have a problem with his vocals as well. When he speaks, I hear a five-year-old girl. I got in an argument and went to bed early. In my dream, Ross follows me everywhere. My punishment for bringing up the subject with my girlfriend pure horror; so irritant.

This gay guy never made me watch Dutch TV again.

In Holland, we had that terrible gay on TV, Paul de Leeuw, with his show. This person looks like a pig with down syndrome. This “Mongol” clown finds himself extremely funny.

Always have to make a joke about his gay preferences. Paul is not the type of person you would want to promote the LGBTQ cause.

He is not shy to touch other non-gay men inappropriately on national TV. He was solely responsible for me never watching Dutch TV again.

In the heterosexual world, that behavior would be considered sexual harassment. Creepy irritant CNN Ancher Anderson Cooper on live TV said: he is proud to be gay.

Well, great, Mr celebrity, what do you want a medal for? Ellen DeGeneres’s show is LGBTQ promotion TV. It irritates the crap out of me. Why can’t they just shut up about their sexual preferences? Ellen is gay. Yes, we know.

 The Heterosexual Weatherperson.

How would you like to hear this whir watching the weather channel? I am your new heterosexual weather newsreader today. As a heterosexual, I just want to say I am proud to be a heterosexual.

Before informing you how hot it will be (he now makes a joke, hahaha, I know I am a hot heterosexual), I just want to say how much I like other heterosexuals.

He yells just in between the weather report: Hetroxexuals have better sex than LGBTQ people. It will be pretty hot; it is hot now. He took off his T-Shirt on national TV. I feel incredibly sexy now as a heterosexual, unzipping his pants.

As a heterosexual irritant, this weather makes me hot and sweaty. Now the newsreader is in his underpants and tells you it will be steamy hot in the coming week. Now his voice is super high-pitched and squeaky. He can’t help himself anymore.

Watch my third eye

He turns around and bows over while dropping his pants. My third eye just wants to say hi, you hot weather fanatics. I can’t wait to see all you heterosexuals the next day.

 Dutch Gay Politician Pim Fortuyn, R.I.P.

There was a gay politician in Holland that positively expressed himself. His name was Pim Fortuyn. I voted for him. Pim is the only person ever in politics who got my vote. This politician is the person the LGBTQ cult needs.

It makes people like me vote for him. He acts normal in public and is a pleasant human being to talk with. Pim is educated and loves life and Holland.

His debate with an Imam on Dutch TV where Pim said you could call me a filthy Gay pig, that’s fine. But I have the freedom to call Islam a religion of retards. Political correct TV producers/announcers Barend en van Dorp have Dutch most popular TV show.

Many times LGBTQ as a subject asked Pim Fortuyn questions. Barend is always irritant and provoking. Hey, Pim, they saw you in an Amsterdam dark room.

Pim Fortuyn would become the first gay president of the Netherlands. He got killed.

A dark room is where several people that don’t know each other come together in a pitch-black room and shag the crap out of each other.

Pim’s answer was a classic. He said I didn’t know you guys were also into dark rooms? Indeed, Barend answered no, I heard that you were there. It is not Pim who provokes bringing up dark rooms but the Tv host.

Pim’s answer is classic and hilarious.

Pim said: yes, I was in my private time. It would help if you tried it sometime. It’s fun. Pim was working towards being voted for prime minister from Holland. He predicts they will kill him like Kennedy. Pim was shot dead by some left-wing animal freak lover. There were also many rumors of a conspiracy in Holland. The fact is that the Royals and politicians would never tolerate a Dutch gay prime minister.

RIP Pim. His funeral was the most impressive I have ever witnessed. The LGBTQ magazines hardly wrote a letter about this political assassination.

Smelly Obese Fat People

I have no problem if somebody wants to eat himself to death. But as always others, people’s habits and addictions become the problems of others trying to live everyday life.

For example, try to sit in a close compartment like I lately did on a train (or plane). Some kind of fat “blob” from apparently “another planet” is squeezing you into a small no man’s land space when” it “sits down right next to you.

The smell is terrible. An odor of rotten fish lying for weeks dead in the sun with rotten eggs is surrounding and suffocating you.

