Fri. Jan 24th, 2025

Royal Scum Nazis, CNN Propaganda, and King Abdullah. The worldwide propaganda machine is working overtime to push Europe into a civil war. Muslims are offended again by satirical cartoons and the infidel that ridicules their prophet or Islam. People do not show enough understanding of the religion of Peace.

The religion of Peace now is associated with violence, terror, and death!

Islam is the religion of Peace. We hear this at every opportunity possible on Television. The same broadcasters then show attacks worldwide on Islamic terrorist groups. This association will eventually lead to the deterioration of the word “peace.” 

Worse than that, the propaganda media does it on purpose to associate Islam with Peace. Although this notion is unfathomable, it is happening, even though there is nothing but violence, inequality, and terrorism surrounding Islam. 

Society will still associate Islam with Peace and violence/terrorism; the propaganda from the media drills this into our brains long enough. Subliminal messaging? 

Why do they need to promote Islam as a peaceful religion?

The media is pushing this agenda to silence anybody that is a critic or tries to voice their opinion against Islam. No critical voice for the multicultural society. Do not try to expose the disastrous integration program in Europe. If anybody does so, they will label you as a racist.

Fake News King CNN upfront with the narrative.

Fake News CNN is on the frontline of pushing that agenda. They praise King Abdulla of Saudi Arabia for stepping up against a blogger. The kingdom convicts and sentences the writer to get 50 lashes weekly for five months. Plus a 10-year jail sentence for expressing his feelings as a blogger. 

The fact that they still publicly lash people in the 21st century hit in the middle of a city center is insane and mind-boggling. CNN says that the King shows sympathy because after they joined the blogger 50 times, the King halts further punishment for now. What a guy! What?

How is this King getting praised? Propaganda King CNN is praising King Abdul for the fight against terrorism and cracking down on Islamist fundamentalism. 

Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud “the reformer,” dies at age 90!

Saudi Immigrant slave workers work themself to death.

The King and his royal family fell threat for years by Islamic extremists who sought royal power and money. The 15 hijackers of the official story of 9/11 come from Saudi Arabia! 

Some Muslims think The King’s relationship with America is also inappropriate. The worst form of Islam is Wahhabism which originates in Saudi Arabia. Those organizations use Hundreds of billions of dollars to build Mosques. And spread the message of Wahhabism Islam worldwide by Saudi extremists for decades. 

Saudi Extremist.

Would it be difficult to trace the funds of these money transactions of terrorist groups and hate imams worldwide? No, it would not be.

The former King Abdullah was such a reformer. According to CNN, he halts the blogger from getting more lashes after his first 50 lashes (still in the news today). 

Saudi Arabia is the most important country for Muslims, 97% Muslim. A big part of the other 3% is immigrants. They work for pennies and too often die in the process of building palaces. They pay these structure and building costs with oil dollars (oil dollars made by the western capitalist system). 

Saudi Arabia, the hell of migrant workers

The majority of Nepal migrant deaths ‘should be treated as murder

This week on CNN, Auschwitz, KKK, and the Nazis are the politically correct weapon against anybody with a different opinion.

This week CNN broadcasts old footage of a Neo-Nazi guy who left the Nazi group. The storyline is that the Nazi deserter starts a company to teach people about hate, a Nobel pursuit. Then CNN will soon show you a documentary on the Holocaust (Voices of Auschwitz).

In between, CNN shows the footage of Skinheads and old KKK footage. They do this to imprint the viewer’s minds with the association with evil Nazis and racism. 

Remember CNN, Fox, BBC, and people with an agenda control the media. They brainwash people who do not know it. It is all from one script to push the multicultural agenda. Secretly created some more hate between black and white in the states. The perfect narrative for any critics with accusations and questions about the failed government integration policies.

Worldwide Media Manipulation.

If you ask questions or are against the current state of events, you are a racist or conspiracy theorist. Previously I wrote a blog about the media uses of the pope. His white robe is “the good,” and then CNN switches to the evil Islamist terrorist groups (mostly in black) like Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, Isis, and the Taliban.

In the Israeli media, we can see the photo in Paris with the march of the hypocrites with many world leaders except for Angela Merkel. Angela was in Paris and did walk in front of the other leaders. But not in the pictures in some newspapers in Israel. The Fake News photoshop Merkel out of the image (religious extremists who control the media).

