Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

Vaccinations, BS 1 Covid 19 MU Delta Banana Variant. This is the latest discovery of the end of humanity. Parasites, Lifestyle, Happiness ever felt sick? Are you feeling sick all the time? Muscle aches, back pain, headaches, rashes, bloated feeling, high blood pressure, artery disease, obesity?

You suffer from heart disease, acid reflux, Gerd-disease, gout, stress, cancer, and forgot the deadly BS 1 Covid 19 MU Delta Banana Variant.

Ok, you get the picture. Have you ever been sick? Do you have one of the symptoms I described? The news is full of information regarding your health.

Today it’s one of the fastest-growing businesses in the world, vaccinations: Ebola, Swine flu, Mexican Flu, H1N1 bird flu, and the regular Flu. Deadly BS 1 Covid 19 MU Delta Banana Variant is here. Getting your vaccination shots and being scared is the main message from our “beloved” media.

A crossbreed between American Bully and a Rabbit; please get in touch with the CDC immediately if you see one.

Breaking News. High Alert New BS1 Ultra Deadly Flu Strain is out.

A whistle-blower from the CDC came forward with shocking news. They have witnessed the escape of an H1N1-infected bird that accidentally flew in the ass of a swine with swine flu through surveillance cameras. This new strain is called BS1 (Bird swine 1) and is highly contagious in humans.

Currently, the are no vaccinations that affect this virus.

When you have the following symptoms, run to the next quarantine zone and have your vaccination (they have been working on this horrific scenario for decades).

1. Smelly breath.

2. Make funny noises after you eat pork.

3. Bad/ blurred vision.

4. rashes/pox

Common symptoms are fever, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, chills, hemorrhoids, thyroid problems, aches, pains, stuffy nose, phlegm, blurred vision, sneezing, and horrible urine smell.

If You Have These Signs You Have The BS1 Virus

If you have any of these signs, it’s 90% sure you have the BS1 Flu. Some conspiracy theorists say the birds were deliberately put in the ass of a swine with Flu, which is entirely possible.

Other reports are that the BS stands for Bull Shit virus, not bird/swine virus. Taking the vaccinations does make your wallet lighter. Only 50% of the cost is covered by health insurance. After two months, you have to take six shots for one year for each image.

Every week you need a colon inspection with an endoscope. This colon research is mandatory as they did find four birds now with shit on their head. They pick the birds out from the intestines of humans. There have been cases in Africa where tribes eat raw birds as it pleases the Gods.

Some people mix their vaccinations with dewormer stuff; the CDC does not recommend this.

The blame is on human chicken fuckers. People can try Tripple H1N1 vaccinations with another booster shot every other week.

Symptoms Of This BS1 Virus Variant.

1. Smelly breath

2. Take notice if you make funny noises after you eat pork. snorting etc.

3. Bad vision

4. rashes /pox

Other side effects are fever, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, chills, hemorrhoids, thyroid problems, congestion, slime, horrible sight, sneezing and bad urine smell, anal leakage, blood in urine, bleeding out of your eyes and ears, and dead.

What to do to avoid the BS1. Avoid birds with shit on their heads. Also, prevent birds that smell like shit and pigs with feathers sticking out of their ass. Take multiple H1N1 Vaccination shots.

Suppose you encounter these sorts of animals in the condition mentioned above. Please report to the CDC immediately. Wear an umbrella at all times. The BS1 bird crap is highly contagious. They do not have sex with any swine with feathers sticking out of their ass.

I almost vomit when I look at this.

WHO reports the new BS 1 Covid 19 MU Delta Banana Variant is a fact.

Humanity is holding its breath as it is possible that a swine with swine flu came in contact with an H1N1 bird. The WHO reports that an H1N1 BS1 contaminated bird possibly flew in the ass of an infected swine with swine flu. This all happens at an animal market somewhere in Wuhan.

