Sat. Feb 8th, 2025

Russia to Blame for all Evil, Mass Media Propaganda. You must hate the USSR, MH17, and Russian hacks; they must be pure evil.

This month the American and European propaganda machine is running in full force to make sure you hate Russia. The intensity of bullshit through CNN, the BBC, and other Mass Media is sickening.

Massive negative Propaganda about the USSR.

The avalanche and bombardment of negative Propaganda toward Russia are taking apocalyptic proportions. Indeed before the US with their Western Allies prolonged a six-month boycott on Russia after two years. Their fake and fabricated news was that Russia was behind the downing of the MH-17 flight. 

Just imagine no proof for two years and only accusations. But in the meantime, only allegations towards the new Evil Empire Russia with its leader Darth Vader Putin. I wrote a detailed blog about the Netherlands, Ukraine, and the US agreement. They determined they would never inform the public about the cause of the downing of flight MH-17.

Indeed, as all parties are interested in Ukraine, they just milk the terrible incident with the MH-17 plane to their own benefit.

German police raid the house of a private detective. The reward for MH17 information.

Why did they raid the home of this private detective?

Did a Ukrainian fighter jet shoot down MH17? Eye witness accounts claim Boeing 777 may have been targeted by another plane

Secret document: eyewitness saw how Ukraine Airplane shot down MH17

Noooooooo Not Sharapova..

Surely you do not see much of these findings in the Mass Media. But what made me start to write this blog, believe it or not, was the suspension of tennis star Sharapova. I never liked Tennis, and I never watched the sport. When there is an announcement that Sharapova will play Tennis on any broadcast, I will watch Tennis. Those legs do not know an ending, and her eyes and sexy appearance are joyful for the eye and mind. Shaking her ass at every ball she hits is candy for the eye. 

She is not only sexy and sportive but a very successful businesswoman. The Olympic committee does not allow Sharapova to participate in the Olympics. In the case of Russian Athletes, there is no pressure to suspend all athletes from competing in the Olympics.

Maria Sharapova gets a ban for two years over meldonium drug use.

Maria Sharapova to fight two-year drugs suspension

Through the athletes, they target that Russia is evil and full of cheaters. Forget Lance Armstrong, Ben Johnson, or Brock Lesnar. We, the US propaganda machine, have a great James Bond story for the world of sheep about how bad Russia is.

State-sponsored doping on a nationwide scale.

Russia state-sponsored doping across the majority of Olympic sports, claims report.

The CNN broadcast is laughable and stinks massively. A so-called witness now came forward (it took him a few years). He confessed tempering with the Sochi 2014 Olympics urine/blood tests. This started already in 2011 during the London Olympics. 

This cheating shows how assertive Russia is and needs to be better than others and its state officials who ordered it. Indeed if you pay attention, the evidence is only based on the testimony of one person. I do not claim it could not be accurate. But CNN shows proof in one of their broadcast where a photo shows a manufactured hole in the test institution facility (see picture). 

I mean, that is not a tiny hole? You can have a cat or a small dog run through that tube. A blind horse can see that hole in that room. So how could that be secret for so long? And why will anyone not ask many questions about this? We remember Ben Johnson and Lance Armstrong, Ulrich from Germany; if you ask me, 80% of all athletes used dope. Some may be without knowledge.

If you think it cannot get any crazier, Think again. The US propaganda machine made me laugh with this news about the evil Russians.

Whitehall fears Russian football hooligans had Kremlin links.

Yes! The specially trained forces were in a unique state-sponsored hooligan program. This program shows how solid and dangerous the Russians are. So they sent hooligans who were specially trained, Kremlin and Putin involved. 

These Hooligans who followed the unique program explain why the most feared Hooligans globally, the British got their asses whopped in France. 

Indeed the media forgets to mention that thousands of hard-core British Hooligans had their passports taken away. The media does not report this during these European Championships. A measurement to avoid them traveling to France. The press knows the British hooligans had to register at a local police station in England during the matches. 

The Russians are so evil; what a laugh.

