Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

Oprah, Obama, Dalai Lama, Nazi and Books for Sale. They want you to buy their books. In this blog, I write how the elite is enriching themself in a brilliant scam without paying a dime in tax.

Many become power-hungry people with no empathy in search of more money, status, and controlling others. They are associated with the worse kind of humans on earth, scandal after scandal.

Covered up by fancy talk and high-paid lawyers, they deceive their audiences.

Obama “Change,” Hope, and a 65 million dollar advanced royalty book deal.

I remember the election of a new black president very well. Obama stood for change. The media machine fueled by the corporate businesses pushed the smiling man Obama to become the new President of the USA.

After the Bush war and 9/11, the people needed something new. It is amazing how simple you can manipulate people through the media. Hundreds of thousands of crying people full of joy, adoring the big smiling new “messiah,” the President of the US.

The Oprah Story

First, you need robust and influential people to help you get votes. You use their network and money to persuade people to vote for you. With Obama, this started with Oprah Winfrey. This woman Oprah is one of the most powerful women on earth.

Opera mentioned that she wanted to get a million votes for the democrats. It’s funny and tragic at the same time. People who watch TV hear all these messages from people like Oprah or Obama. All are brainwashed to vote for these people. Adore these demigods and, above all, spend money buying books from these people.

Remember the first appearance of Obama on the Oprah TV show? It was for promoting Obama’s new book, The Audacity of Hope.

Oprah became one of the world’s biggest book publishers.

Oprah launched her TV channel, “Oprah Winfrey Network” (OWN). With 85 million viewers in the states, it is the perfect tool to promote Oprah’s books, magazines, and merchandise.

Opera’s book club is the biggest in the world, with two million members. Oprah’s company Harpo Productions (Oprah spelled backward), is producing her TV show. Oprah’s company is also the producer of Oxygen, an internet TV program about women of this time. Harpo is publishing a monthly magazine (2 million per month).

picture: Rena Schild

Obama’s Party, Bill Gates vaccines, Nbr 666 Everywhere?

Google: The Dark Side of Oprah

The Devil and his symbols show up once again.

Oprah’s Production company “Harpo” is “Oprah,” spelled backward. This “coincidence” is “the secret” following the teachings (the law of reversal) of another occultist Aleister Crowley.

Oprah’s newest project is OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network), which spells NWO ( New World Order) backward, much like her HARPO production company.

Oprah was named after a Moabastische woman from the bible book Ruth. Her parents were not married. Sadly, Oprah was sexually abused as a child and got pregnant at 14. Oprah’s baby was born too early and died.

Oprah was sexually abused as a child, and her baby died at birth.

Oprah becomes a billionaire, Triumphantly, which is a significant achievement despite her lousy childhood. They say these sort of experiences changes a person. Oprah is no exception: In 2008, Oprah’s poodle had nine pups.

She named them after Ozzy Osborne, Jay Z, and a couple of other wealthy friends. The media ridicule Oprah but this is her extensive network now. Billionaires, most of them are all managed by the same agency like CAA.

Oprah’s new “friends” network.

Oprah forgets the 80% Christian Americans who are most of her 80 Million viewers for her NWO. I mean OWN ( Opera Winfrey Network ) as she named her puppies after celebrities. The first pup’s name is Ozzy Osbourne ( I like his music). After so much drug and alcohol abuse, Ozzy developed his reality.

Ozzy’s latest remark: The media ask if he was frightened during the 9/11 attacks that plagued New York City. Ozzy responded, “I wasn’t scared. I was excited! It was my kind of craziness

Read More: Ozzy Osborne Apologizes for Controversial 9/11 Remarks

Another one of Oprah’s puppies’ names is: Jay Z. Many controversial issues you can find on Jay Z. He is a member of the Illuminati ( Google). Recently Jay Z played the God card to get some of these accusations of his back:

“The Secret” (or rather how to be greedy and promote hate while pretending to be spiritual) Promotes the nazi agenda

Obama looks like the Devil; Producers are horrified and trying to explain this to Oprah. The producers did not even have to make Obama look like a devil in the series. He is a natural talent.

“The Secret” pretending to be spiritual, Promoting the Nazi agenda.

