Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

False Flag Paris Jihadist Attack on Magazine, Debunked. This blog is about Jihadist Terrorist, False Flag events, and who is fueling this madness.

Before I get into the “fascinating world” of False Flag Operations and the use of the word Hoax, this is my version of the Paris Attacks.

Breaking News for the infidel @basboon007 Allah claims he is not responsible for Paris False Flag attack. The Almighty was feeding and washing the prophet Mohammed’s flying white horse. Saudi Arabia just confirmed it. Allah is very angry.

There have never been so many Muslim cartoons in the media worldwide. Allah just spoke to King Abdoel, and they confirmed that the attackers on the staff of the Charlie Hebdo magazine did not get any virgins. 

The negotiations between the Jihadist hostage-takers and the anti-terror squad took very long. They did not blow themself into “paradise” immediately. So they took hostages and waited to hear back from Allah, but he refused. So no virgins, just worms.

Must it be Staged? Professionals, yeah, right!

Firstly I advise everybody to watch the French movie “Killing Zoe.” It’s an excellent movie for something that happens behind the scenes. Shots of some crazy speed and coked-up bank robbers at “work.” 

Several mainstream media reporters from CNN and BBC give their immediate opinion. They commented on the terrorist at “work” video and presented their idea. It says nothing, and it does not mean their views are correct, and it doesn’t mean the footage is what it seems. Who knows. 

From what I heard from the reports and saw on the video footage, it looks like the Jihadist terrorists are in panic and unorganized running around. Terrorist running back and forward then losing a shoe and his ID card? His sock in his shoe hides his ID card. Come on, give me a break! Professionals? 

The terrorist did not know which Building to target.

The terrorists first went into the wrong building, which means they didn’t know exactly where they had to be. However, some media reported that these “professional, well-trained” Jihadist terrorists are very organized and know exactly where they must be. 

When they finally arrive at the correct building, they have to ask people under the threat of Kalashnikov machine guns where the office is of the Charlie Hebdo cartoon magazine. 

Some conspiracy theorists think this is suspicious it must be a false flag event as most cartoonists and employees were all together that morning. Anyone who runs a magazine knows this is not strange to have meetings with most of your staff. It is also not odd that the person who got the Khlasnikov in his face to reveal the directions to the office tells the terrorist where to go.

You would be amazed what people would do when they stare at the barrel of a Kalashnikov when threatened by two men in disguise.

Very professional Jihadist, according to some media reports, wrong building, losing a shoe and ID.

The Media reports the terrorist plan and prepares for years to execute these attacks. WTF? The other terrorist who went into a supermarket was a notorious robber and criminal. 

He had to borrow 7K from a bank (what about some Al-Qaeda funding?) just before the most significant terrorist attack on Paris soil would occur, yeah, right. He goes into a supermarket, kills four Jewish hostages, and then asks a Muslim in the store if more people are in the back. 

Professional Terrorist forgets to hang up the phone.

The Muslim man says no, and “Mr. Jihadist Professional” does not check if more people are in the back. Does he take the hostage’s word for it? Mr “Professional” calls a French TV station and forgets to hang up the phone, so the French anti-terrorist unit can hear everything said within the supermarket. Well done! 

This must be a good reason to think it is a false flag event, right?

Not long after this, Al_ Qaeda is claiming the attack, according to the media. We have nothing to worry about if that is the “professional” trained Jihadist. The average boy scout is smarter. Surely the media would want us to believe a long-prepared terrorist plot and reviving the term Al-Queda next to Isis and Boko Harem. What a laugh! 

The Kalashnikov bullet did not hit the policeman.

Terror Attack on Charlie Hebdo Paris Headquarters

The police officer was not hit. The bullet missed him, so what? When they fire the second shot over the police officer’s head, he might have played dead out of sheer fear. Or maybe he got a heart attack or a massive stroke, maybe his aorta snapped out of fear, and he should have been in severe shock. 

There are endless possibilities. But just because some news reporters comment on the first images available and report, it looks like the policeman gets shot in the head. Does everyone believe it as fact? The conspiracy theorist community is reaching explosive proportions.

1. There is no blood, no kidding. The Terrorist who shoots does not shoot him in the head. Many pictures are now going viral to show how a shot to the head looks. People are angry it’s a hoax. It’s fake. Rest assured, it was not a Mossad (the secret service of Isreal) operation or false flag attack.

