Sat. Jan 18th, 2025

Molenbeek Islamic Death Cult, CNN & Fake News bullshit. News, None Religious Militants, and Extremists Are to Blame the recent terrorist attacks! I will show how the Fake News with CNN leading the Propaganda is deceiving and manipulating the public.

Je Suis Un Coward, Je Suis un Fou, Je Suis Un Retard, Je Juis Un Leftard, Je Suis Candlelight, Je Suis Silent March, Je Juis Un Fleur, now Je Suis Mort……

News; No Religious Militants and Extremists Are To Blame for terrorist attacks!

Another Suicide Attack by the Religion of “Peace” followers and the Media and the Establishment is in denial. This response must be frustrating for the suicide bombing community. How many people in different cities do Muslims have to blow up? When does the West and the World realize that the ideology of Islam drives these attacks to slaughter the infidel?

Give me your belongings Shutterstock Picture by Robert Hosting.

We need to do this together, do what together?

The Media talks about more security, and the establishment claims we need more protection. The government’s solution is to take away more liberties. Above all, we need to do this together. We must stay together and fight this together, which has nothing to do with Islam. Islam is Peace. Don’t ask yourself why the Religion of Peace constantly emphasizes that Islam is a religion of Peace. No need to criticize this Religion or you’re an islamophobe and a nazi. And you could become a person ending up on an Isis / Islamic death list for doubting that Islam is a religion of Peace. 

Or you could get a visit from your local police who will intimidate you. The local authority can make a threat not to use social media. There is no need to use alternative media to express your opinion on the Religion of “pieces.” You can imagine if there were a religion of war, what would that look like?


Well, they should arrest the former major of Islamic State, Molenbeek, in Belgium. This leftard and his political land traitor party denied all the signs. They promote the ghetto of religious lunatics with their Islamic Death Cult to thrive and grow into an Islamic State Molenbeek. 

The Belgium Molenbeek “Kalifat”.

The major gave everybody the label, nazi, racist, and Islamaphobe who said something about the Islamic invasion in Molenbeek. The fact that the “train” shooter, the Paris terrorist, and the Terrorists from Brussels all had their main office in Molenbeek is unfortunate. We should keep the borders open.

Some of the terrorists from Paris and Brussels came with refugee migrants. We will pray and have silent marches and light candles, and this will stop the terrorists. This is because of the media and successful attacks. The Muslim Jihadists know that hiding among refugees is the perfect disguise to move freely through Europe. 

What they do not mention in the Deceiving Media.

The police arrest Abdelsalam, The riot police, and massive anti-terrorist squads get threats from the Molenbeek Islamic Death Cult inhabitants. They do not mention this in the press. They even shoot rockets at the police and the special arrest teams. It was like going door to door in a guerrilla war in Afghanistan, according to an insider working in a Belgium terrorist squad.

Indeed some people started asking questions. There is the most wanted terrorist after the Paris terror attack living and hiding in Molenbeek. For months he hid in the Belgium “caliphate,” and all his fellow Cult members knew precisely where the terrorist was in hiding. Time for some research, so CNN correspondents go to Brussels and Molenbeek (according to CNN for months) to make Frontline Belgium’s documentary.

The Edition of Frontline Belgium Documentary on CNN

What happened to Geraldine’s Muslim husband?

In the CNN Front line Belgium documentary. Fake News CNN producers introduce Alice in Wonderland Story about what’s going on in Belgium. Here are some of the discussed subjects.

I would like to know what happened to Geraldine’s Muslim husband. CNN introduces Geraldine as being active for humans who established a group, “Mothers Collective.” She lost her son to “radicalization,” according to Belgium woman Geraldine. Her son went to Syria. Geraldine lost her son because of the Jihadist recruitment, so she says; the scene ends with a voice-over saying that Geraldine has nobody left. She lost everything.

An Honest journalist will ask the following question:

Any intelligent person can see a heavy overweight Geraldine (the fat pig “community”). She does not have her own life under control. Geraldine gets pregnant by a Muslim Man, and her daily occupation is being fat and complaining. Her 5 sec of fame now appears in the bogus CNN Documentary: Front-line Belgium. 

