Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Fight Game Business: Bas Boon deceives Simon Rutz. My co-writer Tadd Triplet wanted to use this phrase in my book: Why did Bas Boon, the Golden Glory father, dominate the Fight Game Business, hard work, luck, “stable genius” or? I did not decide this. It sounds very self-righteous!

When I was 18, I witnessed a performance by a professional hypnotizer called Rasta Rostelli in Eindhoven, Netherlands. Up until that time, I never believed metaphysical stuff so much. I bravely volunteered to be hypnotized. The sessions started with a group of 10 people. We stood around some lit candles, and we had to look at the flame of the candles.

Somebody hypnotizes me. Not Bas Boon; how can I believe this?

Then the hypnotizer said, listen to my voice and my voice, only you fall into a deep, deep sleep. When I snap my fingers, you wake up. I snap my fighters twice; you go back to sleep. The hypnotizer repeated his messages several times! Then he would say that my arms became very light, ultra-light. My arms go up halfway. Some had their arms above their heads. Then he snapped his fingers. And I was eye to eye with him. He held a lemon in his hand and told me it was a peach!

Eating a lemon, thinking it is a peach.

If I wanted this delicious peach, I ate the lemon, and I loved it, no sour faces, no spitting, just mmmm. For others who had had their hands entirely above their heads, the hypnotizer used them for crazier acts. Like lying with their head on a chair and their foot on another chair. The heavyweight hypnotizer Rasta Rostelli weighs 100kg. He would stand on a 45 kg girl that balanced on a chair only with her heels and head.

I would not have believed it if not someone had filmed the whole event! I was fascinated. How could a person make me feel this and do things I would never have done myself? I did not realize it when I was hypnotized, but it would help me greatly in the Fight Game Business.

 Mass panic because of “Fake News” Radio Broadcast Movie PR Stunt!

In 1898 H.G Wells’s novel War of the Worlds was about an alien mars invasion of planet earth. There was mass panic when the Columbia Broadcasting System network aired (on radio) a part of this episode of the American drama “The War of the Worlds” in 1938.

 War of the Worlds, Orson Welles, And The Invasion from Mars

  War of the Worlds, Orson Welles, – Transparency

War of the Worlds: This panic created by Orson Welles foreshadowed the age of simulation we now live in when we are all manipulated by theatrical illusions.

 Dorothy Thompson from the New York Times Quote

“All unwittingly, Mr. Orson Welles and the Mercury Theater of the Air have made one of the most fascinating and important demonstrations of all time,” she wrote. “They have proved that a few influential voices, accompanied by sound effects, can convince the masses. Those masses become unreasonable, completely fantastic propositions to create a nationwide panic.

People and other media (newspapers) were angry about the deception of the radio war of the world’s broadcast (legal claims on their way).

After my experience and being intrigued about the Orson Welles Pr stunt, I became focused on books about NLP and how to use my experience and knowledge for myself and others! Bas Boon became a reader.

 The art of deception:

In my upcoming book, a chapter of Simon Rutz’s “It’s Showtime and Bas Boon’s “Golden Glory” rivalry.”

“Given his young age, Robin needs to look further; therefore, he saw more continuity in the vision of Its Showtime and K-1 than at Total Sports Asia.”

The war starts: Robin van Roosmalen signs with Its Showtime and will fight in K-1, not Glory!

Fight Game Business; Liver kick (online magazine) April 14, 2012 

“This is a big surprise because Robin is a Golden Glory fighter. Robin has been fighting on Glory events for some time now. It was also interesting before the signing that Robin was the only Golden Glory fighter to be featured on an upcoming Its Showtime card. This move came after Bas Boon and Simon Rutz stopped working together in lending their soldiers for events. 

Liver kick continues with their assumption.

This action leads me to believe that Robin never even had a contract with Glory/TSA, and Glory jumped the gun on announcing him for their tournament. What could’ve happened is what happened for the January 28 Showtime event. This event is where Its Showtime went straight to the fighters to negotiate for Errol Zimmerman and Gokhan Saki. As opposed to going through their management, whom they were not working with. Which, on many occasions, is often too standard in the Fight Game Business.

Adding Robin van Roosmalen to the K-1 Final 16 is a massive blow to Glory’s tournament. I don’t know the current situation between van Roosmalen and Golden Glory. We know Robin did not train at Golden Glory all the time and also trained with his father at his gym in Den Bosch. Glory will now have to look for a replacement to fill the vacant spot left by Robin”.

Robin van Roosmalem and part of Team Golden Glory on Thailand’s “Island of Koh Larn.

Here comes the truth:

The truth was different. The contract issues were confusing contracts with K-1 GH Singapore. Our company in the beginning before it became GSI. The company existed already because of a previous attempt to buy the K-1 brand. Kim’s contract with the fighters would say K-1 GH Hong Kong. Such warriors like van Roosmalen signed with K1 GH Singapore agreements. 

