Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Globalist, N.W.O. is Spectre. Where is James Bond 007? In the James Bond 007 Movie Spectre, our beloved secret agent fights against a criminal organization. These criminals are on the verge of controlling the world by introducing and joining a global surveillance and security system (today’s New World Order/Globalist). 

Our beloved 007 actor Daniel Craig fights the ultimate lousy guy Christoph Walz who also played the sadistic Nazi S.S. commander in Quinton Tarrantino’s movies “Inglorious Bastards” and “Django Unchained.” The story of this Bond Movie is interesting as it portrays a perfect scenario that paints a portrait of reality on the world’s so-called war on terror and The Covid Pandemic today.

SPECTRE – Special Executive For Counter-Intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, and Extortion. SPECTRE now, NWO., WHO, Globalist, W.E.F.

Quote George Bush: Either you are with us, or you are with the Terrorist. Globalist No, if you do not vaccinate, you are an outcast.

No other option is available. Bush, in a Morbid way, could have played the villain in a perfect psychopath way. George’s diabolic smile reminds me of Christoph Walz ( in some movie scenes, they look like each other). The scene in the movie Inglorious Bastards where Walz points out hidden Jews in an underground cellar comes to mind. Just picture Bush with that Nazi S.S. Outfit, long black coat with Nazi Officer SS hat).

Christoph Walz also looks and acts like creepy Globalist Dr. Fauci, the perfect 007 James Bond villain.

The reason I am comparing the Paris Islamic Terror Attack and the Bond Movie Spectre is the following. In the Spectre (Globalist WHO health mandate) movie, all countries have to agree with the new policies unanimously and hand over all their sources. And agree with the new delusional power-seeking new leader of the world. 

The Nation South African does not agree to become a member of Spectre, so the deal is off. Two days later, an unprecedented horrific terror attack caused death and fear in the Capital of South Africa, leading the South African Government to join the Spectre Organization.

Bas Boon Says Check out the perfect description of the Globalist N.W.O. Klaus Schwab and Fauci is Spectre.

False Flag?

I am not trying to suggest that Paris was a false flag attack. Not in the sense that they hire Jewish crisis Actors screaming Allah Akbar. Just before some delusion religious insane nut – cases started some slaughtering and that the Globalist N.W.O., Mossad or the C.I.A. hired them. 

However, in my previous blog, I wrote that all the ingredients are created, especially by mass media and their Globalists overlords. Broadcasters like CNN and the B.B.C. and left-wing socialist open border policies. The policies will generate terrorist attacks and the buildup of hate against a religious group like Islam vs. the West and the U.S. 


The Black Lives Matter Groups, Blacks Vs. White.

U.S. Billionaire Gorge Sores is the following actual life figure who could be another villain in a James Bond movie. He is the perfect behind-the-scenes mystery man financing terrorism and creating diversity to push the world’s globalist N.W.O. domination agenda. 

It’s worse in the case of Globalist N.W.O. “leader” George Soros (he could be Spectre). He does it in plain sight, financing the Ferguson riots, Ukraine unrest, and European policy for open borders. Soros won’t die, and it looks like he survives all James Bond agents.

Hungary pursued by E.U. over ‘Stop Soros’ migrant law

Not every crisis actor is a hired actor by Globalist N.W.O. “Spectre.”

Paris Attacks False Flag: Unbelievable Crisis Actor Saved By Cell Phone = BULLSHIT!

Here is a classic example of how conspiracy theorists will grab incidents like this” witness” to prove that the Paris France Attack was a false flag event. 

First of all, it could be confirmed this guy’s phone is hit as crazy as it sounds. Or it could be an attention-seeking French citizen who would like to be in the media. There is a chance the Sensation is seeking media fabricating or manipulating some witnesses to make their story juicier. 

Another possibility was a particular mobile phone made by Q. Not Q-anon, please; I mean Q from the secret service, which makes James Bond stuff. This guy was a British secret agent but failed to stop the Attack. His confidential Q phone saved his life. The Globalist Spectre N.W.O. tried to take him out. That story sounds even more plausible than the original.

The Attack did happen.