Ooh, my god, the Russians are so evil and strong we all should panic. Give me a god damn break! I almost wish 3000 hard-core English Hooligans would be there after drinking a few liters of beer and sniffing some coke. They are waiting for the spectacle to unfold when the so-called Spetznaz-trained hooligans from Russia have a confrontation with the Britsh. That sounds like PPV material for me. I would love to be the producer of that and put it on PPV!

NATO the Aggressor!

The planned deployment of four NATO battalions on Russia’s borders is the foundation for continuous pressure on its frontiers. It may quickly grow into a larger contingent. And the fact that these are the alliance’s troops and not of a neighboring country underscores that Russia is specifically targeted, says a Russian military expert”.

Russia is a target of mass Propaganda because of “BRICS.”

Don’t let anybody tell you why Putin’s Russia is a target. It’s simple, Putin kicked out the Rothschild bank. He created a new alignment with countries to form BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa). 

This is potentially a massive threat to the U.S. dollar, so the Us and its allies launch an attack to poke the Russian Bear. They make them the new world’s enemy. The Fake media not only bombards the Russian Bear Putin with an avalanche of scandals and bullshit. The Fake media is trying to push Brazil into a recession. Because of them, they impeach the president. He is put on house arrest. This “coup” in Brazil was orchestrated by the same people who now run the country.

Russia and China sign deal to bypass U.S. dollar

This Confirms It was a Coup: Brazil Crisis Deepens as Evidence Mounts of Plot to Oust Dilma Rousseff

Maybe you followed the Mass Media’s opposing campaign bombardment on the Rio Olympics. The water was polluted with terrible images. The Olympic accommodations were not ready in time and not good enough. Zika Virus, Gang Rape, Security problems,13 Jihadists arrested.

Horror week: Body parts wash up near Olympics beach volleyball site

A Teenager’s Gang-Rape Galvanizes Brazil

Cancel The Olympics

‘Please fix my toilet’: Olympic teams suffer through problems at Rio’s Athletes’ Village.

These are just a few highlights in the media of terribly adverse reporting! It is a negative propaganda campaign orchestrated by the U.S. and Western allies. – Another BRICS member China is brought in the news with the slowest growth in 25 years and is named as the course of drag on global growth. 

We can hear in the news how China manipulates its currency and takes jobs from the U.S. Then there is the fighting in the South Chinese Sea about some Islands (it beats what the U.S. is doing there?) 

It reads South Chinese Sea. Anyway, the war provocations are about some islands artificially made by the Chinese in the South Chinese sea. This is the reason for demonizing the Chinese, and China just happened to be another BRICS country.

U.S. protests after Chinese military jet lands on South China Sea Island

Music Festival used as Propaganda and rigged!

Not only in sports, but the Russians are also the target of a worldwide negative propaganda campaign in Music. The latest rigged propaganda music festival, the Eurovision Song Contest, is “coincidentally” a neck-to-neck race between Russia and Ukraine. 

The festival’s rule is that the platform cannot be used for political messages. The winner was indeed picked before the broadcast on the political propaganda platform. It is, of course, Ukraine. The song is depressing and, “surprisingly,” is about Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin’s 1944 deportation of the Crimean Tartars. 

The political message of war and misery song.

Indeed Susana Jamaladinova, the 32-year-old opera singer, brought the drama with a dramatic light show. The song can be easily interpreted as a political message on the controversial annexation of Crimea by the Russian in 2014. Detail: 95% of Crimea Citizens voted to be part of Russia.  

Is there any better and more dramatic Propaganda than Russia vs. Ukraine in the finals, where Ukraine wins? The Russian song was much better. But Ukraine wins with a dramatic, depressing song about killing and war? And to make it spicier, the next edition of the Eurovision Song Contest will be in, well, you guessed it, Ukraine!

Russian Wars Ships at the DNC presentation screen, just a coincidence honest “mistake.”

During the Democratic Nomination event, Russian War Ships on-screen, seen by 30 million people.

Then there is the political side. During the last DNC event, you can even see Russian war Ships on a giant TV screen and in the live broadcast, visited by about 30 million viewers. Surely this is not getting unnoticed, so later, we can find some of these media titles:

Dems apologize for using Russian warships in convention tribute to vets.

