Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

Fraud Actors Insurance Scam TV is UFC’s Competitor. This blog is about hypocrites and how rotten the healthcare insurance system is.

Obama is addressing the African nations with a hypocritical speech. The issue is about fraud.

President Obama spoke to the African nations live on CNN. During his Speech, he lectured his fellow black man that we must fight corruption. It’s funny how an African country like Nigeria immediately brings up memories. You’ve got a mail regarding a donation of millions or winning the lottery in Nigeria (or else). They choose you for an inheritance if I would get in contact with them.

Scam, Zimbabwe collects 50K from the dentist hunter who kills Cecil, the lion!

The president’s Speech is still fresh, and some “officials” from Zimbabwe are in the news taking a 50K donation from a U.S. dentist. A fee to guide him to some “exclusive” hunting territory to lure Cecil, the lion, out of his protected habitat. So the “war” dentist with camouflage clothes and paint on his face can shoot an arrow through the iconic lion.

The dentist smiles with substantial white teeth when he speaks about the African jungle over his animal “trophies.” Special thanks to the U.S. insurance system, making it possible to make millions as a dentist, doctor, or hospital owner.

Do we give a fuck if we are insured? Do we even look at the bill or receive the invoice? If you go to a hospital, you must have insurance. The first thing coming out of the nurse’s mouth is: are you insured? 

If you do not have insurance, you damn well know precisely how much the cost will be. You will even race to several hospitals, check online, and get informed before spending your own money.

Cancer Kickbacks is a multi-billion-dollar business, Doctor Farid “Mengele” Fata!

Doctor or butcher?

For example, if you have cancer, every doctor who prescribes chemo gets a 5000 dollar kickback. Some public health servants take this money-making way to a whole new level.

Doctor Farid “Mengele” Fata would flat out lie to patients telling them they had cancer when they did not. He would prescribe chemotherapy as the kickbacks from terminally or very ill cancer patients are the most lucrative. Some African nations have a Scam reputation. For example, with bank schemes and e-mail fraud, Nigeria looks like a child stealing candy from a candy store.

Quote: “Federal prosecutors allege Fata intentionally prescribed over 9,000 unnecessary injections and infusions to at least 553 patients over six years. These treatments amounted to nearly 35 million in insurance billings.”

Farid Fata, Doctor Who Gave Chemo to Healthy Patients, Sentenced to 45 Years in Prison

Tip for humans get a second and third opinion from doctors and hospitals and do more research yourself!

Even more shocking and compelling is the use of small children that are terminally ill cancer patients or almost dying of cancer. National Children’s Leukemia Foundation is a one-person operation run by founder Zvi Shor,64.

Small, terminally ill children with cancer bring in millions of dollars, Dr. Zvi Shor.

The name of his program is “Make a Dream Come True,” a program to help kids with cancer fulfill their wishes.

Zvi Shor gave 1% of almost 10 million donations to children who had leukemia. Zvi Shor gave himself a salary of 600.000 dollars and another $600.000.- for compensation. He also sent some of the funds to his relatives in Israel that were desperately in need!

Children’s Leukemia Foundation Guilty Of $9.7 Million Fraud: N.Y. Attorney General

153000 dollar snake bite

Indeed terminally ill cancer patients are not the only humans who get mangled by the healthcare mafia.

The hospital appears to charge $153,000 to treat one snakebite

A rattlesnake bites a man, and he receives a hospital bill of 153.000 dollars. For that money, you could build a few small hospitals in Africa. Pay attention, Africans. The money is in the insurance “business” fraud.

Doctor Farid is a rare example of somebody they punish for a health scheme fraud with a prison sentence. He outperformed other Kwak or con artists, and there was too much proof against him, so they made an example. The whole country abuses the “system.”

Ebola Mix coming to America

They pay some Ebola African crisis actors with some free candy and a free bicycle.

Zombie acting for the big pharmaceutical giants is a new African profession. Big Pharma makes billions from the development and sales of vaccines.

Some African nations are quick learners. Some normally perfectly healthy, tall, and athletic inhabitants immediately change their postures and cough and limp around the town. The moment some colonial church charity workers are entering the villages.

The culture knows that if you act sick and pathetic, the friendly western people come with money, gifts, and some bible story. Ebola was a great way to get in the news again. The U.S. started to bring Ebola victims home.

Indeed Donald Trump was not running for the presidency yet. He raised his eyebrows about this news. Trump tweets. WTF? Why are we bringing back dangerous Ebola-infected victims to the U.S. (Now you know why Donald)? 

The Fake News shows the arrival of Ebola victims by plane by broadcasting it live on T.V. worldwide. Better be scared—an excellent Beta test for the future pandemic. 

