Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

We Lost a Child Because of an Imperfect Umbilical Cord. Life has its ups and downs, but nothing is happier than a mother being pregnant. My life’s partner, Lindsay, glowed. She wished to become a mother and start a family for a long time. It did not take long for her to get pregnant, and our journey to parenthood started. 

You buy all the clothes, carry the crib, and rebuild the house for the baby’s room. Everybody in your environment makes compliments, and it is a pleasant period. My girlfriend at that time had a great pregnancy. She rarely had mood swings and felt goofed for the first seven months. 

The baby does not kick that much during the last week of pregnancy.

She sometimes complains l her hand’s food would swell after seven months of pregnancy. Our new appointment with a doctor in the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital was four days away. Lindsay did complain about the baby kicking a lot less, but sometimes this was the case, so nothing worries about, you think.

It was a beautiful day for our check-up, and when the doctor made the ultrasound, we got the message the baby had been dead for over one week.

If there was ever a moment in my life when I did not know how to handle a situation or respond, it was at that moment. Lindsay was in tears, and I sat there staring at a monitor with the image of a child in the womb not moving, whispering the words no, no, no. 

Your child is dead.

The moment seemed to have lasted forever. I hugged Lindsay, held her tight, and she decided to take the doctor’s advice to have a natural birth as this was much better for the subsequent pregnancy. 

The following two days are hard to describe. There was a small couch next to the hospital bed where Lindsay was lying. I was trying to sleep after this regular check-up became a horror scenario. 

They say that the pain of giving birth can be equivalent to breaking 54 bones in your body. On top of that, Lindsay is burdened with knowing it was all for nothing as our baby is deceased. I tried to support her as well as I could. But taking away physical and emotional pain in a situation like this with you being the father was challenging. 

Giving birth the natural way was far from easy. But I am very proud of Lindsay that despite all the physical and emotional pain, she delivered the child naturally.


What to do next? Surely the hospital (I live as a foreigner in Thailand with Lindsay) wants us the sign a package deal for the delivery hospital cost before we stay in the hospital, which we did. The package deal would cost 48.000 baths. For us, this is ok, and I signed for this. We also agreed to do some blood tests (for Lindsay and the baby). 

Because the baby died, we would do an autopsy on the baby to determine the cause of death. After she was born, you know for the subsequent pregnancy what not to do. If it was something the Mother did or ate, it could have caused the tragic death.

When the baby was born, the doctor first said how tight the umbilical cord was around the poor baby girl’s neck. It was immediately clear what the cause of her sudden death was. 

Unclear Advice.

So, there was no need to do any tests on the baby. The package deal of 48.000 baths was for a few nights in the hospital and natural delivery. That’s what happened. 

But not according to the people who made the bill as the bill was 98.000 baths then reduced to 86.000 baths. Indeed, I asked why the bill was double the price. Now do not get me wrong. I am bitching now about a hospital bill just when I lost my child. For me paying a bill is more important or something. It is just one aspect of the hospital process which I need to tell.

According to the hospital, they had to research the placenta and do 20 blood tests. That’s why the price was double. I asked them if I was a Thai man with no history at the hospital and if they also would have presented a double bill. They would have wanted the money upfront in that case, for sure. 

I told them: if I would hire you to do my garden for 100 euro and we agree, and later you present a bill of 200 euro, would you complain? Then the explanation that you also had to buy a shovel and some compost and bought new threes would not be part of the deal. 

Baby Killers, Roe vs. Wade, Normalizing “Gods” Abortions.

Dealing with bureaucracy just after you lose your child.

Indeed the insurance came with the “best” story to not pay. Yes, it was agreed that pregnancy would not fall under the insurance coverage as you choose for this yourself. I can understand. But I did ask if our premium insurance for both of us would cover complications during pregnancy. You could call this a “complication.” But when I had the insurance people on the phone, their excuse to not pay was that I was a foreigner (“falling” means foreigner in Thai), not originally from Thailand. Therefore they would not pay?

