Frog “Princess” and Funny Baby Kato, a Fairy Tail Kiss
Frog “Princess” and Funny Baby Kato, a Fairy Tail Kiss. The KatoBoonFamily is visiting relatives...
Frog “Princess” and Funny Baby Kato, a Fairy Tail Kiss. The KatoBoonFamily is visiting relatives...
Nike Shock Advertising with Kaepernick, Trump, and Mayweather. A brilliant advertisement campaign move by the...
Fight Game Business: Bas Boon deceives Simon Rutz. My co-writer Tadd Triplet wanted to use...
Bas Boon was invited to Tokyo, Japan, my speech for CLSA.The CLSA is an award-winning...
Molenbeek Islamic Death Cult, CNN & Fake News bullshit. News, None Religious Militants, and Extremists...
Globalist, N.W.O. is Spectre. Where is James Bond 007? In the James Bond 007 Movie...
Donald Trump, the King of Media, why will he win? The reason why Trump won...
Isis Giant “Bruce Lee’s,” Human Rights Groups Scams. Before I comment on recent news reports...
Khalisnokovs for picnics, Muslim killing Muslim. My previous blog suggested a new idea for the...