Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Is God Causing Obesity? Bomb Burgers for World Peace. There are thousands of rules for us humans to follow in the holy books like the Quran and the Bible. But about what I can not find in those writings is the following; we cannot find anything about aliens or the universe. And in the first edition of the Bible, the holy book proclaims the earth to be flat; however, we now know it’s a sphere.

There are rules about Food, what you can eat, and what you can’t eat. For example, you can read how to eat meat in the Quran and the Hadith and Sunnah. It must be halal slaughtered, and no pork is allowed. So, no pork for certain religions. 

The pig is a filthy animal and not good for your health. There are more parasites in pork if you do not cook it well (even if you do cook it well, apparently). 

According to the Quran, the only foods explicitly forbidden are meat from animals that die of natural causes. The heart of swine (porcine animals, pigs) and animals dedicated to other than Allah.

Now here is where things get exciting and controversial, very controversial. We all know that after Ramadan (30 days of fasting), the Muslims have a party called: Eid-Al-Fitr, translated as sugar fest (In Holland, we say “Suikerfeest”).

Now the recent discovery is that too much sugar is a poison:

The result of this Ramadan followed by the sugar fest is a staggering Obesity problem in the Arab world.

70% of Saudis are obese, says the study

The daily mail UK: 14 Apr. 2012 – Qatar, the wealthiest nation on earth, is also the fattest. Half of all adults are obese, and 17 percent of the population suffers from diabetes.

Why was God not more specific in “his” holy books?

In Kuwait, 30% of males and 55% of females over 15 the diagnose as obese. This obesity epidemic makes Kuwait the country with the highest prevalence of obesity in Arabic-speaking countries.

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia rates the highest among Asian countries for obesity.

Ika Krismantari, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta: Child obesity a growing problem in Indonesia.   

Source Wikipedia: Obesity in North Africa and the Middle East is a significant health issue. In 2005, the World Health Organization measured that 1.6 billion people were overweight and 400 million were obese. It estimates that by 2015, 2.3 billion people will be fat, and 700 million will be obese.[1] The Middle East, including the Arabian Peninsula, Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey, Iran, and North Africa, are no exceptions to the worldwide increase in obesity.

What’s wrong with God? Why did he forget important health tips?  

What’s wrong with God? He needs us, humans, to write down all those rules in the Bible and Quran. But he forgets to say anything about processed foods? Such as sugar, mayonnaise, tomato ketchup, mustard, ice cream, brownies, waffles, and gluten.

Foods with GMO’s, Frappuccino’s, mars bars, raider bars, snickers bars. Drinks like Coca-Cola, red bull, and milkshakes. Ingredients such as Corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, and aspartame.

No mention in the holy books about heroin or LSD; here is a top ten list:   

Islam promotes having children as many as a soccer team. But the death rate for obesity, diabetes, heart failure, thrombosis, and strokes is skyrocketing. Therefore, Clinton sending 22 cruise missiles to get revenge is ridiculous.

Because of an assassination attempt on American president George Bush, they kill 6 Arabs for the price tag of 25 million dollars (missile cost) makes no sense.

People would welcome B-52 planes all around the world.

These days we are deploying military and bombers to those troubled nations. We discuss the axis of evil countries like North Korea and Iran. All “we” have to do is send big B52 bomber planes full of burgers; the sponsor is MacDonald’s. This way, it does not cost as much money to the taxpayer.

We should add caramel fudge artificial syrup bottles. And a few hundred thousand cans of monster, red bull energy drinks, and some Frappuccinos.

Guess what it would do with the population? Instead of bombs and killing the infrastructure, they get Food and drinks from the sky. These American companies, such as Coca-Cola, Monsanto, and Starbucks, make this’ charity’ possible. The Obesity community will be thrilled.

There are no images of victims, such as children who lose their heads or amputated limbs.

No need to hire a crisis actor for propaganda purposes. Only happy faces and no infrastructure damage. More importantly, because men are ill, there will be less rape and warfare.

Suppose you are diagnosed as a child with ADHD. The doctors and the pharmaceutical industry will subscribe tons of pills for you.

The younger, the more addicted, and the longer you stay a customer, the better. So, the Americans should add a monthly bombardment of Ritalin, OxyContin, pain killers, and antibiotics. 

Companies would love to sponsor significant virtue signaling, Bomb for World Peace.

America bombing people from the sky with these products will create the image of the most social and compassionate nation on earth. While you still kill the masses and have no objections from the Bible or the Quran. People are going to thank God for him to move Americans to bomb Food instead of bombs.

The Mac in Morroco (Philip Lange

Some slogans for the Bomb Burgers for Worldpeace campaign. 

Operation id-oel-fitr (sugerfest).

Macdonald’s version of Mission to World Peace.

Air Burger Special. All you need is Food.

A Monsanto Special.

Living in the desert, no problem, Monsanto flying GMO’s, for every kid’s dream, comes with a small toy, in corporation with a Hollywood blockbuster movie or camel trader magazine.

Frappuccino Morgana

God’s burger King is divine.

Moses Split Burger.

Jesus’s Miracles Milkshake washes all your sins away.

Allah, Oh burger king

World Peace Burger

The Quran burger with caramel fudge syrup. Allah cannot resist.

It’s good for your bloated feeling and depression to take Ritalin or OxyContin.

Indeed “we” should bomb all the desserts after Ramadan.

I am sure Haagen Daz and Ben and Jerry’s can develop a cold container. These containers are specially made for the ice cream portions to survive the plane fall. “Wal-Mart ice cream does not even melt in the burning sun.” This is the invention of the decade for the Obesity cult.

What would the Arab world think of “us” then? Try to explain to a child that these ice creams falling from the sky are not the gifts of Allah. It’s just Americans who send a B52 bomber packed with Ice creams sponsored by the big corporations. All to make you happy!

Quote Bas Boon: World Peace with a spoon of sugar.

Read Why Covid is an Obesity problem.

(C) Bas Boon

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