Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Did a Shepherd Write the Bible? Taliban and Baby Killers. A big headline in the news worldwide is the Taliban attacking a school. It was a Bloodbath. Children slaughtered as Taliban storm school.

Taliban “Team delusional” is on a mission from Allah, and according to the latest reports, they killed a minimum of 100 children in a school in Pakistan. 

Taliban is responsible for the baby killings, according to CNN.

According to CNN, the Taliban who made the killing was the same group responsible for the girl Malala Yousafzai. Later, western propaganda media used this girl who became the first child Nobel prize winner. The girl survives her attack by the Taliban, which is nothing special in Afghanistan or Pakistan. These stories of survival happen daily. 

She is now the “face” or front person for promoting child rights, especially promoting the freedom for young girls in schools. The Taliban also have schools’ “Madrassas,” only men are allowed to be educated. The education consists of daily teachings from the Koran. They have to know by heart (very productive). 

The Afghan school of Suicide Bombers.

Allah’s school “teachings” are to educate young new Taliban suicide bombers. Another hurdle of brainwashed illiterate sheep joining the army of “god.” Heavenly promises about the rewards of virgins. A much better life after when their bodies are exploding into pieces. The instructions are clear, make as many casualties as possible as they are all enemies of Allah, especially babies (no different in the bible, first testament).

They meet their imaginary virgins after killing as many children as possible in the name of Allah. Allah always has been in the rewarding business. Be a slave to Allah your whole life. And in the afterlife. They promise Taliban men, martyrs/Jihadists, to live forever in a whore house with an incredible line of fresh virgins. This might also seem very seductive if you are a Sheperd/goatherder.

Sex Rewards.

Just google Koran and virgins, and you will get all the related chapters, but this one stood out:

Quote “Al-Suyuti (died 1505), Koranic commentator and polymath. He wrote: “Each time we sleep with a houri, we find her virgin. Besides, the penis of the Elected never softens. 

The erection is eternal; the sensation you feel each time you make love is utterly delicious and out of this world, and if you were to experience it in this world, you would faint. Each chosen one [i.e., Muslim] will marry seventy houris, besides the women he married on earth, and all will have appetizing vaginas.”

An eternal erection sounds like hell to me. Try to pee or sleep with an erection. It isn’t enjoyable. Try to run around with a boner 24/7. Do people read or understand what these religious people write and speak? It seems like the writers of these sentences need an editor. I recommend a shepherd and not Taliban Matrasses.

Paradise Fairy-Tales.

Violence and sex always sell in the afterlife and especially here on earth. When you are an impotent brainless sheep with Koran dictatorship teachings, you would believe all the nonsense and kill yourself for these sexual paradise rewards fairy-tales.

The teacher/messenger of these young scholars never straps on a suicide bomb vest and does some exploitation. They take their chances here on earth. 

Follow me on Twitter: @basboon007.

Isis guide to sex slaves by CNN pamphlet.

ISIS: Enslaving, having sex with ‘unbelieving’ women, girls are OK

Interesting article by CNN. But I find it suspicious again, look. We all know they are sexual perverted pedophile predators who have Allah on their side. The Koran, Sharia law, permits the rape of children. That is old news. Interestingly, out of the blue comes a pamphlet where ISIS explains precisely how to rape children and when it is justified to rape or sell them.

According to CNN, armed Isis warriors in Mosul distribute pamphlets with Isis Rape sex trade rules… Ahum? I remember the Osama Bin Laden pamphlets. It says; the reward, dead or alive, is 25 million dollars for the capture of Bin Laden. The Us military uses planes in Afghanistan and Iraq to spread these pamphlets by the hundreds of thousands. 

The public does not know that most people they bombard with these pamphlets cannot read or write. They do not even know what a dollar is. Most live on a dollar a day or more miniature in their currency. Or trade goods, animals, and food? Lots of shepherds and goatherders.

Twenty-Five Million Dollars, No, I want Hundred Camels.

It would have had more effect if you had sent 100 messengers. Please spread the message in their dialect. There would be a reward of 100 camels for somebody (shepherd or Taliban) who would rat on Bin Laden, which would have had more effect. This illiterate problem explains why you cannot train a new Afghan army. They will stay Taliban forever. Most cannot count from 1 to 3. The US military knew this, but they had to shut their mouths.

In Mosul, more than half of the population is illiterate. People older than ten years cannot read or write. The other half speaks in different dialects, and very few can read. Tip for Isis: try to use television with a picture book. It will be difficult and tiresome to translate and use subtitles for many dialects, even if people can read. This way, most of the country understands the new rule of baby raping and slavery.

This way of communication can save many innocent virgin babies and their parents from entering life as sex slaves just because of interpretation mistakes.