Opinion or truth not wanted, piss off.

Anchor Jim Clancy Leaves CNN Following Abusive Twitter Exchange With Pro-Israel Activist

If you speak your opinion as a journalist and deviate from the script, expect some serious repercussions from the network. After 34 years at CNN, Jim Clancy quits because of a Twitter exchange with a Pro Israel Activist. 

“Left and quits” means, in this case, kicked in the butt, fired. If he is lucky, he will get some benefits. But problems will undoubtedly occur when the time comes to collect the benefits. Soon Jim will be in the news again, not as a journalist or Tv anchor but dying of heart failure, is my guess.

Headline; Jewish newspaper Photoshops female leaders out of a ‘Charlie Hebdo’ marching photo.

Who is counting? Are the tally machines ok? Who can we trust?

Who counts the dead?

“The ISIS Leader Does Not Exist”: The US Military’s Stunning Conspiracy Theory Emerges From The Archive

The Isis leader is a fictional person, an invention by the CIA or by ISIS. More and more Jihadists report their deaths from the battlefield. They do this to avoid secret services from different countries tracking their whereabouts. 

I write about Khalid K (months ago), an Islamic delusional schizophrenic headhunter terrorist from Holland. He raises from the dead several times: 

Don’t get me wrong. This does not mean there are no religious lunatics wanting to create their Islamic state! This does not mean Europe does not have a vast integration problem with Muslims.

Isis and Al-Qaeda both want to claim the Paris terror Attack.

Charlie Hebdo massacre predicted in tweets: Did ISIS plot the Paris terror attack? The Battle between Al Qaeda and Isis claims responsibility, so both claim they were behind the Paris attack. Somebody is lying! Homegrown France Jihadists did not know the difference between Al Qaeda and ISIS. What a mess!

thrust me, news here….

I always ask myself who counts and informs the media about the next terrorist “results” after an attack. 

For example, in the Taliban school massacre. Did some journalist from CNN just happen to be there? Did the correspondent in Pakistan from CNN run to the bombing scene and start counting the dead and wounded? Do they calculate with a tally device/calculator or without? 

Does any journalist speak with the local coroner, and how does the local coroner establish the victims dead and identities sometimes just one hour after an attack? 

Is it standard practice for journalists to carry a tally device, or do they get the “numbers” information from Pakistani intelligence? Why is one of the mothers standing there with a picture of the victim of the Sandy Hook shooting? 

Taliban PR firm makes a blunder.

Did she not have a photo of her son and just happen to print one from the internet? What kind of bullshit is this? What about the Taliban and Isis? Do they have a PR firm giving press releases and beheading “promo” videos to the western media? 

Indeed they will not have a plan to manipulate their “news.” What can you believe these days in the media? Well, in my opinion, nothing. Or turn the news 180 degrees, and you get at least part of the truth. The main question is, always ask, who benefits? Who has motive and above all follows the money and madness? 

Which person in Nigeria reported that Boko Haram killed more than 2000? Who’s counting? I do not say it did not happen, for all I know. It could be 20.000 who were slaughtered.    


Sandy Hook Victim shows up in Pakistan? It says nothing as the woman in question could hold this picture out of sympathy for what happened to Sandy Hook victims. Although I doubt they know anything of that in Pakistan.

Deadly Banana Peel!

The Paris terrorists are all shot dead. The media claims they have ties to Isis. More interestingly, they connect with the Boston Bombers (The Boston Bombings could be a total Hoax ). The trial against one of the Boston Bombers would connect them with the same terrorist Islamic fanatics. 

The trail had just started, and guess what? Dzhokhar Tsarnaev slips over a banana peel in his jail cell (later exposed as a Hoax (the banana part, see hoax link).

Check out the Banana Peel alleged incident; I just wrote about this; I did not invent this nonsense.

He must have slipped about 20 times as the blood is everywhere. It looks like a complete slaughterhouse. I mean, traditional media, stop this bullshit, try to hide it at least a little bit. WTF is that picture all about (see link)? 

We must stop the fabrication of bullets and start bombing and throwing bananas. They have a monstrous deadly, devastating effect, far worse than bullets. 