That still does not mean that the Paris Terrorist Attack did not happen or that people did not die, especially since there is no problem with “radical” Islam.

However, the Syrian Gas Attack by Assad on his citizens is promoted in the Mass media. The reason the U.S. Globalists started their bombing campaign. The mass media claims that the Islamic Terrorist groups are responsible for fighting the Assad army. The same Mass Media Reported that firebombs burning down a Syrian children’s school were wholly fabricated.

Was this a globalist N.W.O. false flag attack?

Should The Paris Terror Attack Surprise Us? 

No, it should not. We all knew it was coming to an avalanche of Terror attacks by Islamic terrorist groups. Tunisia, the so-called prosperous nation of the Arab spring, is a farce. Sure, you can give a Nobel prize to some activist groups in Tunisia for their work pushing for democracy. 

It took one religious insane nutcase shooting up a beach with British tourists to prove it is all lies. Tunisia’s leading industry, tourism, is on the verge of collapse. Before the beach shooting, Islamists attacked a museum in Tunisia. Recently a Bus exploded in Tunisia, another attack claimed by Isis.

Then a Russian plane is brought down in Egypt. The media determined this terror attack within days that a bomb brought down the plane. This latest terror attack has had a devastating effect on the Tourist Industry in Egypt. Why bring in an army or support Islamic fundamentalists to overthrow a foreign regime when you can use a tragic event (or create one) to cripple a whole nation like Egypt. Globalist NWO. is at work.

Terrorist attacks are everywhere, and Islamists surround us. If not, Spectre will send some.

After the Russian plane went down in Egypt in the following weeks, 180.000 Russian tourists “returned” to Russia. K.L.M. announced they were to cancel flights to several Egyptian airports and other nations, pulling out tourists from Egypt and arranging special flights. This exodus of tourism is a massive hit on the tourist industry. The estimated loss is half a trillion dollars. This action will lead to more poverty in Egypt, misery, and people losing jobs which creates, well, you guessed it: Radicalism. Where is James Bond when you need him?

Bas Boon says The truth about Islam a Must-See Video.

Beirut, Brussels, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Germany, UK, terrorist attacks everywhere. The Bond villain is executing the Globalist N.W.O. master plan.

Beirut suicide bomb attack, Ooh, and the whole city of Brussels and parts of Belgium have been closed.

In Turkey, a bomb goes off, killing over 100 civilians. Isis and Kurds finger-pointing from Turks and Kurds. Suicide bombers terror everywhere. 

Meanwhile, Turkey is responding and starting Bombing “targets” in Syria, mostly Kurd “s which they hate. But they are fighting Isis.

In my previous blogs, I wrote that it was quiet in the news regarding terrorist attacks. Isis and other terrorist groups wait for their Muslim brothers (Muslim Migrants and Jihadists) to invade Europe. Funny how Isis (and the media) understand they should not strike in Europe before millions of their Muslim brothers arrive in Europe. 

A terrorist attack too soon would change the European people’s opinion on the open border policy.

The people of Europe and The U.S. will witness an avalanche of threats. Plots unfold, raids, attacks by an avalanche of Mass Media Globalist coordinated bulshit.

Bas Boon says Je ne suis pas un fous!

 I will not change my social media avatar to a French Flag

The left-wing social brainwashed sheep are at it again—Solidarity with France. I stand for France, and like the gay promotion rainbow-colored flag brainwash campaign, the sheep are following the trend.

Je Suis Charlie, Je Suis France, Boem, Now Je Suis Mort, 

Singing and listening and promoting the song Imagine all the people of Jon Lennon, is it helping? I am sure that if a right-wing death squad killed over 100 Muslims in an evening, there would be no singing and promoting the song “imagine all the people” by John Lennon. 

What about organizing a silent March again? That would be a good idea—stupid political correctness for the sheep, psychological warfare. I stand with France. I am against terrorists. People unite, and above all, Islam is still not the problem. The diversity-pushing agenda by the psychopath warmongering globalist “Spectre” members will have and will have its effect.

Next terrorist targets soccer matches.

