Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Climate Hoax Religion, Travel Ban, Muslim Propaganda. Scumbag Democrat lawyer Bob Furguson worked around the clock with the support of Amazon, Expedia, and other big corporations to declare Donald Trump’s travel ban unconstitutional. The dream case of any big law firm is to receive unlimited amounts of money to start a lawsuit against the president. 

Scumbag Bob Furguson

Knowing the system well, it did not take long before Bob Furguson found a judge who is a Black Lives Matter Supporter and has been an active supporter of refugees. It’s like the OJ Simpson case, where the central theme was blacks against whites. The racist card was played during the trial. There is the blaming of a racist white cop. The Simpson lawyers won the case. But everybody, including the black community, knows Simpson was guilty.

Black people were cheering on the streets; we won. I wrote this before in another blog. What did you win? Did you just win the lottery? No more mortgage payments on your home, a free holiday? In the end, O.J. still went to jail. By then, nobody cared anymore as the Mass media was focused on something else. 

Comedian George Carlin (R.I.P.) said: it’s like watching a giant freak show fueled by the Mass Media (they create this climate of racism). It’s designed to keep the dumb sheep occupied with senseless garbage. The OJ Simpson case: a Jewish lawyer defends a Black Celebrity by playing the racist card, blaming a dirty white cop. Can I get some more popcorn and cola, please?

It is not a Muslim ban; the Fake News lies.

Obama and the senate chose those seven countries, and it’s not a ban on all Muslims like Donald mentioned during his election campaign. Donald has asked Steve Bannon and legal advisers how to make this legal. The new ban was based on the countries the senate chose during the Obama administration. 

The Motive for danger is clear: Obama has been bombing Syria, Iraq, and Libya for over eight years. On top of that, it was Obama who supplied Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, and Isis Weapons to fight the Assad regime. When the Russians came and bombarded the real terrorist, the war was over in a few months. No reports anymore during the last month from CNN about Aleppo. In the alternative media, we witness that many of the citizens of Aleppo have a different story to tell. They are mainly on the side of Assad.

A high-profile Democratic congresswoman says she met with Assad on her secret trip to Syria

So the U.S. worked with the terrorist in Syria and then abandoned these terrorists as soon as Russia started fighting the real terrorist. It’s the U.S. that caused these terrorist groups to thrive. The Syrian population is primarily illiterate and knows it. 

Unfortunately for the Mass Media and the criminal Obama administration, these crimes are exposed now by the alternative media. Somebody with a phone, camera and a Facebook/YouTube account is everywhere. The most recent example is a viral video, receiving over 40 million views from Steven Gern speaking the truth about Islam while in Iraq. As a result, they are escorted out of the country with immediate death threats!

Contractor Evacuated From Iraq After Speaking Out On Islam

Original video and link removed. I found this:

Germany “welcomes “old diseases such as T.B.C. “Wir Schaffen das,” an avalanche of refugees with T.B.C., H.I.V., Aids, and Syphilis. 

Islamists, moderates, and Muslims, however you want to call them, hate Americans like never before. Europe is already suffering from an invasion of Muslim migrants/refugees/terrorists, and the results are devastating. 

There are many no-go zones in France, Germany, Belgium, and Sweden. These are Muslim Mafia ghettos. Some cities in Sweden and Germany became the rape capitols of Europe. But the German and Swedish media has been instructed not to report on the identity of the criminals anymore. The government and Fake News create this climate.

The worst is the invasion of German hospitals and the testimony of a Check doctor fleeing Germany now because of the danger of contamination with T.B.C., H.I.V., Aids, and Syphilis. German girls do not feel safe walking the streets anymore.

It’s not only Germany that covers up mass sex attacks by migrant men. Sweden’s record is shameful.


What about Muslim countries that are not taking one single refugee? 

Israeli passport holders cannot travel to 16 Muslim countries. Hell, if I have a visa stamp of Israel on my passport, I am refused in dozens of Muslim countries, and I am not an Israeli.