Increase the Standards of Living for a Peaceful Solution.

Other options are to get the population on your side without dropping bombs on their heads. Will be to increase the quality of their living standards. Suppose the average majority of poor people in Iraq and Syria make less than 2 dollars daily. You talk about 50 million people in both countries. 

If you increase their living standard with a factor of five, so 10 dollars per day income instead of 2. Things would change rapidly in a positive way. The message for receiving this generosity and higher standard of living comes from other humans who care about fellow humans who have sworn off religion and dictatorship. 

Two hundred fifty million per day x 30 = 7.5 billion per month x 12 = 90 billion per year. The Afghan and Iraq war cost the American taxpayers roughly 4 and 6 trillion dollars. You would get many pleased people without killings, bombs, or war casualties. 

Drop Money Instead Of Bomb For a Better Result.

This action (give money instead of bombs) will prevent whole districts from becoming new suicide bombers and save a few trillion dollars. These countries will love America or their fellow humans as they make their new, improved living standard possible five to 10 times. 

We will witness like a “miracle” their religion would start fading away. Poor people are an easy target for extremists. The jealousy and hate cards are easy to use to get the mass sheep behind you. Any shepherd knows how this works.

People have an extraordinary place in their hearts for the hand that feeds them! Stop feeding the poor with rice in one hand and the bible teachings in the other. It’s sick!

The Taliban can not sell any negativity to the Afghan people when the population gets a better living standard from the American Satanists.

‘Lone wolf’ Australian hostage-taker had a violent, unsettled past.

These headlines worldwide could be prevented by increasing the living standard and education in many Islamic countries.

Man Haron Monis, an Immigrant from Iran (who came to Australia), had a history of violence. Hi is charged with over 40 counts of sexual and indecent assault against a woman from Sidney, Australia. 

The self-styled sheik Man Haron Monis was killed early Tuesday after police stormed a café where Monis held hostages for 16 hours. The lawyer Asam Houda said Monis was a very, very lonely wolf. 

The article does not say that Mr “Lonely Wolf” had 63.000 Facebook likes (before it was taken down). That is 22% percent of the Muslims in Australia who like the Lonely Wolf. 

Religious Extremist Minority not Relevant.

Surely humans with a few brains/ IQ know: wolves hunt in packs. The biggest problem is religious people claiming not all Muslims or Christians are extremists. With 22% sympathizers, they are well on their way to Australia. However, throughout history, it has always been the strongest and most extremist, with the minority followers that become the dominant party.

The Taliban are extremist and again now are in control of Afghanistan.

Mainly through extreme actions, violence, false flag, and intimidation. This would stir the whole country into the abyss (if we are “lucky,” only their country).

Minority followers, dedicated extremists.

Pol Pot, Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Stalin, Christianity, Muslims, and other religious fanatics had the most killings throughout history. All had minority followers, but their minority followers were very dedicated “extremists’ who eventually manipulated the rest of the sheep to go on a killing streak with or without God.

Haron Monis could not even wait for Martyrdom /Jihad. He had to oppose his sexual frustrations with Australian women. This leads to over forty accounts of sexual and indecent assault against a woman in Australia in real life, here on earth.

Should this guy not be in jail forever or, better, in a mental institution? More appropriate, a lethal injection? Zuckerberg from Facebook should send all information about Monis Facebook likes. These extreme sheep who liked his page should also get a deadly injection to join the team delusional in fairy-tale heaven with baby virgins. 

It’s not only Allah God and the book Koran that misinterpretations or violent chapters lead to violence, rape, war, and Death.

David vs. Goliath. The young Sheppard, only armed with a sling, kills Goliath (humungous giant warrior). The war between the Jews and the Philistines. Surely a sexual remark before David kills Goliath by throwing a rock at his head with a sling: David responded, “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of God?” 

The Jewish people claim to have a monopoly on their God, and their most giant “warrior” was a writing sheepherder with a lot of fantasy and a good storyteller. A former Jules Verne, Stephen King type of guy, or, let’s say, similar brains. A human who loved superheroes and is proud of his blood.

The superhuman is a recurring theme in many “holy” stories, such as Samson’s strength. Which resides in his long hair, but when it’s cut, he cannot kill philistines anymore. 

Samson’s cut-off hair is like kryptonite for modern Superman today. 

Jonas the Whale Written by Jules Verne?

Jonas survives in the belly of a whale that Jules Verne himself could have written. After Goliath is dead, the Philistine army is on the run, but the military of “God” chases them and kills them, Plundering their camp and enslaving them. God was particular in his orders. He needed a lot of enslaved people (on both sides).