The Terrorist who missed can not be a Mossad agent.

Because if it is Mossad, not one mistake will happen. They will also use Hollywood effects like skulls exploding and tons of fake blood, which is not a problem.

2. The person on the ground, a policeman, was in on the plot? The Terrorist shoots a bullet in his body, and the person dies.

3. The Person on the ground was an Arab, and the Terrorist realized it was a brother and deliberately failed to miss the final headshot.

Does somebody edit the “False Flag” Video anybody Publish the Content?

1. Maybe some of the raw footage was edited by an amateur filmmaker or the media. If Mossad is the producer, there would not be any consistencies to be found. 

The Mossad will hire professionals, and there will be blood and implosions of bullets when they would impact a victim. For the people who are not so familiar with Hollywood. The owners of the movie industry are mainly Jewish people, and they are masters of the art of film. Illusion and fake blockbuster hits quite well. 

The Mossad are experts in False Flags; no way this is their signature.

2. Another possibility is that ISIS and the Iranian secret service edit some YouTube videos to cause misinformation and blame the Jews

It is not the first time the magazine has been attacked.

3. The security on the roof with a bulletproof vest is suspicious. It is possible. The magazine editors received many death threats. In 2011 they got firebombed. Another possibility is that security was present, or maybe they were filming a movie on the roof when the terrorist attack started. Like the youtube video gone viral about the Syrian Video about snipers of Assad shooting children turned out to be a fake/ hoax. 

The Syrian Hoax filmmakers admit it’s fake, but millions have already seen the video. Damage done.

NATO Using Fake Viral Syrian Hero Boy Video To Invade Syria, no this is a False Flag (professional made but they get caught).

4. The person(s) on the roof were not police or an anti-terror unit, but there is another explanation.

5. The Video is edited, so those people could have been on another roof three months ago preparing for a drug raid. 

Red Alert One Robber Loses His ID Card; it must be a Hoax!

Are they losing a shoe and an ID card? One robber did not tie his shoelaces before committing the most despicable act of Jihadist terrorism on French soil, but hey, shit happens. How can one of these “professionals” lose their ID? 

Here are some theories:

1. The ID could be from the owner of the stolen car if they drove a stolen car.

2. The card could have been left on purpose to leave a false trail.

3. Maybe it was from the person they stole the car from.

4. Those robbers are masked and bring their ID Cards, so if they are stopped later without being disguised, they can present their ID cards.

5. Maybe they panicked.

6. Both “professionals” use tons of drugs, coke and speed, and other amphetamines like in the movie “Killing Zoe” (that would explain their unprofessional behavior even if they had some training).

One Dutch criminal outsmarts substantial police forces.

7. Number one reason is plain stupidity; there have been much brighter criminals who got caught making dumb mistakes. For example, Holland: According to the Dutch police, there is a very well-organized gang responsible for the kidnapping and murder of Albert Jan Heijn.

Albert Jan Heijn was the owner of the biggest grocery store franchise in the Netherlands. After months the truth came out. Everything is the idea of one man, a 45-year-old engineer Ferdi Elsas from Landsmeer. 

He killed Gerrit Jan Heijn on September 9th,1987, kidnapped and murdered. This murder case is very famous in the late ’80s in the Netherlands. This Ferdi, “the engineer,” retrieves the ransom money by riding his bicycle to where the authorities drop the ransom money. He takes the money without getting caught, yes, on a bike). He is doing all this by himself.

The police finally arrested him on April 6th, 1988. 

He spent a 250 guilder note of the marked ransom money at an AH store. The same store from which he kidnaps the owner and kills him. This stupidity led to his arrest. This guy is an engineer and a brilliant individual. But he is making one of the most stupid mistakes you can make.

 After he fully outsmarts the police special task forces and other criminal “experts” for months.

Motive, who benefits:

Israel is angry at France for acknowledging the Palestine state, and Israel will not want this. The USA will use the Paris “incident” to justify its agenda on the war on terror. That does not mean Israeli forces orchestrated the attack in France. It could mean that The French intelligence service was less active or overworked (pushed by higher people who know).

The points above can lead some people from team delusional who came back from Syria to do some damage (plenty of nutcases around). There are tons of threats against satire magazine editors and cartoon artists. As I previously said in 2011, the magazine is getting a firebomb aimed at the workers from the magazine.

