Sun. Feb 9th, 2025

How to take control of your life: gambling, Alcohol, and Drugs! How to take control of your life: gambling, Alcohol, and Drugs! Here is how you do it. Let me tell you a story about a friend of mine.

My friend called me from the beautiful Caribbean Island, Aruba. He was in a state of panic. He went to the island with his new finance from Estonia to celebrate their happiness. It took exactly eight days, and my friend called me crying on the phone. His finance walked away, took the engagement ring and money from his hotel safe, and left him.

My friend started gambling again and drinking alcohol, which he had not done in a long time. And the 25K cash for romantic boat rides. Dinners and shopping for their romantic trip vanished quickly on the roulette tables and gambling machines. My friend had it under control. He stopped his gambling addiction three years before after almost bankrupting his company.

Aruba casinos dwell in misery. Gambling is a huge problem.

He borrowed money from his family, but his urge to think he would be an easy winner was too high. So the borrowed money from family savings ended up in the Aruba casino in less than two hours. He lost all money and could not walk anymore from the alcohol intake; welcome to the island.

Don’t become a slave of money.

I used to have a gambling addiction when I was young, making me steal from my parents and even friends. I recognized a pattern in my behavior. The urge to gamble did not come from the desire to become rich.

The gambling addiction did not come from a desire to get quick rich. But I had thought about a system to beat the casino bosses. My gambling problem came out of frustration and anger. And because of the thrill, it would give me for a short period. This gambling addiction is similar to a heroin junky getting his fix.

It is never enough. There is always a new way why you must gamble.

After his fix, they only sink into a deeper hole and reach the next kick. The doses should be higher. The stakes should be higher to get that feeling of euphoria, the mind and body scream for the endorphins.

But my love for money and life was more significant than my addictions. As always, I started my small experiments, which quickly realized there are better ways to get your kicks, with much better results.
I learned about Casinos when I was 17 years old. At one point, I worked part-time as a bouncer at an illegal casino in the town of Enschede, where I lived. Even when I was young, I never used alcohol or drugs.

The casino life.

I loved the atmosphere, the fast money, and even quicker ladies who came with the game. Although I was young, I could see the patterns and had an excellent memory. My bad experience is what triggered my experiment, first of all. Let’s take a look at the opposing side. Oh, sorry, there are only negative sides.

You lose money all the time except maybe for some times when you hit the jackpot on a machine. Or you have a lucky streak on your favorite roulette table. The gambling occupation often becomes a sickness and makes you fall ill. Insomnia, isolation, no friends, not being welcome at your own family’s events. Divorce, bankruptcy, corruption, and gambling addictive people in high political positions are the ingredients for organized crime bosses to control people. 

The weak always lose control; they need their drugs,

I witnessed how the casino bosses were conducting their business and how they lived. I soon realized that they were the only ones making money. My experiment started with only actively gambling when I would enter a casino for 30 min and another 30 min when I left. I would take a certain amount of money, like 3000 dollars which I could afford to lose.

I made a mad rule for myself because who wants and can afford to lose money anyway?

(Picture Bas Boon at Sonja Barend, who had a popular TV Program in The Netherlands, listening, and learning)

I realized I was on to something. The term beginners luck had some truth to it! Positive energy and wording have power. When you enter a casino, you are excited about the atmosphere and the feeling of winning big. Everything is intoxicating in the glamorous atmosphere: the décor, the sounds, the smell, the free food. There is the sound of gambling machines. Especially when the casino announces the next jackpot winner, they do it in a thunderous way. It’s almost like advertising drugs.

A form of self-control.

This energy led to a better percentage of winning for myself in the first half hour. So now I started to realize if I had a surge in the dopamine level in my brain. I had to form some self-control. No smoking, no alcohol, only taking an amount of 3k. I agreed with myself that it is the maximum I am ready to afford to lose. Still a wrong way of thinking, but I was learning.

I would only gamble for 30 minutes when I entered a casino and 30 minutes when I would leave. Regardless of the exotic location, no excuses. Las Vegas, Caribbean, etc. I began to apply the rule. If I were in Vegas for one month, I’d still only gamble for half an hour when I arrived and half an hour when I left. And the maximum I would lose would be 3000 dollars. As I practiced sports, I refused to use drugs or alcohol throughout my life.

There is a reason why casinos do not have a good indication of where the exit doors are. The same reason they promise you free meals. And above all, offer good customers, the ones who gamble 24 hours nonstop, all kinds of privileges.

For example, the casino will offer you complimentary alcoholic beverages. They will provide you with a point membership card. This card is made available on the knowledge and experience of the casino bosses.

The longer you gamble, the more odds you lose. The casino knows this.

The longer you stay, the more you get sucked dry by the casino vampire. You can’t win the whole time. You cannot be lucky for hours on end. My experiment was unexpected when the Holland casinos no longer allowed me to enter their establishments. So I could not enter any official casino in the Netherlands anymore. Suddenly I could only gamble if I was traveling to a country with casinos. The result was that I made money at the end of each month without having to steal or borrow money from others.

I slept early every night, and on top of that, I started to train with weights every day and followed kickboxing lessons. My mind became less and less interested in the gambling call. The urge to gamble became less to zero, and before I knew it, I could see how ill and pathetic the people behaved during my days spent in casinos. I could see them throwing their lives away. It is the same with people who use drugs. Once you see them use drugs again and you are clean, you can’t believe this was once you.


