Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Did God order the Holocaust? Human Reich, Moon Bible. Diabolic “holy “scriptures are all false; the devil is laughing. In my last blog, I criticized Hindus, Christians, and Muslims and talked about Buddhism.

Alice in Wonderland Holy Books

I got many positive responses to the usual comments from the religious community, and many asked why I left out the Jew. This was not done on purpose. I do not prefer human groups with a unique label/religion.

I think all religions are dangerous as, in many cases, it creates extremists. People who literary take the whole fairy-tale out of context, creating pain, misery, and war. The holy books of the Jews are not any different than the sacred books of other religions.

They are full of “Alice in Wonderland” stories, and therefore, children love these “teachings” and grow up in a fairy tale land.

Picture: Igor Golovniov, blind obedience like faith.

The Human Reich Book Predicted the Nazi Death Camps.

Here is one to think about, they find an ancient book on a mission to the moon. After multiple assignments to the moon, they find a secret place. This place of the moon looks like a worship temple. The research team finds a box with a thick book, a USB stick, and a DVD.

It Is Kept A Secret.

The writings and video/DVD messages are from before humanity existed on earth. It predicts the rise of an empire of God. Researchers claim that what they find on the moon must be over 500.000 years old. Long before the Bible, Torah, and the Quran.

The book, USB stick, and DVD are secret and stored at the Vatican, which controls and finances the moon missions. Researchers discover the name of the book is “Human Reich.”

Interesting to mention is the prophecy of this book;

On April 20th, 1889, a man will be born named Adolf Hitler. An angel of God visits Hitler’s parents. God tells them their son will be a world leader with God’s most excellent assignment.

God’s orders are to exterminate all the Jews. Including other weak people who pray to false Gods and follow false teachings. This includes gypsies, mentally sick, and disabled people. Hitler’s assignment is to create one strong worldwide Third Reich. 

God Orders to Destroy and Kill Everything.

“Check this out: 1 book of Samuel 15:3: Now go and destroy the entire Amalekite nation–men, women, children, babies, cattle, sheep, goats, camels, and donkeys,”

God orders the slaughter of an entire nation, including the animals (God hated animals as they never prayed enough). And they start killing all the Amalekites and their pets as it is God’s order”.

Nazi’s Newfound Book on the Moon “Human Reich.”

Bible, Torah, Koran move over. The actual book hundreds of thousands of years older “The Human Reich.”

Back to the Nazis. In the “new” old book Human Reich, they write that Adolf needs to exterminate the Jewish people. The book’s creator predicts the Jewish religion will cause havoc in the future. The Jews will cause death and misery for many years and threaten humanity.

Gods say that Jewish extremists almost head-butting a wall daily for hours and hours makes him very nervous and angry. People go to that wall with their complaints. It is not suitable for human health to shake your head often in front of a wall.

God is also complaining about the male Jewish curly hair and that they wear an eggshell on their heads. It irritates the shit out of God.

The place they found was the Human Reich Book on the moon.

Original Human Reich Teachings Carved in Stones on the Planet Life.

Before they translate the Human Reich book into 4000 languages, it was also in digital preservice. The message is to keep everything original in the form of a DVD and USB stick. 

Quote from the newly discovered “moon” book chapter:

Human Reich 11:11 “You will put the Jews to sleep never to wake up, and they shall burn, their corpses will burn forever in flames.” Adolf ordered to build these special ovens and showers. The Human Reich Book instructs how to use Zyclon B gas and start to gas Jewish people. After the gas chamber, the Nazis should cremate the Jews in ovens. Adolf knows he is doing God’s work.

Instructions for the Holocaust

Goebbels, Hitler’s propaganda chief, is taking the text literally from the newfound ‘old” Human Reich book. Or he might have written the book himself and given it an old book look, just to speed up their schedule.

The Human Reich Chapter 18;13; soldiers must wear the symbol of God on their belts at all times (God Mitt UNS), and I God will be with them in battle.

According to the Book “Human Reich,”; Wear the Symbol of The Almighty in Battle at all Times.

Human Reich Chapter 13:13: In the east, there will be an alliance of Asian nations from an island of Samurai warriors joining the battle of the great leader.