CNN anchor says Geraldine has nothing left in her life. Why not ask her what happened to her Muslim husband? I am curious about what happens on the front line in Belgium. Would I like to know about Geraldine’s husband? Just simple standard questions: Did she marry the guy, a question about whether her man died and why? What about her former Muslim “lover” who has relationships with four other overweight baby throwers? 

The father of the child is Muslim and responsible for raising their child. This is a typical question, as this results from the multicultural agenda. Does the father still live in the neighborhood in Brussels or Molenbeek?

I give you a possible honest answer from Geraldine, which pictures somehow a “little” different story:

I was sick of masturbating. My former husband left me when I reached the weight of 122Kg. After my husband left me, I met Mohammed in Molenbeek. At least Mohammed was honest to me. He said he had multiple wives. But that was ok according to his Religion. This new “lover” has 12 other kids with four women who are all overweight. And has an attention disorder. 

Mohammed is unemployed and has no money. So he pleases the Belgium woman fat pig community around and in Molenbeek. The female Obese community needs a little love and any little attention they can get. Mohammed became violent towards these women in the next two years as he could not stand all the crying babies. 

Mohammed left because he hates crying babies.

So Mohammed leaves Molenbeek and Brussels. To seek some fat Western woman in Hamburg, Germany. There was a minor expansion of territory and spouse-making to spread social love. He ends up in prison on rape charges. 

The Muslim babies grew up on welfare without a father. Almost all of them develop split personalities over time. Their new source of personal life guidance is being educated by the Molenbeek Islamic Death Cult and listening to Imams at local Mosques. 

Muslim grown-ups have now started committing armed robbery and traveling to Syria. Recently the media would picture some terrorists as Alcoholic party animals who smoked dope and visited whores. Like the Mohammed Atta gang in the 9/11 event. This behavior is essential for the press. The press and the Muslim community can claim they are not real Muslims. “Real” Muslims do not drink alcohol and use drugs.

The Media interviews the perfect Moroccan Victim next in the Front Line Belgium Documentary,

The “Moroccan Victim” speaks perfect English and has had an education. He complains they arrested him by a special terrorist squad. The “victim” explains he does not understand why they charge him. Was it because his nationality is Moroccan or looks like Muslim are his words? 

Wow, all of Europe is under siege under the threat of Muslim Jihadists. But this intellect-educated role model Muslim “victim” cannot understand why they arrest him. The genius does not have a clue? 

He does not feel like a Belgium citizen as his last dramatic words are in perfect English. False arrests like this give many young Muslims a “legit” reason to stand up against the West! Now you might wonder if that’s not a reason to become a suicide bomber. 

The offended community.

Don’t forget that Muslims are easily offended and will find a sentence in their Quran to justify violence. I suggest this victim take a look in Molenbeek and ask about the thoughts and ethics of his fellow Moroccans there. I am sure he gets a better inside view of why police and terrorist squads are no longer taking any risks or chances. Just a tip!

The CNN crew could have interviewed the Islamic community in Molenbeek who threw rockets when Abdelsalam was apprehended. That, if their journalist and camera’s equipment would survive this challenge.

Imam Sulayman van All is the next perfect integrated Muslim in the CNN Front-line Belgium documentary. According to CNN, the most significant change comes from the Muslim community from the Inside. 

The Imam speaks perfect English. A bodyguard guides the Imam because he follows the “religion of peace” Islam. Fellow Muslim Jihadists have a different violent opinion. Do they say that the Muslim youth thinks they are not Muslim anymore if they live in another country? They believe they have lost their identity. I guess being Muslim and Islam is now a race?

Big Change comes from the Inside.

Inside, Abdelsalam, the Paris terrorist, and the Train shooter all lived in Molenbeek. Many Muslim inhabitants living in this Islamic “state” ghetto knew it. I wonder what Sulayman means by: change comes from the Inside? 

Surely we know that not all Germans were Nazis. But all German inhabitants followed the violent Nazi minority, and we understand what resulted from that. Instead, CNN could have interviewed several Imams and the youth in Molenbeek. 