But of course, the damage is done. The brainwashing campaign keeps bombarding the world about the prominent evil Russians. We just need to understand that the two worst things on the planet are the Russians and Global Warming/Climate Change. 

A fascinating pattern emerges in the battle between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Putin gave Donald Trump some compliments on his achievements.

Putin on Donald Trump and US elections

Putin called Donald brilliant, which is a correct statement considering the achievements of Trump as a family and businessman. Maybe this is the moment with Hillary, and the DNC conspired to use this incident to fabricate the Russian Collusion story and make the false Steele dossier.

The media screams that Trump had 6 or 8 bankruptcies. They do not mention that he creates 540 companies. So eight defaults are not bad at all. 

Snowden recently released 20.000 emails through wiki-leaks. The leaks expose the Democrats, and it shows they manipulated the voters. It proves that the elections are rigged. Never mind racist remarks by democrats: Mexicans Taco’s Bowl Engagement. It resulted in the resignation of Debbie Wasserman.

DNC Email Leaks Show Racist Outreach to Latinos Called “Taco Bowl Engagement”

YouTube account terminated for a reason

HOLY SH#T! DNC Chair Admits System Rigged Against Bernie Sanders ON AIR

Here is where things get interesting: Donald Trump has called the system rigged from the beginning, and here is the proof. 

In earlier debates, Donald Trump said he would want to talk to Putin and thought he would get along just fine. What’s wrong with teaming up with Russia in fighting the real evil, like fighting Isis together? This sounds great for a politician who will talk to evil North Korea and the demonized Russians. 

Candidate Trump Threatens to Ignore NATO Treaty Unless Countries Pay money, which makes total sense. Make peace, not war, and fight evil together. That sounds politically very correct and sounds excellent. 

But the headlines in the media reveal the honest bunch of evil war-mongering psychopaths. There is not much to be said about what I had pointed out here! However, the mass media with CNN is leading the propaganda campaign!

CNN’s Jake Tapper Responds to Criticism Over Leaked DNC Emails

Instead, the headlines are “who is behind the hacks”? Well, take a wild guess: The Clinton Network CNN is entirely focused on the evil Russians hacking the DNC. This is where the Propaganda and lies start about the Russian Collusion Hoax. Trump will become president because of the Russians who help him. I do not make this up. WTF? 

First, it’s about what’s in the emails, which is terrible news for the Democrats and Hillary. Debbie Wasserman resigned, and Jake Tapper of CNN was questioned. 

Donald made a sarcastic remark, which was indeed repeated by all Mass media. Trump asks if, by coincidence, the Russians could find the 30.000 deleted emails, which was funny and cool sarcasm. The Mass media made it now all about Trump being a traitor and hauling with the enemy.

Donald Trump made a sarcastic, funny Remark, Russia, do you have Hillary’s deleted emails?

He must have a secret relationship with the Russians to use their hackers for his gain; enough said! It proves that the warmongering psychopaths will do anything to push their lying and crooked candidate Hillary. She is a puppet of the system and paid for by the Arab nations. 

CNN will distort anything which can discriminate against their favorite candidate, Crooked Hillary. So they manipulate, lie and use their network to unleash an unbelievable avalanche of Propaganda. They should be held accountable for their media manipulations and the results of these manipulations and lies. 

Here are some examples of how the media fucks with people’s minds and influences your opinion and your beliefs. Fake News deliberately makes up lies and fabricates a complete distortion of the truth.

This video has been deleted for some reason

Julian Assange Says, ‘More Clinton leaks to come.’

They use Propaganda to manipulate public opinion about any goals the establishments have in mind.

Panama Papers leak: Plan from George Soros and the CIA to demonize Putin failed

Hillary Clinton was the one with her Wall Street friends to push through the Free Trade Agreement. The Mass Media is in full sheep mode, publishing the so-called Panama Scandal Papers. All at the same time. Some shady organization announces frontPage news as the “leaks” by the International Coalition of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), no, wiki-leaks. 

You can compare this with SOHR, which I mentioned in multiple previous blogs. The Syrian Sunni Muslim operates from an attic in London that hates Assad. He runs his website, and when he farts on it, CNN, BBC, and the Mass media found their source for their front pages.