Human Reich Chapter 13:14 From Italy’s ancient land, a leader, will reveal himself as Mussolini. He will join the Human Reich army with his nation.

Human Reich Chapter 8:3 The land of Poland will attack the Human Reich Germany. HR will retaliate with great power.

Human Reich Chapter 8:7 From the land of Spain comes Franco to join the battle for global conquering.

Human Reich Chapter 20:19 The Human Reich seems defeated by the year 19:45 by Zionist friend allies; the Reich will sleep for 70 years. It will come back disguised as the NWO (New World Order/Globalist). Klaus Schwab from Germany (WEF) will continue the Human Reich’s mission.

Klaus Schwab will make the Holocaust look like a minor incident in Human history.

God Predicts “Builds Back Better.”

Human Reich Chapter 20:23 God orders a free trade policy between all countries, and there should be one world bank and currency. The United peace military groups established the NWO with their motto “Build Back Better.”

Human Reich Chapter 21.18 He who stirs up the war between false religions and kills the weak and poor will receive a reward. Me the number one and only God with world domination. An end-lasting peace and love and a couple of virgins.

Page 6 versus H666

Human Reich page 6 versus 666 A new religion will appear under Islam, the religion of peace. Humans should know the Human Reich book writer is a drunk Alien. The Alien is also an addict to magic mushrooms. He is hiding on the moon from bounty hunters from his planet.

All these translation mistakes happen while he writes these new false teachings under Aladdin’s wonder lamp.

Human Reich chapter 1.11 The bible writer was a short fat bold guy who had been bullied his whole life and left an orphan. He had an obsession with sex and virgins.

Human Reich chapter 666 The wealthiest man in the world, Gates, will conspire to make a bioweapon. The new plaque’s name is Coovid Banana Variant and some numbers with sixes or nines. Specially made injections with poison will kill many.

The Nazi “doctor” Josef Mengele would turn around with all these new Eugenics possibilities in his grave.

If there were a God, he would be an Extremist and is Creating Extremism.

The Word of God rules.

The extremist: the extremist will worship the holy story/book as the word and rule of God. This creates problems on earth as God is a very sadistic character who likes war, destruction, and demolition.

The orders of God are clear for the whale to swallow his prophet, Jonas. More horror from God as he decides to send worms to eat Jonas’s three shelters.

More “love of God. He orders the wife of his favorite Samson killer son to cut off Samson’s hair. Samson loses his hair and strength because of this action. Finally kills his virgin son by letting him nail to the cross.

Jonas the Whale and Samson

The result is that these brainwashed fanatics created a hostile, racist environment. God promised us the land, so we have God on our side. The Torah (the Old Testament) and the bible are “divine” and authentic. Other holy books are not; look at the interview where the woman says well, we Jews are right.

She justifies her truth by Jonah the whale story as the whale spits out Jonah around this area (brainwashed sheep, see YouTube).

The Bible and holy books always promote murder to conquer the land. Jews only marry Jews till today (so they lead the world of racism).

An angel of God appears to Manoah and his wife that she will bear a son. But she cannot drink alcohol or feed the son alcohol. The child will be a Nazirite dedicated to God from the moment he is born.

God always needs those types of people to feel solid and almighty himself. The message of God is that Samson will save the Israelites from the Philistines (the first book of Samuel).

(14:5-6) Samson kills a lion with his bare hands. (14:19) Samson shows his strength by killing 30 Philistine men. The rampage of Samson does not stop there. (15-14-15) Samson continues his killing prophecy by smashing down the skulls of another 1000 philistine men with the bone of a donkey (God loves violence).

Deities Love Violence.

Although his parents would like to have, Samson, marry an Israeli woman. Samson gets two relationships with Philistine women. He marries them both.

His second woman is kind of a nag and constantly asks Samson; why he is so strong. Finally, Samson tells his second wife that he never had a haircut and that his strength is in his hair. Samson was a rebel. Twice Samson did not marry a Jewish person and not a woman from Israel.

Samson Has a Big Ego and Does What He Wants.

Good old Samson has a colossal ego doing whatever he wanted; he could. He was a child of God, and he knew it. Delilah, his second wife, takes advantage of this knowledge. The bitch cuts off all Samson’s hair while he sleeps.

