Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

If I were God, everything would be perfect, wishful thinking! Can you imagine having God’s so-called power? Religious people claim God is almighty and all-knowing. God decides what happens to everybody in this earthly life. Whether or not you are a terrible person or a good person, he will send us to Heaven or hell (according to the believers).

But how about God? Can we hold God accountable for all the wrongdoing and misery he has put on us humans and the planet?

Authors who claim they communicate with God

Or better yet, can we look for responsible preachers and writers of these so-called “holy” books? Those who claim the writing and preaching represent their conversation with the “almighty”? God made some pretty bad judgments about “his” work! He had a problem with an Angel in Heaven (God’s concern was with the angel, not the fault of humans).

I am not interested in whose fault this is. God and many angels had problems. We must believe God’s written word for it through a human who wrote it. God outcast an angel from Heaven and sent it to Earth as punishment. This angel is also named Satan/Devil. Now that is some pretty fucked up shit.

God gets a problem in Heaven. I guess not everything is perfect in paradise. God himself fights with Angels for whatever reason and sends the Devil to Earth. Thanks a lot.

Another alternative is hell and reincarnation, or believe it’s all nonsense. Humans can create their success and path in life and take responsibility for themselves.

Polar Bears are underway to Noah’s Ark.

God asked Noah to build a boat and gather every living animal in pairs to survive the big Flood. God will kill every living thing on earth by letting it rain for 45 days. One of the Almighty’s bad days in heaven. 

Does anybody ever ask how the polar bears, sea lions, and penguins got aboard? Did they march in from the Antarctic overland to catch their perfect boat ride? What about kangaroos and poisonous spiders?

Were are the miracles of God?

I always asked myself why God was doing all these wonders when people did not read or write. Why does God need different humans to speak other languages?

It is better to have these holy books appear in multiple languages. Or better, imprint his perfect will and rules in our human brains in a language understandable to everybody. Telepathy is to avoid any interpretation mistakes. There are way more humans that were illiterate, so that makes a lot more sense to me!

Dynamo would have beat Jesus on every miracle.

Why are those “holy rules” books in Hebrew and Arabic written by some writers in the desert? He can arrange an army of the best writers on Earth. Let’s say two unique best of the best writers in each country. A great solution to avoid any misinterpretations.

Where are these wonders? Isn’t God’s countless miracle performances in the writings of the “holy” books? We are now 2000 years further, and no resurrections from the dead. Not one human comes back alive, no Elvis, John Lennon, or Kennedy. We only get new Zombie movies and The Walking Dead TV series.

The only guys levitating and running on the water are Chris Angels, Dynamo, and David Blaine. Well-known illusionists with a perfect track record. But nobody considers them holy. They would have been if they lived 2000 years ago.

As a God, I will clarify the freedom of speech and the separation of Church and State.

Mohammed came and died so did Jesus if we believe those “holy” books). Since they are deceased, things have gotten a lot worse for humans on planet earth.

According to the Bible, Jesus came back for a few days but then left never to return. The power of the Church and domination came to a halt after (a lot of bloodshed for 400 years). The Church lost its control to humans with common sense, who fought for the separation of Church and State. 

Because of this, freedom of speech and more inventions lead to the industrial revolution. Time and technology make a huge step forward for the benefit of humanity. The Church and many other religions punish radical or out-of-the-box thinking with death or life imprisonment.

If I were a God, this would be the reality;

If I were a God, there would be no jealousy. Everybody could fuck everybody without ever a wrong word from anybody. Because all wars start because of religion or a woman. You can gamble and never lose. Use drugs and never become an addict. Every supermarket and shopping mall would have a GoGo Bar.

There will be no famine, and every human will have plenty of water. All humans own a home. No more crime anywhere. This avoids the need to have torture punishment written in new “holy” books for the sake of guidelines. 

As the Almighty, I would be an excellent CEO for humanity.

There will be no disease or wars because I would not allow it. Jealousy vanishes. The weather is always perfect with lots of sunshine, a cool breeze, and a beach near everybody’s home. 

Every man finds the perfect woman. Every woman discovers the perfect man. No addictions and only humor, love, and tons of sarcasm. It’s almost as if planet earth wants to show humans to stop thinking and believing in the supernatural and behave rationally. 

As I am God, humans are not allowed to worship me. I will not accept any atrocities in the name of faith or any atrocities at all in that matter. I will ensure everybody is confident to develop their own “magical” path. All humanity will enjoy life on this beautiful perfect planet without worshipping any Gods. No need to listen to “my: messengers; I have none. They would not exist.

 The Pope does not speak with the divine!

The Pope visits what’s left of Tacloban in the Philippines, a town destroyed by hurricane Haiyan. Ironically the Pope must leave Tacloban in a hurry as hurricane number twenty-one hits the Philippines this year at the same time the Pope visits Tacloban.

God’s way to show a little “sarcasm and humor.” When the plane reaches its destination and stops, the Pope immediately walks out of the plane, and the wind blows off his white kippah (skullcap).