Who took it in the ass by these deliberately leaked Panama Papers?

De FIFA surely can fill this in yourself: Soccer world championships will take place in Russia in 2018. Plenty of headlines about Putin, who they mention is “coincidently” in the Panama Papers “leaks.” 

The Fake media write that the “leaked” Panama papers mention Jacky Chan because he supports the Communist Chinese party. 

Lionel Messi: refused to visit one of Obama’s daughters and other people from the U.S. who would have had ties with North Korea, Syria, Hezbollah, and other U.S. enemies.

Other people in the Panama papers are the old president of Ukraine, Poroshenko, Zelensky (yes, the president of Ukraine), and the prime minister of Iceland. The prime minister of Iceland was responsible for throwing bankers in jail, Honsi Moebarak, who the U.S. removed, de murdered Gaddafi. One of the major causes of the migrant crisis. Plus, the Chinese president Xi Jinping claims Sonia Jarvis (Sonia Jarviswho a worker for Clinton, what are the odds?). 

The Panama Papers is pure propaganda used as pressure and making threats.

The father of Cameron passes the revue. If great Britain stayed in the E.U., the VS would keep their influence. This (Panama leak) could be a warning for Cameron.

Then there is the top hypnotist from CNN, Christian Amanpour: you get very sleepy. The same network, CNN, is also referred to as the Clinton Network. Amanpour, the war propagandist

 (see me expose Amanpour’s rapport with the King of Bulgaria, saving 50.000 Jews)

The King of Bulgaria holds “50.000 Jews” + Bad Nazi’s movie propaganda, RoyalHeilness. Read Here: 

Interview with an employee of the ICIJ about the Panama Papers claims she did not know anything about this. But she is interviewing a member of her organization. Indeed this individual is silent and says nothing. Her name is not on the website of the CFPI but appears in the annual report.

The U.S. population is mainly pacifist and does not want to go to war. So with the correct dose of Propaganda, the media pollutes their minds the right way. This will approve the sick agenda of war-mongering psychopaths who earn billions. They push humans to fight wars and spill their blood, all because of Propaganda and lies.

Samples of Propaganda that turned out to be fake and a hoax:

YouTube, video is no longer in existence for some reason.

Germans go to Belgium to cut off baby arms, total fake Fake pictures of WW2.

The US manufactures the falling statue of Saddam Hussein. This includes the edits of the percent of the audience.

They did not slaughter babies in a hospital.

Invasion of Kuwait testimony girl: Iraqis came to throw babies out of 52 couveuse and let them die on the cold floor. It turns out there is only two couveuse in that Hospital. The girl for the camera fabricates the whole story. She is no nurse but the ambassador’s daughter. The entire story is Propaganda and a lie.

Panama Papers leak: Plan from George Soros and the CIA to demonize Putin failed

Who took it in the ass by these deliberately leaked Panama Papers?

De FIFA surely can fill this in yourself: Soccer world championships will take place in Russia in 2018. Plenty of headlines about Putin, who they mention is “coincidently” in the Panama Papers “leaks.” 

The Fake media write that the “leaked” Panama papers mention Jacky Chan because he supports the Communist Chinese party.  Lionel Messi: refused to visit one of Obama’s daughters and other people from the U.S. who would have had ties with North Korea, Syria, Hezbollah, and other U.S. enemies.

Big names in The Panama “leaks’.

Other people in the Panama papers are the old president of Ukraine, Poroshenko, and the prime minister of Iceland. The prime minister of Iceland was responsible for throwing bankers in jail, Honsi Moebarak, who the U.S. removed, de murdered Gaddafi. One of the major causes of the migrant crisis. Plus, the Chinese president Xi Jinping claims Sonia Jarvis (Sonia Jarviswho a worker for Clinton, what are the odds?). 

The father of Cameron passes the revue. If great Britain stayed in the E.U., the VS would keep their influence. This (Panama leak) could be a warning for Cameron.

Christian Amanpour is the queen of CNN Fake News.