People destroy themselves and others, committing crimes and ending up in jail. They hurt their loved ones, destroy families, cause divorce, or worse, commit murder, fraud, or suicide. I did not know any exception to the rule of the people I knew from the gambling scene. And it made me go even a step further. I did not gamble again like a junky saying “no” more to alcohol and drugs.

I have lived in Thailand for the last fifteen years, and casinos are forbidden here. In Pattaya, I have breakfast several times a week with an 80-year-old famous Dutch guy from Holland. He made his money smuggling hash and marijuana and used to be one of the wealthiest guys in the Netherlands.

A Gangsters gambling advice, who is 200 million in the hole.

He had a severe gambling addiction and pissed over 200 million in his glory days. The man told me that moving to Thailand saved his life, and he was smart enough to make some suitable investments that he could live on for the rest of his life. When he was young, he was a good boxer and still looks an unbelievable fit for his age. Training every day is his motto, and it is a privilege to hear his life stories.

He told me, Bas, I wish I would have met you when I was young and making so much money and would not have blown it in casinos. I would have invested in you to build up the number 1 fight organization in the world. We would have had the most significant fight company in the world by now. We both knew that was true. Our training and desire to live a healthy and prosperous life triumphed over the gambling stupidities.

Trust yourself and take responsibility.

There are no advantages to smoking, bad breath, bad for your lungs, stinks, bad for your blood, and it costs a lot of money. Alcohol and drugs will cause the same symptoms. These addictions cause sickness, cost a lot of money, and destroy health, relationships, and families. It’s a human escape from all-day responsibilities and an escape from real life. 

The first thing you would say if you go to an AA meeting: Hello, I am Scott, and I am an alcoholic. The same story for gamblers or people with drug addiction. You have to admit that you have a problem which is the hardest thing to do for a human. We want to blame others instead of taking responsibility. There is always an excuse for the weak-minded.

The same rule can be applied to relationship problems and, above all, food and drug addictions.

First of all, for all those addictions, alcohol, drugs, and other lousy human habits, there are some Golden Rules to win back self-control. To get control over your health is using your brain. To do this, you have to master your health and your mind. Unfortunately, the majority of the human race has become medicine-eating zombies. They think a pill from the doctor will solve their illnesses and problems. 

Successful people do understand they have to take measurements into their own hands. Who can you trust better than yourself? Stop lying to yourself and regain self-control, be strong and start with your health improvements.

If you want to change, do it the right way.

I have a friend I have had for 30 years, money, work addiction, and he lives in Brighton, England. He has been successful in real estate and selling cars. But his personal life is a mess. He told me about many holidays. My friend wanted to write a book, “the lonely soul.” But he married and divorced, he had a weight problem for years, and every year he tells me I have to finish one more project before I retire and have 30K per month. 

We are now fifteen years further since I moved to Thailand. I lived the life I wanted and found peace and good mental and physical health. My friend is six years older than me and 56 and still sings the same story. This story’s learning point is that there has been no change in ten years. Those years he could have focused on becoming healthy and happy again. Instead, nothing happened, divorce, misery, alcohol, drugs, fighting against more and more weight gain and depression!

He now lives for his children, but he told me he did not have sex for the last years as his belly “ate” his penis.

Refuse to be a slave to drugs and other addictive behaviors.

The next important step is exercise, walking, swimming, running, fitness, or any sports.

Have a 30-minute walk in the morning, mandatory. In Nature, preferably, Nature is powerfully healing, and do it yourself. Clear your mind, breath in and out.

Deliberately plant positive thoughts in your mind, and practice affirmations aloud. Mediate, have a personal development routine, and practice. Re-train the mind. You are rewiring the neurological pathways in your mind.

Surround yourself with like-minded people. People that inspire! Get rid of negative friends and a hostile environment, do not be afraid to move to a new location and create a new set of friends. Choose your friends and relationships wisely.

Find out what food allergies you have and stop eating them, make fresh vegetable juices and get rid of parasites in your body. Do a cleanse. Do not use drugs or alcohol.

Watch out for your food.

Eat organic healthy foods, superfoods, Herbs, and tonics. Choose your food consumption wisely because you want to feel great. Eating well is a good form of self-care and self-love. Heal yourself, read personal growth books, and get to the root cause of any lingering unresolved issues, anger, and recurring patterns. Remember to be kind to yourself along the journey.

Do not consume fast food and energy or other sugary drinks, too much sugar will have the same effect as drugs. Sugar will eat your body and mind from the inside. It produces cortisol which you do not want. Avoid anti-depressive pills, sleeping pills eating the wrong food, and other substances which take over your healthy brain and way of healthy logical thinking. They make you into a zombie.

Try to set goals in sports, work, business, and creativity. Work hard to achieve your goals, and when you do, achieve your goals. You can set new goals to keep your mind occupied when you achieve your goal. It helps to control your urges.

These tips will help!

All the above will help you beat the slavery system of screwed-up relationship problems. Avoid drug and alcohol abuse, gambling addictions, religious madness, and sickness. People who are healthy and are in control of their minds and health make good decisions. 

People in control thrive and have fantastic girlfriends, wives, and intelligent children attending good schools. Know how to deal with problems and setbacks, and enjoy your life to the fullest. And the best way to remember this advice: think of me when you inject yourself with drugs while drinking alcohol and brush your teeth!

Viruses and Ebola Actors. How I beat any health crisis.

(C) Bas Boon

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