Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

Antifa Scum-Identity Crises now Climate Change Gang. Bas Boon Says Berkeley University Violence breeding ground for new Antifa Global Warming Cult.

Obama: Barack Obama: “No nation can escape the impact of climate change. Rising sea levels threaten every coastline” So why did he buy a $15 million home…on a coastline? Does he believe his climate change narrative (see pictures of island shores at the end of my blog)?

Woodstock Hippies.

The Left” started with Hippies, Love, and Woodstock music. But it has become a terrorist-paid hate organization in less than 50 years. The cult organization was pro-communist as 99% were too lazy to work. They blamed their low I.Q. and laziness on the capitalist. This sheeple is the same sick cult where Angela Merkel has her roots. Her age was 17 when she was photographed wearing a communist uniform.


The identity crisis for Antifa scum came when the Berlin Wall came down. Russia went the Capitalist way, but the KGB is still in charge of the country (similar to the new Chinese model). By now, we can see the Antifa swift from Anti-Nazi – Anti Capitalist to Global Warming Activist. Al Gore starts the Global warming Hoax that alone should ring all kinds of alarm bells. But the Antifa people find a new home to support. So they can hide and legitimize their Violence and frustration behind the paid scientist. Al Gore is falsifying weather models to receive billions of government support as long as the reports show that we have a weather catastrophe threatening the world with destruction. 

A Laughable Theory, nothing more.

Unfortunately for the Antifa scum, technology was on the rise. With the arrival of weather satellites and alternative social media, more and more people understood that Global Warming was a hoax. Even dumb people understand that if a weather ship with scientists sets a course to the Antarctic in search of melting ice caps and gets stuck in the ice, their global warming theory is laughable. 

By now, Global Warming is a multi-billion dollar industry, all to tax the working man more, eco-tax! But there was a smog alarm in L.A. and other parts of the world. There are warning about the melting icecaps. It got colder. 

So the term Global warming changed to Climate Change. The outstanding term Climate Change is correct. The climate has changed for millions of years because of our sun or substantial volcanic activity blocking the sunlight—the impact of asteroids and clouds. 

Very hot; well, that is because of Climate Change. Icy; because of climate change, hurricanes: climate changes, too much rain: climate change, volcanoes: climate change, drought: Climate Change, the neighbor farting: climate change.

Climate Change HOAX exposed by Geologist straight to the U.K. Govt

But more and more info is reaching the population that CO2 is not causing global warming. Still, the activity of the sun and clouds are the nbr1 cause of weather patterns. Which constantly changes, and by now, the icecaps should have melted. Many islands should have disappeared entirely because of the Inconvenient Truth documentary of Al Gore and his paid scientist predictions of melting ice and rising sea levels. 

I have traveled the world and been to many islands, from Hawaii, and the Canary islands to Aruba and Curacao, over the last 30 years, and I am still on the same beach (see pictures at the end of this blog)! Surely people contaminate rivers and the sea with oil, plastic, and garbage. But nothing in the scale of the hoax that CO2 would be wrong for the planet.

The Media Was Wrong Predicting Global Warming Would Cause The Islands to Vanish


Global warming Is a Blatant Lie

The Great Global Warming Swindle Full Movie

The “poor” Antifa scum group is one of the international anarchist groups used by the intelligence agencies of imperialist states to sow confusion and chaos. Among their latest and favorite financier is George Soros, which is hilarious as he was a former Nazi Collaborator (see picture). But who cares if he is a billionaire? It is a rich guy and rotten to the core. It is irrelevant as long as he pays the bills. 

And Soros, who used the Nazis, also financed terrorist groups like BLM and supported the Woman Protest. Soros will do anything to overthrow the democratically elected president Trump (he lost almost a billion in the stock market betting against Trump). These creeps worked with Nazis and Antifa groups and anybody else to make more money and get things his way, a danger to society.

George Soros Funds 50 Left Protest groups, including Black Lives Matter.

Whistleblower: NOAA Scientists Manipulated Temperature Data To Make Global Warming Seem Worse


Antifa keeps betting on a losing “horse.” It’s even snowing and freezing in the UAE. Try to explain to the Arabs it is getting warmer. Good luck with that.