The recent bombs are exploding at a soccer match in France. After a bomb threat, the Paris France Attack, and the new cancellation of a soccer match in Hanover, Germany. This hits the heart of humans (their social lives). Ordinary people want to enjoy their weekends after work week by visiting a soccer match, a music concert, or dining at a restaurant. 

In another terrorist raid in Belgium, a suicide bomber blows himself up (5000 shots fired). A R.I.P. police dog hero who died while attacking one Terrorist. Surely the left-wing socialist warriors will disagree again that this is very racist—an attack on democracy and our European cultural values, attacks on “soft” targets.

Pastor claims you deserve to die when you go to heavy metal concerts.

A pastor in the U.S. (another religious freak, “Christianity”) claims if you visit a heavy metal concert (Paris Attack), you deserve to die (justify the Paris killings). Delusional humans from the religiously insane community keep spreading their hate and sick psychopath messages. Brainwash some more poor sheep who need to belong to similar sick and disturbed minds and ideas. Globalist N.W.O. Cult leaders never sleep.

Heartless Pastor Blames Victims of Paris Attacks For Going To “Death Metal” Concert, Has Never Actually Heard EAGLES OF DEATH METAL

Taking a soccer match away from ordinary working people will do the trick. It creates more hate towards Muslims and more diversity. Indirectly all are used by the “Spectre” organization promoted by the “Spectre Controlled” Mass Media. How about team Globalist N.W.O. against Patriot Seal Members?

This hate is propaganda for the public mass sheep behind the plan of a bigger government. Give up their liberties and have “Spectre” control the world’s oil reserves, Big Tech, Big Pharma, and other sources on a global scale. Do not think for a second that these terrorist attacks are a coincidence. They are well-timed. This is becoming a mission impossible for our beloved James Bond.

Spectre’s execution of world strategic terror works better than all Bond movies combined.

The use of a Death Syrian drowned child that the mass media prints on every front page in the Worldwide Mass Media uses that image to brainwash the public sheep. Think it’s about Terrorists? Listen to this guy on CNN, Nicholas Christophe: According to him, Assad is the great recruiter of Isis. W.T.F.?. 

Do the French people, the West, and the U.S. forget that many of the Baath party members of Saddam Hussein and Sunnis from Iraq became isis members? They are flooding into Syria after the U.S. military pulled back out of Iraq. Most of these people are now Isis Fighters. This is the Globalist N.W.O. master plan at work.

Three thousand bucks a month with a free Yazdi sex slave, an offer a “Jihadist” can’t refuse.

Do the French people forget that over 100.000+ Jihadists from all over the world went to Syria to fight for Isis?”. Imagine all the people’s songs of John Lennon”. Do we forget that 10.000 U.S. Military personnel trained 200.000 Iraqis who laid down their weapons and ran from the battlefield the moment Isis showed his face with only an estimated 30.000 strong “army” of lunatics? Later a similar situation occurred in Afghanistan when Biden pulled the U.S. military troops out of Afghanistan. The 600.000 (trained by the U.S.) afghan Armey “fighters” joined the Taliban in less than two weeks.

These former Iraqi Baath party members are imprisoned and tortured by the U.S. Do we think if Isis comes to Syria and Iraq and pays Muslims 3.000 per month, they will not join Isis? People typically earn 150 dollars per month. Look at Jihadist benefits. Globalist B.W.O. supplies them with Free weapons and a Yazidi girl for all these illiterates who never had a woman + 3 K, all justified by Allah. There you have it.

The headline in the Dutch Telegraph, John Lennon’s Imagine, gives Hope.

Imagine Assad getting 100.000 brainwashed religious freaks from all over the world. Every Jihadist with death wishes and thinks they’re doing the work of Allah. Do they fight for ISIS creating “their” Islamic State within Syria? The West and The U.S., including the French, are training and funding Islamic Extremist organizations like El Nusra, Al Qaeda, and Isis. To get rid of Assad (since 1956, the U.S. and Allies determined to remove the Syrian regime).

Hey France, Je ne Suis pas un Fous (I am not crazy).

