Mon. Mar 10th, 2025
Credit picture by EPA

Dead Baby pictures from Syria and Iraq, Fake News? Drowned baby pictures manipulated by journalists. The fake News uses the one photo of the drowned Syrian boy in every worldwide media you can think of; why? More in this blog about Media’s Isis “Abu” the New Bin Laden. Where are the Dead Baby pictures from Iraq, Syria, and Yemen? And more about the new tsunami of migrants!

The picture of a three-year-old dead-drawn Syrian refugee boy washed ashore on the Turkey coast has been printed on every FrontPage newspaper and magazine worldwide. CNN, BBC every media group in the world will ensure you have that image imprinted in your head.

The mad policies of the U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Turkey to bomb Syria, Yemen, and Iraq have led to an exodus of refugees. This exodus includes fortune seekers, jihadists, Islamists, and Isis members from these countries. 

The real reason is to destabilize Syria to eliminate Assad, regardless of how many refugees and dead babies, this will cause. The Western and U.S. media needs to get the mass public opinion on their sides. The finished baby picture, which made headlines worldwide, does the trick ( perfect timing as well). 

Europeans, do you have some spare rooms?

It even makes European families take entire Syrian refugee families into their homes. I cannot imagine the long-term outcome of having a whole strange Muslim family in my Atheist home or how they would integrate into my Christian neighbors’?

I cannot even stand my own family staying longer than a week. The same goes for my girlfriend during a holiday for two weeks. Seeing each other 24 hours a day without pause leads to severe tension and arguments.

What about going to work and leaving your home with a Syrian refugee family? What about my love for heavy metal, which I like to play loud in my home, or my love for porn videos? 

Allah is siding with war-mongering psychopaths.

I might make the baby room available for functioning as a prayer room for the Muslim refugees. For some reason, Allah is not listening again and is on the side of the war-mongering psychopaths of the religious insane retards such as Isis and Al Qaeda. 

Allah loves the U.S. and western bomber pilots and drone operators. He is having orgasms from the images of dead baby pictures in the mass media. Let’s look at some recent historical events.

Lebanon gained independence in 1943

The country was handed over from the French occupiers (before the great Ottoman empire ) to the Lebanese, mainly a Christian population. But Left, Wing, and pan-Arabist groups opposed this pro-western new Lebanese government. 

Then came the Palestinian refugees. Pay attention here. It’s happening now in Europe. Hundreds of thousands joined their Muslim brothers in Lebanon. The Muslim population was now becoming a majority in Lebanon. Between 1970 and 1990, more than a hundred thousand Christians were killed, and many became refugees from Lebanon. Little finds dead baby pictures in the fake News back then.

Convert or be dead! What should we know about Syria and Iraq?

For the fans of the phrase religion of peace, we must understand that the conflicts in Iraq and Syria are between two insane religious groups, Shiite Muslims and Sunni Muslims. 

They have been slaughtering each other for centuries. The reason for this is a different interpretation of the inheritance of the prophet Mohammed since he died in 632. yes, it has everything to do with religion. Then there are the ethnoreligious minorities such as Turkmen, Greeks, Arab Christians, Yazidi, and Kurds. The list continues with Mhallami, Palestinians, Assyrians, Armenians, Druze, Mandeans, and religious groups everywhere.

According to the Shiites, the prophet’s rightful successor should be the prophet’s son-in-law Ali. The Sunnis claim Abu Bakr, Omar Othman, and Ali as the “Rightfully Guided Caliphs.” Both groups claim that the Quran is the word of God. But there is a distinguishable difference in the practice of their religion. 

They Kill each other for centuries, all because of a different interpretation of the inheritance of Muhammed.

The result is that they hate each other. So these groups kill each other for centuries in the name of Allah, “the religion of peace.” Shiites claim that Mohammed was the last prophet. At the same time, they accuse Shiites of giving Ali a status like Mohammed himself. 