Antifa is a worldwide mental health problem of Cry Babies

Antifa attacked Berkeley to silence Gay Activist Milo, “editor of Breitbart News” Milo.

So the latest trend off club Antifa loser scum to shine is to attack little girls on the campus at Berkeley and set shit on fire. Attacking Trump supporters and destroying windows, Antifa hates windows; it’s like a glass phobia. It makes them mad. They also hate limo’s from Muslim immigrants. They put those on fire. Trump is their new enemy because George Soros says so and pays for it. 

But Trump is feared by the Globalists, a common enemy with club retard Antifa. Trump has an outstanding tax plan, and that = why those wealthy corporate giants aim their arrows at Trump, and guess what? It’s another common enemy of Antifa. Then there are the banks and hypocrite lobbyists, which Trump stopped another enemy of Antifa. 

However, Donald did say that artificial Global Warming is a Hoax, and guess what? He is right again. Then there is the Mass Media, who hates Trump as he communicates directly with the people and is a president for the people working his ass off. But the media like Antifa and twist and turn facts and headlines legitimize Violence and anarchy as long as it stops Trump, who exposes the Fake News Organizations daily.

The sad part is that people who work at Berkeley actively participate in the senseless Violence against free speech (Milo). They openly support a man waving an Isis Flag. As soon as the man waved an Israeli flag, they attacked him. These brainwashing facilities say something about the “education” system in the U.S. and Europe. It is rotten to the core. A CIA installed an education propaganda plan for decades that brainwashed the masses, with Germany leading the chart.

VIDEO: Berkeley Students SUPPORT Man Waving ISIS Flag – Then ATTACK Same Guy When He Waves Israeli Flag

Dem. Congresswoman on UC Berkeley Riots “I Thought it Was a Beautiful Sight”: 


The worst is the parasite vultures who feed off and get rich in the misery that primarily creates Lawyers and judges. That’s why they pushed for gay marriage, as gay people also get into fights in relationships and divorces. The lawyer community has some new clients to send their absurdly large bills, extending other people’s misery as long as possible.

Human rights lawyers are leading the bunch of vultures. We witnessed some old information about how Hillary Clinton defended a rapist knowing he was guilty, and got him off and laughed about it. Vice president Tim Kaine did even worse. He defended murderers, scum, and rapists.

Disgraced Iraq human rights lawyer Phil Shiner struck off over false abuse claims against British troops.


Hamas-CAIR Leader Calls For Overthrow Of U.S. Government

(Pamela Geller) link vanished.

CNN Guest: Berkeley Rioters Were Secret Right-Wingers Affiliated With Breitbart

Now, this piece of shit on CNN hoped to get away with accusing the right-wing as all Antifa Scum Cowards wear a ski mask to blame right-wingers. Unfortunately for the left liar’s makers of fake News, many tattoos revealed that one of the rioters worked at Berkeley. Donald, please make a law that any “protester” covering his face will get ten years in prison.

FIRST ON TRR: A UC Berkeley Rioter Scum Has Been Exposed, & He Works For the University


The Mass Media, with CNN Fake News King Propaganda CIA Channel upfront, is pushing the violence and anti- Trump and Racism rhetoric daily and every hour.

Why Morocco’s burqa ban is more than just a security measure


This is why the U.S. and the rest of the world need to do the same a ban on covering your face when you so call protest.

White Antifa Scum Brainwashed “Woman” Who Thinks She Should Be Ashamed To Be White.

Antifa scum, pay attention here. This is why they use you: the Oligarch-en are pushing for Germans to breed with illiterate refugees whose only occupation is praying to the invisible man in the sky. Former Nazis had breeding programs. Where athletic young males with high I.Q.s (from 5 generation perfect bloodlines) had sports camps, these camps were 5 meters from a base where the perfect girls were stationed. This is orchestrated deliberately to get the perfect offspring, but that was, of course, the Nazis. 

This push for inbreeding comes from the banker’s Oligarchic. George Soros keeps the people utterly dumb and lets them fight about religion and racism, so they are easy to control. I am not a person who believes in artificial faiths, but I understand the difference from the quotes from the two “holy” books: The Bible: Love You Neighbors: this is a very noble thought, but it is Alice in Wonderland rhetoric. Quran: Strike all the unbelievers/infidels, don’t be friends with Jews and christen. There is no other room for any other religion. Try to hug that.

