Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Open letter to Kim Jong-Un about Movie The Interview. To the Supreme Leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea, son of the great Kim Jong-Il and grandson of Kim Il-sung.

Date 31-12-2014

Dear Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un.

My name is Bas Boon, and I have been in the entertainment business for 35 years. I have produced several movies in Hollywood, and I would like to propose a movie project. 

My company proposes to collaborate on a film about the Zionist and the Americans. The film will depict the profuse propaganda in the U.S. 

The film should start with a love story/comedy about your personality and the natural face of Obama and the Zionists. The movie would be a counter “propaganda” masterpiece to the film “the interview.” Which certainly would change the opinion of the worldwide view on your personage. It will shine a different light on how you rule your country and conduct your foreign policies.

No Nuclear Attack, Please.

Please do not bomb the white house or conduct any nuclear attack because of the movie “the interview.” I know you are not behind the Sony hack. The Sony hack has been a fabrication of the CIA. 

You make threats to blow up the white house in the recent video. This video is the next propaganda stunt to push the Zionist movie “the interview.” Orchestrated by Sony with the help of President Obama. I suggest similar propaganda measurements promote your / our film “The Big American Lie.”

Several media platforms report that North Korea is negotiating secretly with the same car dealer from Texas. The same car dealer delivers Toyota trucks to the ISIS warriors (I know this is false).

They will soon see these American vehicles in a vast row of trucks in North Korea. With North Korean military personal waving North Korean flags from the back of open Toyota Trucks. They will show their guns to the spy satellites. The first who notice are some journalists (see my previous blogs on Isis).

If you see this video note, North Korea did not produce it, but the CIA in Hollywood.

For the people who did not see the movie “The interview” yet:

The newest Zionist propaganda movie, “the interview,” is from the U.S. about the current leader of North Korea. In a few words:

The movie “The Interview”: is a Jewish obsession about media, butt-holes, anal hiding places, female sexy secret agents, violence, propaganda, and luxury toys. The movie is full of gays, orgies and honey dipping, smelly dick, and blow job gestures. There is a scene of North Korean fat kids. It’s judgmental, satire and sarcasm. It has God’s heads on a plate, pushing massacre and nuclear threats. The movie is about death and how to kill the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-Un, a paparazzi journalist from the U.S.

I have been thinking about the script for a movie co-produced by Kim Jong-Un.

The movie title, “The Big American Lie,” could follow the synopsis.

The love story is about president Kim Yong Un who falls in love with Michelle Obama – when she was very young, Kim and Michelle fell deeply in love. She would later become President Obama’s wife. Michelle Obama is a long-time spy for North Korea while being the first lady as part of the plan.

Kim and Michelle have three Kids, Kim1, Kim2, and Kim3.

Kim’s a great guy who is a prominent philanthropist. Michelle Obama and Kim frequently secretly meet at charity events. They continue to have a secret relationship resulting in three kids, Kim 1,2,3.

Michelle will sacrifice her life as the first lady. That’s how much she loves Kim Jong Un. She does an excellent job in her role as a spy. The North Korean hackers receive the password from Michelle to expose the truth about Obama and America.

Flashback to the interview movie is now on screen: After the CIA recruits a journalist / T.V. show host, “movie flashes of the interview. Courtesy of Sony” to kill Kim Yong Un. 

Michelle warns her real love Kim Young Un of the assassination plot. This warning results in Kim hiring a body double. Not long after this, the Americans kill his body double in a helicopter blast. Kim Yong Un flees to the U.S., where he becomes the movie The Big American Lie producer.

The Truth about Obama.

Obama’s Lawyers Officially Admit Birth Certificate is Fake – See more at:

links were removed, but I did find this

Deport Obama? Petition Urges President’s Removal from The United States

Kim Jong Un is not a racist and a great lover of humanity. Somebody “leaks” an Obama sex tape (courtesy of Michelle). The videotape shows Obama who has sex with multiple young virgins. The people who kidnapped these young, under-aged Korean boys delivered them to a place called Bohemian Grove. 

There we can see Obama participates in sodomy, orgies, and human sacrifice. The Big American Lie, the 54th president, is a puppet of the Illuminati Hackers. This proof (Michelle hands the North Koreans the decoding keys for hacking). This “hacking key” exposes The Bohemian grove of child rape. It exposes pedophiles like Obama and many other political leaders around the world.

The Guantanamo detention camp will never be out of business or forgotten.

It becomes known that Obama is a pedophile and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, pushing a Muslim agenda in order from the Illuminati.

