Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

A western suicide bomber Acts During the Haji in Mecca. It is interesting to see which subjects attract the most readers. My piece on propaganda did 10.000 views in just a few days—the blog on how to make the world a better place. And how to solve world hunger and poverty did only 400 in a few days. A

Indeed, a picture with the propaganda of a guy with a beard with some cut-off heads sells better.

I wrote the script: In War with Allah / The Retribution a few years ago.

The story could be the sad reality of just a few humans altering the destiny of humankind, fuelled by propaganda at the end.

The story starts with two Spanish soldiers who serve in Iraq with the coalition. This Multi-National Force idea was under the leadership of the United States, which had the title Operation Iraqi Freedom.’

The two Spanish soldiers who have been in Iraq for just a few months are immediately relieved of their duty and return to return to Spain. When they arrive in Spain, the secret service of Spain brings both brothers to the Atocha train station.

The Madrid Bombings.

The first report is an attack by ETA later. This story changes later, three days before the elections.

Government involvement mentioned judge says evidence points to extreme Islamist.

The brothers arrived on the morning of March 12, 2004. Their task is to identify the remains of both their wives and kids. Their family members are amongst the 191 people who got killed (1800 wounded). 

An Al-Qaeda-inspired suicide group detonated several bombs on trains on March 11, 2004, just three days from the Spanish election. Indeed, a hot topic was the decision to keep the troops in Iraq or call them back.

Atocha Station Three bombs exploded. The first bomb exploded at 07:37, and two others exploded within 4 seconds at 07:38.

El Pozo del Tío Raimundo Station) – At approximately 07:38, just as the train started to leave the station, two bombs exploded in different carriages.

Santa Eugenia Station One bomb exploded at approximately 07:38.

Calle Téllez Four bombs exploded at approximately 07:39.

The Madrid Bombings.

The first report is an attack by ETA later. This story changes later, three days before the elections.

Government involvement mentioned judge says evidence points to extreme Islamist.

The brothers arrived on the morning of March 12, 2004. Their task is to identify the remains of both their wives and kids. Their family members are amongst the 191 people who got killed (1800 wounded). 

An Al-Qaeda-inspired suicide group detonated several bombs on trains on March 11, 2004, just three days from the Spanish election. Indeed, a hot topic was the decision to keep the troops in Iraq or call them back.

Atocha Station Three bombs exploded. The first bomb exploded at 07:37, and two others exploded within 4 seconds at 07:38.

El Pozo del Tío Raimundo Station) – At approximately 07:38, just as the train started to leave the station, two bombs exploded in different carriages.

Santa Eugenia Station One bomb exploded at approximately 07:38.

Calle Téllez Four bombs exploded at approximately 07:39.

Identification of child corpse remains.

The two Spanish brothers, Carlos and Emanuel, are devastated, especially Carlos, who finds a ripped arm from his 11-year-old girl still holding a toy camel. The toy he brought from Iraq the first time he returned from a short tour.

Both brothers end up in a psychiatric hospital and are only released eight months later. They’re both traumatized. Carlos retreated into himself and became a very secluded and quiet person. Emanuel became a member of a racist skinhead group that hated everything that had to do with Muslims.

The London Bombing.

Just when the two brothers decided to join the military again. They receive a phone call that their half-brother and their six-year-old nephew are victims of a terrorist attack in the London bombing. 

Both brothers just went through the whole trauma themselves. They decide to travel to England. To support their family and be present at the funeral.

On July 7, 2005, several bombs went off in the London underground. At the same time, a double-decker bus killed 52 civilians and wounded over 700).

The Spanish Anti Terrorist squad identified all four bombers as Mohammad Sidique Khan: aged 30. The blast killed seven people, including Khan.

Shehzad Tanweer: aged 22. He dies in the explosion along with seven members of the public.

Germaine Lindsay: aged 19. His blast killed 27 people, including Lindsay himself.

Hasib Hussain: the youngest of the four at 18, died in the explosion at Tavistock Square.

Another funeral in London.

While the brothers were attending the funeral on July 15, 2005, one of the brothers, Carlos, was not feeling well. 

The brothers decide to go to the hospital. Carlos informs the doctor at the hospital that he has an acute form of leukemia. He could die within a few months. 

The brothers are devastated. Emanuel rumbles in the car about how he will kill every Muslim alive, but he is interrupted by Carlos. Carlos speaks to everybody in the car, his brother and the driver and family member Rodriquez. 

Carlos’s voice is deep and severe, and he tells everybody in the car the following; he wants to do something to change the war on terror. First, they have to promise not to do what he does. They can help, but it is solely Carlos’s decision. Both brothers agree, so Carlos explains his plan.

I will become the first Western Suicide Bomber, and the Haji in Mecca is my target.