Worldwide, The Same Antifa Scum Clueless, Retards with No Identity Or Clue What The Fuck They Are Doing

Since the Inauguration of President Trump, the Violence has been spreading by the Antifa retard Club, paid by George Soros, the Nazi, and supported by the Main Stream Media. Can it get sicker, another bag of popcorn, please, and a cola? Keep watching the freak show:

More Than 200 Arrested, 6 Officers Injured in Washington, D.C., During Inauguration Day Protests


Four Arrested at Gavin McInnes Event as Antifa Protesters Become Violent


Overseas Antifa rhetoric in MSM

Der Spiegel Magazine in Germany has a cover with Donald Trump holding the cut-off head of state liberty. The poor Germans have been manipulated with false information since they lost two world wars. The winner writes history, and of course, after WWII, Germany came under the scrutiny of Communism and CIA infiltration, especially in the education system. This “saying” is why you still see many Merkel supporters who have been known to be a communist since she was 17.

Angela Merkel, disgusted by the German Flag – Throws it away at the Victory Celebration of her own Party.

The same communists killed millions of Germans and raped millions of German women after the war. Many died in Hard Labor Death Camps in the Gulag. Indeed the editor-in-chief is one of those brainwashed sheep not realizing that it is Trump trying to stop Islamic Headhunters from entering the U.S. 

Der Spiegel is following the Mass Media like CNN. They did not show the front cover of the Charlie Hebdo edition with a picture of Mohammed, which caused Muslims worldwide to go on a killing spree protest. The same Islamic Death Cult Members from Club headhunter der Spiegel is defending, which Trump wants to prevent from entering the U.S., went into the head office of Charlie Hebdo and made some free speech killings. That could be why CNN and left activist editor-in-chief from Der Spiegel did not put Mohammad on their cover like most of the Mass media lying manipulating Cowards, the hypocrites! 

Naked Angela Merkel covers are not an issue.

Sure naked Angela Merkel and other offensive covers to sell his garbage magazine are not an issue. The FBI is busy in 50 states trying to prevent Islamic extremists from committing Jihad on U.S. soil. But the left wants to import more and more. Imagine if the Nazis were a religion. Would they get a free pass for all their rules and beliefs?

If Mormons or Buddhists were constantly starting to blow up shit and murder people who do not pray to their god, would we still tolerate them? Or do we keep being tolerant and humane because they follow some religion?

Sam Harris VS Fareed Zakaria on Islam – Are most Muslims extremists? Liberals contribute to the problem of Islam.

Der Spiegel editor-in-chief defends ‘beheading’ cover, says Germany should ‘stand up against Trump


Liberal teacher Takes in Muslim Refugee. His Colleague Finds What’s Left of Him


SWEDEN: Mohammed, who raped a 13 yr old girl in a school toilet, gets two months in prison because he claims to be 17.




Meanwhile, some liberal judge in Germany gave a Moroccan pervert who got caught sexually assaulting a woman a fine of 720 euros;


Two asylum seekers are suspected of sexually harassing five girls in a German swimming pool


Of course, there is voter fraud.

According to the Mass Manipulators Propaganda Media, there is no voter fraud.

In California, you do not have to show an I.D. to vote. So, of course, massive amounts of retards and illegal immigrants take advantage of this retarded rule. You have a scientist changing weather data to please the agenda of the left and their backers. You have Antifa risking a lengthy jail sentence for the molestation of Trump Supporters.

Antifa Scum supporters set buildings and cars on fire and prevented people from free speech. Over 1200 death threats on Twitter to assassinate President Trump. And CNN even made a special about “what would happen if a bomb went off during the inauguration and both Pence and Trump would die” (An attempt by CNN to visualize Obama back in power wishfully). They organize a WomanMarch with hundreds of thousands wearing vagina outfits. Even a secret service agent stated he would not catch bullets for Trump.

Secret Service suspends an agent without pay who said she wouldn’t take a bullet for Trump.