The recent disagreements over an oil pipeline between Iran and Syria sparked more unrest and are fueling the Islamic Jihadists. Assad did not want to use the Rothschild Banking system. So France: Je Suis Un Fous should be the theme for the mass sheep. They voted for this left-wing socialist government that promotes the multi-culture agenda. 

Your chosen government decided to train and deliver weapons to these terrorists to eliminate Assad. Like Putin says, how can you deal with the religiously insane to overthrow a regime the West does not like? As if these terrorist “allies” would do your dirty work and follow orders.

This is how the Mass Media, the Public Sheep, Keeps Brainwashing.

Any reports in the Mass media about spitting and biting H.I.V. disease refugees flooding hospitals in Germany”? Reports about 1400% rape increase in Sweden and Germany in the Mass Media because of Muslim migrants. If we do talk about this as an individual or the Mass media would report the other side of the mad policies of insane political leaders, then we are racist. So the politically correct insane left continues to dictate the destruction of our European culture and manipulates public opinion. 

CNN (Fake News paid by the Globalist Big tech and Big Pharma) brings you the perfect witnesses of The Paris Attack for their gun control and personal agendas: A Woman and Man witness who lost a loved one during the Paris attack: we fight this Terrorist with love. We don’t want France citizens to defend themself by buying guns. Fight this with love, “BOEM.” Another propaganda piece of CNN repeated a 1000X.

France Kid becomes a media front “soldier, brainwashed by his (left socialist) father used as a propaganda tool.

France Kid, with his father, is interviewed for the CNN cameras, which are receiving millions of views worldwide on social media. The Kid says the following; Flowers win from guns, the brainwashing of the socialist left parent’s reality denial, they keep marching in silence.

No media cover whatsoever. It’s good to be Spectre.

Indeed CNN does not show that 17% of France Muslims sympathize with Isis. They do not offer a witness who lost his friends during a heavy metal concert in the Paris Attack. Nothing in the news of people who scream, deport all Muslims now, and kill anyone that does not promote the multicultural agenda.

The 007 program is still active, with secret service budgets and surveillance reaching astronomic proportions.

Edward Snowden lives in exile because he revealed surveillance scandals through his wiki leaks website. He is considered a criminal for exposing the criminal activities of “Spectre.” A massive scandal occurred when NASA hacked the personal mobile phone of Germany’s head of state, Angela Merkel. It is rumored James Bond forwarded the information to MI-6.

That was October 2013. Today, the German BRD ( German secret service) is back in the news. Recent headlines inform us that the BRD is accused of spying on the Red Cross and the Vatican. The list is long. The Globalist N.W.O. now keeps track of their puppets’ behavior and the walk-in line.

Germany spied on France for the U.S.’s N.S.A.

Germany’s Merkel under fire over N.S.A. scandal

In the James Bond movie, we can see 007 infiltrating the headquarters of the international “Spectre” organization. This place and group are where they gather intelligence and surveillance from all over the world. This place is where they manipulate World Wide Mass media. Guess what?

Just two days after the France terrorist Attack, French Fighter Jets are Bombing targets in Raqqa in Syria.

Pay attention here, sheep population: We are taking revenge on the Paris terrorist attack. Great Britain is trying to join the bombing for peace in Syria by using the Paris terror attacks. Next in the news is a Chinese hostage, the next hostage from ISIS. A reason China can join the peace bombing community in Syria. What can go wrong?

The world surrenders.

 What can go wrong?

Well, Turkey shoots down a Russian fighter jet. According to the Turkish, they warned the Russian pilot ten times. Maps and radar show that the Russian plane was supposed to be 17 seconds in Turkish airspace. Ok, say this was true. Why would Turkey shoot down a Russian plane fighting Isis?

Not only that, Turkey has had millions of Iraqis, Syrians, Afghan “refugees,” migrants, and Terrorist passes their borders with fake passports and, in many cases, no identification. But a fighter jet from Russia fighting Isis gets shot down because it was allegedly 17 seconds in Turkish airspace? A good question is why the Russians are operating with bombing campaigns so close to the Turkish border. Well, that question is easy to answer: the Turks are making a shit lot of money buying oil for as low as $15.- a barrel from Isis.
The direction of Globalist, Bond can’t save the world.