EGYPT’S LARGEST NEWSPAPER: Barack Obama Is A Member Of The Muslim Brotherhood…

The new ruler sends all U.S. political criminal pedophiles to The Guantanamo detention camp to be waterboarded for years. The secret children of Kim Jong Un and Michelle will lead this task, Kim 1, Kim 2, and Kim 3.

 Trailer of “The Big American Lie.”

Trailer of the Movie of The Big America Lie; Sex child cover-ups and pedophilia all on the music of Motorhead’s song “The whore house blues” ( watch celebs in the movie)

CNN- Satanic Child Sex Ring Is Ran By U.S. Government!!

John DeCamp Alex Jones Interview (FULL) – The Franklin Cover-Up ( Bohemian Grove)

David Icke: Royal Political Paedophilia.

Savile and the 9th Circle ( Must See )

See my blog on pedophiles: God” loves pedophiles, Hells Angels, Yusuf Estes hates Shakespeare:

God” loves pedophiles, Hells Angels, Yusuf Estes Mohammed….

The movie The Big American Lie’s opening shot:

The opening shot of the movie “The American Lie” (music welcome to the jungle from Guns and Roses).

Fat Obese kids in the U.S. on schools’ yards who insulin injections as they’re young diabetic patients. The interviewer of the movie asks adults and kids the names of the neighboring countries, which they do not know.

The picture fades to white trailer trash families in trailer parks—American families who go to the grocery store with food stamps.

Veterans of war, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq – living homeless on the streets. The empty city of Detroit, the Ferguson riots. Flash effects of police killings, fast food joints, school shootings, rape, adultery, and murder.

Text scrolls through the picture, saying: the youngest country with the most wars and deaths to its credits in the shortest period of the existence of any nation.

American Boy in Schoolyard does not know where or what Mexico is.

The Music ‘Welcome to Hell’ by Rhino Bucket for the Opening Shot.

Close up of Joan Rivers and her weekly visits to the plastic surgery. We hear Rivers insulting everybody, including Michelle Obama. 

Scroll of text over the shown footage video and photographs of all plastic surgery failures. Close up of huge lips and humans changing into monsters. The scene ends with Rivers dying in agony.

Followed by: Tribute to dead rappers

Scene two. A massive list of deaths of “artists” ton drugs and alcohol overdoses:

 1 Robbie Williams, depressed suicide artist.

2 Hunter S Thompson, hells angels book writer, loved alcohol, drugs, and firearms.

3 Steve Mc Queen: wife beater and drug abuser.

4 Michael Jackson, the death of a billionaire pedophile.

5 Marilyn Monroe, Hollywood slut, and president fucker.

6 Freddy Mercury from Queen, homosexual, died of Aids.

7 Whitney Houston, cocaine overdose.

Music of Nashville Pussy: Good Night For A Heart Attack:

100 Americans die of drug overdoses each day. How do we stop that?

The Satanic Pedophiles Of Hollywood & Their Corruption Of Children

Bill Cosby is facing a litany of allegations.

Quote” Though the star has vehemently denied most of the accusations that he drugged and sexually assaulted young women seeking career guidance.”

The camera fades to a graveyard, and we hear the music of ACDC Highway to Hell. The Australian Bon Scott, the lead singer of ACDC, died young of an overdose. A colossal list of dead celebs that fail because of overdose. Scrolling text over the graveyard footage.:

ACDC Highway To Hell.

John Belushi, Anna Nicole Smith, Janis Joplin, River Phoenix, Brittany Murphy, Bradley Nowell, Nirvanna, Anissa Jones, Bridgette Anderson, Scotty Beckett, Dana Plato, Corey Haim, Chris Farley, Ken Caminiti, Layne Staley, Mitch Hedberg, Sebastian Horsley, Brent Mydland, Hillel Slovak, Jimmy Hendrix………………

77 Celebrities Who got Charged with Domestic Abuse

Music now changes to Eric Clapton- Cocaine, new graveyard, died of an overdose with all celebrities.

IMDb: Top 70 Alcohol/Drug Addiction Movies

Kim can have a leading role in multiple promo shots: 

Promo shot Kim exposes the secret U.S., 

Saudi oil deal to cripple Russia.

Picture By: Astrelok

Kim Jong Un exposes the U.S. / Saudi deal; the blue screen background shows Kim standing in the Saudi oil field ( music now by Pink Floyd “Money”).

The U.S. oil scam agreement does not bring down Russia with the Saudi oil scam. Oil at 20 dollars, but the Saudis keep pumping.