I can assure you that intelligence services worldwide do not talk about many terror attacks they prevent from happening for security and intelligence reasons. Recently an MI5 agent came forward and claimed to have stopped 20 terrorist plots. from

Ridicule of religion or anything, I am ok with that. What happened to Freedom of speech?

Are the conspiracy theorist now claiming that the 40.000 burning cars during the riots in 2005 were set on fire by a Jewish Crisis actor? Yeah right. The Danish cartoon artist’s work caused riots, hundreds of deaths, and thousands of wounded Muslims worldwide. 

Indeed these were all Jewish crisis actors disguised as Arabs. One of the Jihadists was much taller than his ID indicated. Wohoooo spooky. Does this mean that I should be a terrorist and that my height isn’t the same as my passport? 

Or what if the shooter was not the guy in the ID they show on TV? It could be that the owner of the ID card waits from a distance of 2 miles from the scene in a getaway car. 

The Jihadist is hiding on an island with Elvis.

There are three terrorists, and they’re now on the run with the female terrorist and live in hiding on an island with Elvis. Those people in the attack all died, no question. Is there a conspiracy (did the French secret service let it happen)? Who knows?

Can we agree there is an integration problem in Europe with humans calling themselves Muslims? YES! Is the religion of Islam a Totalitarian ideology? Yes, it poses the same threat as indicated in the YouTube video Charlie Hebdo the Hidden Agenda exposed. 

For me, it is not a hidden agenda, and both lunatic psychopath human groups are blind and engulfed in fanaticism and will continue their stupidity with a predictable result.

Muhammed Cartoon Controversy.

France and Europe do not have an integration problem according to the left politically correct anti-racist community. All of these religious fanatics are just a minority group. To know a bit of history and the difficulties of integrations in other places in the world, check my last blog:

Welcome to Europe. Is that you in this picture?

What about all the deceased editors and cartoon artists? They get a secret ID and never have to draw a cartoon again in public, or where they offered a position in the false flag scenario? 

I am not blind to hate. I am a realist and have nothing with the invincible man in the sky. Do not dare speak your opinion because then you are an Islam hater! The Children of some of the murdered cartoon artists indeed conspire and act for TV.

Do you think these actors are all at the funerals? We all watch which actors can control or lose their emotions. And if somebody does not show tears, fuck those crisis actors. 

All these efforts to make Islam the religion of peace look bad, sure. Don’t solely blame delusional Islam Jihadist fanatics? Blame the Politically correct multicultural promotion team: the left-wing anti-racist team and the bankers.

Who is responsible behind the scenes?

Yes, left-wing anti-racist socialist with political correctness and the explosion of the coming wave of religious violence is the result of their policies.

Not from False Flag operations, even if some false flag operations are valid. The result is religious brainwashed people spreading hate. They wish to spread death and misery among humans who think differently and oppose their religious laws.

Realize we are all humans. We all go to the toilet, sleep, eat, live and die. As an advanced species, we should treat our fellow humans with respect and love. Unfortunately, the majority of humans are

Holy books for delusional humans, satire will prevail!

As long as an old “holy” book gives delusional schizophrenic religious Jihadist fanatics an option to justify rape, murder, pedophilia, and suicide bombers, we will continue to witness an avalanche of “religious” violence.

Rewards to the mentally insane and weak-minded delusional retards. Who do others promise an everlasting paradise in the form of a whorehouse in heaven with a line of a minimum of 72 virgins? These incredibly friendly and delighting attractive future new everlasting habitats are for the Jihadists. They sacrifice themselves for Allah. by committing murder and killing the infidels, all in the name of religion. 

The problem with the reward policies from holy books such as the Quran is that it is a hoax. It is a lie, as there are simply not enough virgins to supply the ever-rapidly growing death toll of Jihadists and martyrs who are dying like flies.

Jihadists and Martyrs are dying like flies. There are not enough virgins.

Maybe The writers of the Quran never anticipated so many killed Jihadist Muslims and the casualty deaths of fellow Muslims. The Quran gives no directions on how to deal with an Isis warrior or Taliban fighter. 

Any advice in the Quran on what to do if a female Arab fighter pilot drops a load of bombs on their head? Except a warning that if a woman kills you, no virgins for you in whorehouse paradise. Total craziness? Ahhh yeah.