The name of our company in the beginning (K-1GH Singapore), after failing to buy the K-1. Many fighters think they signed with K-1. “The original new name of the company with the investors was K-1 Global Holding Singapore. Yet Kim saw our original business plan, and to make the chaos complete, he called his new company, also K-1 Global Holding, only based in Hong Kong. 

K-1 Golbal Holding Singapore or K-1 Global Hong Kong?

We moved so fast after we knew Kim would do everything by himself. It forced us to use the old existing K1GH Singapore company for signing the fighters and paying them their outstanding as a signing bonus.”

William van Roosmalen, the father (also one of the trainers) of Robin van Roosmalen, had no clue what was happening behind the scenes. And he started playing games (Simon promised him all kinds of promises). I liked Robin, he worked in my store for years and lived in my home, and I did not want him to be a victim of the stupidity of others.

So, Simon started to pull on the fighters. What’s new in the Fight Game Business? It became a bidding war with Kim on the side of Simon and my backers on the side of Glory. Remy Bonjasky also started to go back and forth between Kim and Glory and tried to get outrageous amounts of money. I called Simon and told him to stop this as it would ruin everything. I said we all would become losers again, including the fighters.

Bas Boon predicted Badr Hari Scandals, and It’s Showtime trouble.

Simon said we were ready. We go to war now; the only thing I was thinking was, Simon, you put a lot of trust in this Kim dude. Simon met Kim once, and he already canceled the last 16 in China, do your best. On top of that, Simon had Badr Hari with many problems with the justice department. The bad press mentioned Its Showtime in each sentence with Badr Hari scandals.

I know the “bibop law” in The Netherlands (a special police law that can stop your event from happening) was going to end its Showtime events soon, and they did. After the event in Leeuwarden, where Saki fought Badr. The next event for Simon is the canceled farewell fight of Peter Aerts in Den Bosch. The major did not permit Simon to organize an Its Showtime Event.

Golden Glory with Robin van Roosmalen reaching the top of the Fight Game Business.

Playing Games

I say to Simon, okay, you want to play games and pull on my fighters with bogus promises? I will show you how you do this. My brain and experience know what to do. So I executed a plan while, simultaneously, the executives from Glory wanted to go to court and sideline van Roosmalen while suing Simon. I asked the executives to give me two days to set this straight!

A piece of Fight Game History.

There was a little history with van Roosmalen, as Showtime was pissed when they tried to sign Roosmalen for a management deal. But found out I was faster and better and signed Robin one week before Its Showtime wanted to sign him. At that time, Simon was pissed and did not want to place Robin in any of Its Showtime events anymore. The Fight Game business is displayed.

You can imagine when Petrosyan dropped out of the Its Showtime Fast and the Furious tournament, he did not have another option but to give me a call about Robin. Hey Bas Boon, it’s Simon. I want to ask you about Robin van Roosmalen as a replacement for Petrosyan. So Simon replaces Petrosyan with Robin van Roosmalen at the last moment before the tournament. Simon agreed to use him as he needed a big name to replace Petrosyan. It was double sour for Simon when Roosmalen knocked out Kyshenko in the finals and stood with his Golden Glory shirt holding the Its Showtime check and belt.

Golden Glory t-shirts in the ring and the team holding a check for 50.000 euros. 

That whole “it’s Showtime event from Simon Rutz became a GOLDEN GLORY commercial again, and now it was time for some payback time, with Kim playing the role of the financial backer. Nobody knew if you could trust Kim at that point, and after 18 years of K-1 shows, the name K-1 still had a significant impact, but without Mr. Ishii running things and with FEG in a bankruptcy phase, I knew that it was over.

I called some of my friends in Bucharest (Golden Glory has a franchise gym in Romania) and told them to write an article with the following headline.

The title would say Daniel Ghita gets screwed by Its Showtime.

The article would read; that just before the Glory Russia event Bas Boon asks Simon (from Its Showtime) for Daniel Ghita to fight in Glory. Boon offered 80K (80K per fight for a five-fight deal.) The article continues; that Simon never passed that offer to Ghita because he wanted to keep Ghita for himself.

The article continues that big names such as Petrosyan left Showtime because of mismanagement and outstanding payments. This article is a lesson I learned from Scott Adams’s books, always including one lie with many truths. These tactics can be applied in the Fight Game Bussines and other businesses.

Showtime made a long-time contract with Petrosyan and paid him like 15K. Then It’s Showtime; put Petrosyan in the K-1 Max. When Petrosyan won the K-1 Max in Japan, his price went up to 40K. Its Showtime collect this money (thru a management company with a different name as Its Showtime).

In Charge of the Fight Game Business in Romania Trainer Horia Radulescu

I use my knowledge of FEG/K1 financial problems to get what I want.