It is utterly quiet in the car parked on the M-23 between Brighton and London when Carlos finally finishes telling them the details of his plan. He has been planning for a long time, since the first day he stayed at the psychiatric hospital. Carlos soon made his decision with the diagnosis of him becoming dead. 

He says that he wants to be the first Western suicide bomber. He plans to blow himself up in Mecca during the festival where Muslim pilgrims do the Haji. It is quiet in the car. The first one to speak is Emanuel, and he asked what is a Haji, where is Haji, and can I be there with you…………. Carlos continues to speak and reminds them that they swear not to do what he would but that they could help and tell nobody.

Carlos is continuing to inform his family about his findings and plan.

Quote Wikipedia: The gathering of Muslims during Hajj is considered the largest annual gathering of people in the world. The Hajj is a demonstration of the solidarity of the Muslim people and their submission to God.

The Suicide Bombing during the Hajj in Mecca.

The Hajj is associated with the life of the Islamic prophet Muhammad from the 7th century. During Hajj, pilgrims join processions of hundreds of thousands of people. These pilgrims simultaneously converge on Mecca for the week of the Hajj and perform a series of rituals. Each person walks counter-clockwise seven times around the Ka’aba. The cube-shaped building and the direction of prayer for the Muslims.

Pilgrims run back and forth between the hills of Al-Safa and Al-Marwah, drink from the Zamzam Well, go to Mount Arafat’s plains to stand vigil, and spend a night at the table of Muzdalifa. There they perform the symbolic stoning of the devil by throwing stones at three pillars. 

The three-day festival of Eid al-Adha.

The pilgrims then shave their heads, perform a ritual of animal sacrifice, and celebrate the three-day global festival of Eid al-Adha.

Carlos ends his speech in the car. He says it is his wish to become the first western suicide bomber. The father of the lost wife and kids will die soon anyway, and this is his last wish to go out with a Bang. He plans to detonate his bomb vest while walking among the Muslim pilgrims around the cube building in Mecca. So say, at high season, causing the most casualties. For almost a year, Carlos, who was quiet, left his brother and family member Rodriquez speechless. There is so much hate and grief in the car. After Carlos revealed what he was planning to do, both men applauded him in the car.

Then a whole story develops with the secret service and intelligent agencies from all over the world. 

The bottom line is that Carlos goes to Mekka but decides that those people had nothing to do with the death of his loved ones. He packs a fake bombing jacked and let himself get caught. 

He carries a letter with the message that he plans to kill thousands of people, but it will not bring back his loved ones. Carlos explains in the letter why he did not execute his plan. 

He explains that if it were a lion responsible for his family’s death, he would have wanted to kill the lion as retribution. His last words are that he thinks the violence and madness must stop somewhere. That is right now, here in Mecca, with his message for Carlos. 

But his brother is on the other side and does not keep his promise. He sees his dying brother being captured and detonates a bomb vest himself—time to demolish his suicide vest.

The aftermath and propaganda.

It becomes a huge mess, a stampede where thousands of Muslims get killed. The death toll is high because of the blast, sheer panic, and people getting overrun. All this is happening on live T.V. It does not take long, and the propaganda machine is doing its work.

According to the Al Jazeera network and other Arab networks, America did plan this precise military bombing to start a war with the Arabs. According to the news, the suicide bombs vest were strapped on to Muslims who MK-Ultra CIA agents hypnotized to do their Haji and detonate the bomb vest., 

Later the Arab news mentions the Mossad. Some agents predicted this was going to happen. Therefore, Mossad knew this was going to take place. They must be involved.

The bottom line is that Arab secret services found the letter of Carlos. But the letter is never shown to the public.

Carlos’s “Lion” story about his motivation and motive never sees the light of day. Why do people who go through so much suffering and grief decide to do something unimaginable? All now left is a substantial tragic “incident,” which they now use for political gains and war.

“Never let a good crisis go to waste” – Winston S Churchill.

The problem we have today is education and empathy. Now, there should be a way to force this empathy upon all of us. Read my blog: 

The origin of ISIS – Sayed Dr. Ammar Nakshawani

The origin of Isis is an interesting explanation of why we face an “impossible” task. Many parents and religious figures indoctrinate Children. In Islam, inhabitants of these Islamic countries learn the Koran by heart and pray at night. That’s the only thing they do, no work, nothing, just religion. 

You cannot reason with humans who they raise this way. Many western socialists have no idea how fanatic and crazy mentally ill these people are. Suppose we pay attention to what Sayed, Dr. Ammar Nakshawani, says. He makes one of the best remarks, which explains everything. 