A Muslim with a secret camera disguised as an Al Jazeera journalist is searching for the truth in Molenbeek. This real journalist goes to the youth at schools and Mosques. He interviews the parents in Muslim Islamic State Molenbeek. CNN does interview the PM of Belgium, who admitted that Muslim youth were celebrating the attacks on the streets of Belgium and schools.

It’s super sad that so many people forget about Turkey. What happened there several times?

— Kate (@KateLueck) 22 Maart 2016 (Tweet removed)

In Israel, this picture was photoshopped; guess who was missing?

Belgian vice PM admits: Muslims celebrated in the streets after the Brussels jihad massacre, media ignored them.

The next perfect Belgium-integrated Muslim in the CNN documentary is a lawyer. The lawyer claims it is the government’s fault that these radicalized Muslims went to Syria at a young age to fight. I agree with this statement, but not with the lawyers’ arguments. The government blames turning a blind eye for decades and a failed integration process and open border policy. 

The government does not prevent radicalized Muslim children from going to Syria. Without Syria or Iraq, they would still be homegrown radical Islamists. The name of their American Branded and invented cult fetish is not Al Qaeda or Isis. It’s called Islam, and Islam wants you to surrender to the rules and laws of Islam.

Maybe it has something to do with Islam?

Obey and live by the rules of Islam regardless of which country, planet, or universe you live in. Paris and Brussels terrorists were primarily of Moroccan and Algerian origin. Have any bombs ever been dropped in Morocco and Algeria recently?

Another removed Tweet; guess why?



VOTE TRUMP. #UtahCaucus


— Standing Up 4 Trump (@UTHornsRawk) 23 Maart 2016

Donald Trump Belgium authorities to weak.

This lawyer reminded me of Cage’s lawyers defending headhunter Jihad John. Those lawyers said that Jihadi John was not a bad guy using the word beautiful! Asim Qureshi. The researcher for the Cage group blamed MI5 for radicalizing Mohammed Emwazi. He has previously supported Muslims waging jihad against British soldiers. This “real news” could give the viewer of the CNN documentary a different opinion “I Guess.”

The CNN documentary shows shots of the old extremist radical group named Sharia for Belgium. The footage shows Belgium, where they let this extremist Jihadist group preach hate for five years in Belgium. The CNN producers show just a few seconds and no sound under the images. 

CNN anchor goes underground and gets run around in bookstores in ultra “dangerous” mission.

Most footage shows empty streets of Belgium, and the most laughable scene is the CNN news anchor going “underground.” This “007” CNN activist visits some bookstores in Brussels. This undercover operation is to obtain some brainwashed manual extremist books, which are forbidden.

After visiting two bookstores, the CNN journalist and the CNN crew (secret camera) feel fooled. The documentary team reports they thought they got the run-around. The documentary ends with the CNN journalist ordering these books online.

I recommend the CNN producers read the Quran. If they search for violent and extreme writings, they do not need to get them to run around in some shady bookstores. You can find The Quran everywhere, and much of the text is much more shocking than the CNN producers showed in their documentary. I would give the “documentary” a reward of 1 on the integrity scale and a 9 for propaganda purposes.

In reality, Muslim Integration has failed for decades.

More than 50% of the Muslim immigrants in Europe are unemployed. In prison, Muslims are overrepresented. The numbers mentioned on CNN and other media are lies. CNN reports that 6% of the Belgium population is Muslim. Indeed CNN does not note that the statistics they say do not include Muslim children born in Belgium.

Wikipedia says that if you count all Immigrants with a Muslim background in Belgium, the number would be 8.1%. But that was in 2011. This would bring the percentages far above 10%, not including all the illegal Muslims staying in a country like Belgium and not counting the massive influx of Muslim refugees in 2014/2015. 

In cities like Molenbeek, the British town of Luton (the Molenbeek of England), or the French city of Marseille, more than half of the population is Muslim. There is no control over the birthrate of Muslim families like there is in China. Their birth rate is 8.3% (compared to 1.3% in the West).

Breeding habits.

These breeding habits lead to many children in one family where both parents are often uneducated and unemployed. This isolated the children from a fair chance in society. Therefore they come together, especially in Mosques and prayer houses. 