You read this well, and these humans slaughter, rape, and kill each other for centuries. They commit this violence and lunacy over a different opinion. Their interpretation of the Quran’s writings and their prophet Mohammed’s death is their cause. Muslims using the phrase “Religion of Peace” and Mohammed “peace be upon him” is leading to the rape of world peace and dead babies everywhere.

Killings in the name of God! Warning Red Alert!

The immigrants who are now flooding Europe by the millions are joining the 50 Million Muslims already living in Europe. The birth rate of these Muslim families (is 8.3% against 1.3% in the West.) Floods of Muslim migrants are looking more and more like invaders. The Muslim population in Europe will soon be one-third of all inhabitants. 

Question: Do we think history would repeat itself by looking at what happened in Lebanon a few decades ago? 

Do we think Sunnis and Shiites would continue fighting in another land or unite against the Christians and Atheists in Europe?

YouTube censorship removed this video (labeled as Fake News, hateful blablabla).

One Hour Compilations of how Islam is Ruining Europa and America

These people who come to Europe are angry and lost everything. Many times have dead relatives, and their religion is the only thing they have left after leaving their country. Their religion which in many cases, grows more robust as there are not many other things for them to do. 

They will never blame their religion or Allah but will point fingers at the West. In contrast, their hate and fighting date back to their prophet’s death. 

That does not mean the West is innocent. Far from that, they try to exploit the situation by playing the savior and humanitarian card. Ron Paul said the right words. We should stop interfering in other countries problems.

What was yours is now mine! picture by: Robert Hoetink Shutterstock


Angela Merkel is a puppet of the U.S. The number of refugees they take from Syria and other Muslim countries is more than 800.000 now. On top of the 11 million Muslims who are legally registered in Germany. 

Not to mention the illegal Muslims that live in Germany. Frankfurt am Rhein is named Turkistan am Rhein, the city of Hamburg is named Istanburg. 

Angela sees her chance and sets an example to take more Muslim refugees. This “generosity” is an excellent opportunity to boost the image of Germany. The WW2 slaughter image still haunts Germany. 

An opportunity for Merkel’s Germany.

Right-wing leader Le Pen from France points the finger at Germany for importing (migrants, refugees, jihadists, and fortune-seekers) cheap slaves. Germany denies and claims their industry is for intelligent, intellectual people and not on cheap slave labor. 

Tip for Germany maybe take 800.000 refugees from Japan. They just evacuated three million because of mass flooding. They are Atheist / Shinto / Buddhist and hard-working ( and they were allies in WW2), just a suggestion. 

Indeed the allies who won the war against Germany are pushing the integration agenda into Germany after the second world war. We do not want to have Germans like the former S.S. stormtroopers. Which only were allowed to join the S.S. if their families had German bloodlines for the minimum length of 5 generations, would we? It is almost like a protocol for interbreeding the German ras; Nah, I must imagine this.

Germany already has the most refugee camps in Europe and again takes the lead in taking more Muslim refugees. It will be interesting to see when the anti-Semites will rise and a figure like Adolf Hitler will emerge.

When 25% of the Germans are Muslim, I expect to see the signs within the next few years. Merkel promised almost 4 billion dollars to the refugees on top of Germany’s war payments to Israel.

Slave workers.

World War2 repayments reach 1 trillion dollars, making third-generation Germans slave workers. So Le Pen is very wrong with his statement. The Zionists won’t mind that the new migrants working for Germany will pay off a war debt from 70 years ago! That means if they work, which they don’t.

Fortunately, we can keep those “Nazi” sentiments controlled. If the Nazi movement becomes a threat, the mass media will show you some more dead babies. They will bombard you with the collapse of dehydrated children on the run. So everybody can feel guilt again and have sympathy for the agenda of the globalist psychopaths.

