Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

God-End of the World Prophecies, Bas has a prophecy. With the current pandemic and worldwide Covid measurements, we live in a crisis. You put on the Tv, and this is what you get bombarded with day and night.

Take your vaccine now, or you have a higher chance of dying. If that is not enough, here are some more Mass media doom scenarios. Read the Bas Boon Prophecy at the end of this blog.

Gert scarred because we tell you.

Everyday Prophecies. Watch out for Planet Niburu, Zombie Apocalypse, Asteroids, Supervolcanoes, sun flares, Radiation, Nuclear Holocaust, and Tsunamis. The list is endless in biblical terms, The Four Horseman, “The Bible,” New Ice Age, Global Warming, Famine, Disease, War, Viruses.

Live will end on earth; we all are going to die. Welcome to the end of times prophecies. You better be scared. Pray day and night. You better follow the course of doomsday preppers. Multiple forecasts predict it’s the end of times; you get sick, hungry, infected. And you are burned by the sun’s deadly radiation, hit by an asteroid, volcano, tsunami, nuclear bomb, or a terrorist. We can not leave out the war on terror.

Several doomsday Nuclear Holocaust prophecies. With the current situation of North Korea, China, and Iran. At the same time, we have a worldwide pandemic, and America has gone off the rails, completely woke, and is considered weak. Humans have seen better times.

We, humans, tend to predict and fear doomsday scenarios. Many people quote translations from the so-called “holy” books to back this up. For me, it does not make sense.

Jesus’ father, a God, let his son die in agonizing pain on the cross. For the sins of humankind. Because God “loves us,” he needs some violent events to satisfy his ego.

The Almighty flipped his finger at his son.

What’s crueler than sacrificing your son? People did not know God flipped his finger at his son because Jesus was a rebellious alcoholic. God pretended he cared for humans, and he promised his son he would die for the sins of humankind. But the truth is God did not give a crap.

Jesus suffered and died for nothing, and things only worsened from the day he died. The disciples of Jesus only spread the word of Jesus mainly to the poor. Uneducated and dumb people get the message to give up their belongings to the church.

These donations make the Vatican one of the world’s wealthiest and most influential institutes.

People should understand that fear is big business.

Trillions of dollars in the fear business today; some examples are:

The 9/11 terrorist attack resulted in two wars and a vast military defense budget approved by the United States Congress. For the sake of fear. People are giving up their civil liberties. So the government and God (for the praying community) will help them.

You better pray, be scared, and pay more taxes to the government. God, or some particular institute, will protect you against the next world apocalypse. Bas Boon’s advice, follow common sense, take care of your family, and watch no news.

Picture by Renata Sedmakova

Doomsday prophecies going wrong:

2012 was the end of the Mayan calendar, and ooh boy, did the propaganda machine make a scene. Hollywood was leading the pack with the movie 2012,

The Essene sect of Jewish ascetics predicted that the Jewish would revolt against the Romans in 66–70 CE. They spoke of the final end-time battle. By the authority of Simon, they mint coins to declare the redemption of Zion.

Quote: The angel explains to Daniel that the meaning of the visions will remain undecipherable. Until the events of the End of Days itself.

“And he said, ‘Go, Daniel, for the things are closed up and sealed until the end time.” (Dan 12,10). 

The holy book from the Jewish believers is not much different. The prophecy is vague about the date. The best way to keep people scared for a long time is to keep an open ending like the war on terror. It never ends and cannot be won.

Today they base a lot of doomsday scenarios on the alignments of the planets. Blood moon, etc., throughout history, we found multiple prophets who do not seem to get the date right.

The prophets can’t get the end of time date right.

John of Toledano said this event would occur in 1186. We are still here. I guess God wanted to see us sweat just a little more. Pope Innocent the third predicted the world would end 666 years after the rise of Islam.

We passed that period now. And God is laughing and adding another 6000 years for his amusement (he loves humans to be scared of death).

People consider the black plague to be the end of times.

In 1346 the black plague killed almost 200 million people in Europe. It was considered the sign of the end of times. Imagine living in that period—no TV, radio, or internet. People are dying everywhere. The darkness, the smell of death. The screaming of the helpless. Surely they would assume everybody on planet earth would die, but we did not! 

The plaque vanished by itself, like a bad flu season. Vaccinations, antibiotics, and or Ivermectin did exist at that time. Some hot or cold water and some herb tea.

No Black Rat Plaque prophecies, but that event happened.

God’s ego, on the other hand, became universally significant. The dying and living had never delivered so many prayers to him. “Our “Lord had an erection for a whole year. The Almighty was pleasantly amused. 

The rats were spreading the disease leading to the Black Plague. God had nothing to do with it (many on earth said he had). He enjoys watching the suffering of all these infected humans. 

