Fri. Jan 24th, 2025

Muslims who are Permanently Offended Equals Insanity. Humankind has been fighting wars before there were Gods, when Gods came, and when they vanished again. The never-ending battle between the faiths in the twentieth century. Israel Vs. Arabs, Muslims against Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and Atheists are not the progress we would have expected in the last century.

The religion that is permanently offended and takes the word offense to a whole new level is Islam.

The German grocery store called Aldi took a soap off the market after complaints from Muslims because the soap had a small mosque on the container. How considerate of the Aldi grocery store to think about the Muslim people and their sensitivity.

Mosque Soap, what were they thinking?

Maybe less pleasant to hear is that the Aldi executives feared attacks on their grocery stores after a rain of complaints from offended Muslims. If this story got out in the media, attacks would have been made on the grocery stores by offended Muslims. 

Fear is the real reason Aldi withdrew the soap from the shelves.

The dutch telegraph removed the link “Relletje om Moskeezeep.”

It’s Charlie Hebdo’s fault that churches are burning.

45 Churches, 36 cafes, and five hotels burn to the ground; nothing to worry about, shush!

On the other side of the planet, several people were killed in a protest because a satirical magazine printed the Prophet Mohammed the magazine Charlie Hebdo. If you want to know the truth about who is guilty of this partly Charly Hebdo False Flag propaganda, read this.

The balance in Niger alone is now they burn 45 churches to the ground. Five hotels and 36 cafes are going up in fire. They loot a Christian school and orphanage home. These all botoill ash, and they report several deaths.

It is excellent that Aldi decided to pull the soap with the bit image of the mosque of the market not to upset the Muslim people. We would not want to upset the German or worldwide Muslim community. 

What was the PR firm thinking of printing a little mosque on that soap box? The racist bastards, blasphemy, Aldi should hold them responsible, and the Muslim professional complaint group should try to go to court. Charge this PR firm for printing a small mosque. How outrageous!

Four Killed in Niger, Anti-French Riots, Protests Held in Pakistan, Algeria – TOI

Niger: Protestors Burn Churches-In Second day of CharIie Hebdo Riots

Suddenly there are Pigs everywhere. It’s a conspiracy to offend Muslims.

Just when you think people would understand not to offend Islam, the next provocation from the West surfaced:

Oxford University Press bans sausages and pigs from children’s books in an effort ‘to avoid offense’: Bizarre clampdown branded ‘nonsensical political correctness.’

What the fuck were they thinking? Who were those people responsible for printing these children’s books? Little pigs in children’s books, blasphemy?

While discussing the subject, I strongly advise Walt Disney to censor all the scenes with the three little piggybacks. In the Muppet show, the frog should find another partner. A female pig could spark outrage among Muslims. Here is a list of Hollywood movies and TV series with fictional pigs. Please take care of this, guys.

Offending Muslims starts with our child’s education books.

The majority of Muslims are furious about the Cartoons!

We know now there are hundreds of thousands of demonstrators against the cartoons of Charlie Hebdo. Nigeria, Pakistan, Chechnya, the Philippines, Egypt, and The Saudis prepare to take legal action against the Charley Hebdo publishers. 

Chechnya leader says they are prepared to die to defend their Prophet. Sixty percent of Chechnya thinks that way, “just” a slight majority,” nothing to worry about.

Note that I did not make a mistake when I wrote the majority in the above statement. I usually use the word minority. Please notice the word majority is correctly used in this case as they’re the majority in Chechnya.

Picture by: Pres Panayotov

Anybody who still claims that our absurd Western behavior of freedom of speech should be tolerated is insane. Please show some understanding of the mosque on soap paper, cartoons, and pigs pictures in children’s books.

Fury as Indonesia executes foreigners by firing squad.

I wonder what the western media means by anger. Ooh, wait, they pulled back a few ambassadors, a firm gesture. Are any riots going on in Holland or Brazil? I mean, were these people killed and executed? 

Can we maybe paint some graffiti somewhere that we are angry or something? Wait, I forgot we can’t. Indonesia is mainly Muslim. We cannot offend them. Surely no graffiti or anything in that matter as we offend millions of people. And create another offense scandal that could lead to the few remaining churches being burned down in certain territories.

England No Go Zones have nothing to do with Muslims.

In England, they are humble and at least respectfully threaten their fellow Muslims. They have several areas where they apply sharia law. There are no-go zones (denied but confirmed by inhabitants of London).

Jindal doubles down on Muslim’ no-go zones in Europe.

Sharia law is to be enshrined in the British legal system as lawyers get guidelines on drawing up documents according to Islamic rules. CNN is politically correct and reports that the No Go zones are bullshit. Immediately the guy who was interviewed was asked whether you are insinuating that those zones are zones full of Muslims. He answered, stating that it had nothing to do with that ( how can he speak his mind). It is a crime-related issue, sure. Sharia law does not exist in England. 

The CNN reporter continues; London is great where all different cultures and people with other religions live together peacefully and harmoniously. 

The same politically correct CNN response is why CNN didn’t broadcast the Charlie Hebdo cartoon.

CNN is the frontrunner in the propaganda campaign to promote the war plan. Islam vs. the West see my blog:

Picture by: 1000 Words

CNN’s Richard Quest seeks answers to Hungary’s anti-immigration rhetoric.

Outrage scandal, Hitler, Mussolini, proper Wing Nazi Pig, WTF:

Richard Quest spoke with Hungarian government spokesman Zoltán Kovács about Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. He says as long as he is Hungary’s prime minister, he must stop immigration. Quest was outraged and was screaming during the broadcast on CN.