Lots of conspiracy theories about the Boston marathon Hoax, some of these make you wonder.

The link reports that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev may never walk or talk again, no kidding. Chiquita must be furious about this anti-banana propaganda. I will never look at a banana the same way ever again! Later the Aryan Brotherhood claim responsibility.

The banana lovers are relieved again. If this critical terrorist suspect had not been isolated or protected, who knows what more he could reveal? Did he plead not guilty? Dzhokhar Tsarnaev cannot give us that answer anymore. I guess a guard accidentally fell asleep after eating too many bananas!

Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison and may Never Walk Or Talk Again.

The Grey State film producer is dead with his family under mysterious circumstances.

Conspiracist Filmmaker Family Found Dead in Murder-Suicide, Spurring Fresh Theories

The American conspiracy filmmaker becomes a conspiracy himself with his dead family. The young filmmaker had just started producing a film titled “The Grey State.” The film narrative exposes the government planning a new world order. 

Suicide and kills his family, no way?

David Crowley, 29, his wife Komel, 28, and daughter Rani, five, were all found dead under suspicious circumstances. The official story is a murder-suicide. This is crazy, considering that his wife and daughter played a role in the documentary. 

David was overly excited to produce this film, Grey State. In 2012 he raised 60.000 dollars to make the film. The people who knew him do not believe he committed suicide and didn’t kill his wife and five-year-old daughter. 

I am deeply ashamed of my country, Holland politicians, and royals.

I am deeply ashamed of my country’s politicians and propaganda media enablers! How far will they go to cover up major issues, and why?

The most strange thing I have ever observed from the Dutch government is their recent statement. They publicly announced the following; they will not publicize the report’s findings on the shot-down plane full of Dutch people in Ukraine.

I wrote about this in a previous blog. There is a link of a treaty signed between Holland, Ukraine, and other countries that the representatives from these countries never publish their investigative findings: Whaaaaat?

MH17: Nations Conspire To Keep Investigations Classified – Leaked Document Reveals

Indeed some links are taken down by google or the Ibi Times themself; I guess somebody “complained.”

I found this one, but it is a bit different.

Many countries are boycotting Russia because of the accusation they are behind the downing of the MH17 plane. These boycotts also partly cause the devaluation of our Euro and the Russian ruble. The biggest reason for the depreciation of oil prices and the rubble is the deal the Americans made with the Saudis

They keep pumping oil which results in a low oil price. What about all those days of propaganda of the homecoming of corpses from the crash site to Eindhoven being televised live worldwide? 

More Fake News brainwashing the people.

This is a disgraceful show of propaganda to push agendas from some very sick people. The link also informs us that the Ukrainian government announced Dutch diplomats. Three days before the passenger plane, MH17 is shot down. A Ukraine Antonov transporting aircraft is shot down on the flight route.

Ukraine halts all flights over that route from that time. Why not change the flight routes of the passenger planes with that information?

Dutch security services work for the US, says whistleblower Snowden.

It’s becoming clear all of these so-called new facts are why they hide the real reason. The involved countries (which had casualties in the flight disaster) agreed not to speak about the investigation results. 

Even if the plane is shot down accidentally or on purpose, the fake news uses the Ukraine plane crash incident for massive propaganda.

Chevron has a 10 billion dollar investment, and Royal Dutch shell has a 10 billion dollar investment in that same territory in Ukraine. The IMF just lent 17 billion dollars ( if Ukraine would open their doors to Monsanto) Billion dollar deals everywhere. 

Follow the money and the parties who have an interest in Ukraine.

Especially the sanctions the US and other countries, including the Netherlands, put on Russia are devastating. The result is that Russia is closing the flow of oil and gas through Ukraine. Not in the news is that Ukraine was also stealing oil out of the pipeline from Russia. 

The Fake News propaganda media will not mention this.

Russia now delivers its oil and gas to Turkey and Greece and tells the Europeans (that need at least 25% of their gas and oil from Russia) to build their pipeline. 

Russia also wants to receive its payment in gold, no kidding (wonder why?) Switzerland just made a bold move which made the Euro even more problematic. So a considerable interest in America as well as Europe in Ukraine. Wonder why we do not need to know the truth about the shooting down of the plane, that’s why! 