Shares of the companies testing Ebola vaccines are rising like never before. All funded, of course, with taxpayer’s dollars from the U.S. The public’s hard-working money at work. 

Experimental Ebola vaccines were recently shipped to Liberia. In the below video clip, we can see a boy perfectly healthy walking up to a specific spot. He then lies down, pretending to be very ill, when the cameras start rolling. CNN and other media outlets are using this shot. 

The publicity is excellent. They pay some crisis actors with candy and a new bike. So much cheaper than the U.S., and the money, oooh, the money keeps pouring in for the “poor bastards.” Today CNN news 100% success rate for the Ebola vaccine, and the share price will go to the roof!

Advertisement of for Ebola victims interrupts the Obama Speech.

During the Obama speech, you see many green flags and green backgrounds. Not 5 minutes after the CNN special live broadcast, we see 5 minutes later. Ebola is still a considerable problem. Would you please donate to We can see here the mutual benefit for the American and African nations media sponsored advertisement of CNN and other T.V. stations. Sick, death, and poverty is good business, bringing in charity money, even vast amounts of tax-paying dollars.

Obama’s administration made a pact with the African nations to explore this at its full potential. The 2010 earthquake in Haiti caused hundreds of deaths and 30.000 commercial buildings collapsed, and many more homes. 

The red Cross rebuilds six houses for 82 million dollars in Haiti.

The Fake News shows disease, poverty, and horrific pictures to an audience worldwide. This propaganda results in the American Red Cross harvesting an astonishing half a billion dollars in donations.

Red Cross was scrutinized for building only six homes with $500 million in Haiti.

The Red Cross decided to rebuild six houses in a particular spot. They do not Build commercial hospitals but six houses.

I guess the red Cross started to help the billionaires first in the destroyed territory by building six houses worth 82 million each!

The five billion dollar Obamacare website.

But the number one gangsters are still in Washington, the Obama website estimates a total cost of 5 billion dollars, and it still doesn’t even work. How about that for some taxpayer’s dollars? Here, leaders of African nations, in case the president does not inform you how to perform billion-dollar scams.

The financial time’s reports: Over $5 Billion and Counting for Obamacare Websites

U.S. biggest fraud, disabilities, and vets are still waiting for their payments.

Only eighteen percent of all social security they spent on disability. The free distribution of billions of dollars from the government is only a few companies. These companies all write invoices to themselves and each other. No need to mention that the directors of these “companies” all live in Beverly Hills with some holiday homes in the Bahamas.

Bas Boon Says Billion Dollar Scams

Fraud And Disability Equal A Multibillion-Dollar Black Hole For Taxpayer

Maybe people will understand why Donald Trump won the Veterans’ votes even with his remark about senator Mc Cain. How can billions of dollars knowingly disappear? More and more veterans waiting record times for their disability payments? 

Or what about the trillion-dollar waste on illegal immigrants question? People should be outraged, like the killing of Cecil, the lion. This should get way more attention than a dentist killing a lion ).

Sorry, I cut off your arms, hands, and nose and for raping your mother.

Bas Boon Says Sorry, no compensation.

Sorry for cutting off your limbs, but not $1- for you!

Indeed the Africans, the Red Cross, and other international peace-keeping organizations have a different approach in Africa. In many countries, it is fashionable to mutilate villagers and later give the victims an apology. Even if it is true, it won’t reach the victims if they do or get a small financial compensation.

One million Hutus and Tutsis (Rwanda genocide) were slaughtered. Not one dollar repayment money or disability for those people missing their hands, arms, and noses, just sorry. 

The Jewish nation received 1.3 trillion dollars from Germany in war payments, and the prices continue today. Africa, you are doing it wrong. Please pay attention here.

Scandal Pays Off for the V.A.

The most significant fraud sections would go in the name of philanthropists’ “charity” funds. There is a link between the Clinton Foundation, the Swiss bank, the US IRS scandal, and much more.

In my own country, fraud has been on the rise by 10%, according to this Dutch Telegraph article, with almost 100 million euro’s a year ( what they know of).

Old fashion insurance scams.

Bas Boon Says Charity for money laundering.

When I lived in Enschede, Holland, I remember how gypsies would con the city’s inhabitants during my youth. They would offer to sharpen their knives. And then, after they brought back the 20 sharpened knives, they would invoice the victims for like 12000 guilders excluding VAT.

Too afraid of threats from the gypsies, many of these victims just paid. I remember a friend of mine always waiting with his old Mercedes on a side street of a big highway. He would deliberately drive into cars to collect the insurance money. 