Officials proclaim King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz the sixth King of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Their rules are almost identical to ISIS. King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz / Saudi Arabia condemns Isis. Because those in charge, the King and his family (Saudi Arabian books call for the killing of Christianity and Shiites), are afraid of losing power. Look at the laws of Saudi Arabia. They are latterly the same as Isis.

The 9/11 attackers were Saudis.

Now I take this a little further, in the 9/11 attacks, fifteen of the nineteen hijackers came from Saudi Arabia. The other four come from the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and Lebanon.

Quote from: “FBI permitted 140 Saudis (including two-dozen relatives of Osama bin Laden) to leave hurriedly from the United States for Saudi Arabia.

In the days following September 11, 2001, while the airways were still closed to all other flights, Americans couldn’t fly into the country. Still, relatives of bin Laden were able to fly out”.

  1. The daily mail U.K.: Why were Saudi royals linked to 9/11 allowed to leave the country?

So, it is clear to me that something extraordinary is going on. We all should ask questions about this, day in and day out. Why are we invading Iraq and Afghanistan, not Saudi Arabia, or why not boycott Saudi Arabia? 

All the hijackers and Bin Laden came from Saudi Arabia, yet the whole world followed the U.S. to rage war in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

Since the 9/11 attack, Saudis are known for the most extreme worldwide propaganda of Sharia law. And funding mosques all over the world. But the U.S. authorities fly these Saudis out of the country at a time when no plane is allowed to fly? 

Why do the Saudis get a free pass?

The laws in Saudi Arabia allow decapitating their citizens. Saudi Arabia’s criminal justice system is based on a hard-line and literal form of Sharia law. They reflect a particular state-sanctioned interpretation of Islam.

Quote, Wikipedia: “The death penalty can be imposed for a wide range of offenses [4] including murder, rape, false prophecy, blasphemy, armed robbery, repeated drug use, apostasy,[5] adultery,[6] witchcraft and sorcery [7] and can be carried out by beheading with a sword,[8] or more rarely by firing squad, and sometimes by stoning. The 345 reported executions between 2007 and 2010 were all carried out by public beheading.[9] The last reported execution for sorcery took place in August 2014”.

So, WTF are we bombing an empty building in Syria and looking at pictures of 47 Toyota trucks filled with “holy” fighters with Kalashnikovs? We scream with tons of propaganda about how brutal these people are (which they are). And the need to fight these Islamic terrorists. So why are we not invading Saudi Arabia? Who funds these terrorists? Most of the 9/11 terrorists came from there.

Quote, Wikipedia “The American government called on Saudi Arabia to reform its educational curriculum. This should include textbooks in Saudi schools and distribute this literature worldwide”.

There should be a special commission that reviews and is authorized to revise educational materials. They should be responsible for eliminating any spread of intolerance and hatred toward Christians and Jews and promoting holy war against “unbelievers.” So the Saudi official set up a “fact check” division to check and revise these materials.

Holy War Against The Unbelievers.

By 2006, Senior Saudi officials assured the United States that the reform was completed. But an investigation of twelve Saudi Ministry of Education religion textbooks by the human-rights group Freedom House suggested otherwise.

In October 2012, Robert Bernstein founded Human Rights Watch and served as a chairman of Advancing Human Rights. He was a former chairman and CEO of Random House (book publishers. Various book publishers expressed their “profound disappointment that the Saudi government continues to print textbooks inciting hatred and violence against religious minorities.”

The Apes are the People of the Sabbath.

They gave an example from an 8th-grade textbook, “The Apes are the people of the Sabbath, the Jews; and the Swine are the infidels of the communion of Jesus, the Christians.” The publishers explained that “hate speech is the precursor to genocide. First you get to hate, and then you kill”.

Why are we not at war with Saudi Arabia or boycotting the crap them? Are they openly continuing their spread of hate and funding terrorism? The problem with these hate teachings is that it brainwashes delusional, mentally ill weak people from all over the planet and mood the young. Well, we are back at motive, and who gains from this? Saudi Arabia is the world’s biggest crude oil exporter. Their business partners, such as the U.S. presidents George W. Bush and current president, Barack Obama, have strong and close relations with senior members of the Saudi Royal Family.

End the Madness.

To end this madness on the planet, we need to eliminate these people in hunger for power and greed. The ways to do this I described in my previous blog:

Force the delusional, mentally insane stupid humans fighting so-called “holy” wars for Kings like Abdullah or the CIA to alter their empathy gene. So this prevents the rest of the world from living in fear, and nobody has to give up their freedom to governments with agendas. Those governments and people in power keep the war, greed, violence, and hate apparatus intact, eliminate those aspects, and the world becomes the best place in the universe.


Why no War with Germany or Holland?