Samson’s second wife is still a Philistine and loyal to her people. Like the Jews promote only marrying another Jew. God loves racism. He has always encouraged the racist plan since the beginning of time. The Philistines capture Samson (no hair left and weak).

Samson Prays to God he Wants his Powers Back.

The Philistines bring him to Gaza and display Samson between two pillars in their temple. For the joy and entertainment of Philistine worshippers. The Philistine God had a weak for entertainment and drama as well.

(16:28). But Samson prays to God; he wants his powers back. God finally gives him a break and sends him some more power. Samson pushes down the two pillars to which he was chained. The pillars were the temple’s foundation, so he killed himself and all the Philistines in the temple with him.

Former Biblical Figures are Modern-Day Comical Marvel Stars

In Jewish tradition, they debate the story of Samson. Finally, some people with a natural kind of view on this whole fairy tale, nope: (Sotah 9B) argues the Samson situation One Mishnah does not like the Samson story. He marries twice an “enemy” girl (how could he, but hey, EGO). The punishment for Samson’s cut-out eyes.

Indeed this is strange as Samson had God behind him; who are the Jews to question this? The Jewish tried to solve this “dispute” by finding a sensible middle way. It was God’s plan, so Samson is still a superhero despite he did love and marry girls from the enemy”.

Samson is a superhero like we now have superman. Humans love superheroes; look at the billion-dollar success of superman. Other comic book heroes such as Batman, Spiderman, the fabulous 4, and the hulk it’s a trillion-dollar business.

The Bible is a creation of a Stan lee like figure, the Marvel from those times.

Samson is a Superhero.

Humanity is always fascinated by the supernatural. And the best indoctrination comes when you are a small child. Many of these comic books have been a massive success this century. The majority of parents grow up with those comics.

They would have made a fortune if they could have made Samson dolls/comics at that period.

Jonah Prayed In The Belly of The Whale and Spat Out Near the Shores of Nineveh.

Israelwood, not Hollywood.

People love good stories, especially in those days. There was not much entertainment, no movies, no radio, nothing. Most people were an-alphabetic, stupid, and poor. Jonah was a prophet (first Temple period). Jonah also got an assignment from God.

But Jonah can’t see the point of God. So, he sails away to escape from the face of his prophecy (at that time, the Jews were as stubborn as they are now). They are resisting any chance for spiritual self-preservation. Jonah sails away.

Fantastic Stories in the Bible and the Torah.

Indeed God does not like this betrayal and sends a big storm. God loves water miracles. Moses split open the red sea, and he told Noah God would let it rain for 45 days to flood the earth. The purpose of this flood is to kill every living thing.

Jonah knows it, God who sends the storm and says to the sailors, toss me into the sea. He has a beef with me, not you. So, Jonah ends up in the ocean, and a whale swallows him. He survives and is now trapped in the stomach of the whale.

Much Better Stories than Alice in Wonderland.

This is the way of God to show Samson he is right and has control over every little thing. The stories back then were much better than Alice in Wonderland. That’s why they make many of the old stories into movies now. So, Jonah sits in the belly and prays a lot as he has nothing else to do.

God grants Jonas to leave the belly of the whale. The whale spits him out at the shores of Nineveh. When Jonah arrives in Nineveh, he warns the population. In forty days, they could change their lives how God wants them to. Or the city God will destroy their city.

The King listens, and the city’s destruction is postponed by 40 years. God must have a beef with Jonah as he wants him to retreat to the outskirts of Nineveh. He makes himself a shelter in a tree. Then God sends a worm (God loves worms and larvae) to eat through the branches and kill the tree.

Indeed the story is meant as a metaphor. For the more open-minded moderate religious followers. For our life journeys. We must overcome illness, seduction, danger, vulnerability, ego, desire to control events, etc.

Jews: Land is money:

Christian burst into tears after Yusuf Estes answered his question!

Millions of YouTube hits for Yusuf Estes, the Christian preacher who left the Christian fate, learned Arabic and found out Islam was the new true religion. Now Yusuf finds new love from another cult Islam. In his form Cult, the Christians treat him poorly.

