Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

God” loves pedophiles, Hells Angels, Yusuf-Shakespeare. This story concerns God, pedophiles, and power-hungry, sexually frustrated men with small penises. From the above YouTube link, we can watch the story told by Yusuf. A man approaches Yusuf saying that Mohammed was a pedophile or implying the thought.

Yusuf needs to fight for his prophet.

The men asked Yusuf why a 54-year-old prophet could marry a 6-year-old,?

Yusuf gets angry. He wants to take off his jacket to start a fight, which is funny as he always wears a long dress.

Masuk Islam karena Mempertanyakan Penikahan Nabi – Yusuf Estes Yusuf about Mohammed marriage at age of 6 and Shakespare

Yusuf Needs Violence

Yusuf says he wants to punish this guy with his hands ( doing the work of God ) because his prophet was insulted. Indeed the prophet always needs violence between people. The Ego of man to defend his Ego. God and Mohammed would feel screwed without humans like Yusuf supporting some of the pedophilia accusations.

Former Christian preachers bullied Yusuf. So he has a minority complex which occasionally turns into violence and rage (with God’s blessing, of course).

A priest bullied Yusuf. This experience made him convert to Islam.

The human ego’s defense mechanism, Yusuf, let me explain: Mohammed was the Prophet and the most powerful man. A poor father gave his virgin daughter to him. The people in charge love young virgins as, for their ego, they are the first to be with the child. They are rich/powerful and need attention for their ‘holy” penises.

Holy Penises (double meaning)

When men start defending themselves about their “gods or prophets” being insulted, those men mean their penises. God shorten their penis for a purpose). Often they have a very short penis. A penis that can’t get stiff because of all of God’s “anger and rage.” This punishment of God is why pedophiles are like little boys.

These “powerful” men deal with God’s rules 24 hours a day daily. “Powerful” men who force God’s laws upon others are very stressed and tend to lead to impotence. So they become pedophiles to feel powerful over children. 


These men can not handle a real woman. That’s why they have to wrap themself into a ninja suit if other humans with a bigger penis would stare at their women and seduce them. Honor killings and all kinds of bloody violent shit for the invincible man in the sky, according to their rule in the book, which God dictated.

 Is the writer of the Quran Mohammed’s stalker?

Mohammed’s wife never said a bad word about Mohammed? States Yusuf. Was the writer of the Quran with Mohammed day and night, 24 hours a day, day after day, month after month, year after year? Did this writer check if Mohammed kept his hands to himself?

The writer “spy” checks if his wife has said anything wrong about her husband. Would the Quran writer sit in the Prophet Mohammed’s bedroom until his death?

Yusuf claims a girls can think for themselves at the age of 6. The father wants to give his daughter to a powerful man who cares about the phrase Pedophiles.

Does Yusuf realize he is telling his version of an ancient book written by humans? There are many versions of how other humans would read the story and interpret the words of the Quran.

The interpretation of old holy books

An older man marries a six years old child but says he lets her play in the yard. The girl never said something terrible about Mohammed. The writer stayed with the 6-year-old 24 hours a day for the rest of her life.

It is a severe profession as a writer of holy books. He has to see if she is faithful, and the writer loved watching the prophet having sex. ,

Fritz Josef from Germany comes to mind, who had a cellar with sex slaves (his spouse). Nobody heard anything for 20 years. Hell, if those poor girls did not escape, they still would have been captured as sex slaves in his dungeon. Fritz was not only a pedophile. He kept his children in a dungeon as sex slaves.

Bad Example.

The Caliphate Isis “team delusional” is now trading sex slaves of the “enemy.” It starts at the age of three years old in Syria. It comes with the guarantee that the babies are a virgin. All because the prophet Mohammed gave the example of marrying very young virgins.

An example of writings in the Quran. The justification rape and slavery of the captured “enemies” of the religion of “peace.”