  The Hamburg cell, made into a movie

I asked a few times why we are not at war with Saudi Arabia; indeed, we all know why. But let’s go back and change the 9/11 fifteen Saudi Hijackers for Russian hijackers. Would we have gone to war with Germany because the 15 Russians hid there? 

Crazier, some 9/11 hijackers were preparing for their terrorist attack from Hamburg, Germany. This is a known fact. We are now boycotting Russia because of the world’s view (media, propaganda) that they are responsible for shooting down a passenger plane (no evidence). 

They make these Radars in Holland. Are they now responsible for the downing of the Ukraine plane?

From radar images, there were fighter jet planes in the air. They could be seen from Ukraine when the passenger plane went down. Radar and war-guided systems are made in the Netherlands (Holland Signal)

Are we going to blame the Dutch now as they supplied this military stuff? I mean, where does this end? Indeed people now will say that those countries would have delivered the hiding terrorist, and the rogue countries like Afghanistan and Iraq refused. 

First of all, that is bullshit, according to former CIA Asset Susan Lindauer. Saddam almost cried when he tried to explain that they had nothing to do with 9/11. And Saddam wanted to avoid war and was giving in to demands which would have resulted in billions of dollars in trading business with Iraq. 

Sadam did not want war.

So why go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq? Well, who has the motive to do so? We are back at following the money, which benefits the war industry but goes much further. With their relationships with the big corporations, the people at the top determine their plans way in advance. Before any war even begins, they often reward companies’ contracts in advance.

For example, companies that rebuild the infrastructure (Dick Cheney comes to mind). Other Companies that get pre-order contracts are, for example, companies that deliver air conditioners, sanitary, auto parts, etc. It’s a different war, the fight behind the scenes. Regardless of how many lives are lost or how much misery a war will cost. 

Can we trust a book writer CIA Asset Susan Lindauer?

Susan claims that Saddam did not want a war, and the Americans did not like what I had to say. CIA Asset Susan Lindauer was the foreign CIA asset in contact with the Baath party in Iraq. She is to deliver messages back and forward to the U.S. 

I explained that Saddam would cooperate with the CIA and give billions of contracts for trade with the U.S. and exporting the oil business. That was cool, as many companies and civilians would benefit from that agreement. Except for the military industry, we all know that cannot happen. 

Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11.

The military kept pushing that this was not good enough as they knew Saddam had to do something with 9/11. And that if he did not admit this for a particular time, they would invade Iraq. It was long determined to go to war, and the contractors made their deals long before the U.S. invaded Iraq.


“This piece is a collaboration between the Huffington Post Investigative Fund and the Centre for Public Integrity.

When federal investigators discovered that a Saudi Arabian company manager paid bribes to win two lucrative subcontracts supplying food to American troops in Iraq, they naturally wanted to know more. Did he act on his own? Had U.S. taxpayers been cheated?”

Yes, Saudi Arabia is paying bribes to get a lucrative contract to sell food to Americans who then kill their Muslim brothers. Surprised?

U.S. Military Loses Control of Subcontractor Spending, Warlords Benefit

Associated Press March 13, 2012

WASHINGTON — A former executive on Tuesday admitted his role in a $28 million bribery scheme involving the awarding of government contracts and is cooperating with prosecutors in their continuing investigation.

Where has all the money gone?

Ed Harriman follows the auditors into Iraq

New Halliburton Whistle-blowers Say Millions Wasted in Iraq

Corpwatch . org links are removed.

Do people wonder why the Americans left so many weapons and cars in Afghanistan? It’s all a scam. If the Americans had transported all the vehicles back to the U.S., something strange would service. For more than decades, the military would sell trucks to big dealers, and military personnel would report damaged vehicles or beyond repair left in the desert.

I heard the following scoop first-hand from an American soldier who trains here with me at the Golden Glory gym in Pattaya, Thailand. Huge corporate scams are going on in Iraq and Afghanistan. He told me he saw tires piled up in the desert, and Arabs were punching holes in the brand-new tires. He didn’t understand what was going on at the time. It didn’t make any sense. 

Massive Military Scam

So, he decided to ask around, which he found out. There made a few million-dollar orders for new truck tires, which they did not need. These new tires arrive in the desert, and then they simply destroy the tires. 

Some people would punch holes in each of the brand-new tires. They then ship these tires to another country where they repair by them. And then they sell the tires back to the U.S. military. This is one story. There are many—too many.

Just Google Contractors bribe and kickbacks Afghanistan and Iraq. Google bombard you with many links to hundreds of millions of scams. That would always make a good motive for war. Take that motive away, and the madness vanishes.

I can’t wait until they make the virus that causes the empathy gene to rule and eradicate all this stupidity and madness, I think we are getting close, but there is lots of work to be done!

(C) Bas Boon

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