I got mad and asked them if they would immediately refund the last seven years I paid them for policies. I paid them the highest annual insurance payment (for premium insurance). Why take my money to make an excuse like that? Unheard of!

Don’t forget this. I am a pretty tough guy. But I just saw my dead child being delivered and, after three days, witnessed my girlfriend in agony and devastation giving birth to a dead child.

Remove all the baby clothes I bought.

I finally paid 56.000 baths, so somebody in the hospital knew they were wrong. The audacity to try this scam when we had so much trauma, but they tried. I finally left the hospital with Lindsay. My good friend Danny removed all the bought baby clothes.

He removed the baby crib, seat, and everything in my living room. This would just stare us in the face. I wanted to try to avoid any more unnecessary stress after this horrible experience. 

“God’s” messengers came around while we never asked for it.

When we came home, I started to study the internet about the umbilical cord. I knew at least a few people in my family and our social circle who had terrible experiences with the umbilical cord. My Mother’s friend lost a child like this, and my trainer’s sister’s wife lost a child like this after being eight months pregnant. 

The doctor in the hospital told us that there was a woman who had a similar experience to us but then gave a perfect birth during her second pregnancy. But in another case, a woman experienced 3 x in a row; her baby died from complications involving the umbilical cord. 

There are plenty of cases where the child is born early because of problems with the umbilical cord, sometimes resulting in children with all sorts of issues.

Why is the umbilical cord causing many problems, death, and grief?

I read a few articles on the net and read about opinions on the umbilical cord, and indeed there are the imbecile church and some spiritual people and other so-called experts not blaming the umbilical cord (see link)

Baby bum app link “Umbilical cord can not choke baby, vanished.

As it is a perfect creation. In the article, some retard perfect creation lover tries to argue why the umbilical cord is so great. Then argues that it’s never the fault of the umbilical cord. Babies get their life support through the umbilical cord. Therefore, an umbilical cord around their neck will do them no harm or choke them. 

As if a baby with an umbilical cord tight around its neck would not get in distress? For example, it would cut the blood flow to their heads or stop their heartbeat. Many of the umbilical cord “fans,” especially the religious kind, say it is not reasonable and necessary to make people who are pregnant scared about the “perfect” created umbilical cord.

Reading another article about the truth of the accidents with the umbilical cord made much more sense to me.

For example, the doctor told us after six months. We should write down the amounts of baby kicks. Mother Lindsay can feel the baby kicking, and you can even see the belly move) while she was carrying in the womb. Our baby was active, but sometimes less. 

Lindsay complained that the baby kicked less than a few days before our next check-up. She slept better at night because of less movement of the baby. But we did not think much of this. The doctor should have clarified how strong the baby’s kicks are. If the baby does not kick as much as she usually does, rush to the hospital immediately.

The umbilical cord causes problems and death.

The doctors should say all their experiences with complications, such as the umbilical cord. We have the expertise that the umbilical cord can cause early death or all kinds of problems. We would have hurried to the hospital at light speed if we had heard that before. Some retard columnists writing about scaring people do not help but give a false statement.

Are you defending the umbilical cord?

So why are so many religious people and other spirituals defending the umbilical cord? Well, we arrived again at the house of God, the “perfect” Creator. I got a question for you, God. Why the fuck did you make the umbilical cord so long? Many babies and parents unnecessarily suffer from your miscalculation of the umbilical cord’s e length (to the lord. Were they causing dead misery and grief?

In the hospital, God and spiritual people always knock on your door when there is death and misery. First of all, when Lindsay was in pain, she screamed quite a few times, “OH God and God.” In contrast, she is not religious. I guess the word is used so much that it is embedded in her subconscious, with more than half of the world population. 

Oh, God?

Then when the baby was born, the doctor said they had Buddhist monks who could go to the temple. They would pray for our dead child, and there was a chapel in the church and a prayer room for Muslims. We decided to cremate the child and had the hospital take care of this. 

