Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

KatoBoonFamily World’s collide Bitcoin and Farmlife.

The Esan in Thailand is a farmland territory that is thousands of miles. Papa Bas Boon trades cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin from a farm in the Esan.

People who read the concept of the KBF channel know the KatoBoonFamily left their luxurious lifestyle in Pattaya, Thailand, to live in the Esan. It is now more than 15 months since the family left Pattaya because of the Pandemic. Papa Bas had been busy.

The two KBF farms are ready, with a few hundred pigs and thousands of chickens; son Kato Boon is increasing, and Conan Boon is almost one year old. Besides the YoutTube channel, Papa Bas found himself a new business trading in Cryptocurrencies.

The Golden time of Bitcoin and Ethereum

While Bas is excited about multiple successful trades in Bitcoin and Ethereum, mama Rak keeps interrupting Bas with farm problems. Papa Bas is in the living room using the 84-inch TV to monitor cryptocurrencies. He does not have much peace as Mama Rak keeps interrupting.

Bas Boon’s head is with bitcoin, while he has to show interest in the family business, water buffers, ducks, chickens, and pigs. The market is volatile, and watching water buffers between trades is not recommended.

There is a problem with Rocky the pig, a duck, chickens, and something with Water Buffalo. Another must-see episode of the KatoBoonFamily goes pigshit.

When the well’s dry, we know the worth of water – Benjamin Franklin.

Thailand Rice Harvesting with the FunnyKatoBoonFamily

(C) Bas Boon

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