For the people who do not know who Richard Quest is from CNN. He is a meth head sex pervert; check out the headlines:

Hold on a minute, screamed Quest, containing the usual vulgar left-wing verbal vomit crap. He’s yelling with that huge joker mouth, one accusation after another. He refers to 1939, the start of the second world war. Like a Dutch politician, Pim Fortuyn, who they killed for the words he spoke, and he was right.

Muslim’s next target for being offended should be Google!

I also think they should sue Google for their media report: According to the article: Muslims in Pakistan are the number one users globally. Many of these people use Google search engines to look for porn. Especially humans who have sex with snakes, donkeys, pigs, and dogs. 

How can Google put pigs on that list? WTF are they thinking? Google should hire Richard Quest, a spokesperson man, to apologize!

Pakistan tops Google’s list of most porn-searching nations. Indeed A Mossad operation to demonize the followers of Islam. 

Come on, sex with a snake? What will they do, break the snake’s front poisoning teeth before penetrating its mouth? Or do snakes have a vagina ( shit, I don’t even know that)?

A Pakistan bus driver’s hobby is raping children in slums after work.

There is a report that One and a half million street children are victims of rape. Do not blame Muslims; it’s the fault of google and that filthy western porn. 

An interview with a bus driver from Peshawar said that after he finishes his work, he goes to the slums to rape some street kids. Joining significant rape gangs is his favorite. He continued that once, a young boy had sex with everybody on the bus during a bus ride. So he had “no” choice but to refuse such temptation. You would not want to isolate yourself in such cases. It was a kind boy, and he wanted me for sex. So far, he has raped 12 children.

The right to have Sex Slaves.

The bus driver is a devout Muslim. His explanation is off-camera to avoid any misquotes about the religion of Islam. He continuously checks first if the children did not convert to Islam. The bus driver has the right to have sex slaves. 

We asked him if he likes to have sex with animals, and he answered he did not want to speak about how many animals he had sex with. But when the cameras are off, he says; say this to nobody, but I imported some skunks. The smell turns me on when the animals panic when I have sex with them. This rotten air reminds me of the slums. 

Off the books: the Peshawar “street children rapist” bus driver can be seen in the front line of a massive mob of angry people demonstrating against the Charly Hebdo cartoons. It’s a God damn sin. I would kill for my Prophet!

Muslims do not discriminate when they bring up the issue he cartoons. Syrian cartoonist Ali Ferzat didn’t make a cartoon of the Prophet. He made a cartoon of a president. 

While Ali was working at home, the military invaded his home. They attacked him and broke all his fingers. After that, they beat him to a pulp. Just a warning to not insult the president. What the hell was he thinking?

 As for the authors of books:

Journalist Peter Bergen Terrorist expert book writer.

CNN Peter Bergen is the author of terrorist books. He and his publishers have the best timing in history when releasing books. After the “legendary” terrorist attacks, Peter can be seen on CNN with his latest “expert” explanation of terror and frequently promoting his books.

Peter was a journalist who went into a cave in Pakistan to do an exclusive interview with Osama Bin Laden. He did this when the rest of the world could not find the terrorist. They broadcast this interview just after 9/11 worldwide—some way to promote Peter’s book.

A few times after a significant terrorist attack, Peter has a book on the subject; great timing.

He recently could be seen on CNN promoting a book about the Navy Seal who shot Bin Laden. Indeed Peter can be seen with the CNN crew for his latest novel just after the Paris attack.

Doug Saunders also wrote a book, and you can see him on CNN to promote his novel: The Myth of the Muslim Tide.

In his interview on CNN, he says there is nothing wrong with Muslim immigrants. He even lived amongst them, he knows. Thank God for these journalists. Thanks for your “expert” opinions. Let me know when there is a subsequent book signing.

No, it is not necessary to tell me the date. I know it will be soon after the next big terrorist attack. For sure, it will be purely “coincidental.”

Muslim Immigrants Smash to Pieces & Urinate On a Virgin Mary Statue in Italy

Quote: “A man was kneeling in prayer before the statue of the revered Madonna, with the photograph of a loved one in hand, in the small chapel of St. Barnabas in Perugia (Italy), when five “immigrants attacked him.”

The first thing they did was rip the photo from his hands.

Next, they unleashed their hatred against the image of the Virgin Mary. They broke the statue to pieces and then urinated on it.

The report says that the press deliberately does not mention the word Muslims but purposely writes immigrants. 

It was an act of blasphemy, and the perpetrators knew exactly (breaking and pissing on the statue) what they did! People are starting to get pissed off about this political correctness crap!

Islam is Peace. “Nothing” to worry about…..(Jihad / Slayer)

While the pope is on his soul-winning tour in the Philippines, he speaks out about people who offend religion (he said they deserved a punch). A reference and insult to the Charlie Hebdo incident in Paris. While the pope was in the Philippines in his home country Italy, the following incident” occurred.” 

The Fake News can report the “Virgin Marry” incident the following way.

Now just for everybody to know, these men of North African descent accidentally needed to pee. Five men of North African descent ask a man praying to a statue of the revered Madonna with a picture of his loved one in his hand where they could find the toilet. 

They didn’t understand the kneeling man who spoke Italian and did not understand what the man tried to explain. One of the men of North African descent thinks that the kneeling picture is a map of how they could find the toilet. 

When they grabbed the man’s photo, one man of North African descent fells accidentally into the statue, it fell and broke. 

The poor Muslim men are shocked by the broken statue that three peed in their pants. It’s always good to hear two sides of the story concerning Muslims. Zionist and crisis actors fabricate Fake News stories. They are the most peaceful people on earth. Let us all try to adapt to this great religion.


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