The little rats are causing hundreds of millions of people to die. People live in fear. No prophecies are needed in this case, nothing just rats. The humans all pray to him like they never had before.

The Creator has fun with the Rats.

It all happened while God was busy in constellation Bullshit. With planet Imaginary. God was throwing lightning and letting it rain for 45 days. He enjoys killing the inhabitants of planet Imaginary. The Creator pulls a “Noah” (significant flooding) on many planets in the universe. It is one of his favorites as they had not prayed enough to him.

God thought to himself, the universe is strange. I do not get enough prayers from the inhabitants of planet Imaginary. Suddenly, I get overwhelmed with blessings from the earth. It reminded God of what Buddha said; karma.

God is pulling a Noah in the constellation of Bullshit at planet Imaginary

In 1600, we had Martin Luther predicted the world would end no later than 1600. All egocentric attention-seeking prophets expected the world to finish in the century they lived.

Columbus did not predict the end of the world but did deliver violence and disease.

In 1656, Christopher Columbus, who discovered America according to our history books, predicted the world would end around 1656.

That’s no surprise to me, as Christopher Columbus’s crew was responsible for bringing smallpox and Christianity to the Americas, killing 90% of the population and whipping an estimated 100 million humans. 

The Church had a massive opportunity during this apocalypse. They were running around with crosses, conversing the native into Christianity. They spread the word of God after the virus whipped out the majority of humans in that district. 

It was the Spanish who were amazed by the cruelty of the Aztecs. They could not believe what they had done to their one people. In the beginning, the Spanish try to teach them to act civil. The Aztec’s prophecy of doom came true in the form of gold-seeking Spanish conquistadors,

The Spanish are surprised by Aztech’s cruelty.

It does not take long to realize that it’s mission impossible. Indeed the conquistador, with their Spanish inquisition, is a bunch of hypocrites regarding civil behavior. The Spanish church was a master in torture.

If you have smallpox, any attention is welcome for believing something better will happen. Many become believers when you’re lying down in excruciating pain, choking in your blood, waiting for your death.

God loved human sacrifices. He loved the Aztecs.

The Aztecs also lost half of their population to small pocks and the other half to aggressive gold-seeking Spanish Christians who claimed to have God on their side (Hernan Cortes, Spanish Conquistador 1506 of 1507). God was very amused. He loved the Aztecs.

They gave him a lot of human sacrifices and female child’s blood offerings. To The Lord, this was like hardcore porn for God. The end of the month highlights. Cut out hearts and chopped off virgin children’s heads. First, God enjoyed all the suffering and bloody fights between the Spanish and the Aztecs.

Even before the Spanish came, the Aztecs constantly chopped each other heads off. There were slaves everywhere. The High priest cut out hundreds of human hearts from victims who are alive. They even had a contest. The priest is high up in the temple when the heads would roll down the stairs.

Catch a cut-off head with a net.

People would be trying to catch the heads with a net at the bottom of the temples, and God loved it. Like hen smallpox and war-mongering, Christians destroyed the Indians. God realized his mistake when it was too late. The Aztecs pretty much all died of viruses and religious violence. 

No more Aztec virgin child blood offers were the result. The Almighty, though by himself. I got too excited I shot myself in the foot with this one, bummer.

Prophet John Wesley, a founder of the Methodist Church, was wrong.

The Fifth Monarchists (radical Christians) predicted the world would end in the same year. They have Six thousand churches and 70 million members worldwide.

John Wesley is the founder of the Methodist church. He wrote that revelation 12:14 referred to 1058-1836, “the return of Jesus Christ.” But Jesus did not come, so there was no end to the world.

Wesley was pissed, and when he met God later when he died in 1791, he said, “What is this for bullshit”? I got you 70 million followers—lots of effort of me to spread your message of the end of the world. You made me look foolish. I had to bullshit my way out of that one. Remember, I still got you 70 million devoted followers, sheep. Even though I looked completely retarded to my “sheep” followers when the world continued to exist.

Wesly got the Lord 70 million followers, and the world did not end.

God’s answer: My sincere apologies. Another son of mine and I got caught up in this plague-death situation in the Americas. For me too many prayers and blood offerings at that time. I forgot to tell you—about the decision I made to postpone the date for the world’s end.

My apologies; here are some virgins. And I will ensure that in 2002 you are mentioned in the top 50 of the top 100 of the most famous Britain’s ever. Don’t complain now. Wesley. Look to your left down there. Do you see those burning humans? Can you smell the rotten, burned flesh?

Just for you to know, I control hell as well. Please don’t give me an attitude. I am the Lord “King of Kings,” remember that.

The Mormons must be disappointed.

