Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

Deep State in panic? Did Trump set a “dominion” trap?

What happened on election night?

Political unrest with severe signs of voter fraud organized by the deep state, are they in panic, did Trump set a trap?

Opinion: Joe Biden got fewer votes than Hillary and Obama in every state. Except for four states: Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin, these four states Biden destroyed Obama and Hillary’s vote count.

The guy in the basement who is “sniffing” kids allegedly raped a woman. Son Hunter is taking millions from China, Moscow, and Russia. Crackhead Hunter left his laptop with porn at a repair shop. The Fake Media censors the Hunter Biden laptop scandal. It even leads to the New York Post Twitter account, which is blocked.

Biden defeated Donald Trump, Trump, who held five rallies in one day, filling up five stadiums.

It makes you wonder. Do Dominion voting machines connect to the internet? The fact Biden did not worry once makes me think the deep state did not panic; they knew what they were doing. Trump just won Florida, Ohio, and Texas. Suddenly the democrat run swing states all held the “big pause’ they stopped counting. This looks like the deep state in action.

One excuse to stop counting was a broken water pipe (but there was no report of a pipe by any repair plumbing company, only the fake news reported this).

The great counting page.

At 4 am (after the great pause), suddenly 100K votes for Biden pop up (not one single vote for Trump)out of nowhere. Counties forgot to upload data, and pre-dated ballots poured in.

There are 25K ballots with the same signature in one single incident. They threaten poll watchers and remove them. People steal memory sticks and laptops.

Democrats use voting machines to scan the same Ballots multiple times. Vans loaded with “Biden” ballots arrive at counting facilities in the middle of the night. Deadman voting, chaos.
Seven Milwaukee districts reported more than 100%+ voter turnout, some over 200%. The GOP loses zero house seats (gains seats). Biden mail-in dumps with over 100% margins (deeps state at work).

Glitches’ reports in the voting machines’ software change votes for Trump to Biden (apparently the software loves Biden), similar for house and senate candidates.

Did Trump set a trap?

Biden outperforms senators in the swing states but underperforms in VA, NH, and RI. But Biden underperforms in Obama cities except for PA, MI, Wi, and GA.

What if there is a much bigger scandal than all this fraud? The Media bombards the public for years with the Russian Collusion Hoax. More anti-Trump attacks; The Impeachment Hoax, Ukraine Hoax, Fine People Hoax, January 6th Hoax.

Obama weaponized the CIA and FBI against Trump. They spied on the Trump campaign, and the FBI and Fake News falsely destroyed the reputation of General Flynn and others and abused the FISA court. There was never a peaceful transmission of power by Obama, just a formal meeting with Trump for the cameras and a big fake smile.

Was Trump so dangerous the Deep State panic is a fact? Trump had to fire many deep state swamp creatures such as James Comey and Andy McCabe from the FBI.

Trump is constantly under pressure from the intelligence communities and the fake media who label President Trump as a Russian agent and Putin’s puppet.

Don’t underestimate Donald Trump.

Despite all these relentless harassments, lawsuits, and fake news spreading daily anti-Trump propaganda, Trump went to work and accomplished many promises he made to the public.

One of Trump’s stunning performances was appointing tons of conservative judges. The crown of his presidency appoints three conservative judges to the Supreme Court. Even those judges would turn their back on Trump.

Deep State Panic, so some of their players made a deal with Big Tech?

Trump knew getting into the elections; the Democrats would try to steal it. Big Tech censors Trump’s social media accounts. So it has become a public censorship campaign from big tech and social media platforms to ban conservative publications.

So here is what we know? Trump even spoke during a rally about the super corrupt state of Pennsylvania. Did Trump prepare this trap because he knew they would steal the election from him? Can you be ready for this? What if Trump sets a surprise for the deep state?

Will this trap expose voter fraud and directly prove links to Obama, deep state officials at the FBI/CIA, and Hillary Clinton?

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Project Veritas USPS whistleblower.

PV had a USPS worker come forward who signed an affidavit that he saw and heard a superior instruct worker to backdate voting ballots.

