Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

Christmas Sheep, Kardashians Butt Spell, Turkey Vagina Kukeleku, prepare for craziness. This blog is about the human sheeple behavior of consumerism. Christmas shopping, black Friday, plastic surgery ideas, Turkey gift ideas. Turkey dinner tradition and some of my personal experiences.

Follow the leader

Quote John 10:8. “So Jesus told them again, Truly, indeed, I tell you, I am the door of the Sheep. All who have come before me are thieves and robbers.

But the sheep did not hear them. I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will Be saved, and we will go in and out and find pasture.”

The bible propaganda shows how to listen and follow a “leader” labeling and stigmatizing people were already present back then.

Paulo Coelho’s book should be a religion.

Who was born and when and why are you celebrating, and how to celebrate?   Paulo Coelho, the great Brazilian author, wrote the opposite of that message in his book “the alchemist.” The sort in the book is about a young sheepherder who leaves his job from being a Shepherd.

He explores the world, searching for a treasure and the purpose and meaning of life. The problem with humans is that they should take these biblical writings metaphorically, but the biblical text is always misinterpreted, or is it taken too seriously?

Consumer Madness on Black Friday

Black Friday is a negative name that first came about by the Philadelphia police department; the police described it as an unpleasant day in the life of a cop (mildly spoken). Extra duty and over-call for all the cops, too much traffic, too many people in stores, drunk, fights, family tragedies, etc.

In 1980 the term black Friday became a synonym for mass consumers to buy whatever they could get their hands on. Never mind if the Sheep needed the goods or not.

Black Friday explained

Bus and cab drivers just said the term Black Friday was used because of traffic jams, and the sheep, well, the sheep just kept buying more and more stuff. All of the other sheep are doing it.

Like all the sheep, good sheep must have a Turkey for Thanksgiving. They stuff the bird full of raisins and other food and alcohol attributes ( thanking the almighty God for the harvest). In the US alone, 45 million turkeys die at Thanksgiving and another 22 million on Christmas.

Turkeys hate Christmas. 45 million are killed

The sheep celebrate by eating massive stuffed Turkeys; the gods’ ways are mysterious. The free holidays where the sheep eat turkeys, drink wine and eat tons of ice cream.

The next day the sheep wait in huge lines to start the shopping madness; some sleep with their huge bloated bellies in front of a store so they can be the first Sheep who can enter the stores when they open. I witness overweight homemakers with 40 frozen Turkey birds in their shopping cards getting a second shopping car to get more Turkeys.

Sheep Shopping is officially started, and the hurdle of zombie sheep is entering the shopping zones to get sheared.

Christmas is the original celebration of the birth of Christ, but there is a problem with this. Modern historians estimate the birth of Christ between 7 and 2 BC. FoTheheep who do not know o not know when or if a messiah named Christ was born. Some say a date was initially chosen nine months after Jesus was conceived.

Some churches celebrate on the 25th, Of December or January 7th. There are different old calendars, such as the Julian calendar and the old Gregorian calendar (to make it all more confusing).

Do not ask me what Turkey birds have to do with Celebrating Christmas.

When was Jesus born?

We do not even know if Jesus was born, but the sheep community kills about 70 million birds ( mostly Turkeys) because most other sheep eat birds on these “celebration” dates.

My last day on earth is Christmas; I make the best of it.

Sheep are easily fooled, the Sheppard just tells a story and gives a command, and the sheep do not ask questions. I will jump to humans now, but for those who have problems reading, the sheep is the word to be replaced by humans.

Self-mutilation, Plastic Surgery.

Many humans constantly need attention and will go to great lengths to satisfy their egos. Hollywood and television are brainwashing people about how the ideal human should look and behave and what to buy.

This has led to some “hilarious” Frankenstein creatures, they were not dead when they did plastic surgery or used botox, but they might as well be dead.

Those humans intervened with nature. In many cases made things far worse. Donatella Versace could survive jumping out of a plane 10 miles high and land safely using “her” doctors-made things called “lips” like a parachute.

Yolanthe Van Kasbergen, the wife of soccer player Wesley Sneijder looks transformed in a recent picture as a permanent actress for the subsequent ten sequels of the walking dead, acting as the leading zombie.

