Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

Viruses and Ebola Actors. How I beat any health crisis. I will write about my bad personal experience with the HPV vaccination. What happened to me after the third shot, and how did I improve? How I fight the system for Vaccinations of Covid-19, Ebola, and Swine Flu.

The media hype on Covid-19 (previously they promoted Ebola fear) Ebola takes on apocalyptical proportions. Virus Fear TV with actors reading scripted messages about the major Ebola health crisis. The fake news uses a giant green screen with Ebola colors and logos on CNN for Ebola scaremongering tactics. Victims with green shirts and, above all, video images of the terrifying Ebola victims. Virus Subliminal messaging.

In the early days, the bible or some preacher would tell us it was the punishment of God for these diseases. Now, we know a lot more about bacterial infection. We also see much more about pharmaceutical industries and their hunger for profits.

The pharmaceutical industry makes trillions of dollars.

There are the media, and most times, many of those shareholders are the same people interested in vaccines (The Fauci’s of the World). These people push their agendas and narratives on the rest of us humans. They make trillions with vaccines and pharmaceutical medicines to fight a virus.

The worst nightmare for the media gang and their owners is people with a different narrative. They would like you to believe only their stories are real—alternative media like the internet, iPhones, and common sense need to be controlled by them.

First of all, why would the government like Covid-19 have a patent on Ebola?:

Then we did not hear anything of this Ebola disease. Suddenly, we get this report from Africa about the worst outbreak of Ebola. Unfortunately, for the hoax actor, people are running around with mobile phones with cameras. 

Footage shows a small kid walking to a place to lay down. Somebody pays the kid to do this (they pay him money for him to be an actor).

Later CNN uses the scene to show the world the suffering Ebola child. 

The image CNN does not show you is how the perfectly healthy actor child walks by himself to a place to lay down. When the kid lies on the floor, the CNN cameras are rolling. Imagine how shameless these people are from the Fake News. They know they are deceiving the audience.

The TV announcer, camera guys, actors, and producers get paid big Pharma dollars through their Uberlord TV bosses. So they are hired traitors against humanity. 

The same scene we witness in Europe and the start of the pandemic. Hospitals footage in Italy resurfaces in the US. Duplicate footage with a different location. US citizens need to believe the Italian scenes take place in the US. Back in Africa, the Next stage. We see a few people in ambulances whose doors open with some leftover actor Ebola “patients.” 

The most laughable image is the person in front of the hospital gate. According to the news, he is in a far stage of Ebola. But he has not a mark on his face or arms. The only stain is the mud on his pants.

Be Scared of The Virus

YouTube summary of the crises artist: 

The “News” reports the arrival of Ebola in several countries; wtf the arrival of Ebola? So let me get this right, people from our taxpayer’s money who help people in Africa are transported to other countries knowing they have Ebola?

The propaganda and crisis actor performances on Tv continue. A plane arrives with an Ebola victim in Spain. The two pilots are standing near the plane door without wearing protective suits. In contrast, all others walk around in orange and white hazmat suites.

The slapstick on the TV continues. People salute each other like in the military. They transport an empty plastic laboratory under the guidance of mass media. 

Why did Obama not stop all air traffic? Because he knows it’s bullshit.

Next scene. At least ten ambulances and many other security cars and police do their parts. Talk about a show. This circus we see now explains why Obama didn’t stop flights from countries where the outbreak occurred. 

They know it’s all bullshit. No wonder Donald Trump goes mad on Twitter, stating why the US would import people with a dangerous virus like Ebola. I mean, those people knew that helping people in those countries at this time was a considerable risk! Why bring them back and risk contamination?

And indeed, not long after, an Ebola patient in Texas is diagnosed with the disease. A nurse with protective clothing is with the Ebola patient a few times. Then she is later diagnosed with Ebola. Next part of the script. The announcement in the headlines was that the virus was airborne. Major headline of propaganda to encourage people to get scared: 

Health Crisis, decease everywhere people dying like flies, but we offer you a solution:

We have swine flu and bird flu and hundreds of millions in vaccinations. But it still does not prevent people from dying from some flu.

I got a vaccination for the HPV virus, and it was the worst thing I ever did in my life. The list is endless in the description on the packaging of the Gardasil vaccination. The side effects can cause nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, belly, cramps, headaches, rashes, and fever. After the first injection of three every two months, I got sick, and ooh, were they right about the side effects. 

I got pretty much everything from the list. Later I found out about Gardasil, and the HPV vaccine killed many young females: 

I took the HPV vaccine, the worse decision in my life.

The worst was that I took the HPV vaccination as it was advertised in a hospital to prevent prostate cancer. After I had all three vaccinations, I developed chronic prostatitis. 

Fortunately, I am now a muscular guy of 100 kilos and never get sick. So I rarely get sick because I have a healthy immune system. But my immune system got a surprise when my body got vaccinated. My pour body became a total wreck: back pains, hand pain, foot pains, and rashes. 

I was unable to move my neck from the left and right for months. I was so stiff. And the worst was I had the feeling I had to pee every 5 minutes and only produced a few drops of urine. You can imagine this disturbs my sleep and turns me into a zombie. 