Hells Angels Shakspeare “teaching” are offended by Yusuf

Yusuf rambles on now about William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet’s “love story.” How one of the children from the play commits suicide. Suicide is a sin, and you go to hell, according to some of the significant religious writings.

Yusuf now raises his voice. How can somebody write that as a love story? Which writer commits such atrocity? I mean, a well-known writer, poet, playwright, and actor. Does Yusuf attack Shakespeare for his word?

Angry Hells Angels

Yusuf, I got news for you. I know a clan of Hells Angels who love Shakespeare and took Shakespeare’s writings as a life guidance religion. You are making an insult to this literary genius Shakspeare who is the most excellent writer in the English language. 

The hells angels are now discussing with other biker gangs to carry out the sentence for insulting their famous writer ( it is forbidden in the culture of bikers to offend Shakespeare).

The Hells Angel’s Sentence

I heard that one of the biker’s rules is to hang people who offend their beloved writer Shakespeare—hanging them by their penises upside down with 12 dozen pencils up their butt.

Do not try to take off your dress and try to defend the religion of “peace” in your underwear. When it rains, punches and bikers boots upon you. If you would survive the onslaught because you offended the bikers, writer Shakespeare


I, and with me, many others, understand that you instantly would become an atheist. God and the Prophet did not give you the strength to deliver one punch to defend them. They are too busy selecting young virgins for their pleasure.

Shakespeare would have made a play out of this.

How to ridicule your religion!

Yusuf’s arguments make Islam and the Quran painfully more ridiculous. He does not defend Islam the way he should. The converted priest Yusuf makes it more painful and stupid (pedophiles are pedophiles). I do not need your spaghetti-spilling bible story or attempts to disguise pedophilia. These so-called “Holy” books are fiction, and the creators and writers are early descendants of Walt Disney. That’s why Disney has one pedophile scandal after another.

Walt Disney Religion

Btw Yusuf, whatever you do, do not watch fifty shades of grey. I repeat, do not watch fifty shades of grade. I pity you are and have been bullied by a religious Christian Priest. Maybe something more took place, which makes your rage even more understandable. They force you to become a religion hopper. Now they use you as a propaganda human for Islam on the Muppet channel Peace TV.

Do not read fifty shades of grey or watch that movie. It could cause a heart attack. If they force you to watch it, interpret it as fantasy with the 100 million women who read the books).

King John of England married 12-year-old Isabella of Angouleme.

People should know it was accepted and “normal” to marry young girls (kids) in those times. At the age when a girl reaches early puberty, in the case of Aisha, she was an early flyer. Let’s keep it at that.

Pedophilia was not an issue at those times.

Many debates are about her age. But then again, somebody who is writing that chapter in the Quran could have spilled some spaghetti sauce. The stain drops on the Quran’s page, which mentions Aisha’s age.

The spaghetti stain covers the number 1, so only a six was left, while Aisha was 16. She is still young, still way too young, but a little better than six years. Yusuf, you would make yourself more trustworthy by explaining that we were less evolved in those times.

Spaghetti spilled while writing the Quran.

Humans had the wrong idea when a woman (girl, child) would be old enough to make her own decision. The Horny perverts who liked to bang very young virgins were hopefully not among the writers of the Quran when God was dictating his rules.

In his heart, Yusuf knows the truth, and he knows he cannot defend his prophet. He is marrying a girl of such a young age. So Yusuf tries to bullshit his way out of the confrontation.

He should have said that five centuries after Muhammad’s marriage to Aisha. King Edward married a minor. The 33-year-old King John of England married 12-year-old Isabella of Angoulême. The world is simple riddles with pedophiles.

Wrong excuse

Yousef should have said that we are living in modern times. It’s unnecessary to defend any interpretation of the Quran or be offended by words from critics or nonbelievers.

Nobody should be offended by other holy Gods and religions, especially not threatening with violence. In perspective, Aisha could have been very young. Suppose there is any truth in the story. Aisha’s age for marrying was the norm and accepted at that time (sad but true). I would swallow that story, Yusuf, but bashing Shakespeare?