Why a funeral? Why invite families from all over the world to prolong this drama? Would that help the deceased baby or us? I remember another family member lost her life in the fight against Cancer. The husband decided to take care of his sick wife at home. He and the family choose not to let her spend her last time on earth she has left in the hospital.

Why a funeral?

Lovely church-going people, the sick Mother turned more yellow for months, and finally, there were only blood, feces, vomit, and tears. The husband cleans up this mess daily, resulting in an agonizing death in front of the father and the children. She passed away on the couch at home. I carried the coffin at the funeral. Of course, there was the church ceremony. Men do I dislike that place and everything the church stands for! 

It’s so cold and spooky, and people worship a guy nailed to a cross. Worship to a bloody guy nailed to a cross. While all this misery is going on, people speak words about the deceased. The church sends people around with a little baskets to donate money to the church (same as when my grandfather died). 

Screw traditional ceremonies and endless grief.

Those money collections are done in a packed church of mourning people. This church collection is on top of the payments you must make for the church ceremony. Speeches of the pastor speaking about life and, above all, God. 

Family members can mourn at a grave for years and never leave behind their loved ones. Indeed it is not a coincidence that most graves can be found near churches. So you can step into the fantasy house when you are an emotional wreck. Donate some more money and speak to the imaginary friend in the sky.

God is not home. Please leave your message after the beep if you wish; leave your money at a local church near you.

The Creator was not there when all these babies and their parents suffered because of the umbilical cord. God, who was not there when a family member battled Cancer? 

But when a baby is born, it’s a miracle from God. When there is a problem, “God’s” way is mysterious,” and he is not home, please leave your message after the beep and you wish, and above all, leave your money at a local church near you.

Then to all the pro-life church demonstrators against abortion. Where are they when all these mothers/parents want a baby? “God” decides to strangle them and give those babies a heart attack or brain damage? 

Where are “God’s” protesters when the baby is born with down syndrome or is paralyzed? I did argue about this before. One of the main arguments from the pro-life god community is that after a few months old, babies cannot decide for themselves to be alive. Suppose the parents would determine for abortion. 

Are you looking to the pro-life community for some help?

These baby deaths are not some incidents. Suppose I look around me at my family and friends alone. There are at least 20 cases concerning problems with the umbilical cord. This poor human umbilical cord results in death and misery. All these people wanted to have a healthy child. But when a child is born and suffers from this umbilical cord harassment. And it needs to go to special schools because it needs twice more attention than a child who is born healthy.

God’s pro-life community protesters are nowhere to be found. Except maybe for planning the next attack. Like a bombing attack on an abortion clinic. 

God does not send extra checks for the “problem” child. The child needs twice the attention. It is also much more expensive for the parents. I do not even talk about the mental damage to the parents and loved ones. 

But you can pray in God’s house of mysteries for a miracle. If one miracle does happen (one in a million), it’s the work of God. For the other 999.999 miracle prayers: God’s ways are mysterious.

God loves Crocodiles and Jellyfish.

His “perfect” creation would be a jellyfish and a crocodile if there were a creator. 

The crocodile/alligator lays eggs have no natural enemies (except humans). They don’t die of old age, do not get infections, and have a flawless immune system. These reptiles have been here on earth longer than 100 million years. The only way they could get extinct now (if not by nature.

It is because humans like to run around in crocodile shoes. Some of us want to have crocodile leather jackets and stuffed dead baby crocodiles on top of our fireplace at home.

Humor for Healing.

Comfort for me during a difficult time is humor! We are moving on, leaving this horrible experience in the past where it belongs—focusing on our desired outcome. 

I recently saw the documentary about Monty Python’s flying circus on TV.

John Cleese was talking about the main character Graham Chapman who was an alcoholic. Cleese explains why he is such a talented actor. It is possibly because 80% of his performances are while intoxicated.

And he died at the age of 48 from Cancer. 