Then there is the top hypnotist from CNN, Christian Amanpour: you get very sleepy. The same network, CNN, is also referred to as the Clinton Network. Amanpour, the war propagandist

See me expose Amanpour’s rapport with the King of Bulgaria, saving 50.000 Jews.

The King of Bulgaria holds “50.000 Jews” + Bad Nazi’s movie propaganda, RoyalHeilness. Read Here: 

Saddam Hussein is an animal hater.

Saddam Hussein is ultra-bad; the latest fake news push is that Saddam is an animal hater. The Fake News shows a giant dying bird full of oil in a T.V. propaganda clip. “Our” beloved Mass Media front-page breaking news. The footage in the Mass Media shows great birds dying in agony because of oil covering their bodies. 

The Fake News does not mention that the U.S. hit some oil tankers with bombs. This happens in the harbor and causes much environmental damage. And indeed, the bird shown in the propaganda video clip (a big exotic bird ) does not live in the gulf, a professional fake news editor’s work.

The Fake News and enablers fabricate an excuse to Bomb Syria.

The cause for the U.S. to start their bombing campaign in Syria was a chemical attack by Assad (they claim) on his people. Again, propaganda, like the fake excuse to invade Iraq because there are no weapons of mass destruction.

Videos show crisis actors.

YouTube Account terminated for some reason?

YouTube Account terminated for some reason?

Rebels and not the Assad regime caused the chemical attack, which did happen.

Operation Northwoods, Assad chemical fake attack used for invasion (see the end of this blog).

So-called proof of Russian warplanes bombarding the city of Idlib turns out to be six months old

If you look at the media now, they target Russia to be involved in politics and are behind the DNC hack.

The Mass Media should focus on the damaging content of the hacks and the results of the exposed content, even if Russia were behind the hack. Bottom-line, the truth should come out. The hacks told lies, and voting was worth manipulation. 

The Mass media should stop saying only one candidate knows how the world works, Fuck Hillary Clinton and her 300-million dollar Clinton Blood Foundation. Hillary supported Libya fuck up, Benghazi, Iraq war, screw this psychopath family. It took tens of millions from the Saudis and later approved weapon deliveries to them.

The U.S needs a fresh leader. One that concentrates on the U.S. CNN and other Mass media correspondents need war and controversy and feed their lying cult to enrich themselves. They are not less guilty than the big oil corporations and war weapons factories with their CEOs and stockholders.

The strategy for war backfires as always. The U.S.’s decisions lead to the terrorist explosion growth and the migrant crises, and Hillary is part of that.

NATO commander agrees members should pay up via @dcexaminer:

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 30 Juli 2016

Many people welcomed the ideas of Donald Trump before he became President.

Why does NATO Provokes? Was there a treaty after WW2?

How can you look for more confrontation with the Russians, which fought as allies and suffered the most human casualties during the second world war? I am not saying we should tolerate any aggressive expansion by any country. But as always, the U.S. broke the final treaty with Germany after WW2. 

Many countries believe that Germany’s hosting of American nuclear weapons as part of NATO’s nuclear weapons sharing program is a violation. The Americans promised that NATO wouldn’t move beyond the boundaries of Germany after the Cold War. Well, let’s look at that. 

Now half of central and eastern Europe are members, so what happened to the U.S.? Indeed Michael Gorbachev later claims he did not discuss this NATO expansion in the treaty. He did. First, I wonder why he changed his findings?)

Nato Expansion.

Imagine how this looks to Russia the expansion of NATO with their army—now looking for annexing Ukraine to put some more nuclear rockets up Moscow’s butt!

I am going back to watch CNN as it puts a great smile on my face when the death cult journalists are shocked by poll numbers of the Donald beating Killary. I am waiting for the next Wiki-leaks. So much better than House of Cards. The real world has computer hacks, resigns, intrigues, conspiracies, Russian KGB, liars, and cheaters. I should not forget racism, terrorism, and a gorgeous playmate becoming the first lady of the White House!

Welcome to Russia, full of traditions, art, culture, ballets, GPS cheap oil, and beautiful woman. This probably is no longer sarcasm.

Molenbeek Islamic Death Cult, CNN & Fake News bullshit.


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