Unfortunately, throughout history, the rape and slavery of young virgin girls have continued today, in all religions and among non-believers. 

Catholic Sex Scandals

Catholic sex abuse cases in the United States involve lawsuits, criminal prosecutions, and scandals over sexual abuse by Roman Catholic clergy.

Since 1985 the Church has paid more than 2 billion dollars (see link) to buy off sex scandals (only in the states) where the “holy” penises of priests rape young boys.

Today it is 6.9 billion, making the Church the biggest and best-paid whorehouse worldwide.

That makes the Church the most prominent paying institute for sex worldwide. 

You would say let those offenders rot in hell. But the church has an excellent method of lightening the burden of evil people. That is precisely what they perverted satanist. The name to continue this carousel of nonsense; is confession.

Holy Pedophiles

The priests all know this. So they would stick their penises in every underaged boy they could find. Often the children were threatened with stories of an angry God. The threat is always the same. The devil will soon visit the little boys and their families if they do not “clean” the “holy” penis.

Many of these priests get caught because the abused children grew up. The now adults realize it was not customary to work with “holy” penisses from the priest. Young adult men receive a priest’s penis up their butt very young. By now, it rains claims against the church.

The pedophile abusive priest’s response is to confess. The church would pay the fine ( lawyers and victims got their portion of “holy” money). And the priests would find some new young boys/girls, and then the circle would repeat itself.

Sex Scandals in the Media Headlines

The Guardian: ‘Endemic’ rape and abuse of Irish children in Catholic care, inquiry finds

Another Sex Gang Bust: 6 Jihad Pimps on trial in the UK enslaving six non-Muslim little girls.

Rotherham: In the face of such evil, who is the racist now?

The Yorkshire town where Asian men have sexually abused 1,400 girls is a byword for depravity – all because people wouldn’t rock the multicultural boat.

 ‘House of horror’ children never saw daylight.

The Sir Jimmy Savile scandal: Child sexual abuse and institutional denial at the BBC.

For the people who like to know more about famous and royal pedophiles:

The link of “the hard truth about the list of satanist” is removed ( probably in the wake of Price Andrew and Epstein scandal.

Charity money for the settlement of Child abuse, rape, and murder

So let’s not blame all these abuse cases on the Prophet Mohammed. We can see it’s a pretty popular occupation under the elite. The list is extensive; religious, famous musicians, leaders of world banks, presidents, and politicians. 

I remember Bill Clinton’s sex scandal and how he lied through his teeth. Everybody could read this in the press. The opposite political party spends 60 million of our tax-paying dollars ( and donations from other scumbags).

A chance to get Bill Clinton off his throne when the public discovers he had sex with Monica. More scandalous is that amount of 60 million.

To compare this with the murder of more than 3000 Americans on 9/11. The government spends only 15 million on a farce research team. I predict that Bill Clinton’s wife will run for the presidency soon.

Sex Child Scandal by the elite and famous.

Michael Jackson, the world’s most famous musician, paid tens of millions to settle child sex abuse cases to his victims. The children of these families usually never see a penny and only are traumatized and scarred for life.

Big law firms find out about these cases and smell a chance of a big win. They take many high-profile cases and receive most of the settlement money. Rarely are the famous politician or religious priests/leaders get convicted.

Head of World Bank Dominique Strauss rapes maid.

Dominique Strauss-Khan of the world bank, head of the international monetary fund, raped a poor maid. Only in 2002 the girl decides not to press charges.

The maid’s mother talked her out of pressing charges. Take a wild guess who gets paid? Later allegations followed, but Straus had the best lawyers he could buy and escaped the prosecutions ( what else is new).

BBC host Jimmy Savile’s victims were between 5 and 75, and the scumbag died without paying a penny or spending a day in jail.