The moment that swine with swine flu was eating contaminated bananas. The jerk would continue his eating marathons by consuming a whole human dead body that happens to be infected with the Covid19 Delta variant.

The American intelligence service has deep undercover agents involved. They observe the orgies with Chinese disabled little people. Who has sex with the pigs? The little people can be seen with feathers stuck to their penises.

This one body is contaminated with the Covid 19 – Delta WU. This is the ultimate nightmare, and we better be prepared.

Vaccinations are developed with ingredients such as rotten bananas with pig brains, which show promising effects on humans.

According to the World Health Organization, the top 10 list of people dying between 2000 and 2012

1 Ischemic heart disease 7.4 million

2. Stroke 6.7 million

3. COPD 3.1 million

4. Lower respiratory infection 3.1 million

5. Trachea bronchus, lung diseases 1.6 million

6. HIV/AIDS 1.5 million

7. Diarrhoeal diseases 1.5 million

8. Diabetes mellitus 1.5 million

9. Road injury 1.3 million

10. Hypertensive… 1.1 million

If you want to read more about many details :

The WHO removed information (probably because it was nonsense) factsheet/fs310/en/index2.hmtl

Now here is something you do not hear in the mainstream news:

If you go to a doctor, he will give you medicine, mostly prescription drugs. The doctor studied medicine. The moment these “new” doctors finished their studies. Most hospitals and big pharmacy companies approach them.

The link I presented from Businessweek can no longer be found (you make up your mind why) debate room: doctors stop taking pharma gifts (I guess the title gives it away, why the link was removed).

These will be responsible for many of their high-paid jobs as a doctor. Indeed many of them already receive gifts from the industry. Before they even finished their studies. Many times the new doctors get kickbacks when they are installed.

Cancer is a 170-billion-dollar industry; the BS 1 Covid-19 MU Delta Banana Variant is worth trillions. People become cash cows for vaccination companies and hospitals. Chemotherapy is not so lucrative anymore. The hospital and doctors who subscribed to the chemo treatment would get 5000 dollars.

Vaccine businesses are worth over a trillion dollars now.

Covid patients get between 9 and 10.000 dollars if they stay in the hospital and 38.000 when put on a ventilator. Cancer does not stand a chance anymore.

The oncologist. It’s a mechanism that all works with the right “educated” and selected people to keep it running.


You are not allowed to heal; cancer is a billion-dollar industry.

The industry also tries to protect itself from doctors who think outside the box—mostly demonizing them as quacks (fake doctors) or bombarding them with lawsuits.

However, by the time they finish med school, most doctors are convinced that their books and studies are factual. Their study material has been chosen to support the entire lucrative industry.

Vaccines that work are a no go at Big Pharma; life-long medicine and booster shots are the way forward (for them).

Cancer Cure using Cannabis – Dr. Burzynski stands up to FDA.

Dr. Burzynski invented a treatment for brain cancer with a very high success rate of complete recovery. See the testimony of witnesses who testify that the government does not care for the people’s interests. The YouTube video will bring tears to your eyes.

Some witnesses were cured of cancer. But also, people lost loved ones because they were simply prohibited from being fixed. The FDA is defending the multi-billion dollar corporate “sponsorship.”

They will do so with the most expensive lawyers they can hire (see documentary Dr. Burzynski) and any other trick in the book, even stealing your patent.

France checks the scientific validity of the shocking GM food study.

Hi, we are from Monsanto and came to inspect you; why are you still not using our GMO seeds, any objections? 

Huge billion-dollar companies such as Monsanto will crush any opposition with high-paid super lawyers.

The lab results from the French research team were shocking. When rats ate four months of Monsanto GMO foods, tumors started to appear. Monsanto did the same test, but only for three months. Over two years, the test rats developed tumors as big as golf balls.

Not long after the French institute published their findings on the rats, they were visited by the Monsanto “death’ squad lawyers defending the GMO company; this was the result.