 “God,” taking the piss! Amazing how millions of people stare in a mass hypnotized way at an older man in a white robe. Millions of Filipinos became victims of terrible weather disasters. The Pope is telling us that gays are ruining the family life of the Filipinos. Thanks, Pope, for that advice. This helps us move forward. Any talks with God to blow the wind the other way in the coming year, Philipinos like to know.

CNN anchor, no divine interventions from heaven for the Pope and its followers it is pissing rain non-stop.

The next thing is coming out of Mr” Holy’s” mouth. A remark that it’s ok to punch somebody in the face if they insult your mother or religion. This remark is a direct result of the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris. The French satire magazine Charly Hebdo mocks faith as they print Mohammed cartoons. Never let a good crisis go to waste to do some soul-winning.

Soul Harvesting.

The Pope refers to Muslims and religions which take great offense in a few cartoons. The advice is from one of the wealthiest powerful men in the world—the Vatican buys off sex scandals for hundreds of millions of dollars.

The Pope gives a Hug to a 12-year-old street kid. Thanks, Pope, now go back, son, and eat and live on your garbage mountain again. If I return in 5 years and you have died from Hepatitis, I will make a cross with my hands and say a prayer ( what a guy ).

Ex-street kid weeps as she asks Pope why God lets children suffer in the Philippines.

The Wishful Thinking Community

Religious people are in the billions; an appropriate name is “the wishful thinking community.” What if today we will put a hold on the secret service and intelligence agencies? Just have God decide if there will be a terrorist attack. 

Most religious people decide to take their chances being protected by the secret service and intelligence! Right, I thought so, it’s like being on the top floor of a 20-story building, and you take the elevator down. Ask any religious person to jump from the roof to meet him downstairs. Just fly from the building and pray to your God for a safe landing. 

Double-dipping for the Religious community.

For some reason, faith and praying for the outcome are not taken that literally and seriously anymore when common sense, fear, and knowledge takes over. 

Israel could say we break down the wall and our security check post and trust their God. But they don’t. Even with the perfect tight security today, there will always be lunatics who find a way to do some slaughtering:

Palestinian man stabs people on Tel Aviv rush-hour bus.

Picture by: Chameleons Eye

Hamas followers keep praying to Allah 5 times a day. Still, they are getting slaughtered and losing more and more territory to the Israelis. America puts billions into security and surveillance. In contrast, 30% of Americans believe the written word of God in the bible. Another 50% of the American population is a little bit more moderate Christian,” whatever that means,” 

So why not pray to God for a good outcome? Most religious people would rather have protection from the CIA, and FBI. Thrust the government and pray as well, double-dipping to make sure. 

Imagine if everybody would not touch firearms and stay home and not fight regardless of whoever commands them to do so? Just trust in God. 

The Human Hypocrite.

Humans are hypocrites. The religious fighters will thank God if they just won a fight and scream God when they go into battle. But if they receive a knockout or lose a leg in action, they suddenly don’t make any religious signs or remarks anymore.

‘Boy Who Came Back From Heaven’ didn’t; books recalled

Always question everything! 

Quote” Tyndale House, a prominent Christian publisher, has announced that it will stop selling “The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven,” by Alex Malarkey and his father, Kevin Malarkey.:”

The story is about a boy who has been in a coma since he was six. He awakens after two months, but it leaves him partially paralyzed. 

The boy recently wrote the following open letter to Christian bookstores: “I did not die and did not go to heaven,” and I never even read the bible. 

All for the Almighty Dollar.

He made up the “perfect” story to get the attention and attention he got, especially from the Christian book publisher Tyndale House. They sold over 1 million copies and continued the sales even after Alex’s mother had asked them to stop selling the book as it was painful to watch the lies.

She continues to explain the real reason she and Alex no longer want to participate in the hoax/scam: She describes some reasons, but the main reason, of course, is that no royalties are paid from the book to Alex ( not even $1.-), nor the book has ever funded his needs. 

So the Christian publisher will stop selling the book now. Those greedy “holy” bastards make millions and millions. If they pay some royalties to Alex. Surely all the money from the book by the Christian publisher is going to the “Lord.” The Pope now distributes all the profits from the bookselling in the Philippines to the Filipino street children.

Wishful thinking.

Oops, sorry, I am wishful thinking. The book will not be sold anymore, which is strange. People love good stories, especially the wishful thinking community. Why stop selling the book? This is just extra publicity, and people forget after a few months; a whole new load of wishful thinkers doesn’t even know about their confession of Alex.

Just sell a few million more copies, mega-profits for the Christian publisher. I guess the owner of the Christian Publisher has a conscience or is pissed off. As an excellent Christian wishful thinker, he was selling the perfect truth, but it turned out to be a lie ( and the truth shall set you free).

Kiss me. I change into a beautiful young princess; no, I rather have a speaking frog!