I burst into tears after I see this comical hilarious YouTube video. Yusuf Estes is one of those propaganda figures used by the religion of peace TV gang to make a point.

I wrote in my blog about Abdur Raheem Green, who preached about the Coca-Cola Muslim.

Doctor Zakir Is a Figure Which Fits a Villain From a Marvel Comic.

Yusuf Estes has a Christian in the audience asking why Yusuf switched faith. Peace TV scripts the answer of Yusuf. It does not come from the heart; instead, he reads from a piece of paper. Yusuf can mock the bible and their preachers (it’s his revenge on the preachers he used to travel with as they made fun of him).

It is comical how he explains that, as a Christian, he wanted to save the world (definitely all the signs of a God syndrome attention-seeking delusional person). He admits he is still Waco, but not so much as before (I appreciate the honesty).

Yusuf follows with some stories that his fellow Christian preachers were terrible and had no sound. He then praises Ahamd Didat and Doctor Zakir, the Peace TV preachers. Zakir (knowing the Quran by the head and owning his own TV “peace” channel.

Picture; creative images Dr. Zakir Naik.

Peace Tv is Brainwash TV

Dr. Zakir Naik, Peace “brainwash” TV. Quote,” Dr. Zakir Naik says “every Muslim should be a terrorist” and that Jews are “our staunchest enemy,”

Zakir is to headline next month’s Journey of Faith Conference, billed as one of North America’s largest Islamic conferences. The organizers expected to attract upward of 10,000 people.”

Dr. Zakir’s quotes give a whole new meaning to the word peace. On Zakir’s Twitter account (Zakir loves multimedia), “I call for an immediate ban of the movie Gravity as it shows Earth to be spherical. This is against the Quran & thus insulting to Muslims”.

Abdul Raheem is refused in many countries for his fundamental hate speeches; see my previous blog.

Quran 6666 Verses as If Three Sixes Are Not Enough Demonic.

Yusuf explains his views by speaking in Arabic and having the TV audience interact with his propaganda. The big crowd fills in the missing words. The YouTube video shows the zoom-in on a boy in the massive group; the boy has hypnotized eyes fascinated by the phrase from Yusuf.

This is good for Yusuf’s ego and credibility in how well he speaks Arabic. A big help for the ego boost and thrust issue. Significant interaction with his live audience and millions watching the “Peace” TV brainwash TV broadcast.

He speaks about Islam spread by the sword and that he should stay away from Muslims. Anything to discredit the bible and other religions.

Stay Away from Muslims

The word sword is mentioned 200 times in the bible, but he can’t find it in the Quran, which has 604 pages, 114 chapters, and 6666 verses; yes, you read it well, 6666 verses (according to Yusuf’s speech). I am not religious, but is there not something diabolic about three times a 6?

Sign of the devil comes to mind; well, the Quran adds another 6 (I guess for the doubters, btw a flag with a sword without spaghetti stains). Where I got tears in my eyes from laughing was the following explanation from Yusuf, one of the reasons why he left Christianity.

The Bible is Stained by a Priest who Spilled Spaghetti.

Yusuf Makes me Cry Laughing; He Should Do Slapstick.

A biblical preacher tells Yusef that the people who write and translate the bible into Latin are in Italy and Rome. The priest who works on the translation does this with the help of candlelight, as there is no sunlight at night. So, when those monks translated to the Latin Language, the following thing happened.

They were eating spaghetti as Italians love spaghetti. Spaghetti fell on the script and made an S before the word. So, the word became a sword. In Koine Greek, they describe the word as Logos, so how could this change into a sword? It’s all a bunch of lies.

Well, I got news for Yusuf. All books in those times were written at night with candlelight light. Except maybe the Quran, writers used Aladdin wonderland and were not allowed to eat spaghetti.

Human Reich Relation Is Also For Yusef.

Furthermore, Yusuf, you are quite a good speaker. As you know by this blog, a new book/teachings have been found called Human Reich.

I am sure HR will welcome you to your third and final true religion. The HR teachings word of God was found on a mission to the moon, and it was presented in 4000 languages (3000 none earth). There is a picture book of events and a DVD, just to take away the doubters.

The DVD is to avoid spaghetti-eating Italians spilling food on the most significant discovery of humanity.