The US needs a disaster or War.

The Petrodollar backed up the US dollar (a deal the US made with the Saudis backing up dollar value with oil). The gold is long gone, and with the low oil prices, a collapse is imminent for the US. Especially with China and Russia creating the new BRICS countries.

The US needs War. America’s leaders push for the conflict in Ukraine (their puppet president from Ukraine). They need terrorists and their propaganda media enablers, so they fund them. The US needs War and to make weapons.

There must be War or a great disaster, such as a massive water disaster or a pandemic. If this does not happen soon, it does not take long anymore, and a more significant depression than the great depression will hit the US and Europe.

Boycott Russia Daily Propaganda

Chevron and Ukraine Set Shale Gas Deal.

Picture by: Taina Sohlman Bas Boon Says, who is interested in Ukraine?

Shell to Drill First Wells in $10 Billion Ukrainian Project.

It is in the interest of Shell and Chevron, and many other countries, that Ukraine stays stable. Things are tough in the interest of the current ‘American” installed Ukraine puppet president. When there is a lot of unrest, billions are not coming in for the puppet president. 

The people who control Ukraine should not be some separatist Russian rebels. But a president they can trust (or manipulate and control ). The US and European propaganda media push the Willy Wonka Puppter president.

Ukraine US Puppet President Willy Wonka.

The Ukrainian president shows a plate of metal with holes in it on CNN at a propaganda press conference. In the speech, he speaks about how much it reminds him of how many times they slaughtered Ukrainian people. He is half begging for help because of the atrocities against the Ukrainian people. 

Now that is an excellent display of American propaganda with an American-controlled Ukrainian puppet president (Willy Wonka). 

Royal Dutch Shell Nazi Secrets Part 8: Nazi Connections!

Bas Boon Says Dutch Royals and Nazis

Who are some of the significant shareholders of Shell?

One of the principal stockholders of Royal Dutch Shell company is “our” Queen of Holland Beatrix (25%). She was married to Georg Wilhelm Otto Friedrich Gerd von Amsberg, a former member of the Hitler Youth. In 1944 George joined the German Wehrmacht.

The mother of Beatrix, Queen Juliana married another German named Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld. The Dutch population is divided to approve the marriage. Bernhard not only took huge bribes, which later became known as the Lockheed scandal. But he later started a group called the Bilderberg group. Many now claim that one of the groups responsible for making all the world policies (behind the scenes).

I never heard the propaganda media in the press about this connection; why is that?

Dutch Royals married Nazis.

Bernhard was a former member of the Nazi party. Not only that, documents show he was with the Reiter-SS (SS Cavalry Corps) and the NSSK. To keep the family tradition high, “our” current King Willem Alexander married Máxima Zorreguieta Cerruti, the daughter of Jorge Horacio Zorreguieta Stefanini.

Jorge is the former minister of Agriculture at the time of the regime of former president dictator Videla. This military dictator Videla ruled Argentina from 1976 to 1981. He was responsible for the kidnapping and murdering of 30.000 Argentinians. Surely the father of Maxima knew nothing about these atrocities (yeah, right). He was not allowed to be at his daughter’s wedding in the Netherlands.

Lockheed Scandal, Nazis, and Dictators sound like some lovely shareholders.

These royalties are the people we have to trust (Lockheed bribes, Nazis, and war dictators’ families) who make “our” countries’ policies. Behind the scene, they are mighty. All just happen to have a considerable interest as one of the most significant shareholders in Shell in the “outcome.” Or better formulated, “no outcome” of the truth regarding the downing of the MH17 plane.

Recently there has been an investigation into Joris Demmink, a high-level pedophile who just happens to be a high court judge in the Netherlands. He handles high-profile pedophile cases and child abuse cases. It’s like Pablo Escobar is the judge in high-profile drug cases. To read more about the atrocities of the royals, bankers, and politicians and their sick rituals: 

Bas Boon says Deadly Banana’s

Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice.

We should throw some deadly bananas at these scumbags and get rid of eliminate claim it was an accident and that they all simultaneously stepped on a banana peel with fatal consequences. If they don’t believe the people’s banana story, we blame the Martians!

This is not propaganda.


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