Conclusive Link Between GMOs and Disease in Rats | Brainwash Update

Every farmer has to use (forced to buy) their GMO patented seeds and buy from Monsanto their toxic poison round-up chemicals to spray on their patented GMO food.

‘Monsanto Mafia’: US court backs GMO giant on seed patents against farmers

So, imagine this: you are a farmer and do not want to use GMO seeds. But in Nature, we have something called wind on this planet. It’s a natural phenomenon that causes germs to spread.

Farmers who were minding their own business, trying to farm the organic (natural way) received a Monsanto “Death” squat visit, resulting in injunctions, subpoenas, and forced bankruptcies or sales of their land get the picture.

Safeway, Starbucks, and Target: Stop Bankrolling Anti-GMO Food Labeling Efforts!

The links were removed; this was the closest link I could find; they changed the tone.


So why all this fuss about labeling food? I mean, people are dumb and stupid anyway? They keep smoking even if you picture a black leaking lung or rotten teeth on a pack of cigarettes; who cares? Alcohol is terrible for you, yet people drink too much anyway.

We live in the information age and have social media and other forms of media making people aware. People should know that most cows and chickens are fed GMO grains. A cow is made to eat grass, so it will get sick just standing in one place, stressed-out eating GMO corn. Animal vaccination is the solution, regardless of what humans later consume.

The cows are getting sick just standing there.

The solution for the GMO / farmer cult is to inject those animals with steroid vaccinations. Animals grow faster as well as a result. The farmer gives more and more antibiotics to try to limit the cow/ animal from getting too sick. All these craps round-up chemicals are used to spray on GMO corn.

Us humans also consume steroids and antibiotics. You use it in your daily intake of food products, from “health” bars and energy drinks to milk or corn syrup in your coffees. That’s why Starbucks and many other food labels are against GMO labeling.

Frappuccino is the drink from hell: cow pus + artificial corn syrup sugar, whip cream sugar bomb.


Link removed, website gone.

Conventional Milk: The Everyday Drink that May Contain Blood, Pus, and Drugs

Articles Mercola sites removed: Inhumane treatment on dairy cows.

Undercover Testing Finds High Levels of Mercury in Tuna and Swordfish Sold in California.

Living the run site, page 2665 vanished.

Aspartame is, by Far, the Most Dangerous Substance on the Market that is Added to Foods


A virus-like BS 1 Covid 19 MU Delta Banana Variant is the least of my problems.

I got the test result back, and I am the “winner” of a heart abnormality

We are ingesting toxins on a massive level due to our food intake. Our environment, so what can we do to detox? Avoid toxins and prevent us from getting sick. We need to know something about how our human body works.

Before we can answer this question, I got sick a few years ago. I had 3 law suites on three different continents at the same time. The FEG bankruptcy case. Unhappy fighters who did not get paid for a long time.

At the same time, another company of mine got a huge blow. The manager died suddenly, leaving me with hundreds of thousands of unexpected bills.

On top of that, I was flying around the world to manage this mayhem. All that in a few months on top of a stressful few decades of overworking. To make things worse, I took a vaccine named HPV. The first two shots are ok (every two months). The third one makes me sick as a dog. These vaccinations change my life for the worse for five years.

The result was the following:

First, the human body, when under stress, creates a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol: “The Stress Hormone” Is Public Enemy No.1


Indeed, I was creating way too high amounts of cortisol. My diet lacked fresh organic vegetables and fruits, and I was always in a hurry and on the go; I didn’t prioritize healthy eating. I ate too fast, and I didn’t sleep well. Because of the traveling and jet lag but also do not make rest and self-care a priority.

Consequently, I was diagnosed with chronic prostatitis (infection in my prostate) and a whole range of more problems. My toes feel gout for the first time.

My back felt like a rock, and I had pain in my neck and had to nap every afternoon. I felt bloated (gas in the belly) I had terrible acid reflux, and severe headaches. I had inflammation everywhere.