Coming to Germany soon, Saudis offered to build 200 Mosques!–one-for-every-100-refugees-who-arrived-last-weekend-10495082.html

Democracy, Freedom, Peace Seriously “We are Helping You”! 

Austria’s Heinz-Christian Strache says, “Bombs and rockets from America and the NAVO are responsible for immigration crisis in Europe ( far-right party FPO winning in all polls).”

How do we create a world war over a religious dispute?

We made sure nobody liked Isis. I mean, what’s there to enjoy? Beheading videos, rape, torture, kidnapping, the list is endless. The battle between Sunnis and Shiites uses the same horrific methods. The Fake News will create a new boogyman.

So we support the government, what’s left of it. Or better, we support those who installed the government in Iraq that fights Isis. We do not like president Assad anymore. One of the reasons was that the Christian groups in Syria turned their backs on the Assad regime. So we want to fight Assad but do not support Isis, who is Assad’s enemy. 

Iran also does not like Isis, so it supports the Assad regime. We don’t like Iran, but they support Assad, which we don’t like, but they fight Isis. 

Propaganda to recruit the religiously insane.

Then the propaganda videos of Isis attract religious insane retards from all over the world to fight with Isis in Syria and Iraq ( all with a long beard and no uniform). The western Fake News pushes for this with propaganda. 

Recently, Turkey joined the allied forces and started a bombing campaign in Syria. The Turkish bomber pilots include some PPK Kurdish terrorist targets ( never let a god crisis waste “Winston Churchill”).

Then there are the Saudis. A Saudi sheik promised all Saudi fighter pilots a Bentley for dropping their deadly bombs in Syria. Maybe some Imam or the voice of Allah can inform the sheik it might be more helpful and humane to spend this money on helping refugees or taking some of them into Saudi Arabia? 

The irony is that these Saudis are the cause of spreading Wahhabism, the most extreme and delusional form of practicing Allah’s worship and religious laws. Ooh, wait, the Russians are also getting involved in the Syria conflict. 

The Russian is also getting involved.

Some retarded Arab spread some Isis threat message in a YouTube video. It is supposed to show Isis gets possession of a Russian warplane which isis will now use against the Russian. 

The Fake News pushed vast amounts of propaganda the last year about how evil the Russians are. The U.S. and Europe boycotted Russia for over one year because of the shot-down plane above Ukraine. Despite this fact, there is still no proof. And the Americans, well, are blamed for inventing Isis as after announcing the death of Bin Laden, the war on terror needed to continue, so they gave it a new face. They do not like Assad, so they support Isis. To complete the circus in Syria, the Al Qaeda leader does not recognize the Islamic State and hates Isis leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi.

Drone strikes kill British ISIS fighters in Syria.

Cameron, the prime mister from the U.K., bombs Syria but will help 20.000 Syrian refugees. But in refugee camps and not letting refugees into Britain, the hypocrite! 

Vladimir Putin will have to support Assad now. All this because an Isis delusional retard convincingly timed his terrorist message from inside a car to Vladimir Putin/ YouTube video. He threatens Russia in a propaganda YouTube video (removed now by Big Tech censorship, for your good). 

Poor Syria gets all the delusional, religiously insane from all over the world. All to fight a religious war which, many times, they do not even understand themselves. The worldwide Fake News is pushing these Jihadists to travel to Syria daily.

Video with a threat to Putin from a fighter pilot is no longer available -against the Narrative.

ISIS threatened Russian President Putin with seizing Russian fighter jets and capturing “spies.”

Do the Americans mention it is a concern that the Russians are deploying military personnel to Syria? All this mess came because the U.S. invaded Iraq on false intelligence, “the usage and presence of weapons of mass destruction,” Which they never found in Iraq. 

The humanitarian card and intelligence mistake cost millions of Iraqis and other lives. Some people/countries have a strange way of fixing their errors. 

Ooh, Kuwait, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, The UAE, and Qatar, the rich wealthy Gulf States, are taking zero refugees. I wonder why? Maybe it has something to do with religion ( Sunnis and Shiites). 