Its 1835, Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon church. He spoke to God one night and told him that Jesus would return 56 years after 1835. But he did not return. The Mormons community likes to forget this chapter. The man in power wants to keep their multiple wives.

God was far from amused. He said you were doing so well. We could have had many more followers and prayers by printing that newspaper in 1844.

Joseph Smith likes underaged girls; the supreme being is livid.

Why would you tell those guys you were fucking the 16-year-old girl? She was a member of your church. The daughter of the person in charge of printing?

I could not stop the bunch from killing you even while you were in jail. But I will make an exception. You did promote a lot of sex with children and obedience and marrying multiple wives.

I will have your followers see you as a martyr. I loved how you forced that rule on everybody. Get shaved under the banner to be clean. You could have shaved those beards as well. But I forgive you for that. The man can have multiple women, no age mentioned. Women should shave all their hair everywhere; nothing better than a bald pussy.

TV preachers are very skilled at spreading the word of God. Their prophecies go to cable Tv and social media. They have an open communication line daily with the divine. In 1980 Christian Coalition founder Pat Robertson guaranteed his audience the world would end in 1982.

I misunderstood the words of the Devine.

Pat admitted that God told him a specific day; after all, life should have ended. He misunderstood God’s words. The Supreme Being said all life would be complete in 1982. That is if he would not receive enough prayers that month.

The communication line was not great that day. Pat did not hear the last part, and he felt pretty foolish. The Lord’s Church minister is writer Ronald Weinland, who wrote (2006) “2008: God’s Final Witness”.

Hundreds of millions of people will die in the year 2008. The United States will collapse as a world power and no longer exist as an independent nation.”

Let’s hope he is not off by 15 years with his prediction; it did not look good in 2021.

The book’s propaganda selling point is this: “Ronald Weinland places his reputation on the line as the end-time prophet of God. His publishing books about his prophecies are always a great way to earn money and spread the message of fear.

Nostradamus made some accurate prophecies but did he speak to The King of Kings?

Nostradamus made some predictions that did not come true. But many of his predictions were entirely accurate, including his prediction of the second world war and Hister, which was Hitler.

The religious are doomsday prophecy preachers. Astronomers are lining up through history with false predictions/prophecies—Doomsday scenarios with planets like Niburu. Collisions with comets and asteroids that did not happen. But patience, everybody.

I predict now with absolute certainty; that the end of the world will happen somewhere in the future. Have a little patience. A disaster will happen.

Two modern-day people made several accurate prophecies/predictions. Their names are Alex Jones and David Icke, both censored and outcasted from social media platforms and other media outlets.

Religion and the prediction of the end of times. And other interpretation problems.

God loves sarcasm and pulling pranks, a morbid sense of humor. The Creator told his son the world would end 2000 years ago. Jesus resurrects according to the book. Guess what? We are still here.

According to the Bible, the “End Of Times” Should Have ALREADY Occurred!

The Christians from today will deny this “end of times according to the bible.” Kind of logic for the Christians to think that. Otherwise, their whole bible and faith would be worthless. It will take a few more decades before they all know it is complete bullshit. 

The interpreter made a mistake translating from the bible regarding the end of times. A more thoughtful way to keep people fearful and in sheep mode.

Matthew 24:36 (“No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven) would be typical for God and the Bible writers. Keep the prediction vague and open for imagination, do not mention a date. It never fails.

The Jewish “holy” book.

The Jewish have the same written in their holy book, not mentioning a date for the end of times and just a vague description. There is an open ending for everybody’s interpretation. We humans have a wide range of delusional interpretations.

The Quran is a “Holy” Book.

Quran: Quote: “God is the Knower of the future; He does not permit anyone to unveil such knowledge. Only through His chosen messenger does He reveal future and past events” 72:27.

“When the horn is blown once. The earth and the mountains will be carried off and crushed, utterly crushed. 

That is the day when the inevitable event will come to pass” 69:13-15

“The Hour has come closer, and the moon has split” 54:1

And the Moon has Split.

Splitting of the Moon, well, humans walked on the Moon in 1969. Like I thought, nobody mentions a date for the end of time. All religions have a very irritating way not of revealing a lot of times. 

For centuries, we have lived in fear, but our “holy” books and “prophecies” cannot even mention a date. Or a standard way of formulating a sentence understandably for everybody? It seems to me the writers were drunk. They all nicked certain writings from other holy books to fit their version.

What about Hindu end of the world Prophecies?

What about the Hindus? Quote “prophecies in the Manu Srmiti and other BOOKS indicate the exact date of the Kalki Yuga’s end and the Kalki Avatar’s coming. This date, 1844, is also the year of the beginning of the Baha’i Faith. Therefore, Baha’is believe in that faithful to the promises and prophecies recorded in the Hindu holy books. The Lord has now manifested Himself again in the form of the Kalki Avatar.”