Pain Everywhere.

I could go on; the list was endless, even though I tried to train in my gym five times a week. While not traveling, I also taught a lot, so I developed high blood pressure. My stupidity put too much strain on my heart.

Imagine BS 1 Covid-19 MU Delta Banana Variant did not exist then. Or maybe it did, but the WHO never gave it a name yet. The development of vaccinations is done with ingredients such as baby fetuses and stage 4 cancer cells wIV.the first results look promising.

I am feeling screwed and useless after three vaccinations.

Three years ago,d I had enough of feeling like a zombie. The doctors gave me many antibiotics: many tests and two heart tests. I was determined to do something about this myself, as thetional way was doing nothing for me except worsening my condition.

My heart was twice as big as an average person’s, a sports heart, they call it. My left artery caused a blockage, and my veins were not letting the blood through correctly.

I started doing a lot of research about healthy living and a proper plant-based diet to heal myself. This is what happened:

I had a friend who had similar health problems. We would inform each other about what could work. In alternative holistic healing therapy without using any antibiotics or hospital treatments. My first findings were a shock as I found out that the Number 1 cause of the disease is toxins that create acidity in the body.

I started to study heavy metal toxicity in the body. On the internet, and right away, I had my old amalgam fillings in my teeth removed. I also decided to eliminate fluoride from my life.

Mercury: The Hidden Trigger to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s That 75% of People Carry.

Censored page Mercola . Com dangers of mercury contamination, not found.

The range of physical and mental problems is terrifying: 

Ok, so after four crowns on my tooth and five new fillings, I am amalgam/mercury-free, or so I thought. Do we realize that in all big fish and Tuna and Salmon, the mercury levels are sometimes 4 to 12 x higher than what is acceptable for a human body? No, neither did I, but I stopped eating them.

There is the use of chemical cleaning products we use in our home as well. Products like fluoride toothpaste. Hygienic products also. The cleaning products I buy now are chemical toxin-free.

The same goes for soap and hair shampoo. The toxins are in almost all those household products.

                   I am having fun doing Organic shopping with my brother.

It takes time to get the toxins out of your body. I did chelation therapy to get heavy metals out of your system. And I added oxygen to my blood. There was not much oxygen in my blood, according to a test. This boosts the immune system so your body can fight invaders by itself.

Now I am two weeks into my path to becoming ultra-healthy. My body suffers from rashes, and I still feel bloated and exhausted. A Chinese alternative health doctor told me the following. Because of the heavy metals and years of antibiotic use, the good bacteria in my gut were destroyed; this resulted in a low immune system.

He advises me to take pro-biotics and to eat enzymes. Half an hour before, I eat with half a glass of organic apple cider vinegar in my water. I also include fresh organic homemade green vegetables.

I add fruit juices and smoothies to my diet more regularly. Thankfully my Girlfriend is also health conscious, and we are on this journey together. My brother had several vaccinations without any problems. He recently had Covid without being jabbed, and he and his wife are fine.

 Rope worms

My friend recommends the enemas link:


This article was a lifesaver for me. It had incredible results for me in the coming weeks. It explains how you need to have a clean gut to be healthy. To do this, Dr. Wilson developed/applied coffee enemas. It felt weird the first time.

If I have to choose between vaccinations and coffee up my butt, coffee it is.

I put 500 ml of organic coffee in my colon. It is difficult at first to hold this inside your colon for 15min. It should be between 15 and 30 min. Anyway, my friend and I had a lot of fun talking about the subject as it shocked others. Not long after, I started doing them. My eyes see strange things in my toilet.

Coffee in my Colon, Parasites on the Run

Immediately I took pictures and started to do some research. People post similar photos on the internet. It turns out I had a whole range of parasites. They cause bloating, rashes, back and neck pains, and gout. Parasites love my heavy metals and acidic body and my diet.