Indeed Oprah being abused and full of rage and brainwashed by an upbringing of incest and Baptist religion could be out for revenge as it could have caused severe psychological damage. Why promote the nazi Agenda ( NWO)?:

Rose McGowan Rips Into Oprah Over Harvey Weinstein Ties, Accuses Her of Abandoning Sex Crime Victims

Buzzfeed “Rose McGowan called out Oprah in a scathing tweet that also criticized her past relationships with convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein and Russell Simmons, who has been accused of sexual assault and misconduct.”

Oprah Winfrey is hawking “The Secret,” a book that praises Nazis.

Oprah did not criticize the book “the secret” (I read it, great book); instead, she promoted it. Quote: Instead of charging “The Secret’s” passion for mass murderers.

Oprah decided on two full television shows in early 2007 (later three more radio shows). Both shows are to propagandize these Secret people and ex-Secret people.

More than that, she endorsed what they do, even championed it, and turned her shows into cheesy infomercials for these people.

Opera also did multiple shows with the Dalai Lama ( Nazi connections).

Henri Ford was a know Nazi fan.

Opera also praised Henry Ford, a known Nazi fan in public, and promoted and campaigned for Adolf Hitler. He received a Nazi medal for his efforts in the name of Adolf Hitler.

Christianity Today called Oprah a “postmodern priestess,” Others have noted the spiritual influence she has had on her audience over the years. Winfrey pointed out her favorite Bible passage: “My favorite Bible verse—because I am Christian—is Acts 17:28. It says, ‘In God, I live and move and have my being.'”

Oprah’s Second Secret Truth–Oprah embracing the Dalai Lama

Most potent people unite Dalai Lama, Oprah, and the global elite makes lots of money.

The Dalai Lama has terrorist and Nazi war criminal ties. Of course, the Dalai Lama is a wealthy guy himself. He gives lectures and book signings all over the world. I am promoting the Dalai Lama’s agenda, which is becoming rich. Preaching wise words to the poor: buy my Dalai Lama books, please, and pay for my lectures.

The Dalai Lama: Front Man for a Feudal Clique, Darling of Wealthy Mystics and Cold Warriors

Dalia Lama Exposed Video, I do not agree with everything, but in many cases, it’s correct.

The link is from western hudge society. Org mystics and cold warriors vanished.

His website is for people who like the Dalai Lama’s books and speeches.

Obama The Religion Hopper

Let’s go back to Obama’s mother. Her upbringing is by a non-practicing Christian and a Muslim-raised father. Obama described his father as a “confirmed atheist” when his parents met. In Obama’s childhood home, their household had the Bible, the Koran, and the Bhagavad Gita on the bookshelf. That same bookshelf holds books of Greek and Norse, and African mythology.

If Obama knew the Dalai Lama, he would have added him to the list.

Quote: My mother might drag me to Church on Easter or Christmas Day. Just as she dragged me to the Buddhist temple, the Chinese New Year celebration, the Shinto shrine, and ancient Hawaiian burial sites.

In sum, my mother viewed religion through the eyes of an anthropologist. It was a phenomenon to be treated with proper respect but with a reasonable detachment.

Obama studied for two years at a Muslim school.

As a child in Indonesia, Obama studied for two years at one Muslim school and then two years at a Catholic school.

So do we see what is so special about Obama? He is an Atheist, Muslim, Hindu, Catholic, and Shinto. That is a perfect candidate to get voters from all religious groups.

Indeed later, Obama would say he was a Christian and believed in the resurrection of Jesus. It helps a lot when 80% of all Americans are Christian. Barack Obama finally got baptized as an adult in the Trinity United Church of Christ. What a story! Who gets baptized as an adult?

Country music singer Hank Williams Jr. compared President Obama to Adolph Hitler in an awkward interview Monday morning on Fox and Friends.

Quote: Hank Williams Jr: Anchor Gretchen Carlson asked Williams who he liked in the GOP race, to which he replied, “Nobody.” A shocked Steve Doocy exclaimed, “Nobody!?”

This triggered Williams to bash Obama and Boehner’s golf game and compare the President to Hitler. All three Fox and Friends anchors sat nonplussed in utter bewilderment.