David keeps killing Philistines, and he becomes a superhero. The King offers his daughter to David if he kills another 100 philistines. He wants David to be killed, and it was never the King’s intention to carry out his daughter to David. So David, with God on his side, goes on to do some more slaughtering.

Killing a woman is slightly less insane than an invisible man in the sky. David is pleasing God, and a King plus his daughter equals a win-win situation for David. He kills 200 Philistines, 100 more than the King asks for.

God had a bloodthirsty day because God was on David’s side.

Palestine and Israel are a Never-Ending Conflict.

Later, David became King of Israel, and the Jewish people needed Jerusalem to show their bond with God. That is why there is still violence today. God loves violence. Gods speak to many humans where God puts voices in their heads. Humans are getting instructions for violence from the invisible man in the sky! 

Suppose you have two different populations of humans with infected brains with delusional messages. You get a never-ending bloodbath. Not difficult to predict, not even in those days.

Those Bible experts who interpret these divine messages would say that David vs. Goliath’s story is just a metaphor to overcome great fear. So, if you have a huge problem and impossible situation, think about that story. Religious people always want you to see God’s point of view in their translations.

Baby Rapist in the name of The Almighty.

The Iranian Monis hostage situation in Australia leads to Mulsmi sympathizers (22%) on Facebook, all of who have delusional severe “translation” issues. This leads to Sharia law, Isis, and Taliban nuts. These morons kill and rape baby virgins because they can do this because of their God and “holy” (Bible/Koran) book rules.

Most biblical stories are always about how much we must trust in God. God and his followers contradict themselves. They claim we humans have free will. He needs blood and constantly killing to satisfy his sadistic ego. 

These “Holy” writers should use a story like this; an angler in a small boat surviving a hurricane (an impossible situation). They should make up a story about how a young Sheppard avoids war because of his/their excellent communication skills.

But no, just before Goliath died, he made sexual remarks, and slaughter can begin with God on their side.

God’s order to kill babies and orchestrates plagues for mass killings.

The Egyptian Pharaoh held many Jewish enslaved people for over 400 years. And then, God decided to intervene through a man called Moses. Moses himself is the sole survivor of a baby-killing ordering madman. They need to kill every firstborn because of a prophecy. Lots of baby killing was going on in those days. The little infants always get the wrong end of the stick.

Book of Exodus, Moses, The Plagues of Egypt ordered by God:

  1. Water into blood (דָם): Ex. 7:14–25

2. Frogs (צְּפַרְדֵּעַ): Ex. 7:25–8:11

3. Lice (כִּנִּים): Ex. 8:16–19

4. Wild animals, possibly fly (עָרוֹב): Ex. 8:20–32

5. Diseased livestock (דֶּבֶר): Ex. 9:1–7

6. Boils (שְׁחִין): Ex. 9:8–12

7. Thunderstorm of hail and fire (בָּרָד): Ex. 9:13–35

8. Locusts (אַרְבֶּה): Ex. 10:1–20

9. Darkness (חוֹשֶך): Ex. 10:21–29

10. Death of firstborn (מַכַּת בְּכוֹרוֹת): Ex. 11:1–12:36

The Death of every First Born in Order of the Creator.

Especially Gods last “miracle” performance is orchestrating the Death of every firstborn: Quote “About midnight God will go throughout Egypt. Every firstborn in Egypt will die. From the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne. To the firstborn of the slave girl, who is at her hand mill. And all the firstborn of the cattle as well.

Essential to know God loves killing and slaughtering animals as well. Like his order to kill and destroy the entire Amalekite nation–men, women, children, babies, cattle, sheep, goats, camels, and donkeys (Samuel 15:3). God orders the killing of every living thing on earth, including all animals in the Noah killings. 

Then Plaques Screw Humans and Their Free Will.

There will be loud wailing throughout Egypt—worse than there has ever been or will be again.” Even Moses questioned this horrific divine massacre plan. It’s God; what can you do?

The creator has a weakness for lamb/sheep, so he tells Moses to slaughter them. A sacrifice for Gods that loves the blood of animals. It must have been pretty lucrative to be a shepherd. The sheep are in demand by the divine. The order of God is clear. Paint the doors of their homes with the blood of the lamb. This will protect them and their children from God’s baby killing.

Ten plagues, including a baby-killing massacre, no free will, nope, God is testing the Pharaoh, God is pissed the Pharaoh does not believe in him. So, hundreds of thousands need to die and suffer from the plagues. Massive baby killing massacres orchestrates by God. Because the Pharaoh refused to worship The Almighty, this God had an ego and such a big hunger for blood that he made Hitler look like a holy man. 

After the tenth plague, Moses helps the Israelites escape with God’s help. He splits up the red sea.