Then there is this colossal head sticking straight on the shoulders as the neck disappears into a maze of a human blob. All the skin leftover from this “human” fall over each other. He is wet with transpiration, and of course, the air-co in the train just happens to be not working for this day.

Stinking Sausage Feet

To make things worse, the human Blob removes his shoes and socks with holes in them. The fat man’s feet are releasing another poisonous gas attack. The stench destroys the last bit of breathable air left on the train.

The toe cheese literally can be seen through the holes in the socks. That looks like mini garbage bags and little chunks of these glued together with cheese chunks. The cheese chunks are falling out from the holes of the Blob’s socks on the floor.

The irritating penetrating stench is now everywhere. Some people try to escape. The space is small, and the toilet has permanently three people inside.

Everybody is trying to escape the onslaught of disgusting odor. We are all trapped.

They start serving food. I managed to put earplugs in my nose and try to breathe through my mouth, and close my eyes. It is only the beginning.

They serve dinner, and the human Blob has brought three special plastic containers. Mr. Blob brought his lunch.

Herring, Spicy Indian Food, Sea Eal with Smelly Unions

Fish like herring, spicy Indian food, and a garlic cold Sea Eel with unions. Relatively healthy, but not very air-friendly food combinations. He looked at me and said, I am on a diet,

Almost I answered, bro if you stop eating for ten years, you still be a fat-looking alien from another planet. Instead, I said, ok, good. Sadly the trip takes five hours. I blindfolded myself and asked for an extra pair of earplugs, and I continued my trip blindfolded.

There is a long road ahead. I take preemptive measures with two earplugs in my nose, two earplugs in my ears, and covered eyes. There are a few books I use as a pillar to try and protect me from being suffocated by the fat man.

I found half of a lifesaving sleeping pill, which knocked me out for four hours. When I woke up, I discovered I was the only person left with the Blob snoring next to me.

The book wall I made for support fell apart. I had to put in some effort to release myself from the surrounding human fat Blob. A woman was fed up with the unbearable stench. She sprayed perfume all over and around the sleeping fat man.

A brave woman on the train sprays perfume to reduce the stench

For a minute, the people in the train compartment applauded the brave woman. The situation escalated just after the woman poured perfume on the fat Blob.

Just 10 seconds later, the Blob fell over to my side, destroying my improvised lifesaving book pillar. The Blob started leaning half on me / over me. I was out from the sleeping pill but heard the story later from the passenger.

Because the whole mountain of human Blob shifted to my side, he lifts his huge fat ass a bit—this resulted in substantial loud record-breaking farts in the already tortured little space.

He produced a smelly-irritant mixture of death eel, molted garlic, union, and the herring.

Record-breaking smelly long fart

The wretched ingredients had a chemical reaction with the spicy Indian food, resulting in physically ill people; the word smell is not the correct word to describe this stench. The blob figure reached a level close to biological warfare.

When I woke up, it looked surrealistic as the first thing I saw looked like a maze of Blob with jungle hair. It was the fat man’s armpit in my face. At the same time, he was trying to reach for the air-co button above him.

The air-co button finally squashed and broke down under the pressure of its huge triple X sausage things called fingers.

This irritant, smelly armpit thing is 10 cm from my face, I thought I saved myself filling up my nostrils, but for the first time, I smelled rotten sewer through my mouth.

I reached my destination, and the irritant Obese guy smiled. He says, btw I am gay and go to this LGBTQ gathering. Are you attending the same event?

I ran.

Smelly Creepy People

Don’t get me wrong, fat people are smelly, and smelly people, in general, irritate the crap out of me. Upon arrival, a small minivan picked me up from the airport when I visited Egypt.

The moment somebody opened the back of the truck to put our baggage in the small minivan, at least 30 flies entered the car. The reason became pretty clear on my drive to the hotel through the city of Cairo.

I could see that on every side street of the main road, there were garbage bags, piles of waste, and broken-down burned-out cars. People threw their garbage out of the windows. No wonder this place smells so bad

The woman dressed as garbage bags, fully “dressed” with black clothing covering their faces. They named these “clothing” bags the Burka.