Williams later: Williams Jr. says, “Some of us have strong opinions and are often misunderstood. My analogy was extreme – but it was to make a point. I tried to explain how stupid it seemed – how ludicrous that pairing was.”

He continues, “They’re opposites, and it made no sense. They don’t see eye-to-eye and never will. I have always respected the office of the President.”

Hank Williams Jr hit the nail on Obama’s head.

Williams Jr. adds, “Every time the media brings up the Tea Party, it’s painted as racist and extremists.– There’s never a backlash – no outrage to those comparisons. Working-class people are hurting – and it doesn’t seem like anybody cares. Both sides are high-fiving it on the ninth hole when everybody else is without a job; it makes many of us angry. Something has to change. The policies have to change.”

Boy, was Hank Williams right. Look at the news today. Obama has two years to go as President. His popularity is at an all-time low, lower than any president in the history of the US:

Hitler vs. Obama – 25 Signs That America Is Rapidly Becoming More Like Nazi Germany

So how does it end and, what will happen, which books to expect?

Bill Clinton meets the Dalai Lama.

The big banksters and corporations plus wall street will come up with a new scenario to find the perfect presidential candidate.

The first female candidate Hillary Clinton has been pushed already in the media. She received a massive backlash because of the Benghazi scandal.

But think about it, the first female President, The NWO ( New World Order) network, I mean OWN ( Opera Winfrey Network), backed this female President. A robust black woman like Opera promoting a white female president is excellent for the Black African community.

All others who would not like to see change but are just fine with how they live their lives. They receive their high-paid big political jobs with book endorsement deals.

Politicians are always hired after their political careers to become a commissioner at Goldman Sacks or the Bank of America.

They will preach what we want to hear. Promise significant change will come resulting in four years of nothingness. Only more debt, so they produce just crap and end up with a book deal for the President and Co!

People Like Oprah, the Daila Lama, politicians, the elite, and Big Tech will choose a president, not the people. They need their inner circle closed so that they can make money.

Tony Blair is getting 43.000 pounds per month, Saudi oil dollars

Potential new female president Hilary Clinton and her religious views.

Picture: American Spirit

Potential new female president Hilary Clinton and her religious views.

Let’s see: Hilary Clinton and her religious views. This is very important as 80% are still Christian in the US. A massive group of voters believes in the invisible man in the sky. It should not be too hard to fool them again year after year, decade after decade.

Quote from:

“The United Methodist Church is made up of both conservative and liberal congregations. The Foundry United Methodist Church in Washington is which Hillary Clinton regularly attends. This Church describes itself as a “reconciling congregation.”

Hillary goes to a diverse Church.

According to them, they are not making any distinctions about race, ethnicity, or gender. This Church also invites “gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons to share our faith, community life, and ministries.”

The denomination as a whole, however, regards homosexuality as “incompatible with Christian teaching.” And opposes not only legalizing gay marriage but even solemnizing same-sex civil unions.

Abortion is formally frowned upon by the United Methodist Church, but the denomination nevertheless opposes criminalizing abortion as a medical procedure. This makes it technically pro-choice rather than pro-life”.

Another gay-positive church, central united Methodist Church

Ten years after Hillary did her “church” image tour, the United Methodist Church considered it spilled with LGBTQ rights. Their Church is running on empty.

Transgender, lesbian, gay, pro-abortion or anti-abortion, and different races are all welcome voters for the female President.

Well, that sums it all up. Incorporate hot topics like gay marriage and abortion questions. Welcome, all transgender people with open, loving arms into the new Christianity branch.

Lesbians and gays plus different races, “you get the message. Now you have gained all those followers and preach what the masses want to hear.

Religious practice for votes. Another four years of a disastrous presidency. The title of her future new book – how I became the first female President of the United States. Thank “God” trump avoided this witch to become President.

                                    picture: TRINACRIA PHOTO

With the Clintons, we know what we can expect. The court ruled that having a BJ is not sex and that Bill did not have sex with Monica Lewinsky.

The 911 commission was given extremely limited funds. $15 million was allocated to investigate 9/11—detail: Over $60 Million was spent researching the Clintons’ affairs with Monica.

Want to promote a book: what about this title for the secret lover of the President:

Monica Lewinsky says Clinton wanted threesomes, and Hillary didn’t like it

The website “data lounge” with the page: show thread 1196184 has vanished.