Arab woman pilot, the poster girl for Gulf states’ blitz on ISIS, is ‘disowned by her family for bombing ‘Sunni heroes of Iraq and the Levant.  

There are complaints from Paradise that the virgins are getting as young as three years old and that the little infants do not have any experience. A group of 80.000 dead Jihadists in Paradise have protested in Paradise by marching to the place where Allah lives.

Allah lives in a sweet penthouse suite in paradise whorehouse number six, located on cloud six, surrounded by many six-year-old virgins. The “Paradise Crabs” is an STD you can only catch in Paradise. The genitals of virgin little infants cause the virus. Allah’s wish to give many Jihadist martyrs a lasting erection is now resulting in tens of thousands of Jihad warriors screaming for treatment which there is none.

Everlasting Erection.

They have a department of armed virgin nuns, but all Jihadists stay away from them. The book is simply not up to date.

Nobody and/or book should provide a reason like religion to fight, go to war, and commit terrorist attacks. There would be no need for false flag operations. Religion is about control, power, and money. 

The bankers are powerless if American, Jewish, and British military leaders and soldiers refuse orders to bomb and kill other humans.

We should always ask questions and never be ridiculed for it.

1. People who think they belong to another camp (religious or race or whatever) and will portray you as a racist because you speak your opinion are trendy these days.

2. Ridicule you for having disrespected the victims.

3. Being not patriotic. ,

4. Conspiracy Theorist.

5. Crazy, you should belong in a mental institution.

6. Racist

7.Sympathizer of Zionist or Atheïst

8. Populist

I must get an award for the number of pseudonyms I got through the years. Such as Dog, cheese head, pig head, nigger lover, clown, Mongol, cunt, prick, homosexual, pedophile, gangster. Also popular are Schizophrenic, drug attic, psychopath, thief, monster, dog head, Jew, asocial, asshole, clown, and coward.

I am the king of receiving all kinds of names.

Not to forget, attention seeker, STD collector, sperm eater, cocksucker……. despite all these insults, I never hit somebody because of those insults or killed another human being because of verbal insults!

Humanity always needs to defend free speech. We need to be able to ridicule or have an opinion on religion or any topic. If that is not the case, we just become sheep and property of the mass media. They will bombard us to believe and absorb whatever they feed us, like former nazi Germany!

Ignorance is the world’s greatest threat.

Ignorant Muslims create integration problems and are the religion of offense with an ego problem and identity crisis. Do we hear any protests from the immigrants from India in England? Problems in Vancouver because of the many Chinese immigrants?

What about Dutch and Spanish guest workers in the Netherlands you won’t hear a word of in the press? What about the Asian immigrants in France? Any problems?

Russian or Brazilian immigrants all these people migrated to France, yet there is only one group constantly in the News. The “minority” group outgrows the existing prisons in France and other European countries and is the king of being offended.

My Top 10 False Flag Events.

1. Religion: Man-made hoax for power, money, and to control people.

2. World War 2,1939-1945 When France and Great Britain declared war on Germany, Hitler was still optimistic about a diplomatic solution. A torpedo hits the ship Arthernia as the ship strangely moves by zigzagging in a very calm sea.

Hitler had ordered not to attack any passenger boats. Unfortunately, the first boat shot by the submarine was a passenger ship. According to the captain, it was dark, and he could only see a silhouette of the boat, which was zigzagging. The Americans try to provoke the Germans into war.

Part of History vanished.

3. In 1931, during The Manchurian Incident, Japan blew up their railway and blamed it on the Chinese

4. In 1933, the Nazis set fire to the house of parliament, “the Reichstag” Hitler assured that the Communists were to blame. The next day president Von Hindenburg signs the Reichstag Decree; the nazis win the election, and Hitler comes to power.

5. In The myth of Pearl Harbor, there was no sneaky attack. The United States manipulated Japan into attacking.

6. Israeli Terrorist Cell Uncovered in Egypt: In 1954, Israeli targeted American and British targets and blamed it on the Arabs. This deception is to prevent the USA from becoming close allies with Egypt.

7. The Gulf of Tonkin Incident: in 1964, American warships came under fire, but it never happened. This false flag started the Vietnam war.

8. Operation Ajax. The British and the Americans orchestrated the Irian coup D’tat in 1953

9. 9/11. Buildings do not fall to ashes from burning jet fuel. This attack is entirely the plan of a man based in a cave in Afghanistan. He does not have any outside help. He allowed Saudis to commit a coordinated attack on the twin towers and the Pentagon. 