He went on camera and told his story. A biased Fed threatens the whistleblower. He tries to scare the whistleblower without a lawyer. James O’Keef weaponized the USPS worker with a recording device. The FBI agent exposes himself with illegal interrogation tactics.

Then the USPS worker went on tape again, claiming he never recant, and later O’Keef made the whole unedited recording public. The Washington Post and all other fake news propaganda outlets stayed with their bogus story that the whistleblower fabricated the story.


O’Keef has the proof and would win this case in court, and the Washington Post has zero guarantees, just propaganda. The sad part is that a day later, the title of the New York Times reads, “the times called officials, there is no voter fraud”?

This is what could have happened;

Trump knew that the CIA used (Obama worked with this) a project called “the Hammer / Scorecard” (explained in my previous blog), which used a software program named “Dominion.”

With the “tempered” voting machines and their software, you can change elections abroad and for other illegal purposes. This is kind of a trademark of the deep state in many countries.

Trump works his ass off and sometimes did five rallies in one day.

“Basement Biden” is not a winner; the democrats know this, so they put him in a cellar under Covid lockdown. The fake polling numbers attract more investments for the DNC but make the planned steal not apparent to the public. The Dominion software works best when programmed to switch votes up to 3% (too many people would notice more glitches above 3%).

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Don’t get me wrong; I am not talking about all the other voter fraud I mentioned. None of these officials know what these voting machines are capable of. They just thought Trump was Hitler and committed voter fraud. This is how most brainwashed sheeple by the fake media justify their illegal actions to make Biden president-elect.

They use these voting machines in many states, but Trump just did what Trump does best. Donald Trump believes in the power of persuasion and “only” works 20 hours a day. He informs his supporters through massive rallies. There is plenty of suspicion and anomalies to research these discrepancies. This is the least you could do for the 71 million + Trump voters.

After Trump spent a few days in the hospital recovering from COVID-19, he became the Incredible Hulk, Thor, and Superman all at once. He was unstoppable.

Everybody knew Trump would win his re-election against sleepy Joe Biden. Biden showed himself publicly, crawling out of his basement to speak to some empty parking lots.

This is what could have happened;

The red Tsunami is massive; even if 3% in many states have the dominion software to program votes switching from Biden to Trump, it will not change the outcome for Biden winning.

It became evident that some swing states suddenly stopped counting while Trump was ahead in all those states. In the swing states, the mail-in ballots would come in last so that they would count these at the end. Why not tell them at the end if they came in days before?

Batches with 100% only for Biden votes to appear out of nothing sounded the alarm bells. Poll watchers are no more allowed in the Democrat running counting office, even with a court order; the Republican poll watchers could not see the ballots.

Arizona is still counting. They must have hired two dyslectic illiterate grandmas to calculate the remaining ballots. Florida did 10 million on election day, and Arizona did about 10.000 per day.

What caught my eye was the tweet of President Trump and Trump Jr.

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Some whistleblowers work at the (first-hand knowledge) dominion software company (even Democrats), who are so disgusted by what they see that they become whistleblowers. Maybe Trump knew this and just let everything unfold the way it did? Is it possible the deep states underestimated Trump?

If you want to become an admin for these voting machines, here is how you do it. A woman on Twitter shows how easy it is to become an admin of one of those voting machines in under two minutes. Tweet removed censored

Another whistleblower

Another whistleblower took pictures of the LAN/Wifi connections. He signed an affidavit within a vote counting facility that voting machines were connected to the internet.

The software is partly from China. Do the devices and software connect to the Clinton Foundation (what are the odds)? We know that the media chose Biden and is pressuring Trump to concede. Instead, Trump made several lawsuits, which will probably end up in the supreme court. Recently a hacker proved that he could hack Chinese solar panels to disrupt energy to solar panels delivered from China.

That’s a court in which he appointed three conservative judges, that supreme court the democrats claimed they would stack with democrat judges. Even if Trump’s nominated judges are corrupt and compromised, this fight is far from over!

If I made a bet, I would bet on Trump.

Voter Fraud, Trump voters, would like to see digital audits.

(c) Bas Boon

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