I became a hospital member going there multiple times a week, I got a fridge full of antibiotics, and now the system got me in its power. The antibiotics made me even sicker. After years of agony, I had enough of the meds and went to an alternative health care center to find out what else I could do.

I became a human guinea pig for a fake Health Crisis!

Fortunately, some health doctors in Thailand made a scan of my organs and did some blood tests. The results were that I had a lot of issues. The list was long: liver, prostate, pancreas, blood, blockage in my arteries, cell function vitality. 

He then advised me on how I do several things. First up was chelation therapy. Then remove my old amalgam fillings in my teeth, clean my blood, and add oxygen and amino acids to my blood. He prescribes a whole bunch of whole food supplements, with pro-biotics being one of the best. 

How I beat my health crisis is when I started the treatment fanatically. Completely changing my diet to a plant-based diet. So lots of raw and organic food and veggies. Homemade organic vegetables, fruit juices, and smoothies are the new me. Not forget to drink lots of good alkaline water. New for me is the extra intake of vitamin B and C. 

A new approach to boost my immune system and get back to normal.

I start my day with a nice hourly walk in the morning sun, drinking organic apple cider vinegar with water—three times a day before eating and taking enzymes. I also started doing enemas. First, it got worse, but the doctor warned me about it. The rashes came out, and while the body is getting rid of the toxins and heavy metals, you feel pretty terrible.

But pain slowly gets less within two weeks. After four weeks, I could lift my neck again up and down. Six weeks later, the pain in my hands and feet is gone.

I stopped eating tuna or salmon or shrimp, mercury in fish. I begin to practice Yoga. Two months after I started this new way of life, I could pee normally again. I can go to the toilet again and smile. Like in my youth, a powerful waterfall of urine makes me happy. 

After five years of no improvement, I reversed all my illnesses within three months.

After three months, I repeated the test and reversed all the problems with 95% improvement. I asked the doctor why years of antibiotics and crap did not help. I could not believe after five years because my chronic prostatitis was gone. He said when the body gets back a solid immune system. It does not have to fight all kinds of problems.

This doctor claims that the antibiotics are also killing good bacteria. Look for anything wrong in your body. My body healed itself because of good probiotic food, And I also did a lot of coffee enemas to clean my colon. Now the food is digested the right way.

The body can take all the necessary nutrition and develop a robust immune system. I have not been sick for over two years, and I do Yoga now four times a week. Walk on the beach and train in my kickboxing gym. I mentioned crisis actors at the beginning of this blog; the funny is that some friends said you are an actor. They thought I was lying about all my pains and problems for years.

I tried to become a father and achieved this on the first attempt. That’s what health and common sense do to you.

Forget vaccines. Take good organic food and pro-biotics!

My advice does not to take any vaccines for flu or Ebola, HPV, etc. ( I wrote this long before Covid came). Eat organic food, take enzymes and pro-biotics, do a cleanse sometimes, and do Yoga or some sport. Do not let the pharmaceutical industry rule your life and turn you into a zombie.

Take up meditation!! The scare tactics about Ebola go so far that they even use zombies in the Fake News.


How did I notice the sugar “virus.”

I have a quick story. My friend’s child was two years old and very difficult. He would pull everybody’s hair, try to fight with everybody, not sleep well, etc. Now my friend lives partly in Thailand, and when he went back to Holland, his Thai wife was alone with the child in Thailand. 

I observed how the child got ice cream, Yakult drinks, and Coca-Cola at this young age. When he returned, I explained to my friend that he should do a little experiment and have his child not consume sugary products or intake sugar in his food. 

A Sugar intake experiment with a difficult three-year-old child.

He was desperate, and he told me he would try anything. So, he took my advice and for one month. Just under one month, he now has a different son. His son finally sleeps at night; he’s pleasant to be with and plays with people’s hair instead of pulling it. 

Suppose the child had continued eating large amounts of sugar. Some doctor or “specialist” would diagnose the kid with ADHD or bipolar. The doctor would have told the parents, here is some Ritalin to keep your child calm. 

Yes, they have all kinds of names for so-called behavior issues, and then the doctor will make you an early addict by prescribing all these pills. It is not the case with all kids,

How I was hyper and crazy is a whole different story. My mom never really had sugar in the house. But for people with difficult children, it’s worth a try. We learn from childhood to fear a virus like the flu. The truth is we should avoid and educate our spouses about sugar.

Sometimes it’s better to go with your gut feeling or find alternative methods. Do not blindly believe what “experts” say, especially what is in the news. They want you as an addict and obedient sheep.

I am not anti-vaccine, but I am standing on the sideline for now.

I am not anti-vaccine; I had all my vaccinations, including my babies, for Measles, Hepatitis, and Polio. But those vaccines have been developed and tested for decades. Those vaccines are not RNA-based vaccines with a spike protein. For now, I am watching on the sidelines to see how the Covid-19 health crisis “will unfold.

Another turn-off point for me to take the vaccines is the overreaction by the government and Fake News. Let’s see after this flu season at the end of 2021. After that, I will make a decision. Maybe there is a way how I can practice for a “virus” Crisis Actor job. It seems Fake News has a shortage of such actors.

Over 80% of Obese people take hospital beds for Covid19; it is morons like these (see video) who should get kicked out of healthcare.

In Peace/ Health (c) Bas Boon

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