SAUDI OIL MINISTER: I Don’t Care If Prices Crash To $20 — We’re Not Budging

The Saudis keep pumping the oil. This is why the Russian Ruble is in free fall (a clever deal between the U.S. and the Saudis). 

The BRICS countries will only trade with Yuan and Rubles. They will no longer accept dollar payment methods. 

BRICS is the acronym for an association of five major emerging national economiesBrazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

The Future of the BRICS Development Bank

The U.S. does not like this (which will cause a mass dollar devaluation). So first, they make a global worldwide anti-boogeyman campaign on Putin and Russia. Putin’s missile, “Ukraine invasion,” and blame Putin for the plane disaster of flight MH 17.

Obama calls America’s Bin Laden Saudi’s oil friends and makes a deal. This deal is that the Saudis keep pumping oil even while the U.S. has enough. The USA has increased oil production. And they mix the oil to have an enormous stockpile. 

Kim show’s on live T.V. the recordings of the deal between The Obama administration and the Saudis.

Did the U.S. and the Saudis Conspire to Push Down Oil Prices?

Publicity stunt, forget the Sony Hack and use nukes to sell the movie.

Music by: Carnivore – Thermonuclear Warrior

As a publicity stunt, forget the Sony hack and throw a few nukes on Israel and Palestine.

Just a few days before Kim Jong Un ordered to push the button, the North Koreans hacked the computers of the government of Saudi Arabia. They leave a digital trail that points evidence in their direction.

The hack should reveal that theSaudiss knew a film was produced, which showed proof that the religion of Islam is false. The footage shows proof their prophet Mohammed was a pedophile and not a prophet.

The collapse of the Faith.

The Zionists discovered this. The proof also shows that the Jewish and other religions are an artificial farce to control people. The Saudis would not wait for the new release of this movie. It will cause the collapse of the Faith they promoted with trillions of oil money.

One billion and five hundred thousand followers of a faker fairy tale story. Time to take action and destroy Israel. Now that is a stunt to promote your film. This makes the Sony hack look like garbage and solves the Israel-Palestine problem forever. No more three “holy’ religions in one city in one place, just nuclear waste, radiation, and the blast

Here is an idea for some extra publicity for the shot of the destruction of Palestine, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. 

Notice that the United Nations nuked Saudi Arabia. As retaliation for “the Saudis” nuking Palestine and Israel. The former white house and CIA staff admit their atrocities and conspiracies in the movie The Big American Lie. 

Kickback Benefits, War is Money for some.

Certain people blow up the twin towers to war with Iraq and Afghanistan. They conspire with these atrocities with the help of the Saudis and Israel. All would benefit from kickbacks from the contractors they would send to the war zones (which was decided long before 9/11). 

The Contractors would retrieve oil in those territories, confiscate opium, divide conquered land with their resources, and profit from weapons sales. This would beat the confession of Enenim being gay in the movie “The Interview.” 

I do not know why the interview also uses Rob Low. He is known for a leaked sex tape where he had sex with underage teenagers and a man and another woman.

More Promos of Kim and North Korea 

Pictures of a Gallier Village in Bretagne ceased by Romans who just couldn’t conquer the little village; Astrix and Obelix are shown with Kim in the middle.

Music by: ASTERIX SONG: We Are One People

North Korea, in reality, is the Astrix and Obelix story, with North Korea being the Gallier village. They are surrounded by great China and separated from South Korea by the demilitarized zone with many American soldiers. 

The country is boycotted by almost every nation. North Korea will not bow to other nuclear superpowers or boycotts. They have become a nation with atomic bombs and long-range rockets, and it scares the other superpowers shitless.

Some more promos of Kim arresting more celebs of the Hollywood elite.

Bill Maher on Cosby’s Accusers: ‘There’s No Glamour in Saying an Old Creep Forced Himself on You

Like Stalin, people see Kim Jong Un as a God and love God (s). Eighty percent of America believes in God. They even print “in God we trust “on their money. Combining both Gods with Michelle Obama’s marriage will unite the Gods and please many people. 

You might want to split open a sea here and there to convince the non-believers. But that will not be a problem with me as a producer.

We can see some good deeds during Kim Ne Leader’s U.S. tour,

Since Kim took over the leadership again of North Korea, he conquered back the heart of the North Koreans. The female North Korean traitor of the movie “The Interview” is also transported to the Guantanamo detention camp. 

New “Visitors” for the Guantanomo Detention Camp.