You can hear the stupid Muslim youth claiming that western men are infertile. The truth is that western men work and know making a child is costly. To pay for a child is at least $100.000 to feed and educate a child.

The Muslim community they do not think like that. They expect the working class to pay taxes to raise their children on welfare. They do this to increase their Islamic population ultimately.

CNN interviews the brother of one of the Isis executioners in Brussel. He is introduced, stating that he comes from a modest family of 13. WTF, a humble family of 13? Yes, 13 is considered fair, according to CNN.

Muslims love welfare but are offended by:

Everyday words; Christmas, Pigs, Easter, Halloween, Dogs, Jews, and Christians are all hurtful to the Muslims. It continues with Gays, Skin, Women, Crosses, Churches, Atheists, and Unbelievers of Islam.

So the West is trying to adapt to the Muslim needs and ideology. WHATTTTTT yes, we all must be adept:

We also give in under pressure and blackmail from Turkish president Erdogan. Turkey is receiving billions from the EU to stop the flow of refugees into Europe. There are talks that Turkey could enter the EU.

Forget all the journalists with a different opinion who are getting arrested in Turkey. Or the recent scandal where Turkey is causing an international conflict. Ankara’ moves away from EU’ after reaction to German satire video, commission chief says. No worries, just an offended Muslim president. He wants to tell others, even in another country, what should be allowed. He is an honest Muslim.

Ankara’ moves away from EU’ after reaction to German satire video, commission chief says:

Recently we could see their bodyguards Erdogan fight with a journalist in Washington. Yes, another foreign country where the Turkish show their international Muslim face. They show how offended Muslims are from the Religion of Peace and solve their differences with violence.

Dear Mr. Erdogan, please check out this satirical video about the prime minister of Holland, Mark Rutte, and Angela Merkel.

Germany Hospitals are besieged with filth.

For the Muslim refugees in Germany, there is new free stuff. The government is distributing 150.000 free condoms to “Refugees.” The free condoms initiative prevents refugees from passing deceased such as HIV, Hepatitis BC, Gonorrhea, and Chlamydia when they rape German girls. This will work if we assume they use free condoms before committing rape.

German railway is to launch separate gender carriages. This is done due to women’s fear of travel after rising #migrant sex attacks.

“Operations condoms” is another solution for the Germans to adapt to the Muslim Islamic Death Cult invaders. The communist leader of Germany “Merkel” imports millions of Muslims. This is to have different gender train wagons; see the title. They make these adaptations to prevent the harassment of females.

I also suggest separate train wagons for transgender, crippled, and homos. Let’s make the trains 3x longer.

Denmark Rape Capital of Europe

In Denmark, girls are convicted for using pepper spray while Muslim migrants are trying to commit rape.

To support the Muslim community in Denmark: Dozens of Danish Brainwashed sheep women support Islam by taking selfies in their hijab after the Brussels attacks.


In Molenbeek, even the mannequins dolls in shops awaiting a change of clothes to have their modesty protected.


A man is arrested for “suspicion of inciting racial hatred on social media” after tweeting about Islam, which is now a race. 50% of ISIS supporters want to attack the UK next. Good job, UK police are ready. Oh wait, they’re busy arresting people for tweets.

A Judge in England bans a British father from taking his son to church because his mother is Muslim.

They butcher and murder a Muslim shopkeeper. He dared to post a happy Easter Message.

The English authorities arrest an English Man for “suspicion of inciting racial hatred on social media.” This arrest comes after a tweet about Islam. Is Islam now a race? Yes, you read this correctly. The police arrest people who criticize Islam after another terrorist attack.


In Holland, a yoga teacher produced a tweet about celebrating Muslim children in schools in The Netherlands. She tweets this after the Brussels attacks. Three policemen visit her the next day for the major not to use Twitter anymore! 

The authorities close some public pools and cinemas in the Netherlands. The reason is that after Ramadan (Muslim suggest), the Muslims become violent and go on a rape spree.

Double standards in reporting, not even close!

