Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

News from 2 December 2006



2006.12.02 K-1 Grand Prix 2 December 2006 Tokyo Japan Semmy Schilt do it again and winning th GP.

Story by Lindsay Muro
Fotos Golden Glory / Bas Boon

K-1 Grand Prix 2 December 2006 Tokyo Japan

If there was ever a tournament with drama , great fighters a rocky scenario for
a final it must have been the K-1 GP 2006.
Golden Glory had three fighters in the final and the best chances of winning the
However the drawing with le Banner vs Semmy Schilt left a lot of question marks
with the fans, Le Banner was even favourite in the betting odds.
First fight of the night is with peter Aerts and Mushashi. Aerts and Mushashi
seemed to start slowly, but 1 minute into the fight Aerts landed a beautiful uppercut
and follows with a hard punching combination. Mushashi is down and does not get
up. First reserve fight of the night winner Peter Aerts by ko in the first round

Beginning of the Tournament.
Semmy Schilt Holland vs Jerome Le Banner France
Schilt came out with the Golden Glory theme song and looked focussed. Le Banner
is a fighter and lucky for the audience he came to fight, which made this fight
a great fight. The first round is for Semmy but both fighters landed some good
shots. The front kicks from Semmy are landing and the French men is feeling great
pressure and pain inflicted by the tall Dutchmen in round 1.
In round two Semmy lands a hard high kick and Le Banner receives and eight count.
However he fights himself back into the fight but a great round for Schilt.
Round three Schilt still dominating the fight with good front kicks and boxing
combinations, the Eleft jab from hellEis doing its damage and le Banner face is swollen.
Aerts wins the fight by decision, but a great fight for the opening from the tournament.

Chalid die FaustEGermany vs Ernesto Hoost Holland
Chalid impressed everybody in his last performance against Mushashi by winning
a decision in Japan. Hoost won by ko in round three against Fujimoto and both
qualified for the finals.
Chalid started well but the really aggressive Chalid became unlucky by breaking
his hand in the first minute of the fight. For all three rounds he is looking
for a solution and even gets and extra round for the fight. By that time the hand
was so swollen, that he could not punch with his best weapon anymore, winner by
decision Ernesto Hoost

Ruslan Karaev Russia vs Glaube Feitosa Brasil
Rusland starts agrresive what is his trade mark, however he did not learn from
his two previous encounters with Ray Sefu and Glaube fierce high kick , knocks
out Ruslan in round one, great spectacle.

Stefan EThe BlitzELeko vs Remy Bonjansky Holland
Sometimes life is full of surprises and nobody would expect what would happen
in this fight. In the first attack from Stefan Leko he lands a solid kick to the
liver. However Bonjasky is first going down with a painfull face because of the
liver kick but then grabs his balls. More then 7 minutes rest are given to Bonjasky
to recover and then is decided to fight the fight again? More strange it is when
Leko is in the ring again to fight a fight he already won. It took another 15
minutes of waiting till finally Bonjansky arrived. Murphey law is applied here,
however as the other fight it is pretty entertaining. Both fighters producing
flying knees and Leko lands a back kick while Remy is also kicking. Remy gets
hit in his balls (this time for real) . In pain Remy gets another 5 minutes rest
and Stefan receives a yellow card. Then a good fight begins with Stefan pressing
the fight and attacking Bonjasky with great combo and Bonjansky countering with
In round two a great spinning back fist lands by Leko and an uppercut makes the
underlip of Bonjasky grow three times the size. Leko is missing punching power
as he became sick one week before the tournament, stomache fever and lost 5 kg.
He weight in at only 92 kg and in the last round Leko had nothing left and Murphy
law popped up again he receives and eight count in round three by Remy who landed
a left hook on the jaw of Leko.
Finally the fight goes to Remy and wins by decision.
However Remy can not continue and Leko would go through. Then the surprise of
the night, Leko has nothing left and with 90kg and injuries he is just not fit
enough to continue.
So Peter Aerts takes his place as he was winner of the first reserve fight.

Now the tournament gets really interesting
Next fight is 4 x K-1 GP winner Ernesto Hoost against Semmy Schilt in the half
Schilt looks on a mission again as the first round he completely dominates Ernesto.
Also in round two the low kicks from Ernesto are blocked and countered with high
kicks and punch combinations by Sem Schilt.
Schilt is a fighting machine with no stopping and resting during all three rounds
he moves forward and Hoost even gets a warning for holding. Still an interesting
fight to see and a clear victory after three rounds by Schilt. Semmy is in the
finals again but who will he meet, fellow Dutchman peter Aerts or Glaube Feitosa
from last years finals?

Peter Aerts vs Glaube Feitosa
The first round is very interesting as both fighters attacking each other with
vicious combo. Low kicks, blocks,counters, attacks from both fighters, the fight
has it all.
Even Peter Aerts is in problems after receiving a high kick from Glaube, but he
recovers quickly and fights himself back in the fight, end of round 1. Round two
has just started as Aerts lands some hard shots and Glaube goes down. He is ko
and Aerts advances to the finals.

Well an all out Dutch finals , just when SBS 6 decides to broadcast K-1 finally
on the same day. Semmy Schilt use to be a mail delivery man like von Barneveld
(the dart player) can Schilt do it again and winning th GP. As earlier that year
both fighters fought in new Zealand and Peter Aerts won a controversial win because
of two yellow cards were handed out to Schilt in round three. Schilt had a score
to settle and Aerts had nothing to loose as he did not plan to fight in this tournament.
As for the first time Dutch TV was broadcasting this event you could not think
of a better scenario. The finals is like a rocky script. A good old fashion Dutch
fighting match with both fighters not wanting to give away an inch. The first
round peter Aerts is trying to attack and Schilt countering with hard front kicks
and high kicks. Both fighters land some shots and the first round is nice to see,
Schilt was winning this round but it was close. In round two we see a war, both
fighters go for the kill but in the second minute of the fight Aerts receives
an 8 count by a punch combination and a knee from Schilt.
Round three Aerts know that he has to force a ko or eight count and he sometimes
lands some hard shots and lowkicks. The head of Semmy is snapped backwards a few
time and the public goes wild, it is a great final. But Schilt has experience
now in the K-1 game and is not letting this go. At the end of the round Schilt
is declared winner and so he beats Le Banner in the first fight, Hoost 4 x k-
GP champion in the second fight and 3x K-1 GP champion Peter Aerts in the finals
all in one night.
This must have been one of the strongest tournaments so far without Hong Men Choi
and Bop Sapp we have watched some great fights and ko’s.
Semmy Schilt proved to be the strongest and has improved a lot, with more fights
and gaining experience he is going to be hard to beat for the coming years. Great
win by Golden Glory fighter Semmy Schilt who was in this tournament with Stefan
the Blitz Leko and Chalid Die Faust, three fighters from one gym by the last eight
best fighters of the world is pretty unique and had never happened before in the
history of K-1. Semmy did a great job and were Chalid and Leko were a little unlucky,
Semmy kept the crown by a master performance beating the three top fighters from
K-1 all in one night!
The event was broadcasted in over 156 countries and for the first time in the
Netherlands to, with two Dutch fighters fighting the finals there is a great opportunity
for the Dutch fighters, to finally get the recognition what the sport deserves.
Sponsors from major multinationals who have a perfect way in getting their brand
marketed in 156 countries. Schilt would be perfect for an energy drink or health
food, car business etc with 212 cm and looking like movie star Dolph Lundgren
he has all the potential.

At the same night Badr Hari from Holland wins his fight against Paul Slowinsky
from Australia
And Melvin Manhoef looses his fight by ko in round 1 against Ray Sefu from new

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