Saudi Arabia has about 20 million Shia Muslims, and it has Wahhabism. Will they welcome the majority of Sunnis refugees from Syria? Why will the Saudis take Sunni refugees without giving them a working permit? 

“Welcome, “no work permit just enslaved people for Saudi Arabia.

They allow the Syrians in Saudi Arabia (but not a work permit) and use them as cheap enslaved people. They love to bomb them back to the stone age and even reward their bomber pilots with a Bentley car. We should not talk about the religion of peace, do we? 

They do not consider Syrians Arabs, so there is no entrance for the refugees (only possible as working enslaved people). But they do not mention this in the fake News as it all had “nothing” to do with the religion of peace! 

The Arab nation does not give a crap about their Muslim brothers. Read again, zero refugees. Saudi bombed Syria and did not take one refugee; in the meantime, Germany took over 800.000. The Fake News broadcasts how welcome the Muslim “refugees” are and how professional the process is in Germany.

They are creating the next wave of millions of migrants getting strange colors now. Like black Syrian Muslims, Egyptians and other Arab nationals lose their papers, claiming they are Syrians.

Where Are The Allies When You Need them?

How come all these progressive multi-billion dollar war machine nations who work together to defeat Isis can’t protect a simple town in Syria with important artifacts? 

I still see those Toyota trucks with Isis warriors with machine guns and flags. What is wrong with all the high-tech war equipment like spy satellites and ally stealth warplanes? Or a squadron of well-trained snipers divided into elite groups. 

Turkey and Saudi Arabia are all fighting Isis in Syria with modern bomber planes and laser-guided bombs. Then there are the drone operators, yet I have to witness how Isis is blowing up the culture inherited sites and conquering the following oil field. 

The Fake News tries to fool you again. Why did the dead baby picture end up on all the front pages at this moment? The UK, France, and the U.S. had to get their majority votes to Bomb Syria and get rid of Assad. I mean, fight Isis, sorry.

The propaganda machine reached its peak on CNN this week. The new boogie man Abu is taking its Satan Shape by the Media bosses:

American Kayla Mueller and an Iraqi Teenager were Tortured and raped by the same Isis leader, the ultimate bad guy!

The man who has more lives than Jesus is the new Bin Laden boogie ultimate lousy guy, one of Isis leaders Abu Bakr al Baghdadi. He rapes children and has a harem of young sex slaves. Including his slaves is the American girl Kayla Meuller. She was not afraid to work among the religiously insane in Syrian war territory as she had God on her side ( that other one the Christians adore and worship). 

Isis also kidnaped her. The “media.” Oops, Abu already uses Kayla to blame the West for her death because western bombs killed her. The confirmation of her death is by another girl kidnapped by a gang of Abu. 

The girl just escaped, good girl, her story soon to be published in a new book. 

She executed her well-designed plan and walked past all the security and gang members who did the security for Abu. After a ten-minute walk, she finds a house nearby, and those lovely people help her find her way to her parent’s home. 

The Media created the new Bin Laden isis leader Abu.

The “media” use her now. I mean, the intelligence services are asking her for the location of Abu. Abu never watches T.V., nor do his fellow illiterate, brainwashed monkeys. So it is safe to say on T.V. a few weeks later that intelligence services are asking the brave escaped Isis sex bride/slave for details on Abu’s whereabouts. Abu is a genuine “Lazarus,” the Media reports they kill and wound him multiple times.

So his name sticks by the sheep watching consuming news freaks. It made me think of that Belgium girl who Isis kidnaped. The kidnapped girl’s mother went to get her daughter from an Isis-occupied city. Abu is so bad that even the Al Qaeda leader does not recognize its leadership. Wow!

Culture clenching is the new word to promote how Evil Isis is. According to a CNN documentary by Amanpour, Isis wants to erase culture inherited places. When the other psychopaths, the coalition starts bombing what’s left of Syrian cities, The best hideout for Isis is museums, and Unesco protected inherited territories.