Here is a top ten list of political pedophiles and rapists

I mention these people because of what David Icke says about this. He researched these scumbags his entire life. Finally, the massive pile of shit is reaching the surface. They ridiculed David Icke for many years for his views and opinions on this subject. Now we know he was right from the beginning. 

David Icke – Two Hour Special Royal/Political Pedophilia How the Global Pieces Fit. Bush, Cheney, and Clinton ring of pedophiles

Satanism and Pedophilia

It’s tragic, but the list is endless. If we want to evolve as a species, we must understand that children cannot make decisions for themselves. Anything we the parents would teach and show our children would become an enormous influence in their lives).

When calling them adults, we like to think we know a child’s age. The truth is that many times the parents themselves are still children. Pedophilia is a sickness; many see and use this as a form of Satanism. We are sucking out innocent child victims’ lives to be used by sick masochistic devil worshipers.

David Icke was right.

According to David Icke, Satanism and pedophilia could bring the downfall of the royals and politicians ( many involved ). Icke predicted and revealed many names years ago in a book he published ( YouTube link).

Before Jeffrey Epstein was ever in the picture as a notorious pedophile, David Icke publicly revealed these stunning revelations. Icke also claimed Prince Andre was a pedophile over a decade ago.

Prince Andrew was a lot on the island of Jefferey Epstein

Religious and other evil people abuse many young children at churches and parliament buildings. The abuse is because they indoctrinate these children from the moment they are born. They infest the infants with religion and obedience.

Then some children are caught in a vicious circle, often becoming a pedophile themselves at a later age and repeating the cycle.

We must eliminate people who preach hate, fear, obedience, and submission. Giving your heart and soul to Gods, priests, politicians, and other vultures is no longer necessary. Let’s change our system and get rid of these “reptiles” they possibly cannot be human as they lack a shred of empathy.


We know what is wrong, and the only reasonable solution for pedophilia behavior is castration.

Quote the pope “Of course pedophilia is first rather a sickness of individuals. It could become so active and widespread that many desperate people want to believe in men who are supposed to do good. Through the foundations of moral theology, good and evil became open to question in the Church.

Questioning the Church

Good and evil became interchangeable; they were no longer apparent opposites.”

― Pope Benedict XVI, Light of the World: The Pope, the Church, and the Sign of the Times – A Conversation with Peter Seewald”.

Quote “But the broader theme of scripture is that a man’s children are his possessions, to be trained, traded and treated as he sees fit, even if it kills them.

This concept of the child emerges in the Hebrew Tanakh, beginning with the BOOK of Genesis, and continues into the Christian New Testament.

Stories, commandments, legal codes, and theology are built on this premise and make sense only when we understand fatherhood to mean ownership.”

It makes you wonder if these stories are not just some screenplay from Shakespeare from those times?

Quote “Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains that I shall show you.” (Genesis 22:1-12nasv)”.

Sacrifice your kids show obedience to your God

“Look, I have two daughters who have not known a man; let me bring them out to you. And do to them as you please; only do nothing to these men, for they have come under the shelter of my roof.” (Gen 19:8nrsv)

In the Hebrew Bible, premarital sex is regulated legally within a property framework. A used female is damaged goods; consequently, they can force a rapist to buy the girl he violated from her owner—her father.

So the Quran makes it clear that Muslims may marry pre-pubescent infants. There would be no need for a divorce unless you were first married! Muhammad’s marriage to a child of 6 (she had sex at the age of 9) inspired this hideousness.

Child Sex Normal In Islam and Quran

As for the righteous (Muslims). We (Allah) shall wed them to beautiful virgins with lustrous eyes” [Quran 44:51-54]

Paradise Whorehouse

Other verses in the Quran—such as 37:40-48, 44:51-55, 52:17-20, 55:56-58, 70-77, 56:7-40, 78:31 (also see The link of Islam reform page 192 was removed) describe Paradise to be an alluring whorehouse. Any sane, rational person can believe in such teaching and crave such depraved sexual Paradise is unbelievable.