Christian Bale (roll movie Exodus) The Almighty is a Schizophrenic Bloodthirsty Monster,

After reading the bible for the first time, the actor who plays the Batman Character says the following: “In researching Moses for the role he’s going to be playing in the upcoming Exodus movie. Christian Bale finds out the horrors of this character. The things that Charlton Heston never told us.

“I think the man was likely schizophrenic and was one of the most barbaric individuals that I ever read about in my life.”

The writer of holy books was a Sheppard. 

The writer of the “holy” books must surely be a Shepherd with a minority complex. He is probably a short, bold, fat “Brian Stelter type” of guy.

Our poor shepherd was probably left alone as an orphan. The only intercourse he ever had was with sheep as he did not have a chance to meet girls. 

The Shepherd developed a fantasy of running around with sheep day in and day out. Through a friend, the Shepherd boy, he learned how to write. That is why in many of the stories, the hero is always a Sheppard or sheep are involved. If this Shepherd writer lived today, he would have a TV show next to Stan Lee’s “superhumans.”

picture by: a Katz

Peter Parker, the nerd, is changing into the superhero Spider-man. Or the skinny doctor Bruce Banner, a socially withdrawn and emotionally reserved physicist who transforms into the Incredible Hulk. Clark Kent, the journalist who changes into Superman. David, the miniature young Jew Sheppard, defeats Goliath.

picture by: Wasan Ritthawon

The Hulk vs. Samson.

Suppose the Shepherd writer would still be alive today. We would see the green hulk with long hair, and this would be a combination blockbuster hit movie: a cross between the Hulk and Samson. 

The Shepherd hears stories and creates his fantasy writing to make it juicier. The Sheppard wrote that God dictated to him. People should know that somebody is reporting the same “biblical” story with a different name 3000 years before Jesus was supposedly born, and his name was Horus.

So the basis of the story of Jesus Christ is an ancient story, which was spread by word of mouth before Horus people told a similar story over the old Sumeria about Inanna. Interesting.

Sheep Everywhere.

Moses wants peace, but he immediately finds himself in another fight. Male shepherds abuse the seven daughters of the Midianite priest Reuel (Jethro). Moses joins in their defense (Exodus 2:11-22). Yes, male Sheppard’s again, the whole world of the writer is surrounded by Shepherd and lambs (baby sheep).

Why the Same Animal in all these Stories?

Months later, Moses climbed Mount Sinai to dictate the Ten Commandments. Here Moses discovers that the Israelites are engaging in an orgy and worshiping a Golden Calf. Worship a calf and an orgy, the obsession of the Shepherd writer about sex and the animals he hates so much.

Jesus, the good shepherd, is referenced in the BOOK of John, chapter 10. In His own words, Jesus tells us in John 10:11: “I am the good shepherd – See more at:

The writer of the holy books was a Sheppard. He was sexually frustrated because he hates the sheep he has sex with daily.

Wild Imaginations.

Jesus the Messiah, the Shepherd., David the Sheppard, who offers the lamb blood on the doors. There are tons of Shepherd and sheep stories in the “holy” books. The wild imagination and partly from hearsay stories of a frustrated Shepherd. A Shepherd who lived at a time of war with sexual frustrations. 

Jesus the Good Shepherd, picture by: V. J. Matthew

God loves Shepherds because they control the sheep.

Unfortunately, we keep on pushing religion.

Christmas promotions through duck dynasty, extreme, HD net, and the bible are the most incredible story ever told. Pawn stars Christmas celebration. Brainwash TV at its best, and they are not shy to use these TV preachers in “disguise” to spread their religious agenda

‘Duck Dynasty’ Star Phil Robertson Says STIs. AIDS Is God’s Penalty For ‘Immorality’

‘Duck Dynasty’ star Phil Robertson on ISIS: ‘Convert them or kill them.’

Phil Robertson is outspoken about his religious views. The season 5 premiere had 9 million viewers in the US. The show of some bearded retards who became millionaires selling duck whistles to hunters. Jessica Simpson talked to God and was raised by an evangelist father who managed her for years. Mark Wahlberg, a devoted Catholic, attends church daily to pray.

Kim Kardashian had a religious upbringing. Muhammed Ali became a Sunni Muslim.

Can’t these people understand that our childhood and upbringing form a big part of our opinions and beliefs?
Stop with these war-mongering books with so-called hidden good messages. Promote the good messages without the war as a clear message. We are all humans and live together on a planet called earth.

The Alchemist.

Paulo Coelho intelligently wrote the book “The Alchemist” (wh should be)e wrote about a shepherd as in the Shepherds from other holy books. Its stands for good. For sure, that is why this book was an international bestseller. Humans just love Sheppard’s and behave like sheep.

(c) BasBoon

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