John Rivers ( RIP), the annoying old witch who had her TV program where she would trash other celebrities on their clothes, looks, and behavior. People find it extremely funny if insecure TV Celebs criticize other human celebs. It makes them laugh.

Plastic Surgery Addiction

Rivers had a severe plastic surgery addiction; more than 15 times a year over 50 years, she had work done on her body and face. Amanda Lepore is a transsexual, but actually, she looks like an alien from another planet.

If there were scary aliens out of space creatures like Alien and Predator invading earth, they would leave the planet if we only would show pictures of this Amanda thing.

Others” celebs” who can safely land by jumping from a plane using their lips as parachutes are Big Ang and Janice Dickinson, Melanie Griffith, Daryl Hannah, Nikki Cox, Pete Burns, Johanna Tukiainen, Michaela Romanini.

Parachute Lips

Indeed not only the female species run to doctors to change their appearance; Axel Rose, Mickey Rourke, and Michael Jackson’s lists are endless. Many people in the spotlight have huge inflated egos that make them think they are unique and above other humans.

The need to be forever young and beautiful is at an all-time high. A plastic surgery voucher for Christmas is just an idea.

My 250K Christmas Party in Hollywood

The drug clinics are full of celebs at war with their ego and try to escape the pain by drinking alcohol and taking drugs.

Paparazzi journalists are waiting at the entrance and back door of the rehab to shoot their following headline picture for a tabloid gossip magazine about another celeb getting clean…. or not.  The celeb’s agent often calls that the VIP client will be going to a clinic at a specific time so the paparazzi can get their photos.

Almost all publicity is good. I have produced a couple of movies, and from personal experience, the industry is a big circus. I did a movie called Bad Guys, and our leading actor, after a week of shooting, just didn’t turn up on set one morning. After two days, he still could not be found.

So we went to his house; I climbed over the fence of his house, where I finally found him. At the back of the house near the dog house, he was waking up from doing an eight ball for his early Christmas celebration. I had to ask later what that was an Eightball.

My Main Actor Does An Eightball

Now we had to re-shoot the previous week’s film with all the shots he was in, and we had to replace him, and his eight-ball cost us 250K. We could sue this guy. But this would create more problems for you as a producer in the industry. The story would be that you as a producer are challenging to work with.

Many actors are with some union protecting them. If actors are pretty cheap to work with, expect troubles ahead, their fame but being cheap for hire has a reason, I learned my lesson.

I just returned to the film set and bought 20 big Turkeys for the crew; hey, Christmas is Christmas.

Hollywood, Television, and Media are fueling the consumerism madness.

James Bond is synonymous with Dry Martini and Aston Martin

Executives approach Hollywood and television stars from big brands like Versace, Hugo Boss, Rolex, and Gucci. Hired for advertisement campaigns or they just send the celebs their products. People buy the products just because of the celebrity name attached to them.

Sheep behavior. James Bond’s watch, The car-like Austin Martin, George Clooney Nespresso….. The list is endless. Big business these days is celebrity perfume.

These celebs and advertising and marketing companies brainwash most humans to be up-to-date. Want to have a must-have with the latest trends convincing us we need some of this shit?

Consumerism Madness

I never understood trends or fashion in the matter. My prestige drive was always occupied with creativity, producing fights, movies, DVDs, etc., and management. My companies give me a lot of experience in marketing and advertising.

About two months before Christmas is the best time to release your catalog or products.

That is when consumerism madness reaches its highest point. Humans buy and buy most things they already have. They need to update it to the latest model, iPhone 22, Ipad, laptops, Gigabytes, new color clothes, watches, jewelry, pearls for some vagina, and shoes.

This leads to crazy situations where people will do about anything to show other humans they are up-to-date with the trends.

Ugly Fat Feet In Open Toe Shoes

I notice some Overweight Female Christmas shoppers running around in malls with high-heeled, open-toe shoes.  No ugly feet in open-toe high heel shoes, please.

Like you see TV celebs wearing open-toe shoes as the shoe is hip. Her toes are those big hammer frog toes straight out of a scary horror movie ( that tall bitch from E: style secrets ).

I do not want to see this, so please buy some rain boots and hide those hideous “toes.”. Then you have these fat people who are in peace with their heavier selves because of the Kardashian’s ass as a role model. Humans achieved to land a satellite (rosetta) on a comet recently. On the same day, the Kardashian’s ass was front-page news.