U.A.E. says Donald Trump’s migration ban is NOT anti-Islamic and points out that most Muslims are still free to travel to the U.S. Donald Trump’s ban affects Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. The top United Arab Emirates official said Trump’s travel ban measure is not directed at any religion. The Foreign minister said the ban did not apply to the ‘large majority of the world’s Muslims. Even Donald Trump himself stated it is not a Muslim ban.

‘It’s not a Muslim ban: Trump defends controversial executive order on refugees as protests erupt.

This confused me as the Media, with the leading King of Fake News, CNN, repeats every hour that there is a ban on Muslims. There is Chaos in the white house. The internal staff would be leaking information according to sources from the Media. This time it’s not a Russian hack, as it does not fit the narrative of the Mass Media. 

Is there any truth to the Media Reports that Trump became very angry on the phone with the Australian prime minister? What about other details of the conversation? The leak could have come, for example, from the Australians and not the internal staff of Donald Trump. 

But the mass media is blowing up any story as long as it portrays Donald Trump in a negative light. The media should make a story (some did). A good question is why there are refugees on some remote islands in detention camps in Australia.

Australian Hardline Policies.

The hard-line Australian policies on Muslim Migrants and refugees are something the media should do some critical stories on (about its success). Indeed Donald Trump and the Australian prime minister have similar things regarding refugees and migrants. The Press should emphasize why Obama made a deal to take these migrants, refugees, and convicted criminals from Australian Islands detention facilities. 

I am sure the Australian prime minister and Donald Trump will get along fine in the future. I can understand Donald was pissed with this Obama booby-trap surprise. While you are implementing a travel ban from seven countries, including Iran, you receive the news that Obama made a retarded deal to import mainly Iranian refugees/migrants from Australia.

Trump effect? Australia CRACKDOWN on ‘African migrant thugs’ amid EPIDEMIC violence

Chaos in the White House or Mass Media panicking?

It’s Chaos in the white house. The republicans do not know what they are doing. Everything they do is wrong. Above all, Steve Bannon is a racist and advises the president with right-wing ideas. It’s just CNN showing they are jealous of the successes of Steve’s Breitbart News and Alex Jones Infowars. 

Christiane Amanpour from CNN keeps repeating: Trump’s Muslim ban about 100x a day, and her vocals keep producing the word Climate Change. Before that, the Media was obsessed with Trump’s Inauguration by comparing pictures to show that Obama was much more popular. CNN offered a partly empty field (photo taken early). But panorama pictures from the time of the speech during Trump’s Inauguration show a completely different picture. Now the place is packed, and there are no empty spaces. 

Its obsessed Media CNN keeps repeating its fake and manipulated “news.” But claim that Trump is the one obsessed with numbers and picking fights with them.

On the positive side of Donald Trump, there is almost no reporting of other negative news in the Mass Media:

Donald Trump and Saudi King Salman agreed to safe zone plans in Syria and Yemen

Does anyone wonder why Obama never picked up the phone and created safe zones in the conflict area as Trump did? – with one phone call. It saved refugees from a dangerous long journey. And it keeps them out of the hands of human traffickers. It prevents all the diseases they carry from spreading to other Europeans. 

There is no civilization, culture, or religious clash with other inhabitants of Europe, and they speak the same language and practice the same religion. You avoid importing heroin junkies from, for example, Afghanistan. 

Sounds like a real winning plan to me, and with the same amount of money, you can help ten refugee families in a safe zone, a no-brainer.

Jake “the Sleaze” Tapper from CNN “Trump is Lying.

Another award-winning liar is Jake “the sleaze” Tapper from CNN. In his latest Anti-Trump rant on CNN, he keeps whining that Donald did not have the correct numbers about the rising death toll in the U.S. The Donald was lying. He kept repeating. They are on the rise again, Jake, and that sucks. If you live in Chicago, you agree 100% with Donald Trump about the highest death toll number in 45 years. 

But most of all, Jake the Sleaze was very pissed as his ego and that from other lying CNN anchors was cranked. All this is because Trump stated that the Mass media did not report terrorist attacks the right way. This was not true, and all frustrated Ego Butt Hurt CNN Anchors repeated and showed their terrorist attack on CNN. 

