Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

News of 6 November 2007



One Night in Bangkok Antwerpen Belgium 28-10-2007
Nicky Holzken VS Lamsongkram Chuwattana 72,5 kg

Holzken proved that he is the hottest new upcoming young talented fighter by taking on Bukaw as his opponent in the first fight at the K-1 eliminations this year. Three more victories since Nicky lost that fight by decision against Bukaw. It is time for Nicky to show the world, that he has the stamina, will power and fighting style what it takes to become the Champion.

In Antwerpen Belgium Nicky fights against the top Thai fighter Lamsongkram Chuwattana. The fight starts with powerfull kicks from the Thai fighter were Nicky is countering with good box combinations followed by some good kicks. The Thai fighters is very good with his front kick and knee, but Nicky is aggressive and landing some hard punches. End of round one which a light advantage for the young Golden Glory fighter Nicky Holtzken, who takes round one.

Round Two.
The Thai fighters starts again with hard kicks and tries to be the aggressor, but Holzken keeps on throwing great punching combinations and evading the clinch from the Thai fighter. The round is pretty even and could be seen as a draw.

Round Three

Holzken shows the world why he is the next big talent out of the Golden Glory stable, as he unleashed a fury of strikes to the Thai fighter. The Thai goes down after a very hard left hook from Nicky and receives and eight count. Antwerpen is rocked and the audience goes wild. Nicky storms forward and as a predator he smells his chance to finish the machine from Thailand. Straight punches, hooks, livers shots, low kicks, everything hits and the Thai is in the double defence trying to survive the round.
A great fight from Nicky, who is the only none Thai, to win his fight at this event in Antwerpen Belgium.
Winner: Nicky Holzken

Story by Bas Boon , Photo’s Sorouch Saleki

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