Here Is Why There Is Never Peace Between Israel and Palestine.

Do you wonder why there is never peace between Israel and Palestine? Well, it’s because of these Orthodox Jews and people like Yusef, Ahamd Didat, Doctor Zakir, Abdul Raheem, and Netanyahu. Here is a list of people who spread hate and racism and are no better than the nazis:

I like books; Adolf Hitler also knew the power of books and wrote his book named “Mein Kampf.” God did not order this. The book is trendy; they sell more than 10 million copies in Germany alone. Many counties around the world ban the book of Adolf Hitler.

The Bible is still the best-selling book in this world.

God interfered as he never ordered Adolf to write his book. Adolf should have followed the teachings of the HR, and in chapter 20:20, the HR forbids any other instructions and publishing of personal ideas and thoughts.

God’s Terms: He Wants Your Heart. Surrender, Submission, Obedience, Sincerity

Here is my advice to religious people: Do not try to justify your belief based on a book or what others preach to you; you should believe. It’s artificial nonsense to keep the people in a trance of hypnotic obedience. The peace TV gang is making money on you as a follower.

In the Yousef YouTube video, we can see how many tactics are produced to brainwash people. At the end of the video, he walks up to the Christian who asks him why he converted from Christianity to be a Muslim and hugs him. Then the young Christian starts crying.

Emotion Tv to Win Souls

Emotions always make the best TV, and he has to repeat the words of Yousef: Allah is the only God, and Mohammed is his prophet, repeating phrases like submitting to Allah. Obedience, give it all up to God’s terms: he wants your Heart.

Surrender, Submission, Obedience, Sincerity, and Peace. By now, the young Christian who first believed in the bible is converting to Islam on live TV with preacher Yousef holding his arms around him for a massive crowd. Repeat these words after me again and again. Keep religion to yourself, and do not tell others what to do or how to behave. It is none of your business.

I Recommend To Read The Following Books:

1. The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho

2. Were the Gods Cosmonauts – Erich van Däniken

3. Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: Barbara Kingsolver

4. The Four Agreements: Miquel Ruiz

5. The Secret, the Magic, and the Power

6. The one-minute millionaire: Robert Allan

7. Rich Daddy, poor Daddy: Robert Kiyosaki.

8. God is not great Christopher Hitchens

9. Financial IQ: Robert Kiyosaki.

10. For religious fans, I recommend Stephen King (lots of good vs. evil).

Try to read all of these books and put religion aside for three months, your life will be enlightened, and you will feel great, don’t thank God or me but yourself!

May 6th, 2014 1500-Year-Old Bible Found in Turkey Is Stirring Up Controversy About Christianity TV; I recommend reading the following books: Read more at;

All religions tell their truth. Especially the Jewish people have a monopoly on the validity of their Torah. God said you couldn’t see further than the end of your nose. One of the reasons Jewish people have big noses and think they know better.

Breaking News November 29th, 2014

Moon explorers find new evidence at the same place on the moon. Were astronauts find the first Human Reich book? There is substantial proof. An alien from the Zeta Rectuli binary star system in the southern constellation of Reticulum is causing many misinterpretations of the HR book.

The alien who made 1200 translations of the HR book got stoned and spilled ice cream (not spaghetti). When the Alien translates the pages, he is drunk. When the Alien produces the documentary DVD, he is wholly intoxicated and spills ice cream everywhere.

The Real Message of Human Reich’s Book Revealed After Ice-Cream Spill.

It should be noticed that the book’s name is Human Life and not Reich. It is sad to see now a colossal misunderstanding. The page where it said the Jews should be exterminated writes “examined.”

More text of the human life book is being examined for interpretation mistakes; sorry for the inconvenience, most profound apologies for 60 million deceased. It’s not Adolf’s fault, just an interpretation mistake.

Please notice that the missing page and DVD are public now. HR Final Chapter: In 1967, a great-looking handsome, intelligent man was born with the initials BB. He will reveal all lies and misinterpretations from the book they found on the moon on his blog, peace!

Buddha; “To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control his mind to find the way to enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue naturally come to him.”

If I were God, everything would be perfect, wishful thinking!

Bas Boon

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