The good thing was that the Mass Media admitted they reported on many Terror attacks, and even the word Islamic terrorist was mentioned more than ever before. Well done, Donald!

Fake News Under-report strategies.

It’s not that you did not report it. You morons, you under-report. It’s the way and how: it has nothing to do with religion. Islam is peace. Let us pray and hug a victim. Ooh, the attacker was a lone wolf mentally ill, a radical militant. The father claimed he was not religious. The mother said he was home radicalized, showing perfectly integrated Muslims compared with white trailer trash illiterate white racists. 

The headlines are the Truck that caused the death toll, the gun, and the knife. They are repeating holocaust stories, B.L.M. sympathizers, and other sites’ 70-year-old K.K.K. footage. Antifa propaganda and all who disagree are racist bigots in between some climate change accusations. Your list of left-wing propaganda crap is so apparent that your ratings are in free fall. 

Yet CNN Anchors’ filth keeps reading the scripted propaganda from a teleprompter. By now, we all should have drowned in the melted ice caps and seen the extinction of the polar bears.

Fake News King CNN with Jake the Sleaze Network.

Finally, Kellyanne Conway comes on the show of Jake the Sleaze and is trying to reach out a hand to improve the relationships with CNN. Unfortunately, Jake the Sleaze just kept repeating the president is lying. It’s not true we report on terrorists blindsided by their ego and self-importance digging deeper into their own swamp grave. 

When Kellyane stated she did not think CNN was Fake News, The Sleaze got an orgasm, and now we can find that remark of Kellyane in every highlight promo from CNN for the next month. Look, Jake the Sleaze, because Kellyane tries to build a better relationship, and stating her personal opinion does not make it valid for everybody. It’s her subjective opinion and a statement to build a better relationship with you, the Press.

I have reported on many fake and manipulated news propaganda stories by CNN. I will keep writing and exposing these as long as you continue your left-wing propaganda bullshit. Look, Jake “The Sleaze” Tapper: if the numbers and info the president received about the murder rate and terrorists were inaccurate. It does not make any previous propaganda and fake news you spread suddenly accurate word. You’re a delusional piece of shit!

The Motive of the Mass media and corporations to hate Trump;

Climate change news: Arctic Sea Ice growth stunted again.

CNN advertisement money comes from Banks, the C.I.A., and Big Pharma. Do we think they would bring us the “news” in an honest way?

A few months later, we can see the following headline:

The Antarctic Ice Sheet Is Growing, But It Doesn’t Mean Global Warming Isn’t Real.

Notice: but it doesn’t mean (Climate Change) global warming isn’t real? I got news for you. It does prove that CO2 has nothing to do with destroying the earth. It demonstrates the climate is constantly changing. The sun and clouds are the most significant contributors to climate change:

George Carlin on Global Warming Quote:

The Planet is fine. I have been here for billions of years. The people are fucked up!

This was the Nbr 1 theme of the Al Gore scam documentary “the inconvenient truth.” The weather “scientists” are panicking. How do we moderate our weather models to global warming so we can keep being funded billions of dollars? Therefore the title Climate Change is pushed more and more, but in the end, it is just fear-mongering tactics. All fabricated to suck some more tax dollars out of the working class and control the population but, above all, eradicate capitalism.

So there is your Motive for why they all hate Donald Trump. Because Trump does not believe in the climate change hoax (global warming changed into Climate Change which it always does). Donald Trump is pushing for law and order and is creating jobs. He does not want war with Russia but to fight terrorism together with Russia. He points out the lying media propaganda, which may have the media outlets and corporations panicking.

Trump inauguration picture according to CNN and the Nasa Ice Cap melting image according to CNN

Experts said Arctic Sea Ice would melt entirely by September 2016 – they were wrong.

Indeed I am mentioning the climate change mafia as Trump could withdraw from agreements Obama made about Climate Change. The scam artist bribed and paid for whether “scientist experts.” All of them are shitting themselves. So does the Antifa/left the community as it is the last so-called Nobel and human shield they can hide and justify their mentally ill violent behavior? Antifa in Europe is becoming the new Climate Change Cult. Any government issues with the climate and Antifa “experts” will come to blame other humans.