The allies will not accidentally bomb a laser-guided bomb on those museums and districts with such historical value. So Isis warriors, stop destroying your perfect hideouts.

CNN headlines: Convert or die: Isis chief’s former slave says he beat her he raped U.S. hostage.

Another mother from Holland went to an Isis stronghold and got her daughter out. But the allies, the West and the U.S. with the Saudi and Turkish allies, bomb entire Syrian cities as their intelligence is not that up-to-date. Maybe they’re still using the same intelligence retards who claimed weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. 

Abu is reportedly dead and was injured several times this year, and by the latest, a CNN special about the girl’s “great” escape. The image of Abu is reaching Bin-laden proportions. Wow, that Isis is evil. We really must all agree to bomb Assad, sorry I mean Isis. 

Or wait, maybe it’s better to send some Dutch and Belgium mothers who know their way around the stronghold positions of Isis. Hey, they successfully got their daughters back. Send some disguised sniper squads, special ops, and the man with beards who can take out the new Bin laden terrorist Abu. Even a woman can walk right into the middle of an Isis stronghold. Some bearded disguised special ops should be a walk in the park? 

Dutch mom travels to ISIS Syria stronghold to save daughter from jihadist’ lover.’

After a conversation with the Dutch secret service, the mother changes her story. The next day we read a media article about the miraculous rescue mission. She only waited at the Turkish border and met her daughter there. The Dutch secret service told her she did not understand barriers. I, of course, mean the international coalition against Assad. Isis would look foolish with those stories. So those stories are contained like a deadly virus. Fake News gets a sign to manipulate the story to fit the Narrative, time and time again.

They should use these mothers who find their way to Syria to rescue their daughters. And let’s not forget to use “Pathfinder” journalists like Peter Bergen. He sees the world’s most wanted terrorist Osama Bin Laden in a cave in Pakistan to conduct an interview. Journalist consistently makes such great pictures of radical Islamist posting with cut-off heads. The miracle journalist produces professional photographs of the Colonne of white Toyota trucks. It was a journalist who moved the dead body of a baby boy in the water to get a more dramatic shot, let that sink in.

Media propaganda and lies 24/7.

Images of full trucks with Isis warriors packed with Kalashnikovs and waving Isis flags. The journalist who moved dead babies to a different location shot the following worldwide FrontPage photograph, shocking and moving worldwide public opinion.

Then the intelligence leader for the military assault on Isis should be Rami Abdulrahman from the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which is not associated or linked to any political body. 

The SOHR starts in May of 2006.” The United Kingdom-based SOHR has its offices run out of a two-bedroom apartment. The sole employee is Rami Abdulrahman ( Syrian Sunni Muslim who also runs a clothing shop). He is the epiphany of Fake News.

CNN, Reuters, BBC, and Voice of Africa use SOHR (Fake News) as their source. Every time Rami produces a fart on his website, the worldwide Media echoes Rami’s stench “news” production to hundreds of millions of viewers. According to the media and witnesses, use these “experts” to eradicate the delusional insane religious Isis lunatics from Syria and other countries. Success guaranteed. We swallow their Media bullshit every day, so give them a chance to be suitable for one time!

ISIS Blows Up Iraqi City Nimrud: Release Video Of Destruction. 

The YouTube account has been terminated, Censored because not the correct Narrative.

Isis blows up the ancient Ball Shamin temple at Syria’s Palmyra. Media break from Isis?

The fascinating media message is Isis’s break when a plane crashes somewhere in the world or a massive storm hits a country. It’s like Isis takes a few days off. 

No headlines in the media, no shots of Toyota trucks in the middle of a desert. Any blowup artifacts? Or the reports of a new oilfield that Isis has conquered? No kidnapping of Christians or releases of new be-headings or Cage propaganda videos? 