Graham’s last prank came a few days before he died. He called a Newspaper and told them he would give them an exclusive interview on beating Cancer. Graham agreed on a fee for his story with the newspaper.

When his check arrived in the mail for the interview, he put it in his bank account. He died of Cancer when the discussion was scheduled and fooled the newspaper. 

Circus Funeral.

The whole Monty Phyton movie circus crew created their ceremony for his funeral. There was only laughing and fun, mainly when John Cleese spoke: Cleese delivered his eulogy to Chapman, which began as follows:

Graham Chapman, a co-author of the “Parrot Sketch,” is no more. He has ceased to be. Bereft of life, he rests in peace. He has kicked the bucket, hopped the twig, bit the dust, snuffed it, breathed his last, and gone to meet the great Head of Light Entertainment in the sky. 

Cleese continues: I guess we are all thinking how sad it is that a man with such talent and capability for kindness, such unusual intelligence, should suddenly be spirited away at the age of only forty-eight.

Before he achieved many of the things he was capable of, he had enough fun.

Well, I feel that I should say: nonsense. Good riddance to him, the freeloading bastard, says John Cleese. I hope he fries. And I should say this; he would never forgive me if I did not. 

Suppose I threw away this glorious opportunity to shock you on his behalf. Anything for him, but mindless good taste.

Cleese continued after a break from the laughter in the audience and claimed that Chapman had whispered in his ear the night before while he was writing the speech, saying:

You are freeloading bastard.

All right, Cleese, you say you are very proud of being the first person ever to say “shit” on British television. If this service is really for me, just for starters, I want you to be the first person ever at a British memorial service to say “fuck’!

Again, everyone at the ceremony had tears from laughing so hard. The best remedy to overcome any painful period in your life is to start laughing again as soon as possible.

Monthly Phyton life of Bryan was an early statement of pioneer film-making about how retarded religion is and very brave from the producers and creators of that time (the seventies). The main character is Chapman, also one of the first British celebrities to openly say he was gay. 

Pioneer Film Making.

At the end of the movie, the whole favoriting crucified and singing, always look on the bright side of life. The Life of Brian film is an all-time favorite of mine. The debate of John Cleese with two religious” persons in the aftermath of the movie becoming a massive hit on YouTube and the BBC is another highlight.

Look at the hands of the bishop in this YouTube video. He must be gay and has tons of shit to hide. His finger-pointing is revolting)

Indeed laughing and being happy after such a tragic event of losing a child is not an easy task. But it’s much better to try it that way than mourning for months, sometimes years. No visits to a “dead” cult called the church to remind you of the tragedy! 

Humor to deal with stress.

Laughter and happiness do not create a stress hormone called cortisol. Quite the opposite, we should move on in life and not make ourselves physically and mentally sick because of reliving the past.

Something religion is built on a myth of a guy resurrected from the dead whom his Godfather tortured for humanity’s sin. Who comes up with this kind of nonsense?

Bad things have been happening worldwide for ages that haven’t changed. But more and more people are waking up to the fact that we create our reality.

John Cleese: take the critical view. Find out for yourself!

I wish everybody who has experienced this type of tragedy a lot of strength. I just saw The Life of Brian again and the Holy Grail. It made me laugh and sleep peacefully!

Here is a quote from Mike Dooley/ The Universe. Lindsay receives her daily universe quotes by email.

You are not meant to bear that which you find unpleasant, Lindsay. You are meant to change it. That’s why you feel it. Your every twitch of pain and malaise invites you to wake up. It is pushing you to seek grander truths. That will reveal a more significant reality and a more magnificent you. Ever closer to an awareness of your proper place within reality creation – as a Creator.

The umbilical cord, who gave it that name? Must be an Atheist as it sounds Un Bible ( Not Biblical).

Boom, The Universe

Quote Bas Boon: God is not home. Please leave your message after the beep. We wish you to donate your money to a local church near you.

(C) Bas Boon

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