Many Toyota trucks, Kalashnikovs, ammunition, and supplies are all finding their way into Syria through Turkey. Not to mention all the foreign fighters by the tens of thousands who travel over Turkish territory to join Isis in Syria. Wonder why the U.S. drops leaflets from the sky on terrorists transporting oil to leave their vehicles? 

It is mind-blowing why the Turks are angry that Russians are bombing vehicles transporting millions of barrels of oil en route to Turkey. That’s why the Russians bombing those targets)? What did Donald Trump say: Bomb the oil fields and take away Isis money supplies.

Breaking: Russian Rescue Helicopter Destroyed With John McCain Supplied Tow Missiles.

Then a Russian helicopter was shot down in Syria. The Russian helicopter pilots were searching for the pilots from the downed Russian fighter jet. On youtube, a Globalist-produced propaganda video is circulating. It shows that somebody shoots down a Russian Helicopter. The fingers point to the U.S.-backed Free Syrian Army “soldiers.” In other words Jihadist/El Nusra/Al Qaeda, Isis). 

To make things juicier, SOHR makes the rapport. The head of SOHR is the Sunni Muslim (paid by the Globalist/ Spectre) who hates Assad. He reports from his website SOHR from London from an attic above a clothing store. He and his 150 volunteers in Syria. The miracle magic reporters who write from all over Syria constantly with the chance of dying in the process.

The actual media “heroes” are all over Syria at the right place at the right time and reporting about everything. Recruiting Isis members, Kidnapped Christians, conquering cities by Isis, following Toyota Trucks, Stoning and killing women. Suicide bomber attacks, identification of terrorists, and kidnapped death victims. 

Journalist miracle team or corporatist “Spectre” employees?

The journalist miracle team never sleeps and works 24 hours around the clock. Very few are producing a piece of news that would shed a different light on the actions of Assad. The SOHR has nothing to do with anything humanitarian but is a propaganda spy organization for Spectre. The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights. The puke and garbage from the Sunni Muslim operating his website from the London one-bedroom attic.

Quote; Brought to you by the Mass Media, CNN, B.B.C., and all the newspapers. What a farce. Check my previous blogs about this piece of shit garbage Syrian Sunni and judge yourself.

Please read my previous blog and judge yourself about SOHR!

Who’s Bombing Who in Syria? Propaganda, Media’s ISIS and “Assad” The New Epiphany of Terror!

For 15 months, nothing happened in Syria. When the U.S. started its so-called bombing campaign, Isis became stronger. The U.S., Turkey, and the Saudis knew precisely how to make money with Islamic Jihadist fruit cakes. Remove Assad. Globalist/N.W.O., we must remove Assad. What’s the alternative if Assad is gone, 20 years of civil war? Oil, Money, Power, and their interest create increasingly religious insane terrorists fueling the Muslim cause of Jihad worldwide.

Bas boon Says Scarface is an example. picture by Dona_Bozzi Shutterstock

Textbook James Bond Villain stuff.

The mass media promotes an avalanche of new Jihadist terror threats addressed by Isis. Towards U.S. cities such as Washington and New York. Western nations’ leaders (all serve the Globalist Spectre NWO.) publicly announced they would share intelligence information in the fight against Isis. Straight Out Of The 007 James Bond Movie Spectre.

What a farce. For 15 months, the U.S. has been bombing Isis targets with its allies, especially the ISIS stronghold Raqqa. Russia came in with brutal force and shot the shit out of Isis. France is throwing Bombs now, but Raqqa, well, Raqqa must be a wonderful city. It is still in Isis’s hands. Is there even a city left? I bet you anything. Isis parked thousands of white Toyota Trucks around the city. These pick-ups do not have a scratch on their paint.


Indeed there is not a Muslim problem, and it has nothing to do with Islam. Dozens of Terrorist Raids are in Muslim Ghetto’s so-called no gone zones. This is where the homegrown Jihadist and Radicalization is taking place. Other recruitment centers are prisons and mosques. But, of course, denied by politically correct politicians. Decades of failed integration policies and no assimilation by large groups of Muslims to the western culture. But as long as we are politically correct and blame others for being racist, it has nothing to do with their failed policies. World Wide Global Attack Force is a new suggestion by the Russians (sounds familiar, now Putin fits the perfect villain character as Spectre).