The Original Version of the Story Should be the Conspiracy Theories.

The original government version should be the conspiracy theory, as there are many inconsistencies. The Pentagon is the most secure building in the U.S, with over 500 cameras. Yet, there is not one video frame of the plane that flies into the building. 

Rumsfeld was going to speak about a missing budget of 2.3 trillion the next day 9/11 happened. And a Minority group of Saudis made the attack, but the U.S did not go to war with Saudi Arabia but with Afghanistan and Iraq.

10. The CIA invents the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and ISIS. Now Muslims don’t get off too much in thinking everything is the fault of the infidel. The people make up these names (bankers plus friends ) and set them up to promote evil groups. They need delusional Muslim fanatics to push their agenda, and they get an endless supply of lunatics.

“CIA worked with Pakistan to create Taliban.”

America Created Al-Qaeda and the ISIS Terror Group

Some events could be a hoax and have some suspicious flavor. That does not mean they are hoaxes. 

I withhold my opinion on Sandy Hook, but we should never censor it. Here are the Top Ten Reasons. Some say Sandy Hook was a Hoax.

Ask yourself why Alex Jones, who admitted five years ago already that he made a mistake and said the shooting did happen, is still making headlines today. Why is the Fake News like CNN and MSNBC not de-platformed? They promoted the Iraq WMD hoax Vietnam and Syria Hoax. The list is endless. Why are they not in court, but Alex is?

Boston Bombing Hoax

Boston Marathon Smoke Bomb Staged False Flag Attack Hoax. All Smoking Gun “Evidence” in One Vid.

Now, I suggest a weekly live reality TV show for the sensation seekers amongst humankind. In this show, we can see that humans who are delusional and have high testosterone levels and ego problems will fight out their battles in a hand-to-hand combat fight. 

Muslim vs. Jew, Hindu vs. Christian: the winner gets a promise from their God that they will receive special treatment in paradise. Both “combatants” must follow a course to become human by converting to a new “religion” called homo sapiens and love for all humankind.

All this without praying to any God except showing respect for all life. The second option is that the loser gets waterboarded four times a day for two months. Viewers can send a text and gamble on who will drown first. 

Ken O’Keefe Dares To Say What Others Do Not. The USA, British and Jewish Bankers Are Responsible For All Wars

Politicians and world leaders will fight against the CEOs of Multinationals on the same weekly fight card under the same rules. The winner has to study the mandatory empathy course for as long as it takes. The loser will be sent to Tibet for one year to practice a meditation course on the top of a mountain. He will be alone himself for a whole year without speaking. 

Option two: they shoot the loser full of heroin and must live in a Ghetto. The public will vote on how long the participant will survive by sending live text messages. 

Bankers will also fight on the weekly card. At the end of the fight, referees will push the winner and loser through a hatch into a basin with saltwater with great white sharks. The viewers can bet who gets eaten first; the sponsor is Burger King. Lawyers and judges will combat prison inmates. Two-meter tall black male judges will not sodomize the winner. 

Then end of the year, there is an eight-man tournament: Black vs. White, Jew vs. Muslim, Politicians and World leaders vs. CEO/ Multinationals, plus Lawyers/Judges vs. Prison inmates. As a producer, I will donate the Live PPV revenue plus sponsorship money to charity.

War on Drugs and War on Terror Everlasting Bankers Hoax.

All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars – FULL version.

The Integration policies have failed in Europe, with a substantial young part of the Muslim generation being unemployed. They kill their daily time by living off the state, smoking hash, and committing crimes. The promise of an everlasting sex adventure in paradise by some radical delusional Jihadist finds listening ears quickly by many weak-minded uneducated Muslims. 

On the other side, you have the bankers and influential, wealthy multinational owners. They control the politicians and do everything to keep the war machine running as it makes more profits for them. We must change our monetary private banking system to stop the madness. We must convince people, especially Jihadists, that we all live on a beautiful planet and that the only religion is peace and respect for all humans regardless of race.

Propaganda, The Rise of Isis. The Osama Bin Laden circus and CNN. Putin, the “bad” Wolf.

Bas Boon Says Bullshit: US / Jewish Propaganda. Check out my viral blog:

(c) Bas Boon

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