They passed that date, but it is similar to the bible. The return of a Messiah will be when a guy arrives on earth named Kalki. He might be already here on this planet. Just enjoying the misery of human suffering right now live-in person; therefore, life on earth continues.

Weather prophecies in this blog:

 The more logical approach to historical disasters and explanations.

In the last 150 years, we invented aviation, the automobile, light, TV, internet, mobile phones, modern medicine, etc. Now picture this scene: On December 26, 2004, an earthquake in the Indian Ocean caused massive tsunamis. The wave is killing an estimated 300.000 people globally.

Japan’s earthquake & Tsunami in 2011 – Shocking video – killed 18000 people. Hurricane Andrew August 1992, August 29, 2005. Both hurricanes caused thousands of deaths and hundreds of billions of dollars in damage. Nuclear Chernobyl disaster 1986. It is unknown how many died.

In the aftermath of radiation and contaminated food in all of Europe, some say the number is approx. 50 million.

None of these volcanic mountains paid ECO tax and damages for their CO2 pollution.

Here is a list of volcanic eruptions wiping out almost all humankind. It started with the Lake Toba eruption in Indonesia. The result is an estimated 3000 people left on earth alive.

Plenty of doom scenarios and horrible events affect hundreds of millions of people and the whole of humankind.

Modern-day Scenario and propaganda!

Now picture the following scenario. In the early days, there was only word by mouth to pass on stories and information. There was no communication over great length. It is impossible to find a good way of fast transportation. Suppose 250.000 people died because of a terrible tsunami. A hundred miles away from the coastland inwards, life is like every day.

People did not know about natural disasters. And what people do not realize. They fear or try to explain it as supernatural and divine. Today we have internet, satellite TV, radio, mobile smartphones, and YouTube. 

The news travels faster than ever from every little corner of the planet. Take the above disasters and make a highlight video of the worst moments. Screaming, people on fire running and begging for their lives. A colossal title waves tsunamis are destroying everything in its path. 

Bas Boon Prophecy: Do what God says, and you will be fine. Hide and multiply in the red-light district and zip from some wine (see the end of this blog).

The highlight of disasters is to scare some more people.

Children burn from radiation in close-ups. And lots of war stuff from the achieves of the first and the second world war. One push on the button and this propaganda highlight of the end of the earth scenario promotion video goes viral. 

Every time a pandemic like Ebola, Swine flu, Bird Flu, or the plague, it’s the end of times. We are remembered as the four horse riders by many biblical preachers. Hollywood is spitting out 2012 and the film Noah. The history channel produces the Bible story, the most extraordinary story ever told.

It’s all bullshit. If we would follow a text from the bible, it should be:

Quote: God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. 

Rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and every living creature that moves on the ground.”

– Genesis 1:28 (the rest of the chapter)

That is precisely (fill the earth and subdue it) what we humans did. And while we are growing 7.7 billion strong now in 2014. We are building massive coastal cities as we love to live near water. I have news for humankind. Since the beginning of time, the weather has changed. This natural phenomenon is called nature.

So, if the earthquake from December 2004 had occurred 2000 years ago. Maybe 10.000 would have only died. Then the survivors would tell a story that the sea is splitting (Moses) in two.

The Almighty makes the earth shake. Great misery would follow, like pestilence and disease. The people would believe The Creator is at work witnessing a tsunami or a volcano eruption. 

More and more humans live on this planet in every corner of the earth. We even have a space station and are considering building a Mars base. Bas Boon even learned how to write.

So if we are building on the fault lines of Volcano activity like the San Andreas Fault, I can predict that a massive earthquake will soon hit San Francisco and California. No divine advice is needed.

At least two Billion humans have died since the crucifixion of Jesus, and God did nothing! 

The summarize: since the death of God’s son Jesus who died for the human sinners. At least two billion people have been killed due to natural disasters, wars, hunger, diseases, murder, and rape, and God did absolutely nothing. 

But he did show us a sign like in New Orleans. If there is a god, he is one cruel SOB. If you want to escape the wrath of God, make sure you live in/near the red-light districts of your cities and communities. 

New Orleans was hit by Hurricane Katrina, which destroyed everything except for the red-light district (it’s a sign). God loves whores and sex. Hideout and be fruitful, increase the number, fill the earth, and subdue it. Bas Boon says Amen to that.

Quote Bas Boon: No cult leader is directly aligned with the divine. Be your own God, thrust yourself, and make it on your own. Suppose there is a god, excellent (if he is peaceful). If there is no God, life will continue as always. A great way to live your life no matter how and when the end of the world will occur!

Coronavirus Is the Common Cold with a Big Pharma and Media Fear Sauce Over It.

(C) Bas Boon

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