Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

Tattoo King, Joey “Rembrandt” Boon an Incredible Story. A Multi-Million Dollar Serial Entrepreneur at only age 19 from Geldrop Holland.

The investor who will invest in this modern-day “Rembrandt” is in for an excellent ride!

As Joey Boon’s uncle, I feel compelled to tell the world his success story. I have witnessed many success stories in the fight business and other industries by traveling the world. The rise of young fighters who became stars in foreign countries. Young people who gained popularity in our own country, The Netherlands. Rising to fame and success financially and ultimately as a manager, I was proud of Semmy Schilt for becoming the K-1 Champ four times and 1 x Glory Champ in Tokyo, Japan. He was honored with an invitation to the Royal home by the King of Holland, Willem Alexander. I got Semmy a role in the movie transporter 3 with Jason Statham, and currently, we are working on the fighting brand Fight Game Academy.

My nephew Joey Boon was my father’s first grandchild, Prof. Dr. Engineer Kasper Lodewijk Boon, and my mother, Elisabeth Agatha Maria Rijper Boon. My brother, two years younger than me, became a grandfather before me. And my parents’ first grandchild was named Joey Boon, soon to become Tattoo Joey. Later a daughter would follow my brother called Sidney Boon. I was catching up and becoming a father with the birth of my daughter Samantha Boon two years after Joey was born.

The Father of Joey Boon, Joris Boon (my brother) with Bas Rutten 

We all lived in a small town called Geldrop near Eindhoven in the Netherlands. My brother and I started fighting sports at ages 15 and 16. At the age of 17, I create a sports shop with the name Nikko Sports. I found the legendary kickboxing and MMA team Golden Glory more than two decades later. A world-famous fighting team.

Indeed, my daughter and Joey witnessed my activity and Joey’s father’s activities in martial arts. Joey’s father, Joris Boon (who has many tattoos), still has a comical YouTube video up with Bas Rutten with over 1.9 million hits (I replaced the video as the channel was terminated).

Picture My daughter Samantha Boon with Joey Boon

Joey Boon “The Head”

Joey Boon was a cool kid when he was a baby. I gave him a nickname and called him “the Head” (the family eventually asked me to stop calling him that). He had a big head, and he was a big baby. When he grew a little older, he was more potent and taller than most kids. He hung out with my daughter, and I have some good memories of their childhood. Nobody knew that his actual name would become the world-renowned Tattoo, Joey.

Most Sundays, we would come together at my parent’s house, and in the summertime, I would throw Joey by his head in the family pool. Joey’s performance at school was average, like my daughter’s, but that was still far better than my brother, who left school at 15 with no school diplomas. I followed the same timeline and path. Later some teachers asked Joey, is Joris Boon your father? He would answer then proudly yes, not knowing that 90% of the teachers had problems with his dad at school.

Picture: Joey Boon with his father, Joris Boon, in a Pachinko Machine Hall in Tokyo, Japan.

Joey traveled mainly to Spain and other countries like France, England, and New York during his childhood. Bless our grandfather, who gave us all an early travel bug and had the financial means to make this possible. Joey and my daughter Samantha loved to travel; fortunately, they became used to traveling in childhood.

Society negatively labels anybody who acts or behaves differently.

When Joey was five years old, we noticed he sometimes had sudden movements like contractions in his muscles. First, it looked like small spasm attacks, but we didn’t make much of it, and many friends and family members never even noticed it. But kids grow older, and after a few visits to several doctors, they start labeling Joey with some disease names.

My brother Joris visited me several times and told me the doctors gave Joey Ritalin to control his muscles / labeled disease. I didn’t particularly appreciate that much, as did my brother and his wife. It’s putting a label on people I did not like. More horrific is doctors’ advice and especially subscribing children to this type of heavy “medicine.” To children. I must mention that having a lot of tattoos is still problematic in some societies like Japan. There is a little irony, more on this later in the story.

Joey started boxing at a young age, and it was no surprise he soon became an amateur champion in the heavyweight division in the Netherlands (he grew to be a big kid for his age) in Holland. He had talent and, above all, could take a punch. Nobody knew he was fighting another battle and still taking his daily medication.

Joey Boon became Dutch Heavyweight Champion in Boxing (amateurs) he was 15 years old.