Let’s start with the castrating process with the gang of priests and other religious delusional pedophiles!

Shakespeare’s Jack and Jill new updated versions

You should know Yusuf. One page was left out and re-written when they printed Shakespeare’s books/works. On this missing page, they describe how a religious preacher abuses jack and Jill at a very young age in their real lives.

That is the reason why one commits suicide. But Shakespeare re-wrote that part and left out the church involvement, which led to the suicide. He reached a non-disclosed settlement with the church to not write about the actual events.

Wash our Sins

Ooh, Lord, let us wash our sins………… will work when the castration punishment is castration. After that, pedophiles can complain during the confession or pray to Allah. How unfair it is that your balls our now with God. Most priests will understand as they all miss their balls. “Gods” ways are mysterious, and he would show huge balls to make this happen.

Fun with Shakespeare

Yusuf, let us know which version of the rhyme of Shakespeare you refer to ( there were quite some edits). They add many verses to the rhyme. It includes a performance of 15 stanzas in a chapbook of the 19th century.

A third verse, sometimes added to the rhyme, was first recorded in a 19th-century chapbook and took the form:

By the early 20th century, this had been modified in some collections, such as L. E. Walter’s Mother Goose’s Nursery Rhymes (London, 1919) to:

Version 1:

Jack and Jill went up the hill and had a lot of fun, stupid Jill forgot the pill, and now they have a son.

Version “Shakespeare” Bas Boon Says:

Jack and Jill went up the hill, chased by a rapist who wanted to kill.

God needs sacrifice, so pastors’ deeds are justified.

God’s friends are waiting in line. Sex with a child is divine,

The priest takes turns raping a child. God’s ways are lustful and wild.

Up Jack got with a sore butt, tries to run faster.

We are just ending up in bed giving head to another pastor.

Then Jill came in, and she saw the sin.

The scene is odd, cock in mouth ordered by God.

Cock deep in the throat, causing Jack to choke.

Jill wants to tell, but god threats with hell. 

Jack dies from pain, and lawyers know who’s to blame,

Jack was ill. It was God’s will.


Jill prays to God the justice she demands, but God says no,

God loves porn on his command.

God Loves Porn

Jill went to court for Jack to get some justice back,

she told about the chase, but God’s money will settle any case.

In heaven, finally, peace eternally. For Jack, not lovely, nope, not paradise.

Fucked forever in time, penetrated by God’s cock, which is divine.

There is a new Shakespeare every time!

Shakespeare would have given me a 10 (for efforts)

 Islam Invites Pedophiles, Political Woke Correctness.

(C) Bas Boon

6 thoughts on “God” loves pedophiles, Hells Angels, Yusuf hates Shakespeare.”
  1. dr kola kolawole, male psychiatrist from Hamilton Ontario had been convicted of second degree felony, forcible sexual abuse, and third degree felony forcible sodomy molestation of three juvenile patients at the ontario facility where he worked and sexual assault of a highschool girl in a park. He destroyed my daughters life, Merry Christmas

  2. […] Moreover, the story of the legend Sinterklaas who lived in Turkey is full of miracles. The myth says that this “holy” man brought back alive butchered murdered kids and he saves three young girls from becoming prostitutes. The usual portion of miracles to show how holy and good Sinterklaas was ( the bishop in Myra near Antalya). The trustworthy Sinterklaas is an old man who likes to give candies to young children. He has black Pete’s with him to scare the children if they are up to no good. Ahum, I grew up ( some say I never did ) now knowing the real story of Sinterklaas it sounds that the Sinterklaas character is just another pervert who comes to seduce children with candy. He uses scare tactics “saving butchered children bringing them back to life”? Like Jesus revived alcoholic Lazarus from the dead, reminds me of  my previous blog: “God” loves pedophiles, Hells Angels, Yusuf Estes hates Shakespeare”. […]

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