Petrosyan would still get his 15K less at some cost, but the difference 25K was for Its Showtime (as K-1 was paying now 40K). That went well till Petrosyan won the second K-1, Max. Unfortunately, by now, FEG/K1 is in huge problems and can’t pay the Grand Prix prize money anymore. Simon is not advancing anything to his fighters. I routinely went money to fighters to keep the team together as long as possible. I forwarded the message to Carlo Di Blasi, who manages Petrosyan in Italy.

Carlo and Petrosyan now have a legal reason to walk away from their contract with Rutz. Simon starts threatening Petrosyan with lawsuits. But it is the responsibility of Its Showtime that Petrosyan gets paid. Unrelated if FEG pays or not, which was different in my case as the fighters from GOLDEN GLORY had a direct contract with FEG/K-1. If It’s Showtime only would have taken a percentage from Petrosyan, then Carlo would not have a case, but in this case, they were right and signed with Glory.

It’s essential to have good contracts. Petrosyan is the perfect example.

The response after some web and magazine articles with different versions about how Ghita was getting screwed by Its Showtime immediately affected him. Ghita, his trainers, and Romanian friends came to Simon’s office and started complaining. Simon called me and was furious. You are lying. Simon says I never spoke with you about any offer. I spoke calmly and told Simon he wanted to have this war and was pulling on van Roosmalen. I said it was okay. Let’s have an exchange. You get van Roosmalen, and I take heavyweight Ghita.

By now, Simon was cooking, “You Bas Boon Ass… no, that’s not going to happen”. I then suggested that I would say it was a misunderstanding. But I never said these words when I was on the phone with Simon. I did not make the offer to Ghita, as I knew Simon would tape the conversation with Ghita and have people in his office listening.

Bas Boon and Simon Ruts reached an agreement and presented a press release.

We agreed that he would make a new press release where Robin would fight for Glory and not in the K-1 Max. Robin would be allowed to fight in Its Showtime events. He originally still had two fights left anyway. I would then leave Ghita alone and confirm it was a bogus rumor. This way, the whole case never went to court. And it spared tons of headaches, and Robin could keep fighting and become a superstar with Glory.

The story about Daniel Ghita is an indication of how a simple bullshit story can have an impact. This is especially true when many fighters are waiting for overdue payments. Times were uncertain in the fight industry because the biggest platform for 18 years, Kickboxing, had ceased to exist. The father of van Roosmalen believed in Simon, and Simon assumed Kim was trustworthy. We all knew how that went. 

I had lost fighters before at the beginning of my career. I lost Vovchanchin to Pride and Aerts to K-1. Golden Glory now had gyms worldwide. It became a small army of GOLDEN GLORY team members, with me right in the center.

Robin van Roosmalen vs. Askarov: a great fight!

Liver kick media made their version of events.

Not long after the announcement, Robin van Roosmalen signed with Its Showtime and would fight in K-1. In another press release; Liverkick wrote the following:

Liver kick has covered numerous times how the Kickboxing world has been split down the middle. And the recent announcement of Robin van Roosmalen’s signing to Its Showtime and participation in K-1 was huge. GLORY then threatened to sue Robin over breach of contract and said that they could not get into contact with him. Van Roosmalen had a management contract with Glory and a fight contract with Glory Sports International. This agreement barred Roobin from competing for specific organizations, which he promptly ignored. 

There is a resolution in which no one can sue any other party. And that means that Robin had to pull out of the K-1 World MAX GP on May 27. Therefore he will compete in the Glory World Series tournament on May 26 as scheduled. But Robin will fight for Its Showtime and possibly K-1 in the future.

Press release follows: Golden Glory and ITS SHOWTIME have compromised regarding Robin van Roosmalen.

Golden Glory, ITS SHOWTIME, and Robin have made clear mutual agreements that make it possible for Robin to fight in Glory events and on ITS SHOWTIME events.

These agreements prevented a lawsuit (they meant my article in the Romanian Press). Honoring the deals is in the best interest of the person and the fighter Robin van Roosmalen (I agree). All parties will respect the management contract from Golden Glory with Van Roosmalen.

We hope to send out a signal that’s in the best interest of our sport in general. All this was the direct result of a story I put on a martial arts website and magazine in Romania. Manipulating the press is easy. This whole story is a typical example. It’s a peek from Bas Boon behind the scenes of the Fight Game Business.

No hypnosis, but use what you know when people are desperate.

My actions had nothing to do with hypnosis, but I did use the “H.G Wells” story. In uncertain times people do not act reasonably. They act upon fear and let their egos do the “thinking.” I am happy it worked out well for Robin van Roosmalen and Simon Rutz. I became friends (sometimes Simon pulled successful pranks on me as well). We can laugh now about the good old days!

The Fight Game Business is always exciting and full of drama, action, and opportunities.

Golden Glory, a winning team, UFC sold for 4 billion.

(C) Bas Boon

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