I ate gluten bread, yogurt, ice cream, meat, and milk products (parasites’ favorite meal). So, no more dairy products and no sugar. Stay away from vaccinations that are full of heavy metals.

Parasite name Liver Flukes

Now not only did I have an overgrowth of candida ( see the video of the American parasite), but I also had liver flukes, a roundworm, and a newly discovered parasite called rope worm.


I brought three separate samples (rope worms on the net) to the hospital. Their research determined it was not a parasite. I complained; I said how can these be 50 cm long and have the same heads with suction cups. Do I have a mall in my stomach? Making the same-looking fibers, according to their research, it was fibers?

And why do they only come out after I do coffee enemas? Others on the net have a similar worm? I started to study the internet every day as much as I could. I stopped eating dairy products. No more bread and only ate free-range, grass-fed/ No GMO meat once a month (grass-fed beef or free-range chicken).

Operation “Kill” Parasites, healthy food, and Coffee Enemas.

We only buy organic food and eat a lotturmericrics, ginger, and cinnamon (little garlic). Parasites do not like this healthy environment. A ton of parasite nests came out of my intestines each day after I did my coffee enema.

I felt better and better; my bloated feeling was gone in just three weeks of doing the coffee enemas. Changing my diet helped enormously. My hair turned from grey back to brown.

Changing the diet and coffee enemas is the treatment Doctor Wilson used to heal thousands of patients from cancer. In some of those cases, the patients were terminally ill, yet they all recovered.

Eggs and a whole nest of parasites and candida

I started to tend to my mental health with daily meditation and yoga. A clean diet and enemas do wonders for your mental health. I was thinking much clearer already.

COFFEE ENEMAS By Lawrence Wilson, MD


When I talk to friends about the subject, most people are horrified. Many of them had only negative things to say. People died from coffee enemas. It was addicting, destroying the inside of the intestines, etc.

“Funny” thing chemotherapy is known to kill (93%), but it’s ok as it is a 170 billion dollar industry.

The couple who tell me about how bad these enemas are. I would drink alcohol at noon and eat fried foods with mayonnaise; the parasites were laughing.

Indeed, there are always idiots who do things wrong, like using too much coffee, not using organic coffee, or pouring scalding coffee up their asses before it is cooled to the right temperature.

I pee over the toilet.

I was happy. For me, it works (still does) better than I ever could imagine. After five weeks, I was pain-free. No more headaches, back pains, and gout. Most importantly, I could pee normally again. No more going to the toilet and producing a few drops. Imagine constantly feeling the pressure on the prostate and in my bladder.

Now I had to hold back from not peeing all over the toilet. For the first time in a long while, I was happy. They used the coffee enema initially to stimulate the liver. A significant side effect is that it works efficiently to eliminate toxins and parasites. Your liver functions 8 to 12 x more effectively.

It makes you think about vaccinations, doesn’t it?

The bonus is that you are helping your liver. You are cleaning your colon. Parasites hate coffee enemas. It changes their environment, and they die and come out.

I was eating organic foods. In my diet, I include a lot of parasite-unfriendly ingredients. Such as garlic and turmeric, and I was detoxing with coffee enemas.

I also started to drink proper good alkaline water. Reverse osmosis and distilled water. After three months, I began to do yoga as well. Which is fantastic for the body and mind, and I learned to breathe correctly.

Enema with organic coffee, I refuse to show the lower part of the picture; figure it out yourself.

Sugar: The Bitter Truth

This caused an exodus of different kinds of parasites to leave my body. I went into some tests after three months, and everything wrong was almost 100% improved: no antibiotics or hospital treatments, nothing. 

Some of my daily habits and health tips:

  1. Start the day with two glasses of water, then eat organic bananas later. 


2. Yoga and beach walk. Time in Nature and sunshine/ Vitamine D

3. Coffee enema’s three to 4 x per week.

4. Organic vegetable juice and smoothies. Greens include kale, spinach, parsley, dandelion greens, and romaine lettuce  ( we include pineapple and banana to make the shake a little sweeter. Apple is also great). 