Philanthropy Image and PR.

It seems to me it’s all about book deals, Golf, power, and sex. Ooh yeah, preaching and being a good Christian get some people voting for you and make you famous.

When you achieve wealth and fame, you see yourself above and different from those who bought your books. They voted for you, and you just push your agenda ( New World Order) with them.

People with power are at the top, telling you how to breathe air and pay your taxes. Their network has many lawyers, judges, bankers, and other big corporations who play the game.

Oprah did a lot of good, and she did build that school in Africa for 45 million ( lots of press for her charity on her TV channel and other media outlets). It’s tax-deductible, good for your PR, and you become a member of the charity network.

Rise of the PR Philanthropist

And everybody thinks you are so good. True Philanthropists give while nobody knows. You don’t read it in the press. People give to charity. They have no plan—just empathy for other human beings.

There is a need to build up their image and PR. They do give and or active philanthropy because they can. They do not need applause. It can be a good thing for celebrities to do charity work publicly. Bring awareness to major worldwide issues.

Many robust, rich people meet with people like the Dalai Lama and Sadguru. The moment they put pictures on social media and the news, it’s for their ego.

Questions remain, is the charity work done to push humanity forward or for personal gain?

Not everything is what it’s like. Read the other side of the Oprah charity “stunt” to give all employees a free car.

The Church is exempt from paying taxes.

The Church is worse. They are exempt from tax, and they do not have to show how much money from what they receive for charity is spent on charity, resulting in a vibrant Church.

So bottom line, voting for democrats or republicans, white or black presidents, female or male, it’s just a figure who plays the game.

Does Bas Boon explain the Book royalty Tax deductions system?

Jawohl Herr obersturmbannführer, “naturalist,” but even the NWO is finally on the losing hand ( The NWO order group), I will switch camps like an honest politician. I will write a book about this. Most publishers of these famous “authors” (they all have ghostwriters as they can’t write themself) have been based in the Bahamas.

Authors and publishers have used this route for decades. The writers are secret shareholders in a subsidiary Bahamas publisher company. That company pays the author ( who lives in the States ) 10% royalties.

Over this ten percent royalties income, the author pays their total taxes, of course. Deductions include a flight to the Bahamas for research and lawyers and payments to PR companies. The final sum of tax over that 10% royalties is almost zero to 1%—what a fantastic game and system.

The publishers will keep selling books, Daila Lama, Obama, Donald Trump, and Oprah, and to keep this blog updated, Governor Andrew Cuomo recently has a 5 million upfront book deal. Navy Seal Ron O’Neil and CNN Peter Bergen all have massive book deals.

I am trying to join the club as I am not a hypocrite. I have to keep working on my writing skills and maybe change the narrative, any suggestions?

Tax return, please.

The other 90% of book revenues stay in the Bahamas’. The authors are secret shareholders, and this company loans the Author tons of money, for example, real estate in the states. Mc Donald’s is in the real estate business. Forget their hamburgers.

The interest on those loans is the interest the Author pay to their own companies in the Bahamas for taking a loan. It is tax-deductible in the States (it was for a long time).

So the authors can expect a tax return on the 1% left to pay their income tax on the royalties of 10% for the book deal (or film deals). All, of course, perfectly legal! Why would you not support such a system ( the big corporations have done it already for decades, let’s all follow the same law, it’s fun.

Church is tax-exempt

In the book Rich Dad and Poor Dad, the Author Robert Kiyosaki says it well. The biggest secret is having your money work for you (suitable investments). To not pay taxes or as little as possible. Guess who promoted Robert’s 26 million book sale blockbuster:?

Quote: Rich Dad Poor Dad has sold over 26 million copies and received positive reviews from some critics. American talk show host and media mogul Oprah Winfrey endorsed the book on her show.

Others who promoted the book are Will Smith and Donald Trump. I can’t wait to be in that club. What a network, what a way to sell a book.

Enough writing for now. I’m going to watch “Wolf Of Wall Street.” I’ve heard. It is very educational and inspirational.

If you did not vote, you have no right to complain – George Carlin.

Obama funded Ukraine Nazis; War started in 2014.

(C) Bas Boon

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