The North Korean leader Kim Jong Un becomes the leader of Korea entirely, and the U.S., With the help of Michelle Kim, commits a successful coup de ta in the U.S. Together with Michelle on his side, the country has no more poverty and drug addicts.

Prescription drugs are also stopped being sold, saving millions of American lives:


Kim closes all Churches in the U.S., and pedophilia drops by an astonishing 80%. All Priest gets sent to the Guantanamo detention camp. The confiscation of money in offshore accounts from the Church helps to settle to entire deficits of the U.S. and North Korea. 

Church Charity Money (Trillion) to pay off Church Sex Scandals.

The churches never paid taxes, took all the money from the poor, and raped their children. Kim introduces a new payment method without using cash or banks.

The Church paid off sex scandals for sums like a trillion dollars. Money from the poor. They use this money to settle the sex scandals of the Church. The vicious circle starts again when the Priest confesses—rape for the people paid by the people, amen.

Activists have promoted teaching at schools for five-year-old kids about sex because there is so much rape in the U.S.

Kim stops school violence and rape and has a statue at every school and public building in the U.S. Music has now changed to Hank Williams Junior: The American Dream.

The movie ends with Kim Yong Un standing in front of the Pacific Ocean and splitting the sea in two. I can do this as a producer with no problem. We can even make it an actual event. Eighty percent of the Christians in The U.S. know who their new Messiah is.

Movie Credits:

Music: Slayer Angel of Death, Judas Priest deal with the Devil, Anti Nowhere league I hate People, 2 Pac Fuck the World, Pink Floyd Money, Asterix and Obelix Song we are the people, Hank Williams The American Dream, Carnivore Thermonuclear Warrior, Eric Clapton Cocaine, Motorhead The Whore House, Blues, ACDC High Way To Hell, 2 Pac Fuck the World, Rhino Bucket ‘Welcome to Hell’

Executive producers/script: Bas Boon and Lindsay Muro.

Associate Producer Andreas Goebels

Co-Producer: Stefan Görring

On-line Producer: Helmut Döniz

Executive producer: Lisa Koch, Hans Stangl, Stefan Blobel, Joost Kramer, Erin Kaltenbrummer, Fritz Jeckeln, Olaf Dirlewanger, Otto Globocnik, Adri Eichmann, Stefan Mengele, Rudolf Heydrich, Marlene Hitler, Horst Himmler

Co- Producer: Dennis Rodman

Casting: Eda von Brauwn

President Obama: Denzel Washington

From the “illegal” Sony hack: “Producer says Denzel Washington won’t make money for Sony because he is black and the rest of the world is ‘racist,’ leaked emails reveal.”  

An excellent way for Denzel to get his Oscar and proof those racist Jewish bastards at Sony. He is a tremendous talent and can be the star in any movie.

Jacqui Rankins: Michelle Obama

Howard: Kim Yong un

 Notice that music from Wagner’s “Die Walküre” is played during the credits.

“Die Walküre” Richard Wagner + Adolf Hitler

The interview was the best film of 2014. I pissed myself laughing.

James Franco did a brilliant job. It’s fabulous, a must-see for everybody.

I wrote this in 2014; ooh wait, what is this?

As for the sheep amongst us, please notice that the movie Jaws led to the slaughter of 100 Million Sharks Killed Each Year, Study Finds.

Coconuts kill more people than Shark Attacks. “Falling Coconuts kill 150 people worldwide yearly. Fifteen times the number attributed to sharks”.

Let’s hope that the explosion of some nukes in Israel and Palestine and the retaliation “nuclear” flattening of Saudi Arabia are not taken out of context by some countries. An överraction” will lead to the third world war. Just more movies on this subject with me as a producer is fine. 

May a 1000 years + peace strike no better word reach humanity.


End: Military security brings in James Franco, and Kim tells him he does not have hard feelings toward James. Kim says I know you were under pressure from the CIA to kill me. 

Kim Jung Un tells Franco he will run the American State T.V. in the U.S. and wants Franco to be head of it. They become friends again. At the movie’s end, Franco joins the orgy with Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, and Kim. They all get multiple orgasms. After the orgy, Kim orders Condoleeza Rice and Hilary Clinton to be sent to The Guantanamo detention camp. 

All prisoners must watch the Interview movie 24 hours a day for years.

North Korea withdrew from the demilitarized zone, and the connection with South Korea was made with not one shot fired like the fall of the Berlin wall. 

No More demilitarizing zone, North and South Korea reunite.

Happy New Year and a pleased, healthy, and Entertaining Year.

(C) Bas Boon

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