The insurance had a report made of the damage by an expert. Then my friend fixed the car himself and surely faked some injuries. Those times are gone. There is no room anymore for penny theft.

The solution to the problems, forget the UFC. This would top all worldwide ratings!

These parasites in the government (and certain media) are spending tax dollars so rapidly an incinerator cannot burn the paper as fast! The way to fix these atrocities and fraudulent systems is the same way the African authorities prevented the elephant from extinction from our planet. They are painting the elephant’s tusks with a special kind of ink which makes the ivory worthless.

PPV TV show for avoiding insurance fraud.

People that kill for sport belong in a mental institution, or I suggest a wildlife park where these “sportive” hunters are brought naked to see how it feels to be hunted by some wild animals.

How will we feel as humans if some alien will hunt us for sports, cut off our heads, and hang them as trophies above the fireplace? So those radical Muslims who are taking charges are mistaken for alien hunters. This explains why they put many of their cut heads as trophies on a fence! This considerable attraction, a wildlife park with massive walls and live cameras, should be the place to put our fraudulent politicians. 

Other groups for the wildlife park are humanity/charity organization owners who enrich themselves with money for the much-needed. Let’s put them all naked in this vast wildlife camp. Massive walls like the Jurassic world surround them. Nude Humans battle with crocodiles, rhino lions, ants, and tigers.

Bas Boon Says forget the UFC. This PPV show will be the biggest on the planet and for a good cause.

All the money which the life PPV stream generates will be donated to one insurance fund for the whole world AHHFH ( Animals Hunting Humans for Hunger). This way, no shortage of funds for our elderly, disabled, and vets. Everybody in the world will think carefully before committing fraud. 

Even one penny to scam this insurance “company” will not happen likely. They will find themselves inside the wall and become a spectacle, as they all know. 

Piranha’s, poisonous snakes, spiders eating scam artist on PPV.

They will be on live T.V. being eaten by piranha, dying from poisonous snakes and spiders, and eaten by wild animals. The vast amount of extra money from the PPV money and advertisements will be used to build hospitals and elderly homes. A perfect carousel. And no other insurance companies would produce unreadable small policy letters not to pay out any claims to real victims. In sports corruption, it’s rumored that the convicted FIFA officials will play soccer naked at the park in a pool of shallow water filled with piranhas.

Sponsored by the new section of MC Donald, “ALL You Can Eat Organic Real Meat.”

Prince Alwaleed is putting 32 billion into a “charity. “fund and promises 100 Bentley cars for Saudi fighter pilots bombing Yemen.

Recently, the number one red alert would be donating 32 billion dollars to “charity” from a Saudi Prince. Prince Alwaleed. The same prince who makes promises to give 100 Bentley cars to the fighter pilots who drop bombs on the population of Yemen. There are rumors he also donates millions to the Muslim Brotherhood, and imagine what tens of billions will do. 

Imagine the Islamic madrassas schools, which will pop up like weeds around the nation and in other parts of the world. The Saudis are a big sponsor of these Islamic madrassas schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan. It’s to promote the Saudi radical Islam death cult Whabbism. 

Imagine what this “charity” money would do in Nigeria. Boko Haram is already celebrating the new “charity” funds for their promotion of radical Islam and funding for their new weapons. 

Obama sends a plane full of cash to the Ayatollahs.

Just think, for a second, of the 150 billion dollars for Iran. Obama will release the whole amount soon (from frozen Iranian accounts) because of the Iran nuclear deal. Of course, they will not use any of these billions for weapons and the promotion of religious delusional, mentally ill lunatics. We can trust the Ayatollahs. They would not lie, would they? 

No, wait, they claim to speak the truth. According to them, they want to wipe Israel from the map and death America. Let’s hope they are lying. 

I just spoke to a giant crocodile population from the park, and they have informed the PPV producer they have a different appetite for delusional religious, brainwashed humans. They prefer to hang them from a rope or pinned on a stick as they are bored of chickens!

Saudi Prince pledges $32 billion to “charity”: promoting Islam while censoring criticism of it.

This croc’s name is Rousey Mac Gregor. It’s undefeated, battling and eating humans for millions of years!

Some recent tweets from Bas Boon

Twitter @basboon007: The Vatican gangster

 squad dressed in white with King Pin Pope Francis warns about evil banksters,

 indeed, the Vatican bank is “different.”

Twitter @basboon007: The kid asked

 Billionaire Vatican gangster Pope Francis why do street kids have to suffer so much? The pope hugged the kid—what a guy.

Check out this link: Jeff Bezos charity scam and Bill Gates robbing the infrastructure bill

(C) Bas Boon

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