This bitch Kardashian is responsible for many beautiful girls putting fat injections in their butts. Fans start eating a particular food to gain weight. The sheep do butt exercises to increase the size of their butts.

Kardashians have Plump Butss.

But the Kardashians have plump butts. So we now have a whole generation of young girls working on fattening their butts.

We are witnessing fat cows wearing hot pants and tight jeans. All because of one celeb whose Facebook will soon reach 30 million likes. Kardashian, the fat sheepherder, and her fat ass following sheeple are a human tragedy.

Kardashian Ass a few years from now!

I would like a labia reduction surgery for Christmas, a what?

Turkey / Rooster neck looks identical to some vagina’s Ahu; you want a what? An acquaintance of mine told me the other day that his new girlfriend wanted labia surgery.

I had to look that up; it turns out some girls/woman’s vaginas change over time. They want a designer vagina. Some use stitches and make the Vagina smaller. In the case of my friend’s girlfriend, she wanted to have an overflow of skin removed.

My friend showed me a photo of her Vagina that looked like a rooster’s/turkeys neck. In Holland, we have a name for such a vagina. We call them a “kukelekuu.”

Kukelekuu it’s a sound that a rooster makes in the morning. I was referring to the red thing vibrating on the rooster’s throat).

Vagina’s overzised “rooster” lips named kukeluku

It is mind-boggling to me how that Vagina’s turned into those strange hanging piles of oversized “rooster” lips. It makes you wonder how the hell they got their vaginas like that.

Did they put a hoover on their genitals to get an orgasm? The former boyfriend did some bizarre things. Those are some spooky thoughts.

Creepy Vagina vanished

That’s is some creepy shit, I told him, and I felt for him. I live in Pattaya, and in the Bangkok hospital, people come from all over the world. Transsexuals who want their penises removed and a vagina. Make penises bigger, more prominent breasts. It’s all possible against a tenth of the price of Hollywood.

So girls, if you created this big pile of wild flesh hanging between your legs. It’s easy to be removed, and it’s called Labia Surgery.

Vagina cunt gift certificate for Christmas

Guys if you are irritated by this deformation of your female companion’s Vagina. Give her a hospital cunt gift certificate for Christmas. You will always think about this comparison (Turkey/Rooster neck with a vagina) while eating a Turkey for the rest of your lives).

Typical Sheep Behavior, Extreme Consumerism 

It looks like a Christmas tree all year round.

Some women look like a Christmas tree all year round. I had a girlfriend who had an obsession with nail polish. It was not only the different colors and nail polish bottles she collected.

The volume was astonishing. By the rate of her buying nail polish, I had to dedicate a whole room just for her nail polish bottles.

She had so much she could polish the nails of several hurdles of elephant toes. She never had enough. You go shopping, she would stop at every cosmetic store or department, and the nightmare began.

Nail Polish Obsession

I like this bottle, oooh a new color, look these are sparkling, they have new ones with perfume, this one has a motive, look these tiny stones, these are special shape bottles. The latest celeb nail polish line just went on sale and Christmas.

I even saw a Santa Clause dressed-up doll with nail polish. It must have been a transsexual St Claus. Christmas shopping, vast masses of shSheepalking behind each other, looking through windows. People let the following must-have products bewitch their eyes.

No Sunglasses, No Sex

My friend had a similar problem. Only his girlfriend was a professional sunglasses collector. Versace and Armani needed to be high-class sunglasses. According to her, they protect you from the sun (which rarely shines in Holland).

She would lose or forget one of those sunglasses and then freak out. I immediately wanted to buy a new pair. My friend said once, but you have 180 teams at home.

He never made that remark again as his girlfriend became hysterical, and no intercourse followed for two months. You will not get any Vagina. He had to hear every second of the day. How dare you say that? I went against my will Christmas shopping with my friend and his girlfriend with the sun-glass obsession.

My Christmas Horror experience

Both our girlfriends just spent one hour in a store surrounded by fat mothers and their screaming kids. The kids spilled ice cream and chocolate all over the place. Feeding kids high amounts of sugar makes kids more unpredictable and wild it brings a special touch to the Christmas atmosphere.