One week after the Brussels Islamic Death Cult Terrorist attacks, a lot of attention in the mass media for a group of a few hundred Belgium protesters who scream Belgium is our land. Immediately the titles in the media are a bunch of Nazi’s right wings, Nazis saluting scum, etc. Well, I saw seven people making the salute. Does that mean that all the protesters were Nazis?

I can not find one image in mass media about the screaming Palestinian man. This man screams “Palestine” while he is stamping memorial flowers.

The removed video does not fit the narrative.

Angry Muslim Starts Screaming “Palestine!” in Middle of Brussels Memorial for Terror Victims –

The removed video does not fit the narrative.

Palestinian thugs remove Israeli flag from #BrusselsAttacks memorial in Tel Aviv, replace it with theirs.

Muslim children in Belgium and Holland schools celebrate on the streets because some infidels are blown to pieces. There is nothing in the mass media about the count of Muslim theologists who refuse to pray for the Brussels Islamic Terrorist victims as they were not all Muslims.

Raad Moslimtheologen weigert in moskeeën te laten bidden voor slachtoffers, want “niet allemaal moslim”. #aanslagen

There was even a Mosque leader who called the extremist the true Muslim.

Just a tweet: Hello @CNN, yr Muslim reporter in Belgium @NimaCNN ElBagir is justifying the acts of #Brussels jihadist under the Burqa of balanced reporting

The word Islamic or Muslim is not even mentioned in any of the endless lists of Islamic Muslim terrorist attacks. The political correctness madness takes insane proportions:

WH Censors Video of French President Saying Islamic Terrorism.

What do we expect from a Muslim president like Obama? The U.S president, who is busy inviting young Muslim children like Ahmed the clock-maker, “we should inspire more kids like you, Ahmed, to like science. “It’s what makes America great again (Obama borrowed that slogan from Donald Trump). Well, what about the grown-up kids in Belgium under the banner of the Religion of Peace?

Some look great interest in nuclear materials and plants to make Mohammed great again. Great goals for the Jihadist Death Cult, which leaders promise their young martyrs to reward them with an endless blow job festival for their everlasting paradise afterlife.

Lahore Pakistan bombing was used for Propaganda, “Terror has nothing to do with religion.”

Not long after Brussels, there was a terrifying Islamic Terrorist suicide bombing in Lahore in Pakistan. An Islamic Terrorist splinter group of Al Qaeda blew themself up near a kids’ playground and targeted Christians.

Donald Trump tweeted “sympathy for the Lahore Victims and mentioned Christians were targeted in this attack.’ Senator Carson tweeted shame on the Obama administration for not responding to Christian children being targeted and blown to pieces in Pakistan. We hear not much in the mass media. 

But at least CNN and the BBC did some reporting, but wait for what, WTF? You can spot a huge sign at the end of the short news reports on CNN, the short newsflashes on the

The only president who names the real problem.

Another radical Islamic attack, this time in Pakistan, targeted Christian women & children. At least 67 dead and 400 were injured. I alone can solve

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 27 Maart 2016

Lahore Suicide bombing reporting: The sign says: Terror does not know Religion.

Here is a car which does some explosions, an exceptional car.

The Amanpour CNN reporting is hilarious, the subtitle says.

Suicide Bomb target Christians (exceptional kind of bomb, it blows itself up).”

Pakistan PM vows prime mister says to eliminate extremist (which extremist?)

Do you think the attack was religiously motivated? Asks Amanpour.

Answer: No, they are militants and have no religion. None of them pray or have any motive. Some just like to blow up small children.

The global challenge is to fight these militants. Yes, militants, no mention of the word Islamic terrorist. It is all extremists and militants.

Far more people have a modest way of thinking and living in Pakistan (interview Amanpour), the others like Imams, Mullah, and Cleric have nothing to do with Religion or religious education. I am just guessing now. It looks like the 100.000 demonstrators in Pakistan with hate signs are now all considered militants and extremists. But the good news is it has nothing to do with Islam, pff they had me worried for a minute.

Africa land of opportunities promoted by CNN

CNN is now shifting to Inside Africa, Market Place Africa brought to you, sponsored by FaceTime, Dangote, and Zenith Bank. All positive news reports about perfectly English-speaking educated Black African people promoting wonderful Africa and their businesses and culture. 