AG Sally Yates risked her high pay (got fired) to not follow orders from Trump but go against his orders. Now you want to tell me that these people would not commit voter fraud? Are you kidding me? Millions of illegals in California who vote without I.D., WTF? Even in Mexico, you have to vote with an I.D. But retards will do everything they can to manipulate the system and get it their way. People are voting 20x in different places with another name.

The walking dead is standing in line to vote in California. No wonder retards want to import more and more Illegals and Muslims to leach on the system and blame others for their miserable failure as human beings.

This is why you have a Woman March with vagina suites, outfits, and hats.

Brainwashing – Preparing the World for the One World Government

Ninety-two percent of rioting scum in Berlin live with their parents. A study shows that it is all about the parents and why these crybabies Antifa Scum Loser Cult “Community” hate society. They have no clue about the real world. These losers have been pampered since the day they were born. Mostly the offspring of unemployed parents blame everybody except themselves. Easy targets for communists who indoctrinate the education system within Germany, and Merkel is leading the chart. 

Antifa is the new fascist.

Antifa uses the word racist to keep pushing their communist views and opinion. The truth is they became the fascists they so much hate and use the same Violence to silence free speech and other humans with a different opinion. For that, Antifa scum and more of Soros-financed left so-called protester groups are just terrorist groups.

Manipulated Groups by a few rich guys like Soros who drive people to make some more billions. It is easy to use a bunch of crybaby cowards—losers who still live with their parents and were indoctrinated from birth with communist garbage.

Ninety-two percent of left-wing activists live with their parents, and one in three is unemployed, the study of Berlin protesters finds


The new law should be no more funding for these so-called protest groups, which are terrorist groups, and anybody protesting by covering their face with something will get five to ten years in jail. You can cry if some Muslim Brother takes you from behind every day, and there is no help from the left as they all are hurt the same way!

Fake News Channel For Dummies – Antifa’s Favorite Brainwashing Channel

If you still doubt that Antifa’s new home is the Climate Change Mafia, check this out:

U.N. Official Admits Global Warming Agenda Is Really About Destroying Capitalism


Climate Change is a new religion (New Members and Leaders Antifa Scum), and the weather scientist “priest experts” know the truth, and their Antifa disciples are following like brave sheep. Every day they spread Climate Change with a daily portion of “holy” Violence to beat up the unbelievers who all are racist for not believing in the climate Hoax.

We know Global Warming and Climate Change are a fact because of weather scientists and other paid so-called experts on the climate!

The 30,000 Global Warming Petition Is Easily-Debunked Propaganda


It would help if you did not believe expert engineers know nothing of jet fuel destroying the World Trade Center Towers.



You must only believe scientists and engineers when we, the government, and fake News tell you-Madness!

Bas Boon on the Beach in Thailand Bamboo Islands- Same Beach as 30 years ago. Water has not moved an inch!
Bas at a Beach in the Canary Islands- same as 30 years ago. Water has not moved an inch!
Boon on a Beach at Curacao Island- Same Beach as 30 years ago. Water has not moved an inch!
B.B., I took this picture from a Boat / Aruba Island, the Hyatt Resort- The same Beach as 30 years ago; the water has not moved an inch!
Bastiaan Boon on a Beach in Hawaii- Same as 30 years ago. Water has not moved an inch!
Beach in Bali, Indonesia with Bas Boon- Same Beach as 30 years ago. Water has not moved an inch!
On the Island of Koh Samui with Bas Boon- The same Beach shoreline as years ago, water has not moved an inch!
Near a Beach in Aruba Same Beach as 30 years ago, the water has not moved an inch. Bas Boon is watching the sunset!
A Boat with Bas Boon Near an Island in Recife Brasil – Same Beach as 30 years ago
Here I am on a Beach in Belek, Turkey- The same Beach as 30 years ago; the water has not moved an inch!
My Brother Joris, my Mom, and Bas Boon on the Ibiza Beach Cala Conte – My friend just came to back-Same Beach 30 years ago. Water has not moved an inch!
Forty years later, again with my brother on a beach in Pattaya, Thailand, the boulevard changed, and there were a lot of high-rise buildings next to the shoreline. Enjoy Your Life

Head Hunter Network, For your daily beheadings. 


(C) BASBOON WWW.basboon.com

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