No more freebies under the Trump administration, back to work, no more subsidized weather experts organizations. Trump puts a big halt to more bureaucracy and taxes for the hard-working people. Those days are over at the end of decades of pampering lazy leftists with government money. 

Senator Warren keeps screaming and whining. Imagine a person like that would merry Jake “the Sleaze” Tapper from CNN just thinking about the Sleaze babies they would produce. The earth would be lost.

Not A peep from CNN.

CNN is in utter silence with reports about the battle in Aleppo. Instead, they report about the “new war between the Ukraine and Russia.” The Fake News shows some old footage with a few guys shooting from a foxhole. Amanpour reports that Assad hung 13.000 prisoners and tortured them.

CNN shows some gruesome torture pictures. Anybody can take these pictures in the backyard of a playground school in California. Amanpour reports she has 5 thousand photographs. And a whistleblower old prisoner who spills the beans. Indeed Amnesty International is mentioned (which they catch with fake reports and propaganda dozens of times) as the source of the Assad atrocities.

Amnesty Report Accuses Syria of Executing Thousands Since War Began

I found it fascinating in my earlier blogs that bad guys always seem to have a thing for round figures. Six Million Jews, The King of Bulgaria who saved 50.000 Jews, Amanpour claiming Assad killed 250 thousand people. That guy with the tally device counting the death must also be thinking. Astonishingly, he always ends up with a round number. 

If 13.000 died by hanging, tens of thousands more would go. The mass media propaganda in the west made tens of thousands of mentally disabled Islamic cult members travel to Syria to fight for their Islamic State. Those should be all hung, so President Assad, produce a tweet if you need more ropes. 

Don’t try to contact Amnesty International, as they are too busy writing fake stories for the Fake News Mafia.

Where are the pictures and video images of the murdered victims of the Bataclan theater or Brussels airport floor?

The report on the ban continues now. On CNN, we can see a baby of 2 years old with a burned face that was a victim of a fire in a refugee camp. Their parents could not travel because of the ban, which is so heartbreaking. Hey CNN, do you know what President Trump means by not reporting or under-reporting? Any pictures of the tortured victims showing victims with their eyes missing at the Bataclan theater in Paris?

What about children in Nice with their intestines splattered all over the boulevard? Or some children whose heads were unrecognizable because a derailed Muslim following the Quran by word drove over women and children at a Christmas market in Berlin? 

Some kids whose brains were all splattered over the Brussels airport floor? When the population needed to vote for bombing Syria, CNN and other Mass Media outlets repeatedly promoted the drowned picture of a child.

I wrote a blog about this. One of the subjects is “where are all the dead baby pictures”? I see a report of some riots in Paris because a migrant was sodomized by a police baton anything on the child which Muslim Immigrant anally raped?


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“Peaceful Refugee” Sees Swedish Girl, Rapes Her to Death… But What’s Next Is the True Horror

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Media’s Isis “Abu” the New Bin Laden. Where are the Dead Baby pictures from Iraq, Syria, and Yemen? A tsunami of migrants!

Trump Trolls CNN To Cover Islamic Terror

I wrote another blog about the assignment to the media to avoid the word Islamic Terrorist.

The Media avoids the words Islam, Muslim, Islamist, and Terrorism in the Headlines. Rise of Fascism. Thalys Train Shooter

Quote “Are you crazy thinking I am an Islamic Jihadist Terrorist? I am just a poor skinny drug user that wanted to commit a robbery and accidentally found an AK47 in a park!”

The main argument for the left is that refugees never committed an act of terrorism, so the ban is racist (Boston Bombers comes to mind). The truth is that the terrorist attacks we mainly speak about have all one thing in common: they are all Muslim. And they killed because of being inspired by Isis, home radicalized, executing the words from the Quran, killing and beheading the infidel.

Can the lawyers and the judges explain this?

According to the judges, the lawyers of Donald Trump could not prove why there was an imminent threat, and therefore the travel ban could not be put back in place.