Problems and Solutions

Things went wrong when Joey went to higher school and did not have the long-time school friends he grew up with in Geldrop. He came home early, and the new school informed his father that he was behaving strangely and should see a doctor.

Joey said he never wanted to return to that school and never spoke about what happened. My brother came to me. He said he is 15, and according to the law, he should go to school. I advised him not to allow Joey to go to school and keep him home for a while.

I offered to take him to Golden Glory training sessions during the week in Breda, where he could train with champions. We also both agreed it was a hypocrite to force the kid to go to school as we both left school when we were 15. Who were we to judge? Not only that, Joey had an excuse because the doctor labeled him, and a drug prescription of Ritalin came in handy, a perfect reason to allow Joey not to go to school. His only label at the time was a vast Viking Tattoo on his calve.

Joey Boon with uncle Bas Boon after training at Team Golden Glory in Breda, Holland

Fight sport is a recipe for healing.

Joey spent much of his time playing computer games and watching movies in his attic room, but he was looking forward to his trip with me to Breda, especially on Wednesday. A special training day; we had intense sparring from the beginning to the end of the session (we called it Wednesday meat day at Golden Glory in Breda).

Joey was the youngest participant, with a bleeding nose and bruised legs, but the fighters accepted him into the group. He trained with Gokhan Saki, Ramon Dekkers, and Errol Zimmerman, and his symptoms seemed to decrease.

In the beginning, nobody at the gym knew Joey Boon, the nephew of manager Bas Boon (see group photo Golden Glory Breda). The fighting sport gave Joey confidence; he forgot about his “problems and started taking less medicine.

Joris Boon, Bas Boon, and Joey Boon in front of the Hard Rock Cafe in Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo, Japan, the magic medicine.

I invited my nephew and my brother to see the K-1 GP World GP finals in Tokyo, Japan. Joey loved Japan. He loved Japanese animation and manga art, the pachinko and gaming places, the lights, and the Japanese people. It was a very fantastic experience for him. He did not like he was refused not to be able to swim in the Hotel Pool (it is forbidden for people who are tattooed).

He was in his element and surrounded by fighters treated like superstars in Japan. Fighters like, Peter Aerts, Semmy Schilt, Gokhan Saki, Errol Zimmerman, and Ramon Dekkers. Fighters he knew well complimented Joey on becoming an amateur boxing champion of Holland and praised Joey after seeing his fight on youtube.

Ramon Dekkers (R.I.P) with Joey Boon

Joey Boon travels with Team Semmy Schilt.

Joey and my brother stayed in the same hotel as the fighters and had backstage passes for the fights. It was an experience of a lifetime, and now Joey has become a massive fan of Japanese culture. I invited him again the following year.

My brother could not travel to Tokyo, Japan, because of his work, so Joey traveled alone as I was already in Japan. When Joey arrived at the airport, team Semmy Schilt was there already, and Dave Jonkers immediately recognized Joey. They entered the plane together, and Joey sat next to Semmy for a while. Semmy has a tattoo on his arm, and both talked about tattoos on the plane to Japan.

Team Schilt took him under their wing, so he traveled with them and became a team member. During this trip to Tokyo, Joey became more intensely fascinated with the Japanese Manga drawings/cartoons, and it was the start of something unique.

At age 16 in Tokyo, Japan, Joey ringside at the K-1 GP months before I named him Joey. 

I was busy with a clothing line named Fight Game, and by accident, I saw a drawing in my possession of Joey. I told Joey it would be great for a T-shirt and asked him where he got it. Joey answered he drew it himself after seeing the picture in a Japanese magazine.

I was baffled and told him this was amazing. It would be best if you did something with that. Joey, you are an extremely talented artist. During that trip, I called him Rembrandt, and I could not stop talking and bragging about my nephew’s artistic talent.

After the trip to Japan, Joey started drawing on a daily base and later practiced tattooing on pig skin. Joey also visited me in Thailand with his father and was inspired by hearing tattoo machines on the beach. Soon his dad became the Guiney pig, and Joey found his passion in life. He wanted to be a professional tattoo artist.

In this video, Joey Boon is 15 and in Tokyo, Japan. He is looking at Gokhan Saki, who is preparing with Ramon Dekkers, and Errol Zimmerman with Cor Hemmers.

Now what’s coming next is a typical example of why we should never listen to others regarding the capacity of human capability to do something they love with great success. The doctors label Joey as different and make him take Ritalin for years now. Indeed, as a tattoo artist, you have to have steady hands. Joey started from his attic and later from his barn.