At least now I thought I knew why these women would dress like that. It was to protect them from the stench and to adapt to their neighborhood.

“Ninja Suites” Black Garbage Bag Clothing

The guy beside me says it was to hide the ugly, obese, mustache-wearing baby throwers. He meant a woman who produces lots of children. I thought that was a little harsh.

The worst is that these women dress in black doing their daily routine. They were walking around wrapped in smelly “garbage bags” clothing.

They became immune to the stench they adapted to their habitat. Women in black garbage clothing would run around in the hot sun for the day. They dragged their black garbage bag clothes to a boiling point, causing the woman to sweat like a marathon runner.

Smelly Ninja’s

Indeed with my luck, three ‘Ninjas” (ninjas, more friendly than garbage bags) entered my bus at the next stop.

The “ninjas” then grabbed the inside of their “ninja” suites. They are filling their hands with cold couscous and smelly garlic, which they start consuming during the bus ride. Nothing more irritating than this.

Liters of Sweat

They sweat liters of human waste on the bus seats while sitting in the row in front of me. Welcome to Egypt, says “another irritant “ninja” in half baking English. She spoke with a lisp (missing some front teeth), speaking through a microphone in front of the minivan, spitting over the front row passengers.

I told the guy next to me we were getting punished for his remarks about the obese, smelling mustache remark. His girlfriend had tampons in her carry-on bag, giving us four. Two tampons she is using herself.

We were all sitting in the minivan’s back, with our nostrils filled with tampons. I was so happy his girlfriend brought those. Unfortunately, she gets her period on the bus and starts bleeding all over the seat.

If you could harvest the stench out of that train wagon with the fat man and the three female ninjas in the minivan, you would have the perfect chemical weapon.

Here is a list of my top irritating people:

Offended Muslims. Lying Politicians. Environmental Global warming and climate change experts. Super Smelly People. Arrogant, Egotistical, Hypocritical people.Humans with a God syndrome. Overly Pro-gay LGBTQ community. Idiots who like jazz. People with an authority syndrome. Irritant Fat people who think they are so cool.

Out of my way

Some people somehow always manage to walk in front of you. You go left. They go left, you go right, they go right, you stop, they stop.

They haunt you on the stairs in shopping malls. When you hurry towards a destination, they find you and “professionally” start blocking the path.

A similar irritant type will drive in front of you, and when you want to pass them, they go the same way, almost like some kind of magnet.

A similar type of human can be found in cinemas. Surely if you had one lousy odor experience as I experienced in my train ride and minivan bus trip, smelly people start to pop up everywhere.

You can find a similar type of human in cinemas. Surely if you had one awful odor experience as I experienced in my train ride and minivan bus trip, smelly people start to pop up everywhere.

Irritating retards in Cinemas

People who do not wash their clothes, and do not brush their teeth, are alcoholics and drug users. The worse thing is many retards in cinemas.

During the movie, they eat crap from a noisy bag. I mean common, you want to relax with your spouse and watch a film. In the row up front, a few of these creepy eating machines can’t stop reaching for their candy bags.

Popcorn and fried food in bags, drinking gallons of Coke while stuffing more sugary crap in their belly containers. I wrote a complaint letter once to the cinema.

I asked the person in charge why they could just not put food in plastic or paper cups. These bags make so much noise, and it became too much for me.

He wears smelly clothes that have never seen inside a washing machine, and he does not seem to care.

Fat Ass Blocking my View

An overweight eating champion is sitting in front of me in the cinema. The eating machine is eating like a noisy irritant making noises every second. Every five minutes, the fat “champion” stood up to lean over the chair in front of him. He even has to grab food from his other fat friends.

On top of that, his substantial fat, smelly ass is blocking my view. I had enough. Twice I complained once, but the young cinema employee just stood there and smiled, doing nothing.

It took patience for me to wait for the perfect timing and get myself a bucket full of popcorn and a milkshake bucket size. The fat disturbing bastard leaned forward to inhale the next portion of garbage food. The fat smelly guy is wrestling with the crispy back destroying a critical moment from the movie.