Their website reads; Quote “Tyndale House is a Christian community dedicated to researching all the primary evidence relevant to the study of the Bible.” I guess Alex is one of their pieces of evidence for the “Divine” and gave a whole new dimension to the word evidence!

We treat all the so-called “holy” books the same way. Remember, this book of the story of Alex is ridiculed and questioned many times. There was such pressure that the mother and Alex finally came forward with the truth. Ok, they did not get any royalties, a little help to reveal the truth. 

Blind obedience carries me through it all.

If we believe blindly in what is written in books, the media, and our government, we are dead with no sense of inner self. 

All of the religious guidance for humanity isn’t doing anybody any good. The people that control everything and dictate what must be believed and how one should behave are creating mass separation and war. 

We should always question dogma!

Why would God, if he does exist and is a good God, transcribe the following rules for people that insult him as punishable by death and tell stories of beheadings and stoning people to death? What good peaceful God would recommend such terrible violence? 

“Holy” written rules.

Leviticus 24:16 Holy Bible: “anyone who blasphemes the name of the Lord is to be put to death. The entire assembly must stone them. Whether foreigner or native-born, when they blaspheme the Name they are to be put to death”.

Koran: 47:4: “Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in a fight), strike off their heads; at length; then when you have made wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives”: after that (is the time for) either generosity or ransom: Until the war lays down its burdens.”

Why will God, if he does exist and is an excellent perfect God, transcribe the following rules for people that insult him? Punishable by death and dictate regulations and stories of beheadings and stoning people to death? What good peaceful, perfect God would recommend such terrible violence?

Violence everywhere, it seems God has an Ego problem.

Leviticus 24:16 Holy Bible: “anyone who blasphemes the name of the Lord is to be put to death. The entire assembly must stone them. Whether foreigner or native-born, when they blaspheme the Name they are to be put to death”.

Koran: 47:4: “Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in a fight), strike off their heads; at length; then when you have made wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives”: after that (is the time for) either generosity or ransom: Until the war lays down its burdens.”

5:33: “The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution [by beheading], or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter.”

5:33: Those that make war against God and His apostle and spread disorder in the land shall be slain or crucified or have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides….”

So the beheadings of the Saudis or Jihad John are a result of the writings of this book, the “Koran.”

Quote “8:12: “I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their fingertips off.”

8:12: “Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an.”

8:12: “I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers.”

These “holy” books with fear-mongering punishment rules for humanity simply do not work. Indonesia and Saudi Arabia have the death penalty for drug use, trafficking, and blasphemy. The authorities still kill people almost daily for breaking the laws in those countries. 

It’s also mind-boggling that a God will describe in a holy book how his prophet slays people and cuts off heads. Where are love, peace, harmony, compassion, and empathy?

The perfect Scam.

A widespread need for religious cult leaders like Yusef Estes from Dr. Zakir Naik’s Peace TV is to show people from other faiths like Christianity convert to Islam (like he did himself). Religious propaganda.

Christian man asks Yusuf Estes a question and then accepts Islam.

And on the other hand, we have Christian propaganda where Muslims convert to Christianity.

I am changing Tracks: Mario Joseph, Muslim Imam convert.

It is fascinating for me as a freethinking human being without a label. I prefer not to be called an Atheist, just a human with his own opinion. All these people are so busy with the written words of books some printed thousands of years ago? 

If people will concentrate on their paths, create their success, and put energy into love, peace, and progress. Put work into success and be responsible for yourself. This is a huge step forward. 

Stop believing what others write or say, primarily when it promotes serious violence. Believe in yourself! Let’s all work towards pushing humanity forward!

It is mind-boggling to me that so many humans in the twenty-first century, with some sense, would follow such nonsense.

An all-knowing, almighty God shouldn’t transcribe such “rules” and torturous guidelines. Only a schizophrenic, violent, delusional power-seeking human would. Maybe the holy books were changed by the hands of some seriously messed up people, who knows. People should not follow scriptures nonetheless.

If God is the epitome of peace, he will not have rules for stoning people to death or decapitating the heads of “unbelievers.” God is almighty and all-knowing, so why does he need humans to do some slaughtering in the name of the divine?

Is God the Epitome of Peace?

We shouldn’t listen to people advising us to be violent, not from a book. Please do not listen to people with delusional voices in their heads. No exceptions. Such as priests, Imams, or other self-proclaimed perfect “holy” messengers of God on Earth.

Never ask questions or ridicule religion, or be violently put to death! What kind of crap is that? Religious people have the right to live on flat earth (earth, not round or spherical). Let them believe the world was created in 6 days, and the sun is revolving around the planet. Tens of millions of people to this day still believe this.

I like to live on this planet without other people dictating what I can believe or how I must behave, act in life, and what to say and write. I will always ask questions, love satire, and ridicule religion. If this results in only one person starting doubting faith and starts behaving rationally, it is well worth it. Shit, I just caught myself in wishful thinking. I guess all humans do it! The perfect movie is “Bruce Almighty.”

The Bible is full of contradictions, and Jesus made bad decisions

(C) Bas Boon

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