Joey’s tattoos were drawing attention in no time, especially his incredible portraits. With this success, he was on a positive role and found a girlfriend whom he married and became a father to a healthy boy called Bruce Boon, his daughter Raven Boon and Harley Boon followed. 

Treasure Ink Tattoo artist Joey Boon is the youngest tattoo shop owner in history.

I got my first tattoo at 18, and my brother was even younger. Joey had his first tattoo when he was 14, a giant Viking on his calve muscle.

I was busy with a clothing line named Fight Game, and by accident, I saw a drawing of Joey. I told Joey it would be great for a T-shirt and asked him where he got it. Joey answered he drew it himself after seeing the picture in a Japanese magazine. I was baffled and told him this was amazing. It would be best if you did something with that. Joey, you are an extremely talented artist. During that trip, I called him Rembrandt, and I could not stop talking and bragging about my nephew’s artistic talent.

Treasure Ink Tattoo artist Joey Boon is the youngest tattoo shop owner in history.

I got my first tattoo at 18, and my brother was even younger. Joey had his first tattoo when he was 14, a giant Viking on his calve muscle.

Tattoo Joey started to make a more than good income. He bought a lovely house. And made his backyard barn a tattoo studio so Joey could work from home. He was in Business! Joey is always good with computers and social media. His Facebook page gets over 200.000 followers and likes in a short period. His business was doing well, so the idea was to rent a space and open a tattoo shop in Geldrop.

The young “Rembrandt” Tattoo Joey was not only talented in making tattoos, but his ambitions were growing. He aspired to do more with business. He has been developing a special Healing Cream for Tattoo artists and people with skin problems. The cream will soon be on the market. I am trying to convince him to start a clothing line. Some of these tattoos are so creative and awesome that it’s screaming for a clothing line.

Tattoo Talent and Social Media Expert.

Joey is working on several YouTube channels; his short videos have hundreds of thousands of views on Facebook. Joey also feels good about social media, and his network is multiplying!

Treasure Ink, Tattoo Joey, and InkGlorious Basterds is a tattoo factory with worldwide fame.

The Tattoo shop needed to be something special, so Joey came up with the pirate theme. The shop now has a decoration as half of a pirate ship with several booths decorated with ship robes for tattoo artist employees to work. Indeed Joey became so busy that he hired his first employee at 19. Two pirate stalls in his shop became three, then four, then six. And in less than two years, sometimes ten people run around serving customers from all over Europe, even overseas Canada.

Recently an American actor got a tattoo by joey. Tattoo Joey is booked 24 months in advance and employed his mother to help in the shop and his grandfather Kasper Boon helped Joey find a bookkeeper. I allowed him to trademark his brand “Treasure Ink tattoo joey,” I am sure more trademarks will follow. With his creativity and passion, this brand will soon be the biggest in the tattoo art industry and cult clothing worldwide.

Doctor, labels, and medication.

If you ask Joey now about his time at the doctors and them labeling him: he answers they were wrong. He does not take Ritalin or any other medicine and is full of drive, ambition, and positive energy. Joey must have the steadiest hands in the tattoo business, making portraits that are difficult to tell if they are a photo or 3d drawings.

Tattoo Joey has won numerous first-place tattoo prizes at tattoo conventions, which does not stop there. Joey Boon has ten employees, so he changed the name of his tattoo shop. To praise all talent who work at this Tattoo palace, “Inkglorious Basterds” was found, an excellent reputation for a tattoo shop and inspiring for all the employees. He also kept his name, Tattoo Joey.

On September 1 st, 2018, in Geldrop Holland, many famous artists can be found at the new opening of Joe’s Tattoo Enterprise, such as Danny Froger, Thomas Berge, and Dré Hazes from Holland.

The taste of success has made the young entrepreneur Joey Boon into a business person and an artist while making his hobby and love for drawing his life’s work.

Joey, we are all so very proud of you!

Quote: The labeling of people is a trick of the pharmaceutical industry to make money. Believe in yourself.

When you think freely, you succeed in life.

(C) Bas Boon

The Master at work: check below some of the incredible work of Joey “Rembrandt” Boon and his employees:

Rembrandt Move Over.

(C) Bas Boon For more info, look for Tattoo Joey on Facebook

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