F.B.I. investigating ISIS suspects in all 50 states

Right-wing think tank declares 72 terrorists from Trump’s banned countries have been convicted in the United States since 9/11

White House Releases Secret List of 24 Refugees Charged With Terrorism from Targeted Regimes (VIDEO)

I am not a fan of CNN, but their latest report on a whistleblower from Venezuela caught my attention. Venezuela, a socialist country that is a total failure, has passports for sale to terrorists and anybody who pays the right money. The reports say that in one case, 13 Syrians wanted to pay $10.000.- a dollar each to get a passport from Venezuela. 

Syrian Passport and other I.D.s are big business.

Donald pays attention here. First, give this whistleblower amnesty in the U.S. and a high-paid job. He deserves it! The scariest part of the report is when CNN searched for these people and proved that the whistleblower’s evidence was genuine. 

The people who bought these I.D.s, and compared numbers of these passports, were Muslims. They got citizenship in Venezuela with legal papers indicating they were even born in Venezuela. Then they moved to the U.S. Trump should not go to the high court but issue a new travel ban extending the seven countries to 12. 

It is clear that judges are sitting in their ivory towers and have no clue what it takes to keep citizens safe from Islamic terrorists. Europe’s secret services and police forces are understaffed, and it’s getting worse. The judges said Trump failed to prove the threats from those list of banned countries. 

Venezuela may have given passports to people with ties to terrorism.

EXCLUSIVE: Germany is ‘overwhelmed’ with false asylum seekers’ Syrian tickets as forgery experts admit they can’t spot fakes

Alarm, as Syria sells 10,000 keys with few questions asked.

Iranian professional passport forger known as ‘The Doctor is caught in Thailand.

The reality is that Muslim Islamist Terrorist is the wrong term. The situation is far worse than the Media is reporting. The Fake News is trying to shove bullshit through the public throats. As I wrote before, Steven Gern, an American working in Iraq, explains the reality. One day after he uploaded his viral Facebook message (approx. 50 million views), he was escorted out of Iraq because of numerous death threats. One more time, the link to the viral video, It’s not just extremists but just Muslims that hate us:

Steven Gern Something to think about: President Trump’s executive order “They Hate Us So Much.”

That is precisely what Donald Trump means by underreported or not reported by the Mass Media. Pay attention here, Fake News King CNN. For the same reason, the alternative media helps people make decisions by common sense and comparing the news from multiple sources, not only Mass Media propaganda. This Social Media is why Donald Trump won. For the same reason, there is a Brexit now. And this is why the revolution in France and Holland is next! 

The Netherlands blames Russian hackers for attempting to influence the elections. This Russian blame game seems to be the new trend when the right-wing wins in every poll. It will not change the minds of the people in Europe. Many Europeans had enough of the lying left politicians and their censorship in the media about Muslim crime. The people are confronted with Muslim violence and threats daily, week in and week out. They want change!

People are sick of their tax dollars vanishing to a Muslim Migrant/refugee family with ten children named Mohammed. The government keeps sponsoring Islam, which is a thorn in the eye of the working-class people:

Islam gets 150.000 euros from Brussels for Exhibition-Cultural Vomiting. I mean Enrichment.

The court forgets the constitutions, which suddenly apply to none – citizens. The old judges focus on Motive, and the magic word racist and religion picking do the trick. 

As a president, you have no power over immigration—the left judge’s way of showing political activism. Suppose Scientologists were committing suicide bombings worldwide & demanding the executions of cartoonists. 

Will we still be welcoming Scientology? Maybe they should change into Climate Scientology to get some of these subsidized dollars and more climate privileges. The word climate seems to do magic. If Mormons or Sikhs beheaded infidels, we would not tolerate their religion. I’m starting the only true religion called “Nazi” (Nations Asterial Zi Internal)-Religion of True Inner Peace. In case of war or offense, I have the right to cut off the penises from judges and lawyers who disagree with me. Food For Thoughts!

This video has been removed; it could be narrative issues

The Twitter page no longer exists; narrative issues


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