5. Organic oatmeal with organic rice milk

6. Use a lot of Organic raw, unfiltered Honey and Cinnamon. But do   not heat honey  


Organic food and Apple cider vinegar, magic.

7. I take half a glass of water with organic apple cider vinegar for every meal. Great for many things. Suitable for the stomach flora, good probiotic ( I drink with a straw), great to prevent Gerd/Acid reflux disease. 

Assert your health .com “Having reflux problems follow these tips for relief,” which can not be found. (I guess the tips must have worked).


8. I drink a warm glass of water once a week with a tablespoon of Baking Soda (perfect for your veins/artery ). 


9. Rhythm is essential, like going to bed at ten, waking up at six every day, and no afternoon naps.

10. Take vitamin B, a multivitamin, and a probiotic supplement daily. I take hemp protein, hemp oil, watercress supplements, and a hot turmeric drink in the evening. (1 dose before I go to sleep) and an enzyme half an hour before eating.


Or do none of the above just take vaccines, booster shots, and thrust science?

11. Only use organic coconut oil for cooking. It’s the only oil that does not change into a trans-fat and does not get toxic when heated ( All oils except virgin coconut oil).


You’ll Never Guess The Biggest Cause of Inflammation Causing Free Radicals.

12. I drink a lot of fresh coconuts, which is excellent after a workout, organic carrot juice, and lots of water ( 2 liters a day ).

13. Make sure your water comes from bottles that are BPH free

Even BPA-Free Plastic Is Not Always Safe

I was not surprised this link got removed. News discovery .com “Human Health BPA plastic food hormones chemicals.”

14. Invest in a water filter for drinking and bathing. water-filter-systems-review.toptenreviews.com

15. I advise if you have the financial means to buy an air purifier in your home and a sound water filtration system. 


16. Do never drink sodas or energy drinks again in your life, especially the diet ones with artificial sweeteners.

17. Take a daily hot shower and try to meditate for at least 10 minutes a day.

18. Try to buy from your local organic grocery or farmers’ market and support the locals. Avoid any processed foods. 


19. Check every six months if your pH is above 7.0 and is alkaline; below is toxic. 


This link has a great list of alkalizing foods and acidic foods

20. Check your blood pressure.

21. Incorporate suitable salts in your diet, like Himalayan and Celtic sea salt, and use salts that are not washed and processed with all the minerals intact. 


Five years after the vaccinations – Bas Boon is healthy.

When you have any of the disease symptoms, I mentioned. Try out my suggestions for two months. If nothing improves, you can always get back to the hospital. If you think antibiotic treatments like chemotherapy, sleeping pills, diazepam, anti-depressive pills, Oxycontin, Ritalin, Xanax, or Anti-depressive work, check the side effects:


High blood pressure pills and high-paid doctors are subscribing to these treatments. Sounds better than following the suggestions I mentioned, be my guest. What do you have to lose? I am becoming a health fanatic.

Food or Vaccinations?

As I realized that I had gained control back over my life. I wish this excellent feeling upon every fellow human being on the planet of this earth. I am also convinced that the negative sense of sickness triggers negative emotions such as hate and violence. The remedy is in our food and lifestyle.

Let’s choose wisely (or get vaccinations for Deadly BS 1 Covid 19 MU Delta Banana Variant). Take care of yourself; the government does not protect you from Covid 19 or any other virus. They just play politics and fill their pockets. Take your faith into your hand.

AP IMPACT: ‘Vaccine court’ keeps claimants waiting for

I tried to find the link at Yahoo, vanished. “Impact vaccine court keeps claimants waiting, no surprise here.

Quote: “To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s mind. If a man can control his mind, he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him”. – Buddha

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates.

Virus, Ebola, Covid-19, H1N1, Vaccines, and Fake Fear.


(C) Bas Boon www.basboon.com

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