The music in the store was jazz. I hate jazz. It reminds me of movies where you have a schizophrenic murderer that loses it from one moment to the next (“Falling Down” with Michael Douglas). As a producer, you would choose this crazy music ( jazz) to emphasize craziness. The next shop is Starbucks, as the girls want their coffee at a branded place, and guess what?

From the Starbucks loudspeakers, we bring you Jazz music. He was again screaming kids everywhere, a massive line up with 50 sheep screaming at each other with their hands full of bags with Christmas shopping.

Michael Douglas in the movie Fallen, I want breakfast.

Frappuccinos with caramel and whip cream

After 50 fat sheep in front of me receiving their Frappuccinos with caramel and whip cream, it is our turn. I swear not one single fat chunker had coffee who stood in line. They all paid by credit card, yet no cash; they like to pay the interest of their disguised calorie bomb death shakes.

The employees at Starbucks all had Christmas hats on. The loudspeakers still play that horrific jazz crap ( I am not a fan of Christmas music, but I would have welcomed it). I want breakfast. Our order got mixed up with the wrong receipt, and they had to remake the drinks if we could wait another 15 minutes. Employees were waiting to refill whatever needed to be filled.

I just stood there for more jazz music and thought about that movie fallen with Michael Douglas, where he suddenly loses the plot and starts shooting people. These are all the ingredients of becoming a mass murderer.

The Sheep are getting sheared.

The Sheep getting sheared, Christmas at Mac Donald’s and the hospital.

My friend’s girlfriend, who had an obsession with sunglasses, brought her kid from a previous relationship she had. The little boy wanted to go to the MacDonalds. The boy loved those toys that come with the happy meal.

MacDonald’s is the number 1 toy distributor in the world. Their marketing department found out that you must attract the shSheephen they are very young.

They know the kid is not coming alone and has to bring their parents. This way, they can sell more burgers and chicken because of plastic toys. Kids play with toys while eating their burgers and drinking a milkshake from a cup more significant than the kid’s head.

While the little five years old is running around a giant Christmas tree at Mac Donalds with other kids, we sit in a booth watching the kids running around. Suddenly there is panic. The five-year-old boy had his plastic toy in his mouth.

Boy Almost Chokes on Macdonald’s toy.

The toy got stuck in his air pipe, and scared to death, he fell backward into the giant Christmas tree, which failed, and as a result, all the kids started to scream, and there was widespread panic now.

The Christmas balls are breaking down on the floor while the tree is falling. Three overweight fat workers from Macdonald’s rush to the scene. They did not help just stood there with their mouths open.

I took the boy by his back and moved him up and down, then hit him on his back with my hand, and the toy shot out of his throat. New music sounds on the loudspeaker. It’s jazz. I am holding the boy in my arms, surrounded by a broken tree with hundreds of destroyed Christmas balls.

Everybody rushed to a hospital because we feared he might still have some parts of the toy stick in his windpipe. We got stuck in traffic for 30 min. While the boy is grasping for air, almost dying, the girlfriend spots some celebrity in a car streaming live on her social media. They are in ecstasy.

No Not Jazz Again

We entered the hospital and had to wait for 20 minutes in a room. Indeed, they played jazz. I asked kindly if they could change the music. They kindly told me they could not. I just sat forced to listen to jazz again, and the girls complained.

Another family was panicking in the hospital. The father and mother visited their two transgender none binary sons, who installed a designer vagina. The mother thought it would be nice for Christmas to bring a Turkey. One of the boys is rushed again to Intensive care when a piece of Turkey gets stuck in his windpipe.

Things got worse as they forgot their bags with nail polish and bought sunglasses in the panic at Mac Donald’s. It is Friday, a few weeks before Christmas. I have many more shopping days to look forward to.

When the parents returned from the ER, they caught the other son with his ding a ling in the roosters behind. In Thailand, they are not religious. There is Buddhism. Where I live in Pattaya, Thailand, they celebrate everything. Halloween, Fourth of July, The American and Canadian Thanksgiving, and New Year’s Evening

holiday in the western world are celebrated in Pattaya. Christmas in Soi 6 is thousands of Sheep with clear high heels wearing a Christmas hat and a tiny thong for their Vagina, Hohoho!

 AC/DC – Mistress for Christmas

Sex Tapes “Leaked” from Frustrated Hollywood Weirdos.

(C) Bas Boon

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