Transgender Madness, my niece of 13-year want to be a boy.
Transgender Madness, my niece of 13-year want to be a boy.. This blog is about...
Transgender Madness, my niece of 13-year want to be a boy.. This blog is about...
Transgender Madness and Influencers Going Full Retard. Cultural Marxism taking over schools and universities has...
“Top Gun” revives male masculinity, but no place for LGBTQIA? I ordered the movie top...
Italian Gay Man could be Patient Zero for a New Deadly CHM+ Virus. With great...
A Toilet Crisis for Humanity Unanswered Butt Questions? Too many severe posts of mine, and...
Texas Shooter, Salvador Ramos, was he gay? Why, Why?May 25th, 2022 Terrible news from Texas....
Monkeypox Banana Variant targets the Gay community. In one of my previous blogs, I wrote...
Gay Muslim Orlando Shooter is Terrorist Democrat Omar. Nothing to worry about- Islam is The...
Pim Fortuyn Assassinated, Who Killed Him and Why? This blog is about global problems with...