Ok, you fat Obese irritant, you like Milkshakes and popcorn. Here have some.

Now I leaned forward and grabbed his jogging pants with my left hand, and a vast bare ass became visible. Rapidly I grabbed the bucket of popcorn with my right hand. I filled his pants with popcorn, followed by the gigantic milkshake, and within seconds, All hell broke loose in the cinema.

The security arrived. I was asked to leave the cinema security guards then escorted me out.

Irritating and creepy animals

Some animals just don’t make sense, like this irritant bird that seems to have a crush on me near my home in Thailand. Birds usually “sing,” but this one is stuck like a broken record.

It just makes one really long-ass irritating fewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww noises. How annoying (it always starts at 4.45 am like this bird is looking at a damn clock).

You have mosquitoes that not only drink your blood and spread diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. Those mosquitos need to buzz in your ear. Wake you up when you are in a deep sleep.

This creepy crawler spider is too giant.

Spiders are also annoying. They are fast-crawling little horror freaks, and you got plenty in Thailand. I once killed one gigantic spider. Please don’t ask me for the species name: a creepy crawler, big hairy, ugly, and creepy-looking. I enjoyed splashing a coconut into his spider skull.

The Thai people said you don’t kill the spider as they kill the mosquito’s catching them by making a web. I tried to explain that the mosquito and the creepy spider with his web were unwelcome in my home.

You have the Tuk-Kae (lizard-like species) in Thailand ( gecko). They are aggressive and make a thunderous, annoying noise.

You can hear the bullfrog in the rainy season from miles away. Imagine a dozen sitting under your window thinking they are opera singers every night; how irritant.

Cobra’s and green viper creepy snakes

I saw two cobras at my home and three green vipers. One almost landed on my shoulder as he thought my blinds were his new home.

My daughter once visited me in Thailand, and while she wanted to put on the TV in the guest house room, a green snake wrapped himself around the electrical extension cord. This sight scares my daughter to death.

Then termites ate two of my doors and the sealing. They are nasty. You won’t see them. When you do, they build a nest—a giant nest the size of 4 bowling balls over the length of your sealing.

But I would never move again to any other country in the world. I have found my peace, yoga, beach walks, and a Thai boxing gym and have found peace.

For people who are irritant and smell, I avoid

I created my home cinema free of fat-smelly people disturbing my view and crushing the sound effects of my favorite movies.

Obese eating monster disturbs my movie.

Indeed I understand that most obese overweight people have mental problems. My advice for these Obese people; get a balloon in your belly if you can’t stop eating.

Do some healing meditation and yoga. Stop eating sugar and fried foods, milk products, and pasta. Start only drinking water a few gallons a day.

As soon you are happy and back on planet earth with less odor and fat, and our health insurance will be much less expensive, we are all winners.

Stop being irritating to others.

As for the LGBTQ community, do whatever you want to do. Don’t parade this gay thing around and push the gayness onto others.

Keep your cocks in your pants and dress, behave appropriately in public, and stop irritating people in public places or on TV.

As for the smelly, people wear new clothes daily and try perfume. Shower at least once a day. If you do eat garlic, don’t mix it up with milk products and ice cream desserts, creating a chemical reaction.

People, please shower.

Eat parsley after you eat garlic, and don’t drink sodas like Coke while consuming the garlic. If you sweat a lot, try to change clothes and let’s brush your teeth at least in the morning and in the afternoon. It is not hygienic and asocial to be a smelly person for others.

Always take mouth water with you and deodorant, and smell your armpits every hour to ensure your stench is not bothering other people.

Check your intestines for parasites blocking your stool and causing bloating and foul odor. Thank you for being social, and I hope you enjoyed my tips.

I wrote this on the couch naked with my bloated belly, producing a fart every 20 seconds, eating a garlic snack, but at least I do this in the privacy of my home with a Girlfriend. She has become immune to this ritual.

I wish you all tons of hygiene. May you never have the experiences with the bad Oder and smelly irritating people as I have.

The Elite Hunger Games Start Right Here Right Now

(C) Bas Boon

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