There is an avalanche of Mass Media Promoted terrorist attacks. The media promotes raids and new terrorist threats and comes after the headlines in the World Wide Media “Controlled by the Spectre Organization.” The writers of James bond movies should pay attention here.

Propaganda 24/7, day in and day out.

They kill the British Homegrown Terrorists Jihad John. He gets a drone up his ass. The news comes after Obama claims he weakens Isis, and they are losing territory. Two days later, the world is watching the terrorist attacks in Paris, leaving 129 people killed, and over 100+ Anti-Terrorist Raids across the country. 

Terrorists arrested in Germany, France, Belgium, Honduras, and Brussels were on lockdown, and Holland vs. Germany soccer match was canceled. That name should not be Anti-Terrorist Squad by Anti-Islamic Muslim Squad. The media pushes the Isis Brand. Spectre Controles the World Wide Mass Media to the most recognized brand in the world. And plenty of delusional, brainwashed religious lunatics will start to do some suicide bombing in the name of Isis.

The Globalist N.W.O manipulates all the groups involved.

The Mass Media calls the plotter of the Paris Attacks a mastermind.

Donald Trump makes the correct statement again: They are not masterminds but thugs and losers, scum of the earth. They brainwashed religious insane people who mostly have a criminal prison background.

They are social outcasts, sexually frustrated men with no morals or respect for human life. These are “people” who hide behind the Quran. These illiterate inbreed are no different than warmongering governments and political leaders. It’s a sick, mentally ill filth that does not deserve a letter of their name in the media or their so-called fantasy cause.

I am searching to become a member of a cult group with similar minds.

People love to belong to a group. Some humans need to become a member of the most radical groups as long as it is popular and on T.V. or the mass; sheep need the following of some “holy” scripture. A couple of thousand dollar salary and a Yazidi slave girl helps as well. Plenty of retarded buffoons who you can brainwash. A minor can push them to do some terrorizing. 

They do not understand they are puppets for the Neo-Cons Globalist N.W.O. Spectre Organization. Spectre will eliminate them as soon as they reach their goals. If you are a brainwashed Jihadist Muslim, you want to have your name affiliated with Isis. People do not even know how you spell Al Nusra or Hamas anymore. Isis replaced the Al Qaeda brand, and like Al Qaeda, Isis is created, trained, and funded by the U.S. 

The U.S (Spectre Organization) has been the front-runner in marketing and promoting name brands globally for the last century. Many people accuse the Illuminati of telegraphing their sinister agendas in plain sight (like George Soros). Another key figure spearheading the Globalist N.W.O. is W.E.F. founder Klaus Schwab.

The Elite Hunger Games Start Right Here Right Now.

Actor Donald Sutherland Confirms Hunger Games Is Allegory For The U.S.

Why I Rejected Religion And Instead Raised My Son On Star Wars

The writer of the Script of the James Bond Movie Spectre is so accurate, and the timing of the movie’s release is flabbergasted. It’s scarier than all Islamic terrorist groups combined! I praise that some natural 007 agents out there can stop all this madness. Then Hollywood can make the final James Bond movie based on a real story “once more”! I drink to that: a martini shaken dry, not stirred!

In the new 007 James Bond Movie, No Time To Die, we see Daniel Craig for the last time. Indeed, it’s a coincidence that the movie has been postponed for 18 months. The script reads, to wipe out humanity with D.N.A. targeting Nano Bots, delivered through a manufactured solution (injection needle).

I miss Roger Moore, Pierce Brosnan, and Sean Connery. No time to Die is one of Daniel Craig’s strongest performances.

The red carpet with Daniel wearing a purple-violet suit sounds the alarm bells for me. The next James Bond will be a transgender multi-biracial self-proclaimed Alien. The world is lost. Commander bond is compromised. Specter is winning on all fronts.

(C) Bas Boon

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