It’s like the Isis propaganda ministers understand it’s not the right timing, so they just go back for a few days or a week. Isis takes a long lunch break. No dead baby or Islamic attacks, no kidnappings, not one blown up the museum, nothing. Do not be fooled. If the U.S. and the puppet allies want somebody, they can send a laser-guided bomb or drone to a cave 50 meters under the earth, and your die (Trump’s MOAB bomb comes to mind). 

It’s all Fake News and utter bullshit. Syria got infected with the scum of the earth. The West is arming Isis and other religious lunatics to fight Assad. The result is that the country receives a flood of Muslims Islamist from all over the world.

Sirian Girl #refugee Crises: What the Media is Hiding message deleted does not fit the media narrative.

Donald Trump, I would bomb the hell out of the oilfields in Iraq!

When Donald Trump became president, that is precisely what he did. He bombed Isis to the stone age, and in a few months, we did not hear one letter about Isis in the headlines. Trump was right. Trump proves General Hertling is just a puppet for the military-industrial complex.

General Hertling responds to Donald Trump’s critics.

Indeed politicians are trying to gain popularity over the Isis situation. Some U.S. military generals claim that Donald Trump does not know anything about military complex situations. 

Painful “comical” is the message of general Hertling explaining that you can’t just invade a sovereign country like Iraq to take their oil fields. Trump suggested taking on Isis and, for example, bombing all the oilfields, which would cut off a big part of the funding for Isis. 

This general must be kidding. Donald Trump is honest by saying he will use that Isis excuse to secure the Iraq oilfields. Here are the same generals who went to war in Afghanistan and Iraq over the false intelligence excuse story of the presence of Weapons of Mass Destruction in the country of Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. 

The media and government’s story is that at least 15 hijackers of Saudi nationality. According to the official report, “park” planes in the world trade center. Yet, the U.S. invades sovereign nations like Afghanistan and Iraq. What a farce! And not one dead baby picture during the bombing of Iraq.

General Hertling is a lying hypocrite.

Does General Hertling say that The Donald does not understand the complexity? General Hertling will bomb civilians and Iraq cities on lies. At that time, Iraq was a sovereign country. Still, the general said that Donald Trump did not know what he was talking about on national T.V. 

I wonder what general Herling thinks now about Isis and other Islamic delusional retarded sects creating havoc in Iraq in Syria. All this after the U.S. left Iraq in a mess, now that is certainly complex! 

Maybe general Herling should study that picture again about the Vietnamese girl running naked on the road. She is screaming from burning wounds all over her body because the U.S. was bombing the Vietnamese population with napalm. 

Just think what one image can do (stop the war, public opinion). Where are the dead baby photos from the bombing of Syria and Iraque?

The image of that mother with a baby in her arms completely burned from a napalm bomb. That picture turned the views of the public in America on the war-mongering psychopaths. It’s time to show a dead Syrian, Palestinian, and Iraqi baby. Daily, every hour, we need images of burning babies, decapitated children’s heads, babies missing limbs, piles of dead babies, horror after horror stories.

Where is the Fake News when you need them? These horrors are what the worldwide mass media really must report (like they show the “poor” war refugees now). 

Suppose the drowned baby picture caused many European families to take Syrian refugees into their homes. In that case, it must be possible to use the same media to shut down the madness of these military war-mongering retards. Time to end presidents with testosterone problems and hunger for bombing campaigns. No more financing wars (all ordered by their banker masters), wherever it is!

This link is removed and censored and does not fit Media’s Narrative (Ev2dqrN4i0)

Burned babies and children images after a Napalm Attack Changed Public Opinion in the U.S.

Dead baby pictures are only viral in the News when there is a sign of war ending.

It’s not always what the Fake News is reporting. It’s many times what the Fake News is not writing.

Check out this link of Bas Boon says The Empathy Virus. No More Wars. No more poverty


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