They slaughter the white Afrikan farmers (Dutch farmers; boeren) and kick them off their lands, but nothing much in the Media about this.

Imagine public hangings and executions of white farmers: sponsored by Zenith bank). No reports by CNN about Africa, which has the highest crime rates in rapes and killings globally. These horrible statistics are since the Black African population is ruining Oepps; sorry, I mean running their own country. 

They are ruining the country.

The African Black racists kill farmers and chase them from their lands. The result is terrible.

Nobody works on the land, and the ground is not fertile anymore. The food gets more expensive. Now they need to import food. Not much export from South Africa anymore. We do not hear about the rise of Islamic terrorists. Oops, I mean Extremist and Militants in South Africa.

Just after the Brussels Militant and extremist attacks, Nigeria is next!

Boko Haram burns 86 children in Nigeria (Image: brought to you by FaceTime).

I can not find international coverage in the mass media about the African atrocities. Just some female Nigerian suicide bombers (without clear motive). The female suicide bombers initially try to mingle with the villagers, but they detonate their suicide vests when made. Boko Haram is just militants and extremists burning 86 children. Forget the victims in Brussels. That’s just peanuts and has nothing to do with Islam and the Religion of Peace.

Just a Militant Extremist who watched too much TV Picture by Dona-Bozzie Shutterstock.

Africa is full of extremists and militants Al Shabaab (remember the attack from Al Shabaab in Kenya).

One hundred forty-seven people got killed at a Kenyan university. The reason is that Militants and Extremists dislike students and people attending school. I am relieved it has nothing to do with Islamic religious nut cases and their Religion of pieces.

The attack from Al Shabaab at the Westgate shopping mall comes to mind. It’s clear now these militants and extremists did not like people shopping that day, such a relief that it has nothing to do with Islam!

In Utopia Somalia, you won’t find religious insane Muslims. They are all Militants and Extremists without any apparent motive, just committing some mass murder—the suicide attacks in Mogadishu. Central and northern Somalia come to mind. These militants and extremists just do not like government buildings.

Christians were shot, and Muslims were freed (nothing to do with Islam).

Can somebody change the Wikipedia information about Al Shabaab? It says militant group, but then it turns into Jihadist. Islamist and Al Qaeda affiliation could be misinterpreted as delusional insane religious Muslim fanatics who are slaughtering with the Quran as a manual,

I am happy this is all cleared up now. I booked my safari already.

Small History Lesson

A small history lesson from the Religion of Peace: Sufi Shamsudin Muhamad Iraqi destroyed temples in Kashmir, built mosques & brutally converted 24000 Hindus by the sword. The enslavement of Hindus was India’s most flourishing and prosperous Muslim activity. I suggest re-writing history and replacing the word Islamic with Militants and Extremist. An original way to solve the global Religious insane Islamic Death Cult problem.

Europe (the world) is now under sustained terrorist attack by several “human beings” who commit mass murder for no good reason. I am happy the media resolved the Islamic and Muslim problem and that no attacks are religiously motivated. 

Keep the border open.

We must continue to keep open borders, and we must keep promoting the multicultural agenda. Some people rape children, promote child marriages, crap, and urinate in public. Indians and Muslim migrants are topping the list of raping children and killing homos. An example is people are completely insane here; In Vietnam, they eat rhino horns or tiger penises. This is because they think it will stimulate their human penises.

Stefan Molyneux (he was de-platformed by YouTube) exposes how the socialist-jihadist alliance in Molenbeek led to the Paris and Brussels attacks. He is now banned from YouTube.

I mean Jihadists, these attacks, and militant behavior will become as routine in Europe as in Pakistan, Nigeria, and other countries worldwide. Unless we counter the “religion of peace” myth and name it after what it is: a sick Death Cult and its real name: Islam.

This would be the perfect start of the CNN documentary, this pharmacist from Aleppo is what the West needs. We can see that he has assimilated into the German culture.

Muslims who